[Commits] r1638 - sandbox/cmoullet/ux/RoutingPanel/ux/widgets

commits at geoext.org commits at geoext.org
Thu Dec 31 13:35:49 CET 2009

Author: cmoullet
Date: 2009-12-31 13:35:48 +0100 (Thu, 31 Dec 2009)
New Revision: 1638

Add routingServiceType config property in order to allow integration of other routing services

Modified: sandbox/cmoullet/ux/RoutingPanel/ux/widgets/RoutingPanel.js
--- sandbox/cmoullet/ux/RoutingPanel/ux/widgets/RoutingPanel.js	2009-12-31 05:46:32 UTC (rev 1637)
+++ sandbox/cmoullet/ux/RoutingPanel/ux/widgets/RoutingPanel.js	2009-12-31 12:35:48 UTC (rev 1638)
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
     endLocationCombo: null,
     /** private: property[proxy]
-     *  ``Ext.data.ScriptTagProxy``  Proxy to make the cloudmade search request
+     *  ``Ext.data.ScriptTagProxy``  Proxy to make the search request
     proxy: null,
@@ -62,41 +62,55 @@
     lang: 'en',
-    /** property[routingVersion]
+    /** api: config[routingServiceType]
+     *  Type of routing service used for the computation. Per default: 'cloudmade'
+     */
+    /** private: property[routingServiceType]
+     *  Type of routing service used for the computation
+     */
+    routingServiceType: 'cloudmade',
+    /** property[routingVersionCloudmade]
      *  Routing version of the routing service, available after an itinerary computation
      *  See http://developers.cloudmade.com/wiki/routing-http-api/Response_structure
+     *  Cloudmade specific
-    routingVersion: null,
+    routingVersionCloudmade: null,
-    /** property[routingStatus]
+    /** property[routingStatusCloudmade]
      *  Routing status of the routing service, available after an itinerary computation
      *  See http://developers.cloudmade.com/wiki/routing-http-api/Response_structure
+     *  Cloudmade specific
-    routingStatus: null,
+    routingStatusCloudmade: null,
-    /** property[routingStatusMessage]
+    /** property[routingStatusMessageCloudmade]
      *  Routing status message of the routing service, available after an itinerary computation
      *  See http://developers.cloudmade.com/wiki/routing-http-api/Response_structure
+     *  Cloudmade specific
-    routingStatusMessage: null,
+    routingStatusMessageCloudmade: null,
-    /** property[routingRouteSummary]
+    /** property[routingRouteSummaryCloudmade]
      *  Routing route summary of the routing service, available after an itinerary computation
      *  See http://developers.cloudmade.com/wiki/routing-http-api/Response_structure
+     *  Cloudmade specific
-    routingRouteSummary: null,
+    routingRouteSummaryCloudmade: null,
-    /** property[routingRouteGeometry]
+    /** property[routingRouteGeometryCloudmade]
      *  Routing route geometry of the routing service, available after an itinerary computation
      *  See http://developers.cloudmade.com/wiki/routing-http-api/Response_structure
+     *  Cloudmade specific
-    routingRouteGeometry: null,
+    routingRouteGeometryCloudmade: null,
-    /** property[routingRouteInstructions]
+    /** property[routingRouteInstructionsCloudmade]
      *  Routing route instruction of the routing service, available after an itinerary computation
      *  See http://developers.cloudmade.com/wiki/routing-http-api/Response_structure
+     *  Cloudmade specific
-    routingRouteInstructions: null,
+    routingRouteInstructionsCloudmade: null,
     /** api: config[routingLayer]
      *  ``OpenLayers.Layer.Vector``  Layer presenting the routing result geometry. Per default, a layer named "Routing" will be created.
@@ -139,16 +153,17 @@
     routingResultPanel: null,
-    /** api: config[route_type]
+    /** api: config[route_typeCloudmade]
      *  Computation route type. Per default: car. Can be 'foot' or 'bicycle'.
-    /** private: property[route_type]
+    /** private: property[route_typeCloudmade]
      *  Computation route type. Per default: car.
-    route_type: 'car',
+    route_typeCloudmade: 'car',
     /** api: config[cloudmadeKey]
      *  Cloudmade key used for the routing and geocoding services
+     *  Cloudmade specific
     cloudmadeKey: null,
@@ -214,7 +229,7 @@
     /** private: method[initComponent]
      *  Private initComponent override.
-     *  Create two events: 
+     *  Create two events:
      *  - routingcomputed
      *  - beforeroutingcomputed
@@ -491,7 +506,7 @@
             this.routingResultPanel.html = OpenLayers.i18n('Computation ongoing....');
             var newUrl = this.startLocationCombo.locationString + ',' + this.endLocationCombo.locationString;
-            newUrl = newUrl + "/" + this.route_type + ".js?lang=" + this.lang;
+            newUrl = newUrl + "/" + this.route_typeCloudmade + ".js?lang=" + this.lang;
             this.proxy.url = "http://routes.cloudmade.com/" + this.cloudmadeKey + "/api/0.3/" + newUrl;
         }, this);
@@ -540,47 +555,51 @@
      *  Compute the itinerary and assign the results
     getItinerary: function() {
-        this.routingStore = new Ext.data.Store({
-            proxy: this.proxy,
-            reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({
-                root: 'version',
-                fields: [
-                    {
-                        name: 'total_length'
-                    }
-                ]
+        if (this.routingServiceType == 'cloudmade') {
+            this.routingStore = new Ext.data.Store({
+                proxy: this.proxy,
+                reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({
+                    root: 'version',
+                    fields: [
+                        {
+                            name: 'total_length'
+                        }
+                    ]
-            })
-        });
+                })
+            });
-        this.routingStore.on(
-                'load', function(store) {
-            this.routingVersion = store.reader.jsonData.version;
-            this.routingStatus = store.reader.jsonData.status;
-            if (store.reader.jsonData.status_message) {
-                this.routingStatusMessage = store.reader.jsonData.status_message;
-            }
-            if (store.reader.jsonData.route_summary) {
-                this.routingRouteSummary = store.reader.jsonData.route_summary;
-            }
-            if (store.reader.jsonData.route_geometry) {
-                this.routingRouteGeometry = store.reader.jsonData.route_geometry;
-            }
-            if (store.reader.jsonData.route_instructions) {
-                this.routingRouteInstructions = store.reader.jsonData.route_instructions;
-            }
-            if (this.routingStatus == '0') {
-                this.drawRoute();
-                this.routingResultPanel.html = OpenLayers.i18n('Total length: ') + Math.round(this.routingRouteSummary.total_distance / 1000) + ' [km]';
-                this.routingResultPanel.body.update(this.routingResultPanel.html);
-            } else {
-                this.routingResultPanel.html = this.routingStatusMessage;
-                this.routingResultPanel.body.update(this.routingResultPanel.html);
-            }
-            this.fireEvent('routingcomputed', this);
-        }, this
-                );
-        this.routingStore.load();
+            this.routingStore.on(
+                    'load', function(store) {
+                this.routingVersionCloudmade = store.reader.jsonData.version;
+                this.routingStatusCloudmade = store.reader.jsonData.status;
+                if (store.reader.jsonData.status_message) {
+                    this.routingStatusMessageCloudmade = store.reader.jsonData.status_message;
+                }
+                if (store.reader.jsonData.route_summary) {
+                    this.routingRouteSummaryCloudmade = store.reader.jsonData.route_summary;
+                }
+                if (store.reader.jsonData.route_geometry) {
+                    this.routingRouteGeometryCloudmade = store.reader.jsonData.route_geometry;
+                }
+                if (store.reader.jsonData.route_instructions) {
+                    this.routingRouteInstructionsCloudmade = store.reader.jsonData.route_instructions;
+                }
+                if (this.routingStatusCloudmade == '0') {
+                    this.drawRoute();
+                    this.routingResultPanel.html = OpenLayers.i18n('Total length: ') + Math.round(this.routingRouteSummaryCloudmade.total_distance / 1000) + ' [km]';
+                    this.routingResultPanel.body.update(this.routingResultPanel.html);
+                } else {
+                    this.routingResultPanel.html = this.routingStatusMessageCloudmade;
+                    this.routingResultPanel.body.update(this.routingResultPanel.html);
+                }
+                this.fireEvent('routingcomputed', this);
+            }, this
+                    );
+            this.routingStore.load();
+        } else {
+            alert('routing service ' + this.routingServiceType + ' not supported. Patch welcome !');
+        }
     /** private: method[drawRoute]
@@ -588,13 +607,16 @@
     drawRoute: function() {
         var pointList = [];
-        var newPoint = null;
-        for (var i = 0; i < this.routingRouteGeometry.length; i++) {
-            newPoint = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(this.routingRouteGeometry[i][1],
-                    this.routingRouteGeometry[i][0]);
-            newPoint.transform(this.routingProjection,
-                    this.map.getProjectionObject());
-            pointList.push(newPoint);
+        if (this.routingServiceType == 'cloudmade') {
+            var newPoint = null;
+            for (var i = 0; i < this.routingRouteGeometryCloudmade.length; i++) {
+                newPoint = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(this.routingRouteGeometryCloudmade[i][1],
+                        this.routingRouteGeometryCloudmade[i][0]);
+                newPoint.transform(this.routingProjection,
+                        this.map.getProjectionObject());
+                pointList.push(newPoint);
+            }
         if (this.routingPathFeature) {

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