[Commits] r970 - in sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer: examples lib/GeoExt/widgets lib/GeoExt/widgets/tips lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree tests/lib/GeoExt/data

commits at geoext.org commits at geoext.org
Wed Jun 3 00:00:28 CEST 2009

Author: tschaub
Date: 2009-06-03 00:00:28 +0200 (Wed, 03 Jun 2009)
New Revision: 970

Correcting more merge artifacts.

Deleted: sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/examples/RowExpander.js
--- sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/examples/RowExpander.js	2009-06-02 21:56:07 UTC (rev 969)
+++ sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/examples/RowExpander.js	2009-06-02 22:00:28 UTC (rev 970)
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- * Ext JS Library 2.2.1
- * Copyright(c) 2006-2009, Ext JS, LLC.
- * licensing at extjs.com
- * 
- * http://extjs.com/license
- */
-Ext.grid.RowExpander = function(config){
-    Ext.apply(this, config);
-    this.addEvents({
-        beforeexpand : true,
-        expand: true,
-        beforecollapse: true,
-        collapse: true
-    });
-    Ext.grid.RowExpander.superclass.constructor.call(this);
-    if(this.tpl){
-        if(typeof this.tpl == 'string'){
-            this.tpl = new Ext.Template(this.tpl);
-        }
-        this.tpl.compile();
-    }
-    this.state = {};
-    this.bodyContent = {};
-Ext.extend(Ext.grid.RowExpander, Ext.util.Observable, {
-    header: "",
-    width: 20,
-    sortable: false,
-    fixed:true,
-    menuDisabled:true,
-    dataIndex: '',
-    id: 'expander',
-    lazyRender : true,
-    enableCaching: true,
-    getRowClass : function(record, rowIndex, p, ds){
-        p.cols = p.cols-1;
-        var content = this.bodyContent[record.id];
-        if(!content && !this.lazyRender){
-            content = this.getBodyContent(record, rowIndex);
-        }
-        if(content){
-            p.body = content;
-        }
-        return this.state[record.id] ? 'x-grid3-row-expanded' : 'x-grid3-row-collapsed';
-    },
-    init : function(grid){
-        this.grid = grid;
-        var view = grid.getView();
-        view.getRowClass = this.getRowClass.createDelegate(this);
-        view.enableRowBody = true;
-        grid.on('render', function(){
-            view.mainBody.on('mousedown', this.onMouseDown, this);
-        }, this);
-    },
-    getBodyContent : function(record, index){
-        if(!this.enableCaching){
-            return this.tpl.apply(record.data);
-        }
-        var content = this.bodyContent[record.id];
-        if(!content){
-            content = this.tpl.apply(record.data);
-            this.bodyContent[record.id] = content;
-        }
-        return content;
-    },
-    onMouseDown : function(e, t){
-        if(t.className == 'x-grid3-row-expander'){
-            e.stopEvent();
-            var row = e.getTarget('.x-grid3-row');
-            this.toggleRow(row);
-        }
-    },
-    renderer : function(v, p, record){
-        p.cellAttr = 'rowspan="2"';
-        return '<div class="x-grid3-row-expander">&#160;</div>';
-    },
-    beforeExpand : function(record, body, rowIndex){
-        if(this.fireEvent('beforeexpand', this, record, body, rowIndex) !== false){
-            if(this.tpl && this.lazyRender){
-                body.innerHTML = this.getBodyContent(record, rowIndex);
-            }
-            return true;
-        }else{
-            return false;
-        }
-    },
-    toggleRow : function(row){
-        if(typeof row == 'number'){
-            row = this.grid.view.getRow(row);
-        }
-        this[Ext.fly(row).hasClass('x-grid3-row-collapsed') ? 'expandRow' : 'collapseRow'](row);
-    },
-    expandRow : function(row){
-        if(typeof row == 'number'){
-            row = this.grid.view.getRow(row);
-        }
-        var record = this.grid.store.getAt(row.rowIndex);
-        var body = Ext.DomQuery.selectNode('tr:nth(2) div.x-grid3-row-body', row);
-        if(this.beforeExpand(record, body, row.rowIndex)){
-            this.state[record.id] = true;
-            Ext.fly(row).replaceClass('x-grid3-row-collapsed', 'x-grid3-row-expanded');
-            this.fireEvent('expand', this, record, body, row.rowIndex);
-        }
-    },
-    collapseRow : function(row){
-        if(typeof row == 'number'){
-            row = this.grid.view.getRow(row);
-        }
-        var record = this.grid.store.getAt(row.rowIndex);
-        var body = Ext.fly(row).child('tr:nth(1) div.x-grid3-row-body', true);
-        if(this.fireEvent('beforecollapse', this, record, body, row.rowIndex) !== false){
-            this.state[record.id] = false;
-            Ext.fly(row).replaceClass('x-grid3-row-expanded', 'x-grid3-row-collapsed');
-            this.fireEvent('collapse', this, record, body, row.rowIndex);
-        }
-    }

Deleted: sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/examples/scaleslider.html
--- sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/examples/scaleslider.html	2009-06-02 21:56:07 UTC (rev 969)
+++ sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/examples/scaleslider.html	2009-06-02 22:00:28 UTC (rev 970)
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-    <head>
-        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../ext/resources/css/ext-all.css"></link>
-        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../ext/examples/shared/examples.css"></link>
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../openlayers/lib/OpenLayers.js"></script>
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext/ext-all.js"></script>
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/GeoExt.js"></script>        
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="scaleslider.js"></script>
-    </head>
-    <body>
-        <h1>GeoExt.ScaleSlider</h1>
-        <p>The ScaleSlider is a replacement for the ZoomPanel, using an Ext.Slider.
-        It is also possible to add a special tooltip plugin, ScaleSliderTip, which
-        will show the zoom level, scale and resolution while dragging the slider
-        (the content is configurable).<p>
-        <p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="scaleslider.js">scaleslider.js</a>.</p>
-        <div id="map-container"></div>
-    </body>

Deleted: sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/examples/scaleslider.js
--- sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/examples/scaleslider.js	2009-06-02 21:56:07 UTC (rev 969)
+++ sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/examples/scaleslider.js	2009-06-02 22:00:28 UTC (rev 970)
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-var panel, slider;
-Ext.onReady(function() {
-    // create a map panel with an embedded slider
-    panel = new GeoExt.MapPanel({
-        title: "Map",
-        renderTo: "map-container",
-        height: 300,
-        width: 400,
-        map: {
-            controls: [new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation()]
-        },
-        layers: [new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
-            "bluemarble",
-            "http://sigma.openplans.org/geoserver/wms?",
-            {layers: 'bluemarble'}
-        )],
-        extent: "-5,35,15,55",
-        items: [{
-            xtype: "gx_scaleslider",
-            vertical: true,
-            height: 100,
-            x: 10,
-            y: 20,
-            plugins: new GeoExt.ScaleSliderTip()
-        }]
-    });
-    // create a separate slider bound to the map but displayed elsewhere
-    slider = new GeoExt.ScaleSlider({
-        map: panel.map,
-        width: 200,
-        plugins: new GeoExt.ScaleSliderTip({
-            template: "<div>Zoom Level: {zoom}</div>"
-        }),
-        renderTo: document.body
-    });

Deleted: sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/examples/treenodes.html
--- sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/examples/treenodes.html	2009-06-02 21:56:07 UTC (rev 969)
+++ sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/examples/treenodes.html	2009-06-02 22:00:28 UTC (rev 970)
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-    <head>
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../openlayers/lib/OpenLayers.js"></script>
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext/ext-all-debug.js"></script>
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/GeoExt.js"></script>
-        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../ext/resources/css/ext-all.css"></link>
-        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../ext/examples/shared/examples.css"></link>
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="RowExpander.js"></script>        
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="treenodes.js"></script>
-    </head>
-    <body>
-        <h1>Layer Tree Example</h1>
-        <p>This is example that shows how create a TreePanel with layers
-        from a map.</p>
-        <p>Note that the js is not minified so it is readable.
-        See <a href="treenodes.js">treenodes.js</a>.</p>
-        <div style="position: relative;">
-            <div id="capgrid"></div>
-            <div id="tree"></div>
-            <div id="mappanel"></div>
-        </div>
-    </body>

Deleted: sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/examples/treenodes.js
--- sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/examples/treenodes.js	2009-06-02 21:56:07 UTC (rev 969)
+++ sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/examples/treenodes.js	2009-06-02 22:00:28 UTC (rev 970)
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-var store, tree, panel;
-Ext.onReady(function() {
-    // create a new WMS capabilities store
-    store = new GeoExt.data.WMSCapabilitiesStore({
-        url: "data/wmscap.xml"
-    });
-    // load the store with records derived from the doc at the above url
-    store.load();
-    var xg = Ext.grid;
-   // row expander
-    var expander = new xg.RowExpander({
-        tpl : new Ext.Template(
-            '<p><b>Abstract:</b> {abstract}</p><br>',
-            '<p><b>Available formats:</b> {formats}</p>'
-        )
-    });
-    // create a grid to display records from the store
-    var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
-        title: "WMS Capabilities",
-        store: store,
-        cm: new xg.ColumnModel([
-            expander,
-            {header: "Name", dataIndex: "name", sortable: true},
-            {id: "title", header: "Title", dataIndex: "title", sortable: true}
-        ]),
-        sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect:true}),
-        autoExpandColumn: "title",
-        renderTo: "capgrid",
-        plugins: expander, 
-        height: 300,
-        width: 350,
-        floating: true,
-        x: 10,
-        y: 0,
-        bbar: ["->", {
-            text: "Add Layer",
-            handler: function() {
-                var record = grid.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
-                if(record) {
-                    record = record.copy();
-                    record.get("layer").mergeNewParams({
-                        format: "image/png",
-                        transparent: "true"
-                    });
-                    panel.layers.add(record);
-                    panel.map.zoomToExtent(
-                        OpenLayers.Bounds.fromArray(record.get("llbbox"))
-                    );
-                }
-            }
-        }]
-    });
-    // create a map panel
-    panel = new GeoExt.MapPanel({
-        renderTo: "mappanel",
-        width: 350,
-        height: 300,
-        floating: true,
-        x: 570,
-        y: 0
-    });
-    tree = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({
-        renderTo: "tree",
-        root: new GeoExt.tree.LayerContainer({
-            text: 'Map Layers',
-            layerStore: panel.layers,
-            leaf: false,
-            expanded: true
-        }),
-        enableDD: true,
-        width: 170,
-        height: 300,
-        floating: true,
-        x: 380,
-        y: 0
-    });

Deleted: sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/examples/wms-capabilities2.html
--- sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/examples/wms-capabilities2.html	2009-06-02 21:56:07 UTC (rev 969)
+++ sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/examples/wms-capabilities2.html	2009-06-02 22:00:28 UTC (rev 970)
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-    <head>
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../openlayers/lib/OpenLayers.js"></script>
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext/ext-all-debug.js"></script>
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/GeoExt.js"></script>
-        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../ext/resources/css/ext-all.css"></link>
-        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../ext/examples/shared/examples.css"></link>
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="RowExpander.js"></script>        
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="wms-capabilities2.js"></script>
-    </head>
-    <body>
-        <h1>WMS Capabilities Grid Example</h1>
-        <p>This example shows how to load a grid with data from a WMS
-        capabilities document.  The grid has a row expander plugin that allows
-        you to expand rows to see additional layer metadata.  A button on the
-        bottom toolbar lets you add layers from the grid to the map.</p>
-        <p>Note that the js is not minified so it is readable.
-        See <a href="wms-capabilities2.js">wms-capabilities2.js</a>.</p>
-        <div style="position: relative;">
-            <div id="capgrid"></div>
-            <div id="mappanel"></div>
-        </div>
-    </body>

Deleted: sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/examples/wms-capabilities2.js
--- sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/examples/wms-capabilities2.js	2009-06-02 21:56:07 UTC (rev 969)
+++ sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/examples/wms-capabilities2.js	2009-06-02 22:00:28 UTC (rev 970)
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-var store, panel;
-Ext.onReady(function() {
-    // create a new WMS capabilities store
-    store = new GeoExt.data.WMSCapabilitiesStore({
-        url: "data/wmscap.xml"
-    });
-    // load the store with records derived from the doc at the above url
-    store.load();
-    var xg = Ext.grid;
-   // row expander
-    var expander = new xg.RowExpander({
-        tpl : new Ext.Template(
-            '<p><b>Abstract:</b> {abstract}</p><br>',
-            '<p><b>Available formats:</b> {formats}</p>'
-        )
-    });
-    // create a grid to display records from the store
-    var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
-        title: "WMS Capabilities",
-        store: store,
-        cm: new xg.ColumnModel([
-            expander,
-            {header: "Name", dataIndex: "name", sortable: true},
-            {id: "title", header: "Title", dataIndex: "title", sortable: true}
-        ]),
-        sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect:true}),
-        autoExpandColumn: "title",
-        renderTo: "capgrid",
-        plugins: expander, 
-        height: 300,
-        width: 350,
-        floating: true,
-        x: 10,
-        y: 0,
-        bbar: ["->", {
-            text: "Add Layer",
-            handler: function() {
-                var record = grid.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
-                if(record) {
-                    record = record.copy();
-                    record.get("layer").mergeNewParams({
-                        format: "image/png",
-                        transparent: "true"
-                    });
-                    panel.layers.add(record);
-                    panel.map.zoomToExtent(
-                        OpenLayers.Bounds.fromArray(record.get("llbbox"))
-                    );
-                }
-            }
-        }]
-    });
-    // create a map panel
-    panel = new GeoExt.MapPanel({
-        renderTo: "mappanel",
-        width: 350,
-        height: 300,
-        floating: true,
-        x: 400,
-        y: 0
-    });

Deleted: sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/lib/GeoExt/widgets/ScaleSlider.js
--- sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/lib/GeoExt/widgets/ScaleSlider.js	2009-06-02 21:56:07 UTC (rev 969)
+++ sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/lib/GeoExt/widgets/ScaleSlider.js	2009-06-02 22:00:28 UTC (rev 970)
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2008 The Open Planning Project
- */
- * Class: GeoExt.ScaleSlider
- */
-GeoExt.ScaleSlider = Ext.extend(Ext.Slider, {
-    /**
-     * Property: map
-     * {OpenLayers.Map} The map that this slider is connected to
-     */
-    map: null,
-    // private overrides
-    minValue: Number.MIN_VALUE,
-    maxValue: Number.MAX_VALUE,
-    /**
-     * Property: baseCls
-     */
-    baseCls: "gx-scaleslider",
-    /**
-     * Property: updating
-     * {Boolean} The slider position is being updated by itself (based on
-     *     map zoomend).
-     */
-    updating: false,
-    // private override
-    initComponent: function() {
-        GeoExt.ScaleSlider.superclass.initComponent.call(this);
-        if(this.map) {
-            this.bind(this.map);
-        }
-        this.on({
-            "changecomplete": this.changeHandler,
-            "beforedestroy": this.unbind,
-            scope: this
-        });
-    },
-    /**
-     * Override onRender to set base css class.
-     */
-    onRender: function() {
-        GeoExt.ScaleSlider.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments);
-        this.el.addClass(this.baseCls);
-    },
-    /**
-     * Override afterRender because the render event is fired too early
-     * to call update.
-     */
-    afterRender : function(){
-        Ext.Slider.superclass.afterRender.apply(this, arguments);
-        this.update();
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: addToMap
-     * Called by a MapPanel if this component is one of the items in the panel.
-     */
-    addToMap: function(panel) {
-        this.on({
-            render: function() {
-                var el = this.getEl();
-                el.setStyle({
-                    position: "absolute",
-                    zIndex: panel.map.Z_INDEX_BASE.Control
-                });
-                el.on({
-                    mousedown: this.stopMouseEvents,
-                    click: this.stopMouseEvents
-                });
-            },
-            scope: this
-        });
-        this.bind(panel.map);
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: stopMouseEvents
-     */
-    stopMouseEvents: function(e) {
-        e.stopEvent();
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: removeFromMap
-     * Called by a MapPanel if this component is one of the items in the panel.
-     */
-    removeFromMap: function(panel) {
-        var el = this.getEl();
-        el.un("mousedown", this.stopMouseEvents);
-        el.un("click", this.stopMouseEvents);
-        this.unbind();
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: bind
-     *
-     * Parameters:
-     * map - {OpenLayers.Map}
-     */
-    bind: function(map) {
-        this.map = map;
-        this.map.events.on({
-            zoomend: this.update,
-            changebaselayer: this.initZoomValues,
-            scope: this
-        });
-        if(this.map.baseLayer) {
-            this.initZoomValues();
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: unbind
-     */
-    unbind: function() {
-        if(this.map) {
-            this.map.events.un({
-                zoomend: this.update,
-                changebaselayer: this.initZoomValues,
-                scope: this
-            });
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: initZoomValues
-     * Set the min/max values for the slider if not set in the config.
-     */
-    initZoomValues: function() {
-        var layer = this.map.baseLayer;
-        if(this.initialConfig.minValue === undefined) {
-            this.minValue = layer.minZoomLevel || 1;
-        }
-        if(this.initialConfig.maxValue === undefined) {
-            this.maxValue = layer.maxZoomLevel || layer.numZoomLevels - 1;
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: getZoom
-     * Get the zoom level for the associated map based on the slider value.
-     *
-     * Returns:
-     * {Number} The map zoom level.
-     */
-    getZoom: function() {
-        return this.getValue();
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: getScale
-     * Get the scale denominator for the associated map based on the slider value.
-     *
-     * Returns:
-     * {Number} The map scale denominator.
-     */
-    getScale: function() {
-        return OpenLayers.Util.getScaleFromResolution(
-            this.map.getResolutionForZoom(this.getValue()),
-            this.map.getUnits()
-        );
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: getResolution
-     * Get the resolution for the associated map based on the slider value.
-     *
-     * Returns:
-     * {Number} The map resolution.
-     */
-    getResolution: function() {
-        return this.map.getResolutionForZoom(this.getValue());
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: changeHandler
-     * Registered as a listener for slider changecomplete.  Zooms the map.
-     */
-    changeHandler: function() {
-        if(this.map && !this.updating) {
-            this.map.zoomTo(this.getValue());
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: update
-     * Registered as a listener for map zoomend.  Updates the value of the slider.
-     */
-    update: function() {
-        if(this.rendered && this.map) {
-            this.updating = true;
-            this.setValue(this.map.getZoom());
-            this.updating = false;
-        }
-    }
-Ext.reg('gx_scaleslider', GeoExt.ScaleSlider);

Deleted: sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tips/ScaleSliderTip.js
--- sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tips/ScaleSliderTip.js	2009-06-02 21:56:07 UTC (rev 969)
+++ sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tips/ScaleSliderTip.js	2009-06-02 22:00:28 UTC (rev 970)
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2008 The Open Planning Project
- */
- * @include GeoExt/widgets/tips/SliderTip.js
- */
- * Class: GeoExt.ScaleSliderTip
- * A slider to control and show the current scale of a map.
- */
-GeoExt.ScaleSliderTip = Ext.extend(GeoExt.SliderTip, {
-    /**
-     * Property: template
-     * {String} Template for the tip. Can be customized using the following
-     * keywords in curly braces:
-     * - *zoom* the zoom level
-     * - *resolution* the resolution
-     * - *scale* the scale denominator
-     */
-    template: '<div>Zoom Level: {zoom}</div>' +
-        '<div>Resolution: {resolution}</div>' +
-        '<div>Scale: 1 : {scale}</div>',
-    /**
-     * Property: compiledTemplate
-     * {Ext.Template} The template compiled from the <template> string on init.
-     */
-    compiledTemplate: null,
-    /**
-     * Method: init
-     */
-    init: function(slider) {
-        this.compiledTemplate = new Ext.Template(this.template);
-        GeoExt.ScaleSliderTip.superclass.init.call(this, slider);
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: getText
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * slider - {Ext.Slider} the slider this tip is attached to.
-     */
-    getText : function(slider) {
-        var data = {
-            zoom: slider.getZoom(),
-            resolution: slider.getResolution(),
-            scale: Math.round(slider.getScale()) 
-        };
-        return this.compiledTemplate.apply(data);
-    }

Deleted: sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/TristateCheckboxNode.js
--- sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/TristateCheckboxNode.js	2009-06-02 21:56:07 UTC (rev 969)
+++ sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/lib/GeoExt/widgets/tree/TristateCheckboxNode.js	2009-06-02 22:00:28 UTC (rev 970)
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2008 The Open Planning Project
- */
- * Class: GeoExt.tree.TristateCheckboxNodeUI
- * 
- * Inherits from:
- * - <Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI>
- */
-GeoExt.tree.TristateCheckboxNodeUI = Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI, {
-    /**
-     * Constructor: GeoExt.tree.TristateCheckbosNodeUI
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * config - {Object}
-     */
-    constructor: function(config) {
-        GeoExt.tree.TristateCheckboxNodeUI.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: toggleCheck
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * value - {Boolean} checked status
-     * thirdState - {Boolean}
-     * options - {Object} Hash of options for this method
-     * 
-     * Currently supported options:
-     * silent - {Boolean} set to true if no checkchange event should be
-     *     fired
-     */
-    toggleCheck: function(value, thirdState, options) {
-        options = options || {}
-        var cb = this.checkbox;
-        if(thirdState == true) {
-            if(cb) {
-                Ext.get(cb).setOpacity(0.5);
-            }
-            this.node.attributes.thirdState = true;
-        } else {
-            if(cb) {
-                Ext.get(cb).clearOpacity();
-            }
-            delete this.node.attributes.thirdState;
-        }
-        options.silent && this.node.suspendEvents();
-        GeoExt.tree.TristateCheckboxNodeUI.superclass.toggleCheck.call(this,
-            value);
-        options.silent && this.node.resumeEvents();
-    }
- * Class: GeoExt.tree.TristateCheckboxNode
- * 
- * Provides a tree node that will have a third state (stored in
- * attributes.thirdState) to have a proper semi-checked state for
- * nodes with only *some* children checked. attributes.thirdState will be
- * undefined if the node is checked or unchecked, and true if the node is
- * semi-checked.
- * 
- * This node has also a childcheckchange event that will be triggered with a
- * child node and it's checked state to notify listeners when a the checked
- * state of a child's node has changed.
- * 
- * Applications using this class should not rely on the checkchange event to
- * determine the checked state of non-leaf nodes. Instead, applications should
- * also listen to the childcheckchange event and read out attributes.checked
- * and attributes.thirdState to get the node's checked state.
- * 
- * To use this node type in a JSON config, set nodeType to "tristateCheckbox".
- * 
- * Inherits from:
- * - <Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode>
- */
-GeoExt.tree.TristateCheckboxNode = Ext.extend(Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode, {
-    /**
-     * Property: checkedChildNodes
-     * {Object} Hash of 0.1 for thirdState nodes and 1 for fully checked
-     *     nodes, keyed by node ids. In combination with <checkedCount>,
-     *     this provides an efficient way of keeping track of the childnodes'
-     *     checked state.
-     */
-    checkedChildNodes: null,
-    /**
-     * Property: checkedCount
-     * {Number} A cache for the sum of checkedChildNodes' values.
-     */
-    checkedCount: null,
-    /**
-     * Constructor: GeoExt.tree.TristateCheckboxNode
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * config - {Object}
-     */
-    constructor: function(config) {
-        this.checkedChildNodes = {};
-        this.checkedCount = 0;
-        this.defaultUI = this.defaultUI || GeoExt.tree.TristateCheckboxNodeUI;
-        this.addEvents(
-            /**
-             * Event: childcheckchange
-             * Fired to notify a parent node that the status of its checked
-             *     child nodes has changed.
-             */
-            "childcheckchange"
-        );
-        GeoExt.tree.TristateCheckboxNode.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
-        this.on("childcheckchange", this.updateCheckedChildNodes, this);
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: render
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * bulkRender - {Boolean}
-     */
-    render: function(bulkRender) {
-        var rendered = this.rendered;
-        var checked = this.attributes.checked;
-        this.attributes.checked =
-            typeof this.attributes.checked == "undefined" ? false :
-            this.attributes.checked;
-        GeoExt.tree.TristateCheckboxNode.superclass.render.call(this, bulkRender);
-        var ui = this.getUI();
-        if(!rendered) {
-            if(typeof checked == "undefined" && this.parentNode.ui.checkbox) {
-                ui.toggleCheck(this.parentNode.ui.checkbox.checked);
-            }
-            this.parentNode.on("checkchange", function(node, checked) {
-                ui.toggleCheck(checked);
-            }, this);
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: updateCheckedChildNodes
-     * Updates the status cache of checked child nodes.
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * node - {Ext.tree.Node} child node that has changed
-     * checked - {Boolean} new checked status of the changed child node
-     */
-    updateCheckedChildNodes: function(node, checked) {
-        if(checked) {
-            this.addChecked(node, node.attributes.thirdState);
-        } else {
-            this.removeChecked(node);
-        }
-        var childrenChecked, childrenThirdState;
-        if(this.checkedCount.toFixed() == this.childNodes.length) {
-            childrenChecked = true;
-            childrenThirdState = false;
-        } else if(this.checkedCount.toFixed(1) == 0) {
-            childrenChecked = false;
-            childrenThirdState = false;
-        } else {
-            childrenChecked = true;
-            childrenThirdState = true;
-        }
-        // do a special silent toggleCheck to avoid checkchange events being
-        // triggered
-        this.getUI().toggleCheck(childrenChecked, childrenThirdState,
-            {silent: true});
-        if(this.parentNode) {
-            this.parentNode.fireEvent("childcheckchange", this,
-                childrenChecked);
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: appendChild
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * node - {Ext.tree.Node}
-     */
-    appendChild: function(node) {
-        GeoExt.tree.TristateCheckboxNode.superclass.appendChild.call(this, node);
-        if(this.attributes.checked || node.attributes.checked) {
-            this.addChecked(node);
-        }
-        // We do not want this event handler to trigger checkchange events on
-        // parent nodes, because this would cause bouncing between this
-        // handler and the handler for (un-)checking children on a parent's
-        // checkchange event. So we introduce a special childcheckchange
-        // event with a handler that will also trigger this event on the
-        // parent.
-        node.on("checkchange", function(node, checked) {
-            if(this.childrenRendered) {
-                this.fireEvent("childcheckchange", node, checked);
-            }
-        }, this);
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: addChecked
-     * Adds a child node to the checkedChildNodes hash. Adds 1 for fully
-     * checked nodes, 0.1 for third state checked nodes.
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * node - {Ext.tree.Node}
-     * thirdState - {Boolean}
-     */
-    addChecked: function(node, thirdState) {
-        // subtract current value (if any). This is needed to change from a
-        // tristate to a fully checked state and vice versa.
-        this.checkedCount -= (this.checkedChildNodes[node.id] || 0);
-        var add = thirdState ? 0.1 : 1;
-        this.checkedChildNodes[node.id] = add;
-        this.checkedCount += add;
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: removeChecked
-     * Removes a child node from the checkedChildNodes hash.
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * node - {Ext.tree.Node}
-     */
-    removeChecked: function(node) {
-        var remove = this.checkedChildNodes[node.id]
-        if(remove) {
-            delete this.checkedChildNodes[node.id];
-            this.checkedCount -= remove;
-        }
-    }
- * NodeType: gx_tristatecheckbox
- */
-Ext.tree.TreePanel.nodeTypes.gx_tristatecheckbox = GeoExt.tree.TristateCheckboxNode;

Modified: sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/tests/lib/GeoExt/data/LayerReader.html
--- sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/tests/lib/GeoExt/data/LayerReader.html	2009-06-02 21:56:07 UTC (rev 969)
+++ sandbox/opengeo/geoexplorer/tests/lib/GeoExt/data/LayerReader.html	2009-06-02 22:00:28 UTC (rev 970)
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
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