Hello all. Here's a bit re me and my interest in this group.<br><br>I'm the chief cook and bottle-washer on a (mostly!) open source project (see <a href="http://www.ticketsCAD.org">www.ticketsCAD.org</a>) that offers a free, Open Source PHP application that's gotten some traction in the public-safety worlds, where computer-aided dispatch - CAD below - can play a major role in day-to-day operation. (You'll see CAD in virtually every local government jurisdiction, as
well as at private ambulance/emergency-response companies, ham radio clubs supporting
significant events, etc., etc.)<br><br>For those unfamiliar with CAD, it may well be the application that's the single largest consumer of geo-data, and it's been doing that for a looooong time now. While CAD is a mature application in general - there's n commercial instances of it out in the wild - there's a significant $ requirement on these, and the smaller teams therefore result to spreadsheets and yellow stickies. We've attracted a significant number of users from non-US locations as one of the results of the $ factor. <br>
<br>Back to our project, which is about six years old now. Tickets currently uses GMaps as its geo component, and a number of users - actual as well as potential - balk at Google's TOU, and we're planning a transition to OSM/OL. We expect two versions; one with local/server storage of the tiles/files - for operation while 'the balloon is up' - while the other will pull tiles from any available OSM source.<br>
<br>The geo requirement will be satisfied for the local/server version by a TMS-based directory structure, rather than a geo-server of some kind. (I have a trivial OL script that works well in our sandbox, so we have a smidgen of experience so far.) Tickets is PHP/MySQL-based, and we're sticking with that.<br>
Besides geo, the other tall pole in our tent is data handling, so a strong data-grid capability is important. I'm looking for a library or framework that includes these two, and GEOext looks as least as good as any of the alternatives I've looked at out there, so here I am!<br>
<br>My concern - at least at the moment - is WRT keeping the ext versions required by the several components in synch. Comments solicited.<br><br><br>