[Commits] r1214 - in core/trunk/geoext: lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree tests tests/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree

commits at geoext.org commits at geoext.org
Fri Jul 3 17:59:14 CEST 2009

Author: ahocevar
Date: 2009-07-03 17:59:14 +0200 (Fri, 03 Jul 2009)
New Revision: 1214

Added checkedGroup config option to render layer nodes with a radio 
button instead of a checkbox. r=tschaub (closes #109)

Modified: core/trunk/geoext/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/BaseLayerContainer.js
--- core/trunk/geoext/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/BaseLayerContainer.js	2009-07-03 15:27:31 UTC (rev 1213)
+++ core/trunk/geoext/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/BaseLayerContainer.js	2009-07-03 15:59:14 UTC (rev 1214)
@@ -25,7 +25,10 @@
  *     A layer container that will collect all base layers of an OpenLayers
  *     map. Only layers that have displayInLayerSwitcher set to true will be
- *     included.
+ *     included. The childrens' iconCls defaults to "gx-tree-baselayer-icon".
+ *     
+ *     Children will be rendered with a radio button instead of a checkbox,
+ *     showing the user that only one base layer can be active at a time.
  *     To use this node type in ``TreePanel`` config, set nodeType to
  *     "gx_baselayercontainer".
@@ -37,6 +40,10 @@
     constructor: function(config) {
         config.text = config.text || "Base Layer";
+        config.defaults = Ext.apply({
+            iconCls: 'gx-tree-baselayer-icon',
+            checkedGroup: 'baselayer'
+        }, config.defaults);
         GeoExt.tree.BaseLayerContainer.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Modified: core/trunk/geoext/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerContainer.js
--- core/trunk/geoext/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerContainer.js	2009-07-03 15:27:31 UTC (rev 1213)
+++ core/trunk/geoext/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerContainer.js	2009-07-03 15:59:14 UTC (rev 1214)
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
  *      A subclass of ``Ext.tree.TreeNode`` that will collect all layers of an
  *      OpenLayers map. Only layers that have displayInLayerSwitcher set to true
- *      will be included. The childrens' iconCls will be set to "baselayer-icon"
- *      for base layers, and to "layer-icon" for overlay layers.
+ *      will be included. The childrens' iconCls defaults to
+ *      "gx-tree-layer-icon".
  *      To use this node type in ``TreePanel`` config, set nodeType to
  *      "gx_layercontainer".
@@ -152,8 +152,8 @@
         index = index || 0;
         var layer = layerRecord.get("layer");
         if (layer.displayInLayerSwitcher === true) {
-            var node = new GeoExt.tree.LayerNode(Ext.applyIf({
-                iconCls: layer.isBaseLayer ? 'baselayer-icon' : 'layer-icon',
+            var node = new GeoExt.tree.LayerNode(Ext.apply({
+                iconCls: 'gx-tree-layer-icon',
                 layer: layer,
                 layerStore: this.layerStore
             }, this.defaults));

Modified: core/trunk/geoext/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerNode.js
--- core/trunk/geoext/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerNode.js	2009-07-03 15:27:31 UTC (rev 1213)
+++ core/trunk/geoext/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerNode.js	2009-07-03 15:59:14 UTC (rev 1214)
@@ -34,17 +34,29 @@
         var a = this.node.attributes;
         if (a.radioGroup && this.radio === null) {
             this.radio = Ext.DomHelper.insertAfter(this.checkbox,
-                ['<input type="radio" class="x-tree-node-radio" name="',
+                ['<input type="radio" class="gx-tree-layer-radio" name="',
                 a.radioGroup, '_radio"></input>'].join(""));
+        if(a.checkedGroup) {
+            // replace the checkbox with a radio button
+            var radio = Ext.DomHelper.insertAfter(this.checkbox,
+                ['<input type="radio" name="', a.checkedGroup,
+                '_checkbox" class="', this.checkbox.className, 
+                this.checkbox.checked ? '" checked="checked"' : '',
+                '"></input>'].join(""));
+            Ext.get(this.checkbox).remove();
+            this.checkbox = radio;
+        }
     /** private: method[onClick]
      *  :param e: ``Object``
     onClick: function(e) {
-        if (e.getTarget('input[type=radio]', 1)) {
+        if (e.getTarget('.gx-tree-layer-radio', 1)) {
             this.fireEvent("radiochange", this.node);
+        } else if(e.getTarget('.x-tree-node-cb', 1)) {
+            GeoExt.tree.LayerNodeUI.superclass.onCheckChange.call(this);
         } else {
             GeoExt.tree.LayerNodeUI.superclass.onClick.call(this, e);
@@ -84,19 +96,25 @@
  *      A subclass of ``Ext.tree.TreeNode`` that is connected to an
  *      ``OpenLayers.Layer`` by setting the node's layer property. Checking or
  *      unchecking the checkbox of this node will directly affect the layer and
- *      vice versa. The default iconCls for this node's icon is "layer-icon",
- *      unless it has children.
+ *      vice versa. The default iconCls for this node's icon is
+ *      "gx-tree-layer-icon", unless it has children.
  *      Setting the node's layer property to a layer name instead of an object
  *      will also work. As soon as a layer is found, it will be stored as layer
  *      property in the attributes hash.
  *      The node's text property defaults to the layer name.
+ *      
+ *      If the node has a checkedGroup attribute configured, it will be
+ *      rendered with a radio button instead of the checkbox. The value of
+ *      the checkedGroup attribute is a string, identifying the options group
+ *      for the node.
  *      If the node has a radioGroup attribute configured, the node will be
- *      rendered with a radio button. This works like the checkbox with the
- *      checked attribute, but radioGroup is a string that identifies the options
- *      group. Clicking the radio button will fire a radioChange event.
+ *      rendered with a radio button next to the checkbox. This works like the
+ *      checkbox with the checked attribute, but radioGroup is a string that
+ *      identifies the options group. Clicking the radio button will fire a
+ *      radioChange event.
  *      To use this node type in a ``TreePanel`` config, set ``nodeType`` to
  *      "gx_layer".

Added: core/trunk/geoext/tests/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/BaseLayerContainer.html
--- core/trunk/geoext/tests/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/BaseLayerContainer.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ core/trunk/geoext/tests/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/BaseLayerContainer.html	2009-07-03 15:59:14 UTC (rev 1214)
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+    <head>
+        <script src="../../../../../../openlayers/lib/OpenLayers.js"></script>
+        <script src="../../../../../../ext/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
+        <script src="../../../../../../ext/ext-all-debug.js"></script>
+        <script src="../../../../../lib/GeoExt.js"></script>
+        <script>
+        function test_render(t) {
+            t.plan(2);
+            var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
+                div: "map"
+            });
+            // add a base layer
+            var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer("foo", {isBaseLayer: true});
+            map.addLayer(layer);
+            // add an overlay
+            map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer());
+            var store = new GeoExt.data.LayerStore({
+                map: map
+            });
+            var node = new GeoExt.tree.BaseLayerContainer({
+                layerStore: store
+            });
+            var panel = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({
+                renderTo: document.body,
+                root: node
+            });
+            t.eq(node.childNodes.length, 1, "only base layers get added to the container");
+            t.eq(node.firstChild.attributes.iconCls, "gx-tree-baselayer-icon", "iconClass for child set correctly");
+            node.destroy();
+            map.destroy();
+        }
+        </script>
+    </head>
+    <body>
+        <div id="map" style="width: 100px; height: 100px;"></div>
+    </body>
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: core/trunk/geoext/tests/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/BaseLayerContainer.html
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id Author Date Revision
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Modified: core/trunk/geoext/tests/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerContainer.html
--- core/trunk/geoext/tests/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerContainer.html	2009-07-03 15:27:31 UTC (rev 1213)
+++ core/trunk/geoext/tests/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerContainer.html	2009-07-03 15:59:14 UTC (rev 1214)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
         function test_render(t) {
-            t.plan(2);
+            t.plan(3);
             var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
                 div: "map",
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
             t.eq(node.childNodes && node.childNodes.length, 1, "container has one child");
             t.ok(node.firstChild.layer === layer, "child layer is correct");
+            t.eq(node.firstChild.attributes.iconCls, "gx-tree-layer-icon", "iconClass for child set correctly");

Modified: core/trunk/geoext/tests/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerNode.html
--- core/trunk/geoext/tests/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerNode.html	2009-07-03 15:27:31 UTC (rev 1213)
+++ core/trunk/geoext/tests/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerNode.html	2009-07-03 15:59:14 UTC (rev 1214)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
         function test_render(t) {
-            t.plan(5);
+            t.plan(7);
             var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer("foo");
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
             var node = new GeoExt.tree.LayerNode({
                 layer: "foo",
                 radioGroup: "group",
+                checkedGroup: "check",
                 childNodeType: {
                     add: function() {
                         t.ok(true, "add function of childNodeType called");
@@ -61,6 +62,9 @@
                 // simulate a click event for testing the radiochange event
                 node.ui.onClick({getTarget: function() {return true}});
+                t.eq(node.ui.checkbox.type, "radio", "checkbox rendered as radio button when checkedGroup is configured");
+                t.eq(node.ui.checkbox.name, "check_checkbox", "option group name set correclty according to checkedGroup");
                 t.eq(layer.visibility, false, "unchecking node hides layer");

Modified: core/trunk/geoext/tests/list-tests.html
--- core/trunk/geoext/tests/list-tests.html	2009-07-03 15:27:31 UTC (rev 1213)
+++ core/trunk/geoext/tests/list-tests.html	2009-07-03 15:59:14 UTC (rev 1214)
@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@
+  <li>lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/BaseLayerContainer.html</li>
+  <li>lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerContainer.html</li>
-  <li>lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerContainer.html</li>

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