[Commits] r943 - in sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne: build examples lib lib/GeoExt/data lib/GeoExt/widgets lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree tests tests/lib/GeoExt/widgets

commits at geoext.org commits at geoext.org
Tue Jun 2 14:41:29 CEST 2009

Author: elemoine
Date: 2009-06-02 14:41:29 +0200 (Tue, 02 Jun 2009)
New Revision: 943

svn merge -r865:HEAD http://svn.geoext.org/core/trunk/geoext .

Copied: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/examples/legendpanel.html (from rev 942, core/trunk/geoext/examples/legendpanel.html)
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/examples/legendpanel.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/examples/legendpanel.html	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+    <head>
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://dev.geoext.org/trunk/ext/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://dev.geoext.org/trunk/ext/ext-all.js"></script>
+        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://extjs.cachefly.net/ext-2.2.1/resources/css/ext-all.css" />
+        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/shared/examples.css"></link>
+        <script src="http://openlayers.org/api/2.8-rc2/OpenLayers.js"></script>
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/GeoExt.js"></script>
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="legendpanel.js"></script>
+        <style type="text/css">
+        .mylabel {
+            font-weight: bold;
+            color: red;
+        }
+        </style>
+    </head>
+    <body>
+        <h1>GeoExt.LegendPanel</h1>
+        <p>This example shows the how to create a LegendPanel that autopopulates with legends from a map
+        that has already been created.</p>
+        <p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="legendpanel.js">legendpanel.js</a>.</p>
+        <div id="view"></div>
+    </body>
\ No newline at end of file

Copied: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/examples/legendpanel.js (from rev 942, core/trunk/geoext/examples/legendpanel.js)
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/examples/legendpanel.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/examples/legendpanel.js	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+var mapPanel;
+Ext.onReady(function() {
+    var map = new OpenLayers.Map({allOverlays: true});
+    map.addLayers([
+        new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
+            "Tasmania",
+            "http://publicus.opengeo.org/geoserver/wms?",
+            {layers: 'topp:tasmania_state_boundaries', format: 'image/png', transparent: true},
+            {singleTile: true}),
+        new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
+            "Cities and Roads",
+            "http://publicus.opengeo.org/geoserver/wms?",
+            {layers: 'topp:tasmania_cities,topp:tasmania_roads', format: 'image/png', transparent: true},
+            {singleTile: true}),
+        new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector('Polygons', {styleMap: new OpenLayers.StyleMap({
+                "default": new OpenLayers.Style({
+                    pointRadius: 8,
+                    fillColor: "#00ffee",
+                    strokeColor: "#000000",
+                    strokeWidth: 2
+                }) }) })
+    ]);
+    map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher());
+    var addLayer = function() {
+        var wmslayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Bodies of Water",
+            "http://publicus.opengeo.org/geoserver/wms?",
+            {layers: 'topp:tasmania_water_bodies', format: 'image/png', transparent: true},
+            {singleTile: true});
+        mapPanel.map.addLayer(wmslayer);
+    };
+    var removeLayer = function() {
+        mapPanel.map.removeLayer(mapPanel.map.layers[1]);
+    };
+    var moveLayer = function(idx) {
+        mapPanel.map.setLayerIndex(mapPanel.map.layers[0], idx);
+    };
+    var toggleVisibility = function() {
+        mapPanel.map.layers[1].setVisibility(!mapPanel.map.layers[1].getVisibility());
+    };
+    var updateHideInLegend = function() {
+        mapPanel.layers.getAt(1).set("hideInLegend", true);
+    };
+    var updateLegendUrl = function() {
+        mapPanel.layers.getAt(0).set("legendURL", "http://www.geoext.org/trac/geoext/chrome/site/img/GeoExt.png");
+    };
+    var mapPanel = new GeoExt.MapPanel({
+        region: 'center',
+        height: 400,
+        width: 600,
+        map: map,
+        center: new OpenLayers.LonLat(146.4, -41.6),
+        zoom: 7
+    });
+    var legendPanel = new GeoExt.LegendPanel({
+        labelCls: 'mylabel',
+        bodyStyle: 'padding:5px',
+        width: 350,
+        autoScroll: true,
+        region: 'west'
+    });
+    new Ext.Panel({
+        title: "GeoExt LegendPanel Demo",
+        layout: 'border',
+        renderTo: 'view',
+        height: 400,
+        width: 800,
+        tbar: new Ext.Toolbar({
+            items: [
+                {text: 'add', handler: addLayer},
+                {text: 'remove', handler: removeLayer},
+                {text: 'movetotop', handler: function() { moveLayer(10); } },
+                {text: 'moveup', handler: function() { moveLayer(1); } },
+                {text: 'togglevis', handler: toggleVisibility},
+                {text: 'hide', handler: updateHideInLegend},
+                {text: 'legendurl', handler: updateLegendUrl}
+            ]
+        }),
+        items: [legendPanel, mapPanel]
+    });

Copied: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/examples/mappanel-viewport.html (from rev 942, core/trunk/geoext/examples/mappanel-viewport.html)
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/examples/mappanel-viewport.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/examples/mappanel-viewport.html	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+    <head>
+        <title>GeoExt MapPanel in an Ext Viewport</title>
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://extjs.cachefly.net/builds/ext-cdn-771.js"></script>
+        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://extjs.cachefly.net/ext-2.2.1/resources/css/ext-all.css" />
+        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/shared/examples.css"></link>
+        <!-- Google Maps API for "localhost" -->
+        <!--
+        <script src='http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&amp;v=2&amp;key=ABQIAAAAjpkAC9ePGem0lIq5XcMiuhR_wWLPFku8Ix9i2SXYRVK3e45q1BQUd_beF8dtzKET_EteAjPdGDwqpQ'></script>
+        -->
+        <!-- Google Maps API for "dev.geoext.org" -->
+        <script src='http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&amp;v=2&amp;key=ABQIAAAA_5ak-hsiH4j5bQQn7-k66xTWxvN8zH6Ta_pgIhhU0TB7bG8iAhS99ituPif4lG-2CHXoZ3qenLnK1g'></script>
+        <script src="http://openlayers.org/api/2.8-rc4/OpenLayers.js"></script>
+        <!--
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../openlayers/lib/OpenLayers.js"></script>
+        -->
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/GeoExt.js"></script>
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="mappanel-viewport.js"></script>
+    </head>
+    <body>
+        <div id="title">
+            <h1>GeoExt.MapPanel in an Ext.Viewport</h1>
+        </div>
+        <div id="description">
+            <p>This example shows how to place a MapPanel as a region in a
+            container using a border layout, the container is a Viewport in
+            this example.</p>
+            <p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a
+            href="mappanel-viewport.js">mappanel-viewport.js</a>.</p>
+        </div>
+    </body>

Copied: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/examples/mappanel-viewport.js (from rev 942, core/trunk/geoext/examples/mappanel-viewport.js)
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/examples/mappanel-viewport.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/examples/mappanel-viewport.js	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+var mapPanel;
+Ext.onReady(function() {
+    // if true a google layer is used, if false
+    // the bluemarble WMS layer is used
+    var google = false;
+    var options, layer;
+    var extent = new OpenLayers.Bounds(-5, 35, 15, 55);
+    if (google) {
+        options = {
+            projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913"),
+            units: "m",
+            numZoomLevels: 18,
+            maxResolution: 156543.0339,
+            maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-20037508, -20037508,
+                                             20037508, 20037508.34)
+        };
+        layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google(
+            "Google Satellite",
+            {type: G_SATELLITE_MAP, sphericalMercator: true}
+        );
+        extent.transform(
+            new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"), options.projection
+        );
+    } else {
+        layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
+            "bluemarble",
+            "http://sigma.openplans.org/geoserver/wms?",
+            {layers: 'bluemarble'},
+            {isBaseLayer: true}
+        );
+    }
+    var map = new OpenLayers.Map(options);
+    new Ext.Viewport({
+        layout: "border",
+        items: [{
+            region: "north",
+            contentEl: "title",
+            height: 50
+        }, {
+            region: "center",
+            id: "mappanel",
+            title: "Map",
+            xtype: "gx_mappanel",
+            map: map,
+            layers: [layer],
+            extent: extent,
+            split: true
+        }, {
+            region: "east",
+            title: "Description",
+            contentEl: "description",
+            width: 200,
+            split: true
+        }]
+    });
+    mapPanel = Ext.getCmp("mappanel");

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/examples/toolbar.html
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/examples/toolbar.html	2009-06-02 08:27:59 UTC (rev 942)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/examples/toolbar.html	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -19,14 +19,29 @@
         <script type="text/javascript" src="toolbar.js"></script>
+        <style type="text/css">
+            /* work around an Ext bug that makes the rendering
+               of menu items not as one would expect */
+            .ext-ie .x-menu-item-icon {
+                left: -24px;
+            }
+            .ext-strict .x-menu-item-icon {
+                left: 3px;
+            }
+            .ext-ie6 .x-menu-item-icon {
+                left: -24px;
+            }
+            .ext-ie7 .x-menu-item-icon {
+                left: -24px;
+            }
+        </style>
         <h1>OpenLayers controls in an Ext toolbar</h1>
         <p>This example shows how to add OpenLayers controls in an Ext toolbar.
-        GeoExt provides the GeoExt.Action.fromControl method for adapating a
-        control to an object that can be inserted in a toolbar or in a
-        menu.</p>
+        GeoExt provides the GeoExt.Action class for adapating a control to an
+        object that can be inserted in a toolbar or in a menu.</p>
         <p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/examples/toolbar.js
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/examples/toolbar.js	2009-06-02 08:27:59 UTC (rev 942)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/examples/toolbar.js	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -12,21 +12,21 @@
     var ctrl, toolbarItems = [], action, actions = {};
     // ZoomToMaxExtent control, a "button" control
-    ctrl = new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomToMaxExtent();
-    map.addControl(ctrl);
-    action = GeoExt.Action.fromControl(ctrl, {
+    action = new GeoExt.Action({
+        control: new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomToMaxExtent(),
+        map: map,
         text: "max extent"
-    })
+    });
     actions["max_extent"] = action;
     // Navigation control and DrawFeature controls
     // in the same toggle group
-    ctrl = new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation();
-    map.addControl(ctrl);
-    action = GeoExt.Action.fromControl(ctrl, {
+    action = new GeoExt.Action({
         text: "nav",
+        control: new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation(),
+        map: map,
         // button options
         toggleGroup: "draw",
         allowDepress: false,
@@ -37,12 +37,13 @@
     actions["nav"] = action;
-    ctrl = new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(
-        vector, OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon
-    );
-    map.addControl(ctrl);
-    action = GeoExt.Action.fromControl(ctrl, {
+    action = new GeoExt.Action({
         text: "draw poly",
+        control: new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(
+            vector, OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon
+        ),
+        map: map,
         // button options
         toggleGroup: "draw",
         allowDepress: false,
@@ -51,12 +52,13 @@
     actions["draw_poly"] = action;
-    ctrl = new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(
-        vector, OpenLayers.Handler.Path
-    );
-    map.addControl(ctrl);
-    action = GeoExt.Action.fromControl(ctrl, {
+    action = new GeoExt.Action({
         text: "draw line",
+        control: new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(
+            vector, OpenLayers.Handler.Path
+        ),
+        map: map,
         // button options
         toggleGroup: "draw",
         allowDepress: false,
@@ -68,13 +70,13 @@
     // SelectFeature control, a "toggle" control
-    ctrl = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(vector, {
-        type: OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_TOGGLE,
-        hover: true
-    });
-    map.addControl(ctrl);
-    action = GeoExt.Action.fromControl(ctrl, {
+    action = new GeoExt.Action({
         text: "select",
+        control: new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(vector, {
+            type: OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_TOGGLE,
+            hover: true
+        }),
+        map: map,
         // button options
         enableToggle: true
@@ -85,14 +87,18 @@
     // Navigation history - two "button" controls
     ctrl = new OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory();
-    action = GeoExt.Action.fromControl(ctrl.previous, {
+    action = new GeoExt.Action({
         text: "previous",
+        control: ctrl.previous,
         disabled: true
     actions["previous"] = action;
-    action = GeoExt.Action.fromControl(ctrl.next, {
+    action = new GeoExt.Action({
         text: "next",
+        control: ctrl.next,
         disabled: true
     actions["next"] = action;

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/data/FeatureRecord.js
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/data/FeatureRecord.js	2009-06-02 08:27:59 UTC (rev 942)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/data/FeatureRecord.js	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -27,18 +27,14 @@
     {name: "feature"}, {name: "state"}, {name: "fid"}
- * APIFunction: GeoExt.data.FeatureRecord.create
- * Creates a constructor for a FeatureRecord, optionally with additional
- * fields.
- * 
- * Parameters:
- * o - {Array} Field definition as in {Ext.data.Record.create}. Can be omitted
- *     if no additional fields are required (records will always have fields
- *     {OpenLayers.Feature} "feature", {String} "state" and {String} "fid".
- *
- * Returns:
- * {Function} A specialized {<GeoExt.data.FeatureRecord>} constructor.
+/** api: classmethod[create]
+ *  :param o: ``Array`` Field definition as in ``Ext.data.Record.create``. Can
+ *      be omitted if no additional fields are required.
+ *  :return: ``Function`` A specialized :class:`GeoExt.data.FeatureRecord`
+ *      constructor.
+ *  
+ *  Creates a constructor for a :class:`GeoExt.data.FeatureRecord`, optionally
+ *  with additional fields.
 GeoExt.data.FeatureRecord.create = function(o) {
     var f = Ext.extend(GeoExt.data.FeatureRecord, {});

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/data/LayerReader.js
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/data/LayerReader.js	2009-06-02 08:27:59 UTC (rev 942)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/data/LayerReader.js	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -9,30 +9,31 @@
  * @include GeoExt/data/LayerRecord.js
+/** api: (define)
+ *  module = GeoExt.data
+ *  class = LayerReader
+ *  base_link = `Ext.data.DataReader <http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/docs/?class=Ext.data.DataReader>`_
+ */
 Ext.namespace("GeoExt", "GeoExt.data");
- * Class: GeoExt.data.LayerReader
- *      LayerReader is a specific Ext.data.DataReader for converting
- *      layers into layer records, i.e. {OpenLayers.Layer} objects
- *      into {GeoExt.data.LayerRecor} objects.
- *
- * Usage example:
- * (start code)
- *         var reader = new GeoExt.data.LayerReader();
- *         var layerData = reader.readRecords(map.layers);
- *         var numRecords = layerData.totalRecords;
- *         var layerRecords = layerData.records;
- * (end)
- *
- * Inherits from:
- *  - {Ext.data.DataReader}
+/** api: example
+ *  Sample using a reader to create records from an array of layers:
+ * 
+ *  .. code-block:: javascript
+ *     
+ *      var reader = new GeoExt.data.LayerReader();
+ *      var layerData = reader.readRecords(map.layers);
+ *      var numRecords = layerData.totalRecords;
+ *      var layerRecords = layerData.records;
- * Constructor: GeoExt.data.LayerReader
- *      Create a layer reader. The arguments passed are similar to those
- *      passed to {Ext.data.DataReader} constructor.
+/** api: constructor
+ *  .. class:: LayerReader(meta, recordType)
+ *  
+ *      Data reader class to create an array of
+ *      :class:`GeoExt.data.LayerRecord` objects from an array of 
+ *      ``OpenLayers.Layer`` objects for use in a
+ *      :class:`GeoExt.data.LayerStore` object.
 GeoExt.data.LayerReader = function(meta, recordType) {
     meta = meta || {};
@@ -46,24 +47,19 @@
 Ext.extend(GeoExt.data.LayerReader, Ext.data.DataReader, {
-    /**
-     * APIProperty: totalRecords
-     * {Integer}
+    /** private: property[totalRecords]
+     *  ``Integer``
     totalRecords: null,
-    /**
-     * APIMethod: readRecords
-     *      From an array of {OpenLayers.Layer} objects create a data block
-     *      containing {<GeoExt.data.LayerRecord>} objects.
-     *
-     * Parameters:
-     * layers - {Array({OpenLayers.Layer})} Array of layers.
-     *
-     * Returns:
-     * {Object} An object with two properties. The value of the property "records"
-     *      is the array of layer records. The value of the property "totalRecords"
-     *      is the number of records in the array.
+    /** api: method[readRecords]
+     *  :param layers: ``Array(OpenLayers.Layer)`` List of layers for creating
+     *      records.
+     *  :return: ``Object``  An object with ``records`` and ``totalRecords``
+     *      properties.
+     *  
+     *  From an array of {OpenLayers.Layer} objects create a data block
+     *  containing :class:`GeoExt.data.LayerRecord` objects.
     readRecords : function(layers) {
         var records = [];

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/data/LayerRecord.js
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/data/LayerRecord.js	2009-06-02 08:27:59 UTC (rev 942)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/data/LayerRecord.js	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -5,42 +5,35 @@
  * pending approval */
+/** api: (define)
+ *  module = GeoExt.data
+ *  class = LayerRecord
+ *  base_link = `Ext.data.Record <http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/docs/?class=Ext.data.Record>`_
+ */
- * Class: GeoExt.data.LayerRecord
- * A subclass of {Ext.data.Record} which provides a special record that
- * represents an {OpenLayers.Layer}. This record will always have at least a
- * layer and a title field in its data. The id of this record will be the same
- * as the id of the layer it represents.
- * 
- * Inherits from
- * - {Ext.data.Record}
+/** api: constructor
+ *  .. class:: LayerRecord
+ *  
+ *      A record that represents an ``OpenLayers.Layer``. This record
+ *      will always have at least the following fields:
+ *
+ *      * layer ``OpenLayers.Layer``
+ *      * title ``String``
- * Constructor: GeoExt.data.LayerRecord
- * 
- * Parameters:
- * data - {Object} data object for the record
- * id - {String} id of the record
- */
 GeoExt.data.LayerRecord = Ext.data.Record.create([
     {name: "layer"},
     {name: "title", type: "string", mapping: "name"}
- * APIFunction: GeoExt.data.LayerRecord.create
- * Creates a constructor for a LayerRecord, optionally with additional
- * fields.
- * 
- * Parameters:
- * o - {Array} Field definition as in {Ext.data.Record.create}. Can be omitted
- *     if no additional fields are required (records will always have a
- *     {OpenLayers.Layer} layer and a {String} title field).
- *
- * Returns:
- * {Function} A specialized {<GeoExt.data.LayerRecord>} constructor.
+/** api: classmethod[create]
+ *  :param o: ``Array`` Field definition as in ``Ext.data.Record.create``. Can
+ *      be omitted if no additional fields are required.
+ *  :return: ``Function`` A specialized :class:`GeoExt.data.LayerRecord`
+ *      constructor.
+ *  
+ *  Creates a constructor for a :class:`GeoExt.data.LayerRecord`, optionally
+ *  with additional fields.
 GeoExt.data.LayerRecord.create = function(o) {
     var f = Ext.extend(GeoExt.data.LayerRecord, {});

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/data/LayerStore.js
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/data/LayerStore.js	2009-06-02 08:27:59 UTC (rev 942)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/data/LayerStore.js	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -9,69 +9,82 @@
  * @include GeoExt/data/LayerReader.js
+/** api: (define)
+ *  module = GeoExt.data
+ *  class = LayerStore
+ *  base_link = `Ext.data.DataStore <http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/docs/?class=Ext.data.DataStore>`_
+ */
- * Class: GeoExt.data.LayerStoreMixin
- * A store that synchronizes a layers array of an {OpenLayers.Map} with a
- * layer store holding {<GeoExt.data.LayerRecord>} entries.
+/** private: constructor
+ *  .. class:: LayerStoreMixin
+ *      A store that synchronizes a layers array of an {OpenLayers.Map} with a
+ *      layer store holding {<GeoExt.data.LayerRecord>} entries.
- * This class can not be instantiated directly. Instead, it is meant to extend
- * {Ext.data.Store} or a subclass of it:
- * (start code)
- * var store = new (Ext.extend(Ext.data.Store, GeoExt.data.LayerStoreMixin))({
- *     map: myMap,
- *     layers: myLayers
- * });
- * (end)
+ *      This class can not be instantiated directly. Instead, it is meant to
+ *      extend ``Ext.data.Store`` or a subclass of it.
+ */
+/** private: example
+ *  Sample code to extend a store with the LayerStoreMixin.
+ *
+ *  .. code-block:: javascript
+ *  
+ *      var store = new (Ext.extend(Ext.data.Store, GeoExt.data.LayerStoreMixin))({
+ *          map: myMap,
+ *          layers: myLayers
+ *      });
- * For convenience, a {<GeoExt.data.LayerStore>} class is available as a
- * shortcut to the Ext.extend sequence in the above code snippet. The above
- * is equivalent to:
- * (start code)
- * var store = new GeoExt.data.LayerStore({
- *     map: myMap,
- *     layers: myLayers
- * });
- * (end)
+ *  For convenience, a :class:`GeoExt.data.LayerStore` class is available as a
+ *  shortcut to the ``Ext.extend`` sequence in the above code snippet.
 GeoExt.data.LayerStoreMixin = {
-    /**
-     * APIProperty: map
-     * {OpenLayers.Map} Map that this store will be in sync with.
+    /** api: config[map]
+     *  ``OpenLayers.Map``
+     *  Map that this store will be in sync with.
+    /** api: property[map]
+     *  ``OpenLayers.Map``
+     *  Map that the store is synchronized with.
+     */
     map: null,
+    /** api: config[layers]
+     *  ``Array(OpenLayers.Layer)``
+     *  Layers that will be added to the store (and the map, depending on the
+     *  value of the ``initDir`` option.
+     */
+    /** api: config[initDir]
+     *  ``Number``
+     *  Bitfields specifying the direction to use for the initial sync between
+     *  the map and the store, if set to 0 then no initial sync is done.
+     *  Defaults to ``GeoExt.data.LayerStore.MAP_TO_STORE|GeoExt.data.LayerStore.STORE_TO_MAP``
+     */
-    /**
-     * APIProperty: reader
-     * {<GeoExt.data.LayerReader>} The reader used to get
-     *     <GeoExt.data.LayerRecord> objects from {OpenLayers.Layer}
-     *     objects.
+    /** api: config[fields]
+     *  ``Array``
+     *  If provided a custom layer record type with additional fields will be
+     *  used. Default fields for every layer record are `layer`
+     *  (``OpenLayers.Layer``) `title` (``String``). The value of this option is
+     *  either a field definition objects as passed to the
+     *  :meth:`GeoExt.data.LayerRecord.create` function or a
+     *  :class:`GeoExt.data.LayerRecord` constructor created using
+     *  :meth:`GeoExt.data.LayerRecord.create`.
+    /** api: config[reader]
+     *  ``Ext.data.DataReader`` The reader used to produce
+     *  :class:`GeoExt.data.LayerRecord` objects from ``OpenLayers.Layer``
+     *  objects.  If not provided, a :class:`GeoExt.data.LayerReader` will be
+     *  used.
+     */
     reader: null,
-    /**
-     * Constructor: GeoExt.data.LayerStoreMixin
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * config - {Object}
-     * 
-     * Valid config options:
-     * map - {OpenLayers.Map|<GeoExt.MapPanel>} map to sync the layer store
-     *     with.
-     * layers - {Array(OpenLayers.Layer)} Layers that will be added to the
-     *     store (and the map, depending on the value of the initDir option).
-     * fields - {Array} If provided a custom layer record type with additional
-     *     fields will be used. Default fields for every layer record are
-     *     {OpenLayers.Layer} layer and {String} title. The value of this
-     *     option is either a field definition objects as passed to the
-     *     GeoExt.data.LayerRecord.create function or a
-     *     {<GeoExt.data.LayerRecord>} constructor created using
-     *     GeoExt.data.LayerRecord.create.
-     * initDir - {Number} Bitfields specifying the direction to use for the
-     *     initial sync between the map and the store, if set to 0 then no
-     *     initial sync is done. Defaults to
-     *     <GeoExt.data.LayerStore.MAP_TO_STORE>|<GeoExt.data.LayerStore.STORE_TO_MAP>.
+    /** private: method[constructor]
     constructor: function(config) {
         config = config || {};
@@ -96,20 +109,12 @@
-    /**
-     * APIMethod: bind
-     * Bind this store to a map instance, once bound the store
-     * is synchronized with the map and vice-versa.
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * map - {OpenLayers.Map} The map instance.
-     * options - {Object}
-     *
-     * Valid config options:
-     * initDir - {Number} Bitfields specifying the direction to use for the
-     *     initial sync between the map and the store, if set to 0 then no
-     *     initial sync is done. Defaults to
-     *     <GeoExt.data.LayerStore.MAP_TO_STORE>|<GeoExt.data.LayerStore.STORE_TO_MAP>.
+    /** private: method[bind]
+     *  :param map: ``OpenLayers.Map`` The map instance.
+     *  :param options: ``Object``
+     *  
+     *  Bind this store to a map instance, once bound the store
+     *  is synchronized with the map and vice-versa.
     bind: function(map, options) {
         if(this.map) {
@@ -157,9 +162,8 @@
-    /**
-     * APIMethod: unbind
-     * Unbind this store from the map it is currently bound.
+    /** private: method[unbind]
+     *  Unbind this store from the map it is currently bound.
     unbind: function() {
         if(this.map) {
@@ -180,13 +184,11 @@
-    /**
-     * Method: onChangeLayer
-     * Handler for layer changes.  When layer order changes, this moves the
-     *     appropriate record within the store.
-     *
-     * Parameters:
-     * evt - {Object}
+    /** private: method[onChangeLayer]
+     *  :param evt: ``Object``
+     * 
+     *  Handler for layer changes.  When layer order changes, this moves the
+     *  appropriate record within the store.
     onChangeLayer: function(evt) {
         var layer = evt.layer;
@@ -213,12 +215,10 @@
-    /**
-     * Method: onAddLayer
-     * Handler for a map's addlayer event
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * evt - {Object}
+    /** private: method[onAddLayer]
+     *  :param evt: ``Object``
+     *  
+     *  Handler for a map's addlayer event
     onAddLayer: function(evt) {
         if(!this._adding) {
@@ -229,12 +229,10 @@
-    /**
-     * Method: onRemoveLayer
-     * Handler for a map's removelayer event
+    /** private: method[onRemoveLayer]
+     *  :param evt: ``Object``
-     * Parameters:
-     * evt - {Object}
+     *  Handler for a map's removelayer event
     onRemoveLayer: function(evt){
         if(!this._removing) {
@@ -245,14 +243,12 @@
-    /**
-     * Method: onLoad
-     * Handler for a store's load event
+    /** private: method[onLoad]
+     *  :param store: ``Ext.data.Store``
+     *  :param records: ``Array(Ext.data.Record)``
+     *  :param options: ``Object``
-     * Parameters:
-     * store - {<Ext.data.Store>}
-     * records - {Array(Ext.data.Record)}
-     * options - {Object}
+     *  Handler for a store's load event
     onLoad: function(store, records, options) {
         if (!Ext.isArray(records)) {
@@ -279,12 +275,10 @@
-    /**
-     * Method: onClear
-     * Handler for a store's clear event
+    /** private: method[onClear]
+     *  :param store: ``Ext.data.Store``
-     * Parameters:
-     * store - {<Ext.data.Store>}
+     *  Handler for a store's clear event
     onClear: function(store) {
         this._removing = true;
@@ -294,14 +288,12 @@
         delete this._removing;
-    /**
-     * Method: onAdd
-     * Handler for a store's add event
+    /** private: method[onAdd]
+     *  :param store: ``Ext.data.Store``
+     *  :param records: ``Array(Ext.data.Record)``
+     *  :param index: ``Number``
-     * Parameters:
-     * store - {<Ext.data.Store>}
-     * records - {Array(Ext.data.Record)}
-     * index - {Number}
+     *  Handler for a store's add event
     onAdd: function(store, records, index) {
         if(!this._adding) {
@@ -318,14 +310,12 @@
-    /**
-     * Method: onRemove
-     * Handler for a store's remove event
+    /** private: method[onRemove]
+     *  :param store: ``Ext.data.Store``
+     *  :param record: ``Ext.data.Record``
+     *  :param index: ``Number``
-     * Parameters:
-     * store - {<Ext.data.Store>}
-     * records - {Array(Ext.data.Record)}
-     * index - {Number}
+     *  Handler for a store's remove event
     onRemove: function(store, record, index){
         if(!this._removing) {
@@ -338,47 +328,46 @@
-    /**
-     * Method: removeMapLayers
-     * Removes a record's layer from the bound map.
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * record - {<Ext.data.Record>}
+    /** private: method[removeMapLayer]
+     *  :param record: ``Ext.data.Record``
+     *  
+     *  Removes a record's layer from the bound map.
     removeMapLayer: function(record){
-    /**
-     * Method: onReplace
-     * Handler for a store's data collections' replace event
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * key - {String}
-     * oldRecord - {Object} In this case, a record that has been replaced.
-     * newRecord - {Object} In this case, a record that is replacing oldRecord.
+    /** private: method[onReplace]
+     *  :param key: ``String``
+     *  :param oldRecord: ``Object`` In this case, a record that has been
+     *      replaced.
+     *  :param newRecord: ``Object`` In this case, a record that is replacing
+     *      oldRecord.
+     *  Handler for a store's data collections' replace event
     onReplace: function(key, oldRecord, newRecord){
- * Class: GeoExt.data.LayerStore
- * Default implementation of an {Ext.data.Store} extended with
- * {<GeoExt.data.LayerStoreMixin>}
- * 
- * Inherits from:
- * - {Ext.data.Store}
- * - {<GeoExt.data.LayerStoreMixin>}
+/** api: example
+ *  Sample to create a new store containing a cache of
+ *  :class:`GeoExt.data.LayerRecord` instances derived from map layers.
+ *
+ *  .. code-block:: javascript
+ *  
+ *      var store = new GeoExt.data.LayerStore({
+ *          map: myMap,
+ *          layers: myLayers
+ *      });
- * Constructor: GeoExt.data.LayerStore
- * 
- * Parameters:
- * config - {Object} See {<GeoExt.data.LayerStoreMixin>} and 
- * http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/docs/?class=Ext.data.Store for valid config
- *     options. 
+/** api: constructor
+ *  .. class:: LayerStore
+ *
+ *      A store that contains a cache of :class:`GeoExt.data.LayerRecord`
+ *      objects.
 GeoExt.data.LayerStore = Ext.extend(

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/data/ProtocolProxy.js
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/data/ProtocolProxy.js	2009-06-02 08:27:59 UTC (rev 942)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/data/ProtocolProxy.js	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -17,59 +17,57 @@
  * along with GeoExt.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+/** api: (define)
+ *  module = GeoExt.data
+ *  class = ProtocolProxy
+ *  base_link = `Ext.data.DataProxy <http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/docs/?class=Ext.data.DataProxy>`_
+ */
 Ext.namespace('GeoExt', 'GeoExt.data');
- * Class: GeoExt.data.ProtocolProxy
- */
- * Constructor: GeoExt.data.ProtocolProxy
- *
- * Parameters:
- * config - {Object} Config object
- */
 GeoExt.data.ProtocolProxy = function(config) {
     Ext.apply(this, config);
+/** api: constructor
+ *  .. class:: ProtocolProxy
+ *   
+ *      A data proxy for use with ``OpenLayers.Proxy`` objects.
+ */
 Ext.extend(GeoExt.data.ProtocolProxy, Ext.data.DataProxy, {
-    /**
-     * APIProperty: protocol
-     * {<OpenLayers.Protocol>} The protocol used to fetch features.
+    /** api: config[protocol]
+     *  ``OpenLayers.Protocol``
+     *  The protocol used to fetch features.
     protocol: null,
-    /**
-     * APIProperty: abortPrevious
-     * {Boolean} Whether to abort the previous request or not, defaults
-     * to true.
+    /** api: config[abortPrevious]
+     *  ``Boolean``
+     *  Abort any previous request before issuing another.  Default is ``true``.
     abortPrevious: true,
-    /**
-     * Property: response
-     * {<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>} The response returned by
-     * the read call on the protocol.
+    /** private: property[response]
+     *  ``OpenLayers.Protocol.Response``
+     *  The response returned by the read call on the protocol.
     response: null,
-    /**
-     * Method: load
+    /** private: method[load]
+     *  :param params: ``Object`` An object containing properties which are to
+     *      be used as HTTP parameters for the request to the remote server.
+     *  :param reader: ``Ext.data.DataReader`` The Reader object which converts
+     *      the data object into a block of ``Ext.data.Records``.
+     *  :param callback: ``Function`` The function into which to pass the block
+     *      of ``Ext.data.Records``. The function is passed the Record block
+     *      object, the ``args`` argument passed to the load function, and a
+     *      boolean success indicator.
+     *  :param scope: ``Object`` The scope in which to call the callback.
+     *  :param arg: ``Object`` An optional argument which is passed to the
+     *      callback as its second parameter.
-     * Parameters:
-     * params - {Object} An object containing properties which are to be used
-     *     as HTTP parameters for the request to the remote server.
-     * reader - {Ext.data.DataReader} The Reader object which converts the data
-     *     object into a block of Ext.data.Records.
-     * callback - {Function} The function into which to pass the block of
-     *     Ext.data.Records. The function is passed the Record block object,
-     *     the "args" argument passed to the load function, and a boolean
-     *     success indicator
-     * scope - {Object} The scope in which to call the callback
-     * arg - {Object} An optional argument which is passed to the callback
-     *     as its second parameter.
+     *  Calls ``read`` on the protocol.
     load: function(params, reader, callback, scope, arg) {
         if (this.fireEvent("beforeload", this, params) !== false) {
@@ -98,9 +96,8 @@
-    /**
-     * Method: abortRequest
-     * Called to abort any ongoing request.
+    /** private: method[abortRequest]
+     *  Called to abort any ongoing request.
     abortRequest: function() {
         // FIXME really we should rely on the protocol itself to
@@ -116,13 +113,11 @@
-    /**
-     * Method: loadResponse
-     * Handle response from the protocol
-     *
-     * Parameters:
-     * o - {Object} 
-     * response - {<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>} 
+    /** private: method[loadResponse]
+     *  :param o: ``Object``
+     *  :param response: ``OpenLayers.Protocol.Response``
+     *  
+     *  Handle response from the protocol
     loadResponse: function(o, response) {
         if (response.success()) {

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/data/ScaleStore.js
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/data/ScaleStore.js	2009-06-02 08:27:59 UTC (rev 942)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/data/ScaleStore.js	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -5,29 +5,37 @@
  * ¹ pending approval */
+/** api: (define)
+ *  module = GeoExt.data
+ *  class = ScaleStore
+ *  base_link = `Ext.data.DataStore <http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/docs/?class=Ext.data.DataStore>`_
+ */
- *  Class: GeoExt.data.ScaleStore
- *  This store maintains a list of available zoom levels, optionally keeping it synchronized with 
- *  a Map or MapPanel instance.   The entries in the list have the following fields: 
- *  zoom - the number of the zoom level
- *  scale - the scale denominator for the zoom level
- *  resolution - the map resolution when the zoom level is active.
+/** api: constructor
+ *  .. class:: ScaleStore
+ *
+ *      A store that contains a cache of available zoom levels.  The store can
+ *      optionally be kept synchronized with an ``OpenLayers.Map`` or
+ *      :class:`GeoExt.MapPanel` object.
+ *
+ *      Records have the following fields:
+ *
+ *      * zoom - ``Number``  The zoom level.
+ *      * scale - ``Number`` The scale denominator.
+ *      * resolution - ``Number`` The map units per pixel.
 GeoExt.data.ScaleStore = Ext.extend(Ext.data.Store, {
-    /**
-     * Property: map
-     * The OpenLayers.Map instance to which the store is bound, if any.
+    /** api: config[map]
+     *  ``OpenLayers.Map`` or :class:`GeoExt.MapPanel`
+     *  Optional map or map panel from which to derive scale values.
     map: null,
-    /**
-     * Constructor: GeoExt.data.ScaleStore
-     * Construct a ScaleStore from a configuration.  The ScaleStore accepts some custom parameters 
-     * addition to the fields accepted by Ext.Store.
-     * Additional options:
-     * map - the GeoExt.MapPanel or OpenLayers.Map instance the store should stay sync'ed with
+    /** private: method[constructor]
+     *  Construct a ScaleStore from a configuration.  The ScaleStore accepts
+     *  some custom parameters addition to the fields accepted by Ext.Store.
     constructor: function(config) {
         var map = (config.map instanceof GeoExt.MapPanel ? config.map.map : config.map);
@@ -43,15 +51,14 @@
         if (map) this.bind(map);
-    /**
-     * APIMethod: bind
-     * Bind this store to a map; that is, maintain the zoom list in sync with the map's current 
-     * configuration.  If the map does not currently have a set scale list, then the store will 
-     * remain empty until the map is configured with one.
-     *
-     * Parameters: 
-     * map - the GeoExt.MapPanel or OpenLayers.Map to which we should bind
-     * options - additional parameters for the bind operation (optional, currently unused)
+    /** api: method[bind]
+     *  :param map: :class`GeoExt.MapPanel` or ``OpenLayers.Map`` Panel or map
+     *      to which we should bind.
+     *  
+     *  Bind this store to a map; that is, maintain the zoom list in sync with
+     *  the map's current configuration.  If the map does not currently have a
+     *  set scale list, then the store will remain empty until the map is
+     *  configured with one.
     bind: function(map, options) {
         this.map = (map instanceof GeoExt.MapPanel ? map.map : map);
@@ -63,10 +70,10 @@
-    /**
-     * APIMethod: unbind
-     * Un-bind this store from the map to which it is currently bound.  The currently stored zoom 
-     * levels will remain, but no further changes from the map will affect it.
+    /** api: method[unbind]
+     *  Un-bind this store from the map to which it is currently bound.  The
+     *  currently stored zoom levels will remain, but no further changes from
+     *  the map will affect it.
     unbind: function() {
         if (this.map) {
@@ -76,13 +83,12 @@
-    /**
-     * Method: populateOnAdd
-     * This method handles the case where we have bind() called on a not-fully-configured map so 
-     * that the zoom levels can be detected when a baselayer is finally added.
-     *
-     * Parameters:
-     * evt - the OpenLayers event
+    /** private: method[populateOnAdd]
+     *  :param evt: ``Object``
+     *  
+     *  This method handles the case where we have bind() called on a
+     *  not-fully-configured map so that the zoom levels can be detected when a
+     *  baselayer is finally added.
     populateOnAdd: function(evt) {
         if (evt.layer.isBaseLayer) {
@@ -91,10 +97,9 @@
-    /**
-     * Method: populateFromMap
-     * This method actually loads the zoom level information from the OpenLayers.Map and converts 
-     * it to Ext Records.
+    /** private: method[populateFromMap]
+     *  This method actually loads the zoom level information from the
+     *  OpenLayers.Map and converts it to Ext Records.
     populateFromMap: function() {
         var zooms = [];

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/data/WMSCapabilitiesReader.js
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/data/WMSCapabilitiesReader.js	2009-06-02 08:27:59 UTC (rev 942)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/data/WMSCapabilitiesReader.js	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -2,32 +2,25 @@
  * Copyright (c) 2008 The Open Planning Project
+/** api: (define)
+ *  module = GeoExt.data
+ *  class = WMSCapabilitiesReader
+ *  base_link = `Ext.data.DataReader <http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/docs/?class=Ext.data.DataReader>`_
+ */
- * Class: GeoExt.data.WMSCapabilitiesReader
- * Data reader class to provide an array of {Ext.data.Record} objects given
- *     a WMS GetCapabilities response for use by an {Ext.data.Store}
- *     object.
- *
- * Extends:
- *  - Ext.data.DataReader
+/** api: constructor
+ *  .. class:: WMSCapabilitiesReader(meta, recordType)
+ *  
+ *      :param meta: ``Object`` Reader configuration.
+ *      :param recordType: ``Array | Ext.data.Record`` An array of field
+ *          configuration objects or a record object.  Default is
+ *          :class:`GeoExt.data.LayerRecord`.
+ *   
+ *      Data reader class to create an array of
+ *      :class:`GeoExt.data.LayerRecord` objects from a WMS GetCapabilities
+ *      response.
- * Constructor: GeoExt.data.WMSCapabilitiesReader
- * Create a new attributes reader object.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * meta - {Object} Reader configuration.
- * recordType - {Array | Ext.data.Record} An array of field configuration
- *     objects or a record object.  Default is <GeoExt.data.LayerRecord>.
- *
- * Configuration options (meta properties):
- * format - {OpenLayers.Format} A parser for transforming the XHR response
- *     into an array of objects representing attributes.  Defaults to
- *     an {OpenLayers.Format.WMSCapabilities} parser.
- */
 GeoExt.data.WMSCapabilitiesReader = function(meta, recordType) {
     meta = meta || {};
     if(!meta.format) {
@@ -55,18 +48,11 @@
 Ext.extend(GeoExt.data.WMSCapabilitiesReader, Ext.data.DataReader, {
-    /**
-     * Method: read
-     * This method is only used by a DataProxy which has retrieved data from a
-     *     remote server.
-     *
-     * Parameters:
-     * request - {Object} The XHR object which contains the parsed XML
-     *     document.
-     * 
-     * Returns:
-     * {Object} A data block which is used by an {Ext.data.Store} as a cache
-     *     of Ext.data.Records.
+    /** private: method[read]
+     *  :param request: ``Object`` The XHR object which contains the parsed XML
+     *      document.
+     *  :return: ``Object`` A data block which is used by an ``Ext.data.Store``
+     *      as a cache of ``Ext.data.Record`` objects.
     read: function(request) {
         var data = request.responseXML;
@@ -76,19 +62,16 @@
         return this.readRecords(data);
-    /**
-     * Method: readRecords
-     * Create a data block containing Ext.data.Records from an XML document.
-     *
-     * Parameters:
-     * data - {DOMElement | Strint | Object} A document element or XHR response
-     *     string.  As an alternative to fetching capabilities data from a remote
-     *     source, an object representing the capabilities can be provided given
-     *     that the structure mirrors that returned from the capabilities parser.
-     *
-     * Returns:
-     * {Object} A data block which is used by an {Ext.data.Store} as a cache of
-     *     Ext.data.Records.
+    /** private: method[readRecords]
+     *  :param data: ``DOMElement | Strint | Object`` A document element or XHR
+     *      response string.  As an alternative to fetching capabilities data
+     *      from a remote source, an object representing the capabilities can
+     *      be provided given that the structure mirrors that returned from the
+     *      capabilities parser.
+     *  :return: ``Object`` A data block which is used by an ``Ext.data.Store``
+     *      as a cache of ``Ext.data.Record`` objects.
+     *  
+     *  Create a data block containing Ext.data.Records from an XML document.
     readRecords: function(data) {

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/data/WMSCapabilitiesStore.js
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/data/WMSCapabilitiesStore.js	2009-06-02 08:27:59 UTC (rev 942)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/data/WMSCapabilitiesStore.js	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -6,36 +6,39 @@
  * @include GeoExt/data/WMSCapabilitiesReader.js
+/** api: (define)
+ *  module = GeoExt.data
+ *  class = WMSCapabilitiesStore
+ *  base_link = `Ext.data.DataStore <http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/docs/?class=Ext.data.DataStore>`_
+ */
- * Class: GeoExt.data.WMSCapabilitiesStore
- * Small helper class to make creating stores for remote WMS layer data easier.
- *     WMSCapabilitiesStore is pre-configured with a built-in
- *     {Ext.data.HttpProxy} and {GeoExt.data.WMSCapabilitiesReader}.  The
- *     HttpProxy is configured to allow caching (disableCaching: false) and uses
- *     GET.  If you require some other proxy/reader combination then you'll have
- *     to configure this with your own proxy or create a basic
- *     GeoExt.data.LayerStore and configure as needed.
- *
- * Extends:
- *  - GeoExt.data.Store
+/** api: constructor
+ *  .. class:: WMSCapabilitiesStore
+ *  
+ *      Small helper class to make creating stores for remote WMS layer data
+ *      easier.  The store is pre-configured with a built-in
+ *      ``Ext.data.HttpProxy`` and :class:`GeoExt.data.WMSCapabilitiesReader`.
+ *      The proxy is configured to allow caching and issues requests via GET.
+ *      If you require some other proxy/reader combination then you'll have to
+ *      configure this with your own proxy or create a basic
+ *      :class:`GeoExt.data.LayerStore` and configure as needed.
- * Constructor: GeoExt.data.WMSCapabilitiesStore
- * Create a new WMS capabilities store object.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * config - {Object} Store configuration.
- *
- * Configuration options:
- * format - {OpenLayers.Format} A parser for transforming the XHR response into
- *     an array of objects representing attributes.  Defaults to an
- *     {OpenLayers.Format.WMSCapabilities} parser.
- * fields - {Array | Function} Either an Array of field definition objects as
- *     passed to Ext.data.Record.create, or a Record constructor created using
- *     Ext.data.Record.create.  Defaults to ["name", "type"]. 
+/** api: config[format]
+ *  ``OpenLayers.Format``
+ *  A parser for transforming the XHR response into an array of objects
+ *  representing attributes.  Defaults to an ``OpenLayers.Format.WMSCapabilities``
+ *  parser.
+/** api: config[fields]
+ *  ``Array | Function``
+ *  Either an Array of field definition objects as passed to
+ *  ``Ext.data.Record.create``, or a record constructor created using
+ *  ``Ext.data.Record.create``.  Defaults to ``["name", "type"]``. 
+ */
 GeoExt.data.WMSCapabilitiesStore = function(c) {

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/Action.js
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/Action.js	2009-06-02 08:27:59 UTC (rev 942)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/Action.js	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
  *  .. code-block:: javascript
  *      var ctrl = new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomToMaxExtent();
- *      map.addControl(ctrl);
- *      var action = GeoExt.Action.fromControl(ctrl, {
+ *      var action = new GeoExt.Action(ctrl, {
  *          text: "max extent"
+ *          control: ctrl,
+ *          map: map
  *      });
- *
  *      var toolbar = new Ext.Toolbar([action]);
@@ -88,6 +88,10 @@
         // register "activate" and "deactivate" listeners
         // on the control
         if(ctrl) {
+            // If map is provided in config, add control to map.
+            if(config.map) {
+                config.map.addControl(ctrl);
+            }
                 activate: this.onCtrlActivate,
                 deactivate: this.onCtrlDeactivate,
@@ -205,12 +209,3 @@
-GeoExt.Action.fromControl = function(control, cfg) {
-    cfg = cfg || {};
-    if(cfg instanceof Ext.Action) {
-        cfg = cfg.initialConfig;
-    }
-    cfg.control = control;
-    return new GeoExt.Action(cfg);

Copied: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/LegendImage.js (from rev 942, core/trunk/geoext/lib/GeoExt/widgets/LegendImage.js)
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/LegendImage.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/LegendImage.js	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
+ * Published under the BSD license.
+ * See http://geoext.org/svn/geoext/core/trunk/license.txt for the full text
+ * of the license.
+ * 
+ * pending approval */
+/** api: (define)
+ *  module = GeoExt
+ *  class = LegendImage
+ */
+/** api: constructor
+ *  .. class:: LegendImage(config)
+ *
+ *  Show a legend image in a BoxComponent and make sure load errors are dealt
+ *  with.
+ */
+GeoExt.LegendImage = Ext.extend(Ext.BoxComponent, {
+    /** api: config[url]
+     *  ``String``  The url of the image to load
+     */
+    url: null,
+    /** api: config[imgCls]
+     *  ``String``  Optional css class to apply to img tag
+     */
+    imgCls: null,
+    /** private: method[initComponent]
+     *  Initializes the legend image component. 
+     */
+    initComponent: function() {
+        GeoExt.LegendImage.superclass.initComponent.call(this);
+        this.autoEl = {tag: 'img',
+            'class': (this.imgCls ? this.imgCls : ''), src: this.url};
+    },
+    /** api: method[setUrl]
+     *  :param url: ``String`` The new url of the image.
+     *  
+     *  Sets the url of the image.
+     */
+    setUrl: function(url) {
+        var el = this.getEl();
+        if (el) {
+            el.dom.src = url;
+        }
+    },
+    /** private: method[onRender]
+     *  Private method called when the legend image component is being
+     *  rendered.
+     */
+    onRender: function(ct, position) {
+        GeoExt.LegendImage.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position);
+        this.getEl().on('error', this.onImageLoadError, this);
+    },
+    /** private: method[onDestroy]
+     *  Private method called during the destroy sequence.
+     */
+    onDestroy: function() {
+        this.getEl().un('error', this.onImageLoadError, this);
+        GeoExt.LegendImage.superclass.onDestroy.apply(this, arguments);
+    },
+    /** private: method[onImageLoadError]
+     *  Private method called if the legend image fails loading.
+     */
+    onImageLoadError: function() {
+        this.getEl().dom.src = Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL;
+    }
+Ext.reg('gx_legendimage', GeoExt.LegendImage);

Copied: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/LegendPanel.js (from rev 942, core/trunk/geoext/lib/GeoExt/widgets/LegendPanel.js)
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/LegendPanel.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/LegendPanel.js	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
+ * Published under the BSD license.
+ * See http://geoext.org/svn/geoext/core/trunk/license.txt for the full text
+ * of the license.
+ *
+ * pending approval */
+/** api: (define)
+ *  module = GeoExt
+ *  class = LegendPanel
+ */
+/** api: constructor
+ *  .. class:: LegendPanel(config)
+ *
+ *  A panel showing legends of all layers in a layer store.
+ *  Depending on the layer type, a legend renderer will be chosen.
+ */
+GeoExt.LegendPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
+    /** api: config[dynamic]
+     *  ``Boolean``
+     *  If false the LegendPanel will not listen to the add, remove and change 
+     *  events of the LayerStore. So it will load with the initial state of
+     *  the LayerStore and not change anymore. 
+     */
+    dynamic: true,
+    /** api: config[showTitle]
+     *  ``Boolean``
+     *  Whether or not to show the title of a layer. This can be a global
+     *  setting for the whole panel, or it can be overridden on the LayerStore 
+     *  record using the hideInLegend property.
+     */
+    showTitle: true,
+    /** api: config[labelCls]
+     *  ``String``
+     *  Optional css class to use for the layer title labels.
+     */
+    labelCls: null,
+    /** api: config[bodyStyle]
+     *  ``String``
+     *  Optional style to apply to the body of the legend panels.
+     */
+    bodyStyle: '',
+    /** api: config[layerStore]
+     *  ``GeoExt.data.LayerStore``
+     *  The layer store containing layers to be displayed in the legend 
+     *  container. If not provided it will be taken from the MapPanel.
+     */
+    layerStore: null,
+    /** private: method[initComponent]
+     *  Initializes the legend panel.
+     */
+    initComponent: function() {
+        GeoExt.LegendPanel.superclass.initComponent.call(this);
+    },
+    /** private: method[onRender]
+     *  Private method called when the legend panel is being rendered.
+     */
+    onRender: function() {
+        GeoExt.LegendPanel.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments);
+        if(!this.layerStore) {
+            this.layerStore = GeoExt.MapPanel.guess().layers;
+        }
+        this.layerStore.each(function(record) {
+                this.addLegend(record);
+            }, this);
+        if (this.dynamic) {
+            this.layerStore.on({
+                "add": this.onStoreAdd,
+                "remove": this.onStoreRemove,
+                "update": this.onStoreUpdate,
+                scope: this
+            });
+        }
+        this.doLayout();
+    },
+    /** private: method[recordIndexToPanelIndex]
+     *  Private method to get the panel index for a layer represented by a
+     *  record.
+     *
+     *  :param index ``Integer`` The index of the record in the store.
+     *
+     *  :return: ``Integer`` The index of the sub panel in this panel.
+     */
+    recordIndexToPanelIndex: function(index) {
+        var store = this.layerStore;
+        var count = store.getCount();
+        var panelIndex = -1;
+        for(var i=count-1; i>=0; --i) {
+            var layer = store.getAt(i).get("layer");
+            var legendGenerator = GeoExt[
+                "Legend" + layer.CLASS_NAME.split(".").pop()
+            ];
+            if(layer.displayInLayerSwitcher && legendGenerator &&
+                (store.getAt(i).get("hideInLegend") !== true)) {
+                    ++panelIndex;
+                    if(index === i) {
+                        break;
+                    }
+            }
+        }
+        return panelIndex;
+    },
+    /** private: method[onStoreUpdate]
+     *  Update a layer within the legend panel. Gets called when the store
+     *  fires the update event. This usually means the visibility of the layer
+     *  has changed.
+     *
+     *  :param store: ``Ext.data.Store`` The store in which the record was
+     *      changed.
+     *  :param record: ``Ext.data.Record`` The record object corresponding
+     *      to the updated layer.
+     *  :param operation: ``String`` The type of operation.
+     */
+    onStoreUpdate: function(store, record, operation) {
+        var layer = record.get('layer');
+        var legend = this.getComponent(layer.id);
+        if (legend) {
+            legend.setVisible(layer.getVisibility() && 
+                layer.displayInLayerSwitcher && !record.get('hideInLegend'));
+            if (record.get('legendURL')) {
+                var items = legend.findByType('gx_legendimage');
+                for (var i=0, len=items.length; i<len; i++) {
+                    items[i].setUrl(record.get('legendURL'));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    /** private: method[onStoreAdd]
+     *  Private method called when a layer is added to the store.
+     *
+     *  :param store: ``Ext.data.Store`` The store to which the record(s) was 
+     *      added.
+     *  :param record: ``Ext.data.Record`` The record object(s) corresponding
+     *      to the added layers.
+     *  :param index: ``Integer`` The index of the inserted record.
+     */
+    onStoreAdd: function(store, records, index) {
+        var panelIndex = this.recordIndexToPanelIndex(index);
+        for (var i=0, len=records.length; i<len; i++) {
+            this.addLegend(records[i], panelIndex);
+        }
+        this.doLayout();
+    },
+    /** private: method[onStoreRemove]
+     *  Private method called when a layer is removed from the store.
+     *
+     *  :param store: ``Ext.data.Store`` The store from which the record(s) was
+     *      removed.
+     *  :param record: ``Ext.data.Record`` The record object(s) corresponding
+     *      to the removed layers.
+     *  :param index: ``Integer`` The index of the removed record.
+     */
+    onStoreRemove: function(store, record, index) {
+        this.removeLegend(record);
+    },
+    /** private: method[removeLegend]
+     *  Remove the legend of a layer.
+     *  :param record: ``Ext.data.Record`` The record object from the layer 
+     *      store to remove.
+     */
+    removeLegend: function(record) {
+        var legend = this.getComponent(record.get('layer').id);
+        if (legend) {
+            this.remove(legend, true);
+            this.doLayout();
+        }
+    },
+    /** private: method[createLegendSubpanel]
+     *  Create a legend sub panel for the layer.
+     *
+     *  :param record: ``Ext.data.Record`` The record object from the layer
+     *      store.
+     *
+     *  :return: ``Ext.Panel`` The created panel per layer
+     */
+    createLegendSubpanel: function(record) {
+        var layer = record.get('layer');
+        var mainPanel = this.createMainPanel(record);
+        if (mainPanel !== null) {
+            // the default legend can be overridden by specifying a
+            // legendURL property
+            var legend;
+            if (record.get('legendURL')) {
+                legend = new GeoExt.LegendImage({url: record.get('legendURL')});
+                mainPanel.add(legend);
+            } else {
+                var legendGenerator = GeoExt[
+                    "Legend" + layer.CLASS_NAME.split(".").pop()
+                ];
+                if (legendGenerator) {
+                    legend = new legendGenerator({layer: layer});
+                    mainPanel.add(legend);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return mainPanel;
+    },
+    /** private: method[addLegend]
+     *  Add a legend for the layer.
+     *
+     *  :param record: ``Ext.data.Record`` The record object from the layer 
+     *      store.
+     *  :param index: ``Integer`` The position at which to add the legend.
+     */
+    addLegend: function(record, index) {
+        index = index || 0;
+        var layer = record.get('layer');
+        var legendSubpanel = this.createLegendSubpanel(record);
+        if (legendSubpanel !== null) {
+           legendSubpanel.setVisible(layer.getVisibility());
+           this.insert(index, legendSubpanel);
+        }
+    },
+    /** private: method[createMainPanel]
+     *  Creates the main panel with a title for the layer.
+     *
+     *  :param record: ``Ext.data.Record`` The record object from the layer
+     *      store.
+     *
+     *  :return: ``Ext.Panel`` The created main panel with a label.
+     */
+    createMainPanel: function(record) {
+        var layer = record.get('layer');
+        var panel = null;
+        var legendGenerator = GeoExt[
+            "Legend" + layer.CLASS_NAME.split(".").pop()
+        ];
+        if (layer.displayInLayerSwitcher && !record.get('hideInLegend') &&
+            legendGenerator) {
+            var panelConfig = {
+                id: layer.id,
+                border: false,
+                bodyBorder: false,
+                bodyStyle: this.bodyStyle,
+                items: [
+                    new Ext.form.Label({
+                        text: (this.showTitle && !record.get('hideTitle')) ? 
+                            layer.name : '',
+                        cls: 'x-form-item x-form-item-label' +
+                            (this.labelCls ? ' ' + this.labelCls : '')
+                    })
+                ]
+            };
+            panel = new Ext.Panel(panelConfig);
+        }
+        return panel;
+    },
+    /** private: method[onDestroy]
+     *  Private method called during the destroy sequence.
+     */
+    onDestroy: function() {
+        if(this.layerStore) {
+            this.layerStore.un("add", this.onStoreAdd, this);
+            this.layerStore.un("remove", this.onStoreRemove, this);
+            this.layerStore.un("update", this.onStoreUpdate, this);
+        }
+        GeoExt.LegendPanel.superclass.onDestroy.apply(this, arguments);
+    }
+Ext.reg('gx_legendpanel', GeoExt.LegendPanel);
\ No newline at end of file

Copied: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/LegendWMS.js (from rev 942, core/trunk/geoext/lib/GeoExt/widgets/LegendWMS.js)
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/LegendWMS.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/LegendWMS.js	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
+ * Published under the BSD license.
+ * See http://geoext.org/svn/geoext/core/trunk/license.txt for the full text
+ * of the license.
+ *
+ * pending approval */
+ * @include GeoExt/widgets/LegendImage.js
+ */
+/** api: (define)
+ *  module = GeoExt
+ *  class = LegendWMS
+ */
+/** api: constructor
+ *  .. class:: LegendWMS(config)
+ *
+ *  Show a legend image for a WMS layer.
+ */
+GeoExt.LegendWMS = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
+    /** api: config[imageFormat]
+     *  ``String``  
+     *  The image format to request the legend image in.
+     *  Defaults to image/png.
+     */
+    imageFormat: "image/gif",
+    /** api: config[layer]
+     *  ``OpenLayers.Layer.WMS``
+     *  The WMS layer to request the legend for.
+     */
+    layer: null,
+    /** api: config[bodyBorder]
+     *  ``Boolean``
+     *  Show a border around the legend image or not. Default is false.
+     */
+    bodyBorder: false,
+    /** private: method[initComponent]
+     *  Initializes the WMS legend. For group layers it will create multiple
+     *  image box components.
+     */
+    initComponent: function() {
+        GeoExt.LegendWMS.superclass.initComponent.call(this);
+        this.createLegend();
+    },
+    /** private: method[getLegendUrl]
+     *  :param layer: ``OpenLayers.Layer.WMS`` The OpenLayers WMS layer object
+     *  :param layerName: ``String`` The name of the layer 
+     *      (used in the LAYERS parameter)
+     *  :return: ``String`` The url of the SLD WMS GetLegendGraphic request.
+     *
+     *  Get the url for the SLD WMS GetLegendGraphic request.
+     */
+    getLegendUrl: function(layerName) {
+        return this.layer.getFullRequestString({
+            REQUEST: "GetLegendGraphic",
+            WIDTH: null,
+            HEIGHT: null,
+            EXCEPTIONS: "application/vnd.ogc.se_xml",
+            LAYER: layerName,
+            LAYERS: null,
+            SRS: null,
+            FORMAT: this.imageFormat
+        });
+    },
+    /** private: method[createLegend]
+     *  Add one BoxComponent per sublayer to this panel.
+     */
+    createLegend: function() {
+        var layers = this.layer.params.LAYERS.split(",");
+        for (var i = 0, len = layers.length; i < len; i++){
+            var layerName = layers[i];
+            var legend = new GeoExt.LegendImage({url:
+                this.getLegendUrl(layerName)});
+            this.add(legend);
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/MapPanel.js
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/MapPanel.js	2009-06-02 08:27:59 UTC (rev 942)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/MapPanel.js	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -125,29 +125,38 @@
     /** private: method[updateMapSize]
-     *  Tell the map that it needs to recaculate its size and position.
+     *  Tell the map that it needs to recalculate its size and position.
     updateMapSize: function() {
         if(this.map) {
-    /** private: method[onRender]
-     *  Private method called after the panel has been
-     *  rendered.
+    /** private: method[renderMap]
+     *  Private method called after the panel has been rendered or after it
+     *  has been laid out by its parent's layout.
-    onRender: function() {
-        GeoExt.MapPanel.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments);
-        this.map.render(this.body.dom);
-        if(this.map.layers.length > 0) {
-            if(this.center) {
-                // zoom does not have to be defined
-                this.map.setCenter(this.center, this.zoom);
-            }  else if(this.extent) {
-                this.map.zoomToExtent(this.extent);
+    renderMap: function() {
+        var map = this.map;
+        // hack: prevent map.updateSize (called from within map.render) from 
+        // zooming to the map extent. This hack is a workaround for 
+        // <http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/2105> and must be
+        // removed once this ticket is closed.
+        var setCenter = map.setCenter;
+        map.setCenter = function() {};
+        map.render(this.body.dom);
+        map.setCenter = setCenter;
+        if(map.layers.length > 0) {
+            if(this.center || this.zoom != null) {
+                // both do not have to be defined
+                map.setCenter(this.center, this.zoom);
+            } else if(this.extent) {
+                map.zoomToExtent(this.extent);
             } else {
-                this.map.zoomToMaxExtent();
+                map.zoomToMaxExtent();
@@ -157,10 +166,19 @@
     afterRender: function() {
         GeoExt.MapPanel.superclass.afterRender.apply(this, arguments);
-        if(this.ownerCt) {
+        if(!this.ownerCt) {
+            this.renderMap();
+        } else {
             this.ownerCt.on("move", this.updateMapSize, this);
+            this.ownerCt.on({
+                "afterlayout": {
+                    fn: this.renderMap,
+                    scope: this,
+                    single: true
+                }
+            });
-    },    
+    },
     /** private: method[onResize]
      *  Private method called after the panel has been resized.

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/BaseLayerContainer.js
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/BaseLayerContainer.js	2009-06-02 08:27:59 UTC (rev 942)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/BaseLayerContainer.js	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -1,43 +1,49 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2008 The Open Planning Project
- */
+/* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 The Open Source Geospatial Foundation ¹
+ * Published under the BSD license.
+ * See http://geoext.org/svn/geoext/core/trunk/license.txt for the full text
+ * of the license.
+ * 
+ * ¹ pending approval */
  * @requires GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerContainer.js
- * Class: GeoExt.tree.BaseLayerContainer
+/** api: (define)
+ *  module = GeoExt.tree
+ *  class = BaseLayerContainer
+ */
+/** api: (extends)
+ * GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerContainer.js
+ */
+/** api: constructor
+ *  .. class:: BaseLayerContainer
- * A layer container that will collect all base layers of an OpenLayers map.
- * Only layers that have displayInLayerSwitcher set to true will be included.
+ *     A layer container that will collect all base layers of an OpenLayers
+ *     map. Only layers that have displayInLayerSwitcher set to true will be
+ *     included.
- * To use this node type in JSON config, set nodeType to
- * "olBaseLayerContainer".
- * 
- * Inherits from:
- * - <GeoExt.tree.LayerContainer>
+ *     To use this node type in ``TreePanel`` config, set nodeType to
+ *     "gx_baselayercontainer".
 GeoExt.tree.BaseLayerContainer = Ext.extend(GeoExt.tree.LayerContainer, {
-    /**
-     * Constructor: GeoExt.tree.BaseLayerContainer
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * config - {Object}
+    /** private: method[constructor]
+     *  Private constructor override.
     constructor: function(config) {
         config.text = config.text || "Base Layer";
         GeoExt.tree.BaseLayerContainer.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
-    /**
-     * Method: addLayerNode
-     * Adds a child node representing a base layer of the map
+    /** private: method[addLayerNode]
+     *  :param layerRecord: ``Ext.data.Record`` the layer record to add a node
+     *      for
-     * Parameters:
-     * layerRecord - {Ext.data.Record} the layer record to add a node for
+     *  Adds a child node representing a base layer of the map.
     addLayerNode: function(layerRecord) {
         var layer = layerRecord.get("layer");
@@ -47,12 +53,11 @@
-    /**
-     * Method: removeLayerNode
-     * Removes a child node representing a base layer of the map
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * layerRecord - {Ext.data.Record} the layer record to remove the node for
+    /** private: method[removeLayerNode]
+     *  :param layerRecord: ``Ext.data.Record`` the layer record to remove the
+     *      node for
+     *
+     *  Removes a child node representing a base layer of the map.
     removeLayerNode: function(layerRecord) {
         var layer = layerRecord.get("layer");

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerContainer.js
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerContainer.js	2009-06-02 08:27:59 UTC (rev 942)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerContainer.js	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -1,46 +1,48 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2008 The Open Planning Project
- */
+/* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 The Open Source Geospatial Foundation ¹
+ * Published under the BSD license.
+ * See http://geoext.org/svn/geoext/core/trunk/license.txt for the full text
+ * of the license.
+ * 
+ * ¹ pending approval */
  * @include GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerNode.js
- * Class: GeoExt.tree.LayerContainer
+/** api: (define)
+ *  module = GeoExt.tree
+ *  class = LayerContainer
+ *  base_link = `Ext.tree.TreeNode <http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/docs/?class=Ext.tree.TreeNode>`_
+ */
+/** api: constructor
+ *  .. class:: LayerContainer
- * A subclass of {Ext.tree.TreeNode} that will collect all layers of an
- * OpenLayers map. Only layers that have displayInLayerSwitcher set to true
- * will be included. The childrens' iconCls will be set to "baselayer-icon"
- * for base layers, and to "layer-icon" for overlay layers.
+ *      A subclass of ``Ext.tree.TreeNode`` that will collect all layers of an
+ *      OpenLayers map. Only layers that have displayInLayerSwitcher set to true
+ *      will be included. The childrens' iconCls will be set to "baselayer-icon"
+ *      for base layers, and to "layer-icon" for overlay layers.
- * To use this node type in JSON config, set nodeType to "olLayerContainer".
- * 
- * Inherits from:
- * - <Ext.tree.TreeNode>
+ *      To use this node type in ``TreePanel`` config, set nodeType to
+ *      "gx_layercontainer".
 GeoExt.tree.LayerContainer = Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreeNode, {
-    /**
-     * APIProperty: layerStore
-     * {<GeoExt.data.LayerStore>} The layer store containing layers to be
-     *     displayed in the container.
+    /** api: config[layerStore]
+     *  :class:`GeoExt.data.LayerStore`
+     *  The layer store containing layers to be displayed in the container.
     layerStore: null,
-    /**
-     * APIProperty: defaults
-     * {Object} a configuration object passed to all nodes that this
-     *     LayerContainer creates.
+    /** api: config[defaults]
+     *  ``Object``
+     *  A configuration object passed to all nodes that this container creates.
     defaults: null,
-    /**
-     * Constructor: GeoExt.tree.LayerContainer
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * config - {Object}
+    /** private: method[constructor]
+     *  Private constructor override.
     constructor: function(config) {
         this.layerStore = config.layerStore;
@@ -48,11 +50,8 @@
         GeoExt.tree.LayerContainer.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
-    /**
-     * Method: render
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * bulkRender - {Boolean}
+    /** private: method[render]
+     *  :param bulkRender: ``Boolean``
     render: function(bulkRender) {
         if (!this.rendered) {
@@ -71,14 +70,12 @@
         GeoExt.tree.LayerContainer.superclass.render.call(this, bulkRender);
-    /**
-     * Method: onStoreAdd
-     * Listener for the store's add event.
-     *
-     * Parameters:
-     * store - {Ext.data.Store}
-     * records - {Array(Ext.data.Record)}
-     * index - {Number}
+    /** private: method[onStoreAdd]
+     *  :param store: ``Ext.data.Store``
+     *  :param records: ``Array(Ext.data.Record)``
+     *  :param index: ``Number``
+     *  
+     *  Listener for the store's add event.
     onStoreAdd: function(store, records, index) {
         if(!this._reordering) {
@@ -89,14 +86,12 @@
-    /**
-     * Method: onStoreRemove
-     * Listener for the store's remove event.
-     *
-     * Parameters:
-     * store - {Ext.data.Store}
-     * record - {Ext.data.Record}
-     * index - {Number}
+    /** private: method[onStoreRemove]
+     *  :param store: ``Ext.data.Store``
+     *  :param record: ``Ext.data.Record``
+     *  :param index: ``Number``
+     *  
+     *  Listener for the store's remove event.
     onStoreRemove: function(store, record, index) {
         if(!this._reordering) {
@@ -104,8 +99,7 @@
-    /**
-     * Method: onDestroy
+    /** private: method[onDestroy]
     onDestroy: function() {
         if(this.layerStore) {
@@ -115,15 +109,9 @@
         GeoExt.tree.LayerContainer.superclass.onDestroy.apply(this, arguments);
-    /**
-     * Method: recordIndexToNodeIndex
-     * Convert a record index into a child node index.
-     *
-     * Parameters:
-     * index - {Number} The record index in the layer store.
-     *
-     * Returns:
-     * {Number} The appropriate child node index for the record.
+    /** private: method[recordIndexToNodeIndex]
+     *  :param index: ``Number`` The record index in the layer store.
+     *  :return: ``Number`` The appropriate child node index for the record.
     recordIndexToNodeIndex: function(index) {
         var store = this.layerStore;
@@ -140,15 +128,11 @@
         return nodeIndex;
-    /**
-     * Method: nodeIndexToRecordIndex
-     * Convert a child node index to a record index.
-     *
-     * Parameters:
-     * index - {Number} The child node index.
-     *
-     * Returns:
-     * {Number} The appropriate record index for the node.
+    /** private: method[nodeIndexToRecordIndex]
+     *  :param index: ``Number`` The child node index.
+     *  :return: ``Number`` The appropriate record index for the node.
+     *  
+     *  Convert a child node index to a record index.
     nodeIndexToRecordIndex: function(index) {
         var store = this.layerStore;
@@ -165,13 +149,12 @@
         return i;
-    /**
-     * Method: addLayerNode
-     * Adds a child node representing a layer of the map
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * layerRecord - {Ext.data.Record} the layer record to add the layer for
-     * index - {Number} Optional index for the new layer.  Default is 0.
+    /** private: method[addLayerNode]
+     *  :param layerRecord: ``Ext.data.Record`` The layer record containing the
+     *      layer to be added.
+     *  :param index: ``Number`` Optional index for the new layer.  Default is 0.
+     *  
+     *  Adds a child node representing a layer of the map
     addLayerNode: function(layerRecord, index) {
         index = index || 0;
@@ -192,12 +175,11 @@
-    /**
-     * Method: removeLayerNode
-     * Removes a child node representing a layer of the map
+    /** private: method[removeLayerNode]
+     *  :param layerRecord: ``Ext.data.Record`` The layer record containing the
+     *      layer to be removed.
-     * Parameters:
-     * layerRecord - {Ext.data.Record} the layer record to remove the node for
+     *  Removes a child node representing a layer of the map
     removeLayerNode: function(layerRecord) {
         var layer = layerRecord.get("layer");
@@ -212,18 +194,16 @@
-    /**
-     * Method: onChildMove
-     * Listener for child node "move" events.  This updates the order of
-     *     records in the store based on new node order if the node has not
-     *     changed parents.
-     *
-     * Parameters:
-     * tree - {Ext.data.Tree}
-     * node - {Ext.tree.TreeNode}
-     * oldParent - {Ext.tree.TreeNode}
-     * newParent - {Ext.tree.TreeNode}
-     * index {Number}
+    /** private: method[onChildMove]
+     *  :param tree: ``Ext.data.Tree``
+     *  :param node: ``Ext.tree.TreeNode``
+     *  :param oldParent: ``Ext.tree.TreeNode``
+     *  :param newParent: ``Ext.tree.TreeNode``
+     *  :param index: ``Number``
+     *  
+     *  Listener for child node "move" events.  This updates the order of
+     *  records in the store based on new node order if the node has not
+     *  changed parents.
     onChildMove: function(tree, node, oldParent, newParent, index) {
         if(oldParent === newParent) {

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerNode.js
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerNode.js	2009-06-02 08:27:59 UTC (rev 942)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerNode.js	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -1,37 +1,32 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2008 The Open Planning Project
- */
+/* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 The Open Source Geospatial Foundation ¹
+ * Published under the BSD license.
+ * See http://geoext.org/svn/geoext/core/trunk/license.txt for the full text
+ * of the license.
+ * 
+ * ¹ pending approval */
- * Class: GeoExt.tree.LayerNodeUI
- * 
- * Inherits from:
- * - Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI
+/** private: constructor
+ *  .. class:: LayerNodeUI
+ *
+ *      Place in a separate file if this should be documented.
 GeoExt.tree.LayerNodeUI = Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI, {
-    /**
-     * Property: radio
-     * {Ext.Element}
+    /** private: property[radio]
+     *  ``Ext.Element``
     radio: null,
-    /**
-     * Constructor: GeoExt.tree.LayerNodeUI
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * config - {Object}
+    /** private: method[constructor]
     constructor: function(config) {
         GeoExt.tree.LayerNodeUI.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
-    /**
-     * Method: render
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * bulkRender - {Boolean}
+    /** private: method[render]
+     *  :param bulkRender: ``Boolean``
     render: function(bulkRender) {
         GeoExt.tree.LayerNodeUI.superclass.render.call(this, bulkRender);
@@ -43,11 +38,8 @@
-    /**
-     * Method: onClick
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * e - {Object}
+    /** private: method[onClick]
+     *  :param e: ``Object``
     onClick: function(e) {
         if (e.getTarget('input[type=radio]', 1)) {
@@ -57,11 +49,8 @@
-    /**
-     * Method: toggleCheck
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * value - {Boolean}
+    /** private: method[toggleCheck]
+     *  :param value: ``Boolean``
     toggleCheck: function(value) {
         GeoExt.tree.LayerNodeUI.superclass.toggleCheck.call(this, value);
@@ -74,8 +63,7 @@
         node.visibilityChanging = false;
-    /**
-     * Method: onDestroy
+    /** private: method[onDestroy]
     onDestroy: function() {
         delete this.radio;
@@ -109,7 +97,8 @@
  *      checked attribute, but radioGroup is a string that identifies the options
  *      group. Clicking the radio button will fire a radioChange event.
- *      To use this node type in a JSON config, set nodeType to "gx_layer".
+ *      To use this node type in a ``TreePanel`` config, set ``nodeType`` to
+ *      "gx_layer".
 GeoExt.tree.LayerNode = Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreeNode, {
@@ -152,11 +141,8 @@
     visibilityChanging: false,
-    /**
-     * Constructor: GeoExt.tree.LayerNode
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * config - {Object}
+    /** private: method[constructor]
+     *  Private constructor override.
     constructor: function(config) {
         config.leaf = config.leaf || !config.children;
@@ -169,10 +155,9 @@
         this.defaultUI = this.defaultUI || GeoExt.tree.LayerNodeUI;
-            /**
-             * Event: radiochange
-             * Notifies listener when a differnt radio button was selected.
-             * Will be called with the currently selected node as argument.
+            /** api: event[radiochange]
+             *  Notifies listener when a differnt radio button was selected.
+             *  Will be called with the currently selected node as argument.
@@ -185,12 +170,8 @@
         GeoExt.tree.LayerNode.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
-    /**
-     * Method: render
-     * 
-     * Properties:
-     * bulkRender {Boolean} - optional
-     * layer {<OpenLayers.Layer>} - optional
+    /** private: method[render]
+     *  :param bulkRender: ``Boolean``
     render: function(bulkRender) {
         var layer = this.layer instanceof OpenLayers.Layer && this.layer;
@@ -238,10 +219,9 @@
         GeoExt.tree.LayerNode.superclass.render.call(this, bulkRender);
-    /**
-     * Method: addVisibilityHandlers
-     * Adds handlers that sync the checkbox state with the layer's visibility
-     * state
+    /** private: method[addVisibilityHandlers]
+     *  Adds handlers that sync the checkbox state with the layer's visibility
+     *  state
     addVisibilityEventHandlers: function() {
         this.layer.events.register("visibilitychanged", this, function() {
@@ -261,10 +241,9 @@
-    /**
-     * Method: addStoreEventHandlers
-     * Adds handlers that make sure the node disappeares when the layer is
-     * removed from the store, and appears when it is re-added.
+    /** private: method[addStoreEventHandlers]
+     *  Adds handlers that make sure the node disappeares when the layer is
+     *  removed from the store, and appears when it is re-added.
     addStoreEventHandlers: function() {
@@ -292,10 +271,9 @@
-    /**
-     * Method: addChildNodes
-     * Calls the add method of a node type configured as <childNodeType>
-     * to add children.
+    /** private: method[addChildNodes]
+     *  Calls the add method of a node type configured as ``childNodeType``
+     *  to add children.
     addChildNodes: function() {
         if(typeof this.childNodeType == "string") {

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/OverlayLayerContainer.js
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/OverlayLayerContainer.js	2009-06-02 08:27:59 UTC (rev 942)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/OverlayLayerContainer.js	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -1,31 +1,38 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2008 The Open Planning Project
- */
+/* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 The Open Source Geospatial Foundation ¹
+ * Published under the BSD license.
+ * See http://geoext.org/svn/geoext/core/trunk/license.txt for the full text
+ * of the license.
+ * 
+ * ¹ pending approval */
  * @requires GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerContainer.js
- * Class: GeoExt.tree.OverlayLayerContainer
+/** api: (define)
+ *  module = GeoExt.tree
+ *  class = OverlayLayerContainer
+ */
+/** api: (extends)
+ * GeoExt/widgets/tree/LayerContainer.js
+ */
+/** api: constructor
+ * .. class:: OverlayLayerContainer
- * A layer container that will collect all overlay layers of an OpenLayers map.
- * Only layers that have displayInLayerSwitcher set to true will be included.
+ *     A layer container that will collect all overlay layers of an OpenLayers
+ *     map. Only layers that have displayInLayerSwitcher set to true will be
+ *     included.
- * To use this node type in JSON config, set nodeType to
- * "olOverlayLayerContainer".
- * 
- * Inherits from:
- * - <GeoExt.tree.LayerContainer>
+ *     To use this node type in ``TreePanel`` config, set nodeType to
+ *     "gx_overlaylayerontainer".
 GeoExt.tree.OverlayLayerContainer = Ext.extend(GeoExt.tree.LayerContainer, {
-    /**
-     * Constructor: GeoExt.tree.OverlayLayerContainer
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * config - {Object}
+    /** private: method[constructor]
+     *  Private constructor override.
     constructor: function(config) {
         config.text = config.text || "Overlays";
@@ -33,12 +40,11 @@
-    /**
-     * Method: addLayerNode
-     * Adds a child node representing a overlay layer of the map
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * layerRecord - {Ext.data.Record} the layer record to add a node for
+    /** private: method[addLayerNode]
+     *  :param layerRecord:  ``Ext.data.Record`` the layer record to add a node
+     *      for
+     *  
+     *  Adds a child node representing a overlay layer of the map.
     addLayerNode: function(layerRecord) {
         var layer = layerRecord.get("layer");
@@ -48,12 +54,11 @@
-    /**
-     * Method: removeLayerNode
-     * Removes a child node representing an overlay layer of the map
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * layerRecord - {Ext.data.Record} the layer record to remove the node for
+    /** private: method[removeLayerNode]
+     *  :param layerRecord: ``Ext.data.Record`` the layer record to remove the
+     *      node for
+     *      
+     * Removes a child node representing an overlay layer of the map.
     removeLayerNode: function(layerRecord) {
         var layer = layerRecord.get("layer");

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt.js
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt.js	2009-06-02 08:27:59 UTC (rev 942)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt.js	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -79,7 +79,10 @@
-            "GeoExt/widgets/tree/OverlayLayerContainer.js"
+            "GeoExt/widgets/tree/OverlayLayerContainer.js",
+            "GeoExt/widgets/LegendImage.js",
+            "GeoExt/widgets/LegendWMS.js",
+            "GeoExt/widgets/LegendPanel.js"
         var agent = navigator.userAgent;

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/tests/lib/GeoExt/widgets/Action.html
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/tests/lib/GeoExt/widgets/Action.html	2009-06-02 08:27:59 UTC (rev 942)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/tests/lib/GeoExt/widgets/Action.html	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -7,46 +7,21 @@
     <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../../lib/GeoExt.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript">
-        function test_fromControl(t) {
-            t.plan(4);
-            var ctrl, action, cfg;
-            ctrl = new OpenLayers.Control();
-            // 2 tests
-            action = GeoExt.Action.fromControl(ctrl);
-            t.ok(action instanceof Ext.Action,
-                 "fromControl return an Ext.Action instance");
-            t.ok(action.control == ctrl,
-                 "fromControl sets the control in the returned instance");
-            // 1 test
-            cfg = {text: "foo"};
-            action = GeoExt.Action.fromControl(ctrl, cfg);
-            t.ok(action.initialConfig == cfg,
-                 "fromControl sets the config in the instance's initial config");
-            // 1 test
-            var a = new Ext.Action({text: "foo"});
-            action = GeoExt.Action.fromControl(ctrl, a);
-            t.ok(action.initialConfig == a.initialConfig,
-                 "fromControl sets the passed action's initial config in the " +
-                 "instance's initial config");
-        }
         function test_constructor(t) {
-            t.plan(10)
+            t.plan(11)
             var ctrl, scope, handler, toggleHandler, checkHandler, cfg, action;
             ctrl = new OpenLayers.Control();
+            var map = new OpenLayers.Map();
             scope = {}, handler = function() {};
             toggleHandler = function() {}, checkHandler = function() {};
             cfg = {
                 control: ctrl,
+                map: map,
                 scope: scope,
                 handler: handler,
                 toggleHandler: toggleHandler,
@@ -57,6 +32,8 @@
             t.ok(action.control == ctrl,
                  "constructor sets control in the instance");
+            t.ok(action.control.map === map,
+                 "constructor adds control to map if provided");
             t.ok(action.uScope == scope,
                  "constructor sets this.uScope to user-provided scope");
             t.ok(action.uHandler == handler,
@@ -76,6 +53,8 @@
                  "constructor sets toggleHandler to this.ptoggleHandler in the initial config");
             t.ok(action.initialConfig.checkHandler == action.pCheckHandler,
                  "constructor sets checkHandler to this.pCheckHandler in the initial config");
+            map.destroy();
         function test_button(t) {
@@ -111,7 +90,8 @@
-            action = GeoExt.Action.fromControl(ctrl, {
+            action = new GeoExt.Action({
+                control: ctrl,
                 handler: function() {
@@ -194,7 +174,8 @@
-            action = GeoExt.Action.fromControl(ctrl, {
+            action = new GeoExt.Action({
+                control: ctrl,
                 enableToggle: true,
                 toggleHandler: function() {
@@ -318,11 +299,13 @@
             // the actions
-            action1 = GeoExt.Action.fromControl(ctrl1, {
+            action1 = new GeoExt.Action({
+                control: ctrl1,
                 toggleGroup: "ctrl",
                 pressed: false
-            action2 = GeoExt.Action.fromControl(ctrl2, {
+            action2 = new GeoExt.Action({
+                control: ctrl2,
                 toggleGroup: "ctrl",
                 pressed: true

Copied: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/tests/lib/GeoExt/widgets/LegendPanel.html (from rev 942, core/trunk/geoext/tests/lib/GeoExt/widgets/LegendPanel.html)
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/tests/lib/GeoExt/widgets/LegendPanel.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/tests/lib/GeoExt/widgets/LegendPanel.html	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html debug="true">
+  <head>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../../../openlayers/lib/OpenLayers.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../../../ext/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../../../ext/ext-all.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../../lib/GeoExt.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript">
+        function createMap() {
+            var map = new OpenLayers.Map({allOverlays: true});
+            var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("test", '/ows', {layers: 'a'});
+            map.addLayer(layer);
+            return map;
+        }
+        function loadMapPanel() {
+            var map = createMap();
+            mapPanel = new GeoExt.MapPanel({
+                // panel options
+                id: "map-panel",
+                title: "GeoExt MapPanel",
+                renderTo: "mappanel",
+                height: 400,
+                width: 600,
+                // map panel-specific options
+                map: map,
+                center: new OpenLayers.LonLat(5, 45),
+                zoom: 4
+            });
+            return mapPanel;
+        }
+        function test_legendurl(t) {
+            t.plan(1);
+            var mapPanel = loadMapPanel();
+            var lp  = new GeoExt.LegendPanel({
+                renderTo: 'legendpanel'});
+            lp.render();
+            var newUrl = "http://www.geoext.org//trac/geoext/chrome/site/img/GeoExt.png";
+            mapPanel.layers.getAt(0).set("legendURL", newUrl);
+            var item = lp.getComponent(mapPanel.map.layers[0].id);
+            var url = item.items.items[1].items.items[0].getEl().dom.src;
+            t.eq(url, newUrl, "Update the image with the provided legendURL");
+            lp.destroy();
+            mapPanel.destroy();
+        }
+        function test_togglevisibility(t) {
+            t.plan(2);
+            var mapPanel = loadMapPanel();
+            var lp  = new GeoExt.LegendPanel({
+                renderTo: 'legendpanel'});
+            lp.render();
+            mapPanel.map.layers[0].setVisibility(false);
+            var id = mapPanel.layers.getAt(0).get('layer').id;
+            t.eq(lp.getComponent(id).hidden, true, "Layer has been hidden in legend");
+            mapPanel.map.layers[0].setVisibility(true);
+            t.eq(lp.getComponent(id).hidden, false, "Layer has been made visible again in legend");
+            lp.destroy();
+            mapPanel.destroy();
+        }
+        function test_hide(t) {
+            t.plan(1);
+            var mapPanel = loadMapPanel();
+            var lp  = new GeoExt.LegendPanel({
+                renderTo: 'legendpanel'});
+            lp.render();
+            mapPanel.layers.getAt(0).set("hideInLegend", true);
+            var id = mapPanel.layers.getAt(0).get('layer').id;
+            t.eq(lp.getComponent(id).hidden, true, "Layer has been hidden in legend");
+            lp.destroy();
+            mapPanel.destroy();
+        }
+        function test_dynamic(t) {
+            t.plan(1);
+            var mapPanel = loadMapPanel();
+            var lp  = new GeoExt.LegendPanel({
+                dynamic: false,
+                renderTo: 'legendpanel'});
+            lp.render();
+            var layer;
+            layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("test2", '/ows', {layers: 'b', format: 'image/png', transparent: 'TRUE'});
+            mapPanel.map.addLayer(layer);
+            t.eq(lp.items.length, 1, "If dynamic is false, do not add or remove layers from legend");
+            lp.destroy();
+            mapPanel.destroy();
+        }
+        function test_wms(t) {
+            t.plan(1);
+            var mapPanel = loadMapPanel();
+            var lp  = new GeoExt.LegendPanel({
+                renderTo: 'legendpanel'});
+            lp.render();
+            var item = lp.getComponent(mapPanel.map.layers[0].id);
+            var url = item.items.items[1].items.items[0].url;
+            var expectedUrl = "/ows?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic&STYLES=&EXCEPTIONS=application%2Fvnd.ogc.se_xml&FORMAT=image%2Fgif&LAYER=a";
+            t.eq(url, expectedUrl, "GetLegendGraphic url is generated correctly");
+            lp.destroy();
+            mapPanel.destroy();
+        }
+        function test_addremove(t) {
+            t.plan(4);
+            var mapPanel = loadMapPanel();
+            var lp  = new GeoExt.LegendPanel({
+                renderTo: 'legendpanel'});
+            lp.render();
+            t.eq(lp.items.length, 1, "Same number of layers in legend panel and in map");
+            var item = lp.getComponent(mapPanel.map.layers[0].id);
+            var layer;
+            layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("test2", '/ows', {layers: 'b', format: 'image/png', transparent: 'TRUE'});
+            mapPanel.map.addLayer(layer);
+            t.eq(lp.items.length, 2, "New WMS layer has been added");
+            layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("test3", '/ows', {layers: 'c'}, {visibility: false});
+            mapPanel.map.addLayer(layer);
+            t.eq(lp.items.length, 3, "A non visible WMS layer will be added but will be invisible");
+            mapPanel.map.removeLayer(mapPanel.map.layers[0]);
+            t.eq(lp.items.length, 2, "Removing the WMS layer really removes the legend from the panel");
+            lp.destroy();
+            mapPanel.destroy();
+        }
+    </script>
+  <body>
+    <div id="legendpanel"></div>
+    <div id="mappanel"></div>
+  </body>

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/tests/lib/GeoExt/widgets/MapPanel.html
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/tests/lib/GeoExt/widgets/MapPanel.html	2009-06-02 08:27:59 UTC (rev 942)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/tests/lib/GeoExt/widgets/MapPanel.html	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -12,14 +12,24 @@
             var map = new OpenLayers.Map();
             var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer("test", {isBaseLayer: true});
+            // add a vector layer, which would fail onmapresize if we render
+            // the map before the panel has a layout.
+            map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("vector layer"));
             return map;
         function test_mappanel(t) {
-            t.plan(3)
+            t.plan(4)
+            var moveToCnt;
             var map = createMap();
+            map.moveTo = function() {
+                moveToCnt++;
+                OpenLayers.Map.prototype.moveTo.apply(this, arguments);
+            };
+            moveToCnt = 0;
             var mapPanel = new GeoExt.MapPanel({
                 // panel options
                 id: "map-panel",
@@ -32,6 +42,7 @@
                 center: new OpenLayers.LonLat(5, 45),
                 zoom: 4
+            t.eq(moveToCnt, 1, "map.moveTo called exactly once");
             t.eq(mapPanel.map.getCenter().toString(), "lon=5,lat=45", "Map center set correctly");
             t.eq(mapPanel.map.getZoom(), 4, "Zoom set correctly");
             t.eq(GeoExt.MapPanel.guess().id, mapPanel.id, "MapPanel guessed correctly");
@@ -74,6 +85,24 @@
+        function test_zoom(t) {
+            t.plan(1);
+            var panel = new GeoExt.MapPanel({
+                title: "GeoExt MapPanel",
+                renderTo: "mappanel",
+                height: 400,
+                width: 600,
+                layers: [new OpenLayers.Layer()],
+                zoom: 4
+            });
+            t.eq(panel.map.zoom, 4, "zoom correctly set");
+            panel.destroy();
+        }
         function test_extent(t) {
@@ -82,10 +111,12 @@
             map = createMap();
             map.zoomToExtent = function(extent) {
                 log.extent = extent;
-            }
+            };
             panel = new GeoExt.MapPanel({
                 renderTo: "mappanel",
                 map: map,
+                height: 400,
+                width: 600,
                 extent: [1, 2, 3, 4]
             t.eq(log.extent.toArray(), [1, 2, 3, 4], "map extent set with array");
@@ -97,10 +128,12 @@
             map = createMap();
             map.zoomToExtent = function(extent) {
                 log.extent = extent;
-            }
+            };
             panel = new GeoExt.MapPanel({
                 renderTo: "mappanel",
                 map: map,
+                height: 400,
+                width: 600,
                 extent: "1, 2, 3, 4"
             t.eq(log.extent.toArray(), [1, 2, 3, 4], "map extent set with string");
@@ -111,10 +144,12 @@
             map = createMap();
             map.zoomToExtent = function(extent) {
                 log.extent = extent;
-            }
+            };
             panel = new GeoExt.MapPanel({
                 renderTo: "mappanel",
                 map: map,
+                height: 400,
+                width: 600,
                 extent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(1, 2, 3, 4)
             t.eq(log.extent.toArray(), [1, 2, 3, 4], "map extent set with Bounds");
@@ -132,10 +167,12 @@
             map = createMap();
             map.setCenter = function(center) {
                 log.center = center;
-            }
+            };
             panel = new GeoExt.MapPanel({
                 renderTo: "mappanel",
                 map: map,
+                height: 400,
+                width: 600,
                 center: [1, 2]
             t.eq(log.center.toString(), "lon=1,lat=2", "map center set with array");
@@ -147,10 +184,12 @@
             map = createMap();
             map.setCenter = function(center) {
                 log.center = center;
-            }
+            };
             panel = new GeoExt.MapPanel({
                 renderTo: "mappanel",
                 map: map,
+                height: 400,
+                width: 600,
                 center: "1, 2"
             t.eq(log.center.toString(), "lon=1,lat=2", "map center set with string");
@@ -162,10 +201,12 @@
             map = createMap();
             map.setCenter = function(center) {
                 log.center = center;
-            }
+            };
             panel = new GeoExt.MapPanel({
                 renderTo: "mappanel",
                 map: map,
+                height: 400,
+                width: 600,
                 center: new OpenLayers.LonLat(1, 2)
             t.eq(log.center.toString(), "lon=1,lat=2", "map center set with LonLat");
@@ -213,7 +254,43 @@
+        function test_layout(t) {
+            t.plan(1);
+            var map, panel, layout = 0;
+            map = new OpenLayers.Map({
+                render: function() {
+                    OpenLayers.Map.prototype.render.apply(this, arguments);
+                    t.ok(layout, 1,
+                         "the OpenLayers map is rendered once the container " +
+                         "has its final dimensions");
+                },
+                allOverlays: true
+            });
+            panel = new Ext.Panel({
+                layout: "border",
+                renderTo: "mappanel",
+                listeners: {
+                    afterlayout: function() {
+                        layout++;
+                    }
+                },
+                items: [{
+                    region: "center",
+                    xtype: "gx_mappanel",
+                    map: map,
+                    layers: [
+                        new OpenLayers.Layer("")
+                    ]
+                }]
+            });
+            panel.destroy();
+        }
     <div id="mappanel"></div>

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/tests/list-tests.html
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/tests/list-tests.html	2009-06-02 08:27:59 UTC (rev 942)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/tests/list-tests.html	2009-06-02 12:41:29 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -17,4 +17,5 @@
+  <li>lib/GeoExt/widgets/LegendPanel.html</li>

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