Hi GeoExt user,<div><br></div><div>I am recently playing with the WMSCapabilities example in GeoExt release 0.6. The original example is using a local static XML (WMS capabilities file), which I was trying to switch to a really WMS GetCapabilities call to remote server. The interesting thing is that it won't work until I set the ProxyHost in OpenLayers to a servlet proxy page (e.g. OpenLayers.ProxyHost = "<proxy_url>";) I am a little confused here, does GeoExt rely on OpenLayers's Ajax library to send XHR request? Why it benefits from the OpenLayers.ProxyHost?</div>
<div><br></div><div>Another thing I found is that if I switch to use the GeoExt from either trunk src or 0.6 src, the same call doesn't work even though I set the OpenLayers.ProxyHost. Can you anyone shed some light on it? Or what is GeoExt native way to configure a proxy to call remote WMS/WFS service?</div>