[Commits] r975 - in apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk: build lib lib/Ext lib/Ext/grid lib/GeoExplorer lib/GeoExplorer/Full script

commits at geoext.org commits at geoext.org
Wed Jun 3 20:38:05 CEST 2009

Author: dwins
Date: 2009-06-03 20:38:04 +0200 (Wed, 03 Jun 2009)
New Revision: 975

Switch to JSAN structure

Modified: apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/build/geoexplorer-all.cfg
--- apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/build/geoexplorer-all.cfg	2009-06-03 18:36:27 UTC (rev 974)
+++ apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/build/geoexplorer-all.cfg	2009-06-03 18:38:04 UTC (rev 975)
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@
-    GeoExplorer/Full/Full.js
-    GeoExplorer/Embed/Embed.js
+    GeoExplorer/Full.js
+    GeoExplorer/Embed.js

Added: apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/Ext/grid/RowExpander.js
--- apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/Ext/grid/RowExpander.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/Ext/grid/RowExpander.js	2009-06-03 18:38:04 UTC (rev 975)
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+ * Ext JS Library 2.2.1
+ * Copyright(c) 2006-2009, Ext JS, LLC.
+ * licensing at extjs.com
+ * 
+ * http://extjs.com/license
+ */
+Ext.grid.RowExpander = function(config){
+    Ext.apply(this, config);
+    this.addEvents({
+        beforeexpand : true,
+        expand: true,
+        beforecollapse: true,
+        collapse: true
+    });
+    Ext.grid.RowExpander.superclass.constructor.call(this);
+    if(this.tpl){
+        if(typeof this.tpl == 'string'){
+            this.tpl = new Ext.Template(this.tpl);
+        }
+        this.tpl.compile();
+    }
+    this.state = {};
+    this.bodyContent = {};
+Ext.extend(Ext.grid.RowExpander, Ext.util.Observable, {
+    header: "",
+    width: 20,
+    sortable: false,
+    fixed:true,
+    menuDisabled:true,
+    dataIndex: '',
+    id: 'expander',
+    lazyRender : true,
+    enableCaching: true,
+    getRowClass : function(record, rowIndex, p, ds){
+        p.cols = p.cols-1;
+        var content = this.bodyContent[record.id];
+        if(!content && !this.lazyRender){
+            content = this.getBodyContent(record, rowIndex);
+        }
+        if(content){
+            p.body = content;
+        }
+        return this.state[record.id] ? 'x-grid3-row-expanded' : 'x-grid3-row-collapsed';
+    },
+    init : function(grid){
+        this.grid = grid;
+        var view = grid.getView();
+        view.getRowClass = this.getRowClass.createDelegate(this);
+        view.enableRowBody = true;
+        grid.on('render', function(){
+            view.mainBody.on('mousedown', this.onMouseDown, this);
+        }, this);
+    },
+    getBodyContent : function(record, index){
+        if(!this.enableCaching){
+            return this.tpl.apply(record.data);
+        }
+        var content = this.bodyContent[record.id];
+        if(!content){
+            content = this.tpl.apply(record.data);
+            this.bodyContent[record.id] = content;
+        }
+        return content;
+    },
+    onMouseDown : function(e, t){
+        if(t.className == 'x-grid3-row-expander'){
+            e.stopEvent();
+            var row = e.getTarget('.x-grid3-row');
+            this.toggleRow(row);
+        }
+    },
+    renderer : function(v, p, record){
+        p.cellAttr = 'rowspan="2"';
+        return '<div class="x-grid3-row-expander">&#160;</div>';
+    },
+    beforeExpand : function(record, body, rowIndex){
+        if(this.fireEvent('beforeexpand', this, record, body, rowIndex) !== false){
+            if(this.tpl && this.lazyRender){
+                body.innerHTML = this.getBodyContent(record, rowIndex);
+            }
+            return true;
+        }else{
+            return false;
+        }
+    },
+    toggleRow : function(row){
+        if(typeof row == 'number'){
+            row = this.grid.view.getRow(row);
+        }
+        this[Ext.fly(row).hasClass('x-grid3-row-collapsed') ? 'expandRow' : 'collapseRow'](row);
+    },
+    expandRow : function(row){
+        if(typeof row == 'number'){
+            row = this.grid.view.getRow(row);
+        }
+        var record = this.grid.store.getAt(row.rowIndex);
+        var body = Ext.DomQuery.selectNode('tr:nth(2) div.x-grid3-row-body', row);
+        if(this.beforeExpand(record, body, row.rowIndex)){
+            this.state[record.id] = true;
+            Ext.fly(row).replaceClass('x-grid3-row-collapsed', 'x-grid3-row-expanded');
+            this.fireEvent('expand', this, record, body, row.rowIndex);
+        }
+    },
+    collapseRow : function(row){
+        if(typeof row == 'number'){
+            row = this.grid.view.getRow(row);
+        }
+        var record = this.grid.store.getAt(row.rowIndex);
+        var body = Ext.fly(row).child('tr:nth(1) div.x-grid3-row-body', true);
+        if(this.fireEvent('beforecollapse', this, record, body, row.rowIndex) !== false){
+            this.state[record.id] = false;
+            Ext.fly(row).replaceClass('x-grid3-row-expanded', 'x-grid3-row-collapsed');
+            this.fireEvent('collapse', this, record, body, row.rowIndex);
+        }
+    }

Modified: apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer/CapabilitiesGrid.js
--- apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer/CapabilitiesGrid.js	2009-06-03 18:36:27 UTC (rev 974)
+++ apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer/CapabilitiesGrid.js	2009-06-03 18:38:04 UTC (rev 975)
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
  * passed-in :class:`GeoExt.MapPanel` from the grid.
-var CapabilitiesGrid = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridPanel, {
+GeoExplorer.CapabilitiesGrid = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridPanel, {
     store: null,
@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@
             {header: "Queryable", dataIndex: "queryable"}
-        CapabilitiesGrid.superclass.initComponent.call(this);       
+        GeoExplorer.CapabilitiesGrid.superclass.initComponent.call(this);       
     /** api: method[addLayers]

Added: apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer/Embed.js
--- apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer/Embed.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer/Embed.js	2009-06-03 18:38:04 UTC (rev 975)
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+/** api: (define)
+ *  module = GeoExplorer
+ *  class = Embed
+ *  base_link = GeoExplorer
+ */
+/** api: constructor
+ *  ..class:: GeoExplorer.Embed(config)
+ *
+ *  Create a GeoExplorer application suitable for embedding in larger pages.
+ */
+GeoExplorer.Embed = Ext.extend(GeoExplorer, {
+    /**
+     * api: method[createLayout]
+     * Create the various parts that compose the layout.
+     */
+    createLayout: function() {
+        // create the map
+        // TODO: check this.initialConfig.map for any map options
+        this.map = new OpenLayers.Map({
+            allOverlays: true,
+            controls: [new OpenLayers.Control.PanPanel(),
+                       new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomPanel()]
+        });
+        //** Remove this code when OpenLayers #2069 is closed **
+        var onDoubleClick = function(ctrl, evt) { 
+ 	        OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt ? evt : window.event); 
+        };
+        var controls = this.map.controls[0].controls;
+        for(var i = 0; i < controls.length; i++){
+            OpenLayers.Event.observe(controls[i].panel_div, "dblclick",  
+ 	                             OpenLayers.Function.bind(onDoubleClick, this.map.controls[0], controls[i])); 
+        }        
+        //******************************************************
+        //TODO: make this more configurable
+        this.map.events.on({
+            "preaddlayer" : function(evt){
+                if(evt.layer.mergeNewParams){
+                    var maxExtent = evt.layer.maxExtent;
+                    evt.layer.mergeNewParams({
+                        transparent: true,
+                        format: "image/png",
+                        tiled: true,
+                        tilesorigin: [maxExtent.left, maxExtent.bottom]
+                    });
+                }
+            },
+            scope : this
+        });
+        // place map in panel
+        var mapConfig = this.initialConfig.map || {};
+        this.mapPanel = new GeoExt.MapPanel({
+            layout: "anchor",
+            border: true,
+            region: "center",
+            map: this.map,
+            // TODO: update the OpenLayers.Map constructor to accept an initial center
+            center: mapConfig.center && new OpenLayers.LonLat(mapConfig.center[0], mapConfig.center[1]),
+            // TODO: update the OpenLayers.Map constructor to accept an initial zoom
+            zoom: mapConfig.zoom,
+            items: [
+                {
+                    xtype: "gx_scaleslider",
+                    vertical: true,
+                    height: 100,
+                    plugins: new GeoExt.ScaleSliderTip({
+                        template: "<div>Zoom Level: {zoom}</div>"
+                    })
+                },
+                this.createMapOverlay()
+            ]
+        });
+        // create layer store
+        this.layers = this.mapPanel.layers;
+        this.registerBackgroundListeners();
+        var addLayerButton = new Ext.Button({
+            tooltip : "Add Layers",
+            disabled: true,
+            iconCls: "icon-addlayers",
+            handler : this.showCapabilitiesGrid,
+            scope: this
+        });
+        this.on("ready", function() {addLayerButton.enable();});
+        var toolbar = new Ext.Toolbar({
+            xtype: "toolbar",
+            region: "north",
+            disabled: true,
+            items: this.createTools()
+        });
+        this.on("ready", function() {toolbar.enable();});
+        var viewport = new Ext.Viewport({
+            layout: "fit",
+            hideBorders: true,
+            items: {
+                layout: "border",
+                deferredRender: false,
+                items: [
+                    toolbar,
+                    this.mapPanel
+                ]
+            }
+        });    
+    },
+    /**
+     * api: method[createTools]
+     * Create the various parts that compose the layout.
+     */
+    createTools: function() {
+        var tools = 
+            GeoExplorer.Embed.superclass.createTools.apply(this, arguments);
+        var menu = new Ext.menu.Menu();
+        var updateLayerSwitcher = function() {
+            menu.removeAll();
+            menu.getEl().addClass("gx-layer-menu");
+            menu.getEl().applyStyles({
+                width: '',
+                height: ''
+            });
+            menu.addItem(new Ext.menu.TextItem({
+                text: 'Layers'
+            }));
+            this.mapPanel.layers.each(function(x) {
+                if (x.get("layer").displayInLayerSwitcher) {
+                    menu.addItem(new GeoExplorer.LayerMenuItem({
+                        layerRecord: x
+                    }));
+                }
+            });
+        };
+        this.mapPanel.layers.on("update", updateLayerSwitcher, this);
+        this.mapPanel.layers.on("remove", updateLayerSwitcher, this);
+        this.mapPanel.layers.on("add", updateLayerSwitcher, this);
+        var layerChooser = new Ext.Button({
+            tooltip: 'Layer Switcher',
+            iconCls: 'icon-layer-switcher',
+            menu: menu
+        });
+        tools.unshift("-");
+        tools.unshift(layerChooser);
+        var aboutButton = new Ext.Button({
+            tooltip: "About this map",
+            iconCls: "icon-about",
+            handler: this.displayAppInfo
+        });
+        tools.push("->");
+        tools.push(new Ext.Button({
+            tooltip: "Bookmark",
+            handler: this.bookmark,
+            scope: this,
+            iconCls: "icon-bookmark"
+        }));
+        // tools.push("-");
+        tools.push(aboutButton);
+        return tools;
+    }

Modified: apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer/Full/Full.js
--- apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer/Full/Full.js	2009-06-03 18:36:27 UTC (rev 974)
+++ apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer/Full/Full.js	2009-06-03 18:38:04 UTC (rev 975)
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009 The Open Planning Project
- */
- * api: (define)
- * module = GeoExplorer
- * class = GeoExplorer.Full(config)
- * extends = GeoExplorer
- */
-/** api: constructor
- *  .. class:: GeoExplorer.Full(config)
- *
- *      Create a GeoExplorer application intended for full-screen display.
- */
-GeoExplorer.Full = Ext.extend(GeoExplorer, {
-    /**
-     * api: method[createTools]
-     * Create the toolbar configuration for the main view.
-     */
-    createTools: function() {
-        var tools = 
-            GeoExplorer.Full.superclass.createTools.apply(this, arguments);
-        var aboutButton = new Ext.Button({
-            text: "GeoExplorer",
-            iconCls: "icon-geoexplorer",
-            handler: this.displayAppInfo
-        });
-        tools.unshift("-");
-        tools.unshift(new Ext.Button({
-            tooltip: "Bookmark",
-            handler: this.bookmark,
-            scope: this,
-            iconCls: "icon-bookmark"
-        }));
-        tools.unshift(new Ext.Button({
-            tooltip: "Export as blog widget",
-            handler: this.showEmbedWizard,
-            scope: this,
-            iconCls: 'icon-export'
-        }));
-        tools.unshift("-");
-        tools.unshift(aboutButton);
-        return tools;
-    },
-    /** private: method[showEmbedWizard]
-     *
-     * Builds several panels and combines them into a 
-     * :class:``GeoExplorer.Wizard`` to guide the user through customizing and 
-     * exporting a map for display embedded in another website.
-     *
-     * ..seealso:: :method:`GeoExplorer.Full.makeLayerWizardPane`, :method:`GeoExplorer.Full.makeFinalWizardPane`
-     */
-    showEmbedWizard: function() {
-        var config = this.extractConfiguration();
-        var layerSelection = this.makeLayerWizardPane(config);
-        var finalize = this.makeFinalWizardPane(config);
-        var wizard = new GeoExplorer.Wizard({
-            height: 300,
-            width: 400,
-            resizable: false,
-            modal: true,
-            title: "Export Map",
-            pages: [{
-                title: 'Layers',
-                panel: layerSelection
-            },{
-                title: 'Done!', 
-                panel: finalize
-            }]
-        });
-        wizard.show();
-    },
-    /** private: method[makeFinalWizardPane]
-     *
-     * Create the 'okay, done!' page of the export wizard, providing the HTML 
-     * snippet to use for embedding the map, etc. 
-     */
-    makeFinalWizardPane: function(config) {
-        var description = new Ext.Panel({
-            cls: 'gx-wizard-description',
-            html: '<p> Your map is ready to be published to the web! </p>' +
-            '<p> Simply copy the following HTML to embed the map in your website: </p>',
-            border: false
-        });
-        var snippetArea = new Ext.form.TextArea({
-            height: '100',
-            selectOnFocus: true,
-            enableKeyEvents: true,
-            listeners: {
-                keypress: function(area, evt) {
-                    evt.stopEvent();
-                }
-            }
-        });
-        var heightField = new Ext.form.NumberField({width: 50, value: 400});
-        var widthField = new Ext.form.NumberField({width: 50, value: 600});
-        var updateSnippet = function() {
-            var query = Ext.urlEncode({q: Ext.util.JSON.encode(config)}); 
-            // TODO: configurablize!!!1!!!!!111!!!!!!
-            var pathname = document.location.pathname.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, '/embed-debug.html'); 
-            var url = 
-                document.location.protocol + "//" +
-                document.location.hostname +
-                pathname + "?" + query;
-            snippetArea.setValue('<iframe height="' + heightField.getValue() +
-                ' " width="' + widthField.getValue() + '" src="' + url +
-                '"> </iframe>');
-        };
-        heightField.on("change", updateSnippet);
-        widthField.on("change", updateSnippet);
-        var snippet = new Ext.Panel({
-            border: false,
-            layout: 'fit',
-            cls: 'gx-snippet-area',
-            items: [snippetArea]
-        });
-        var adjustments = new Ext.Panel({
-            layout: "column",
-            items: [
-                new Ext.Panel({
-                border: false, 
-                width: 90,
-                items: [
-                    new Ext.form.ComboBox({
-                    editable: false,
-                    width: 70,
-                    store: new Ext.data.SimpleStore({
-                        fields: ["name", "height", "width"],
-                        data: [
-                            ["Mini", 100, 100],
-                            ["Small", 200, 300],
-                            ["Large", 400, 600],
-                            ["Premium", 600, 800]
-                        ]}),
-                    triggerAction: 'all',
-                    displayField: 'name',
-                    value: "Large",
-                    mode: 'local',
-                    listeners: {
-                        'select': function(combo, record, index) {
-                                widthField.setValue(record.get("width"));
-                                heightField.setValue(record.get("height"));
-                                updateSnippet();
-                            }
-                        }
-                    })
-                ]}),
-                {cls: 'gx-field-label', html: "Height", border: false},
-                heightField,
-                {cls: 'gx-field-label', html: "Width", border: false},
-                widthField
-            ],
-            border: false
-        });
-        return new Ext.Panel({
-            cls: 'gx-wizard-pane',
-            border: false,
-            items: [
-                description, 
-                snippet, 
-                {cls: 'gx-field-label', html: "Map Size", border: false},
-                adjustments],
-            listeners: {
-                show: updateSnippet
-            }
-        });
-    },
-    /** api: method[makeLayerWizardPane]
-     * Create the layer selection page for the export wizard.
-     */
-    makeLayerWizardPane: function (config) {
-        var datalayers = [];
-        var basemaps = [];
-        for (var i = 0, len = config.map.layers.length; i < len; i++) {
-            if (config.map.layers[i].background) {
-                basemaps.push(config.map.layers[i]);
-            } else {
-                datalayers.push(config.map.layers[i]);
-            }
-        }
-        var datalayerstore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
-            fields: ['name', {name: 'visibility', type: 'bool'}],
-            data: datalayers
-        });
-        var basemapstore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
-            fields: ['name', {name: 'visibility', type: 'bool'}],
-            data: basemaps
-        });
-        var titleRenderer = function(value) {
-            var record = layerStore.getAt(layerStore.find("name", value));
-            return record.get('title') || value;
-        };
-        var cbRenderer = function(value) {
-            return '<input type="checkbox"' +
-                (value ? ' checked="checked"' : '') +
-                '></input>';
-        };
-        var datagrid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
-            store: datalayerstore,
-            region: 'center',
-            autoScroll: true,
-            columns: [
-                {
-                    header: '<img src="theme/img/silk/eye.png"></img>',
-                    id: 'visibility',
-                    dataIndex: 'visibility',
-                    width: 28,
-                    renderer: cbRenderer
-                },{
-                    header: 'Layer Name',
-                    id: 'layer',
-                    dataIndex: 'name',
-                    renderer: titleRenderer
-                }
-            ],
-            autoExpandColumn:'layer',
-            title: "Data Layers",
-            listeners: {
-                rowclick: function(grid, index, evt) {
-                    var record = grid.getStore().getAt(index);
-                    record.set("visibility", !record.get("visibility"));
-                }
-            }
-        });
-        var radioRenderer = function(value) {
-            return '<input type="radio"' +
-                (value ? ' checked="checked"' : '') +
-                '></input>';
-        };
-        var layerStore = this.mapPanel.layers;
-        var basegrid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
-            store: basemapstore,
-            region: 'east',
-            width: 150,
-            resizable: true,
-            autoScroll: true,
-            columns: [
-                {
-                    header: '<img src="theme/img/silk/star.png"></img>',
-                    id: 'visibility',
-                    dataIndex: 'visibility',
-                    width: 28,
-                    renderer: radioRenderer
-                }, {
-                    header: 'Layer Name',
-                    id: 'layer',
-                    dataIndex: 'name',
-                    renderer: titleRenderer
-                }
-            ],
-            autoExpandColumn:'layer',
-            title: "Base Layers",
-            listeners: {
-                rowclick: function(grid, index, evt) {
-                    var record = grid.getStore().getAt(index);
-                    grid.getStore().each(function(record) {
-                        record.set("visibility", false);
-                    });
-                    record.set("visibility", true);
-                }
-            }
-        });
-        return new Ext.Panel({
-            layout: 'border',
-            border: false,
-            cls: 'gx-wizard-pane',
-            items: [
-                {
-                    region: 'north',
-                    cls: "gx-wizard-description",
-                    border: false,
-                    html:'<p>Choose layers to include in the map:</p>'
-                },
-                datagrid, 
-                basegrid
-            ],
-            listeners: {
-                hide: function() {
-                    for (var i = 0, len = config.map.layers.length;
-                        i < len; 
-                        i++) {
-                        var layer = config.map.layers[i];
-                        var record = 
-                            datalayerstore.getAt(datalayerstore.find("name", layer.name));
-                        if (!record) {
-                            record = 
-                                basemapstore.getAt(basemapstore.find("name", layer.name));
-                        }
-                        if (record) layer.visibility = record.get("visibility");
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        });
-    }

Added: apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer/Full.js
--- apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer/Full.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer/Full.js	2009-06-03 18:38:04 UTC (rev 975)
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 The Open Planning Project
+ */
+ * api: (define)
+ * module = GeoExplorer
+ * class = GeoExplorer.Full(config)
+ * extends = GeoExplorer
+ */
+/** api: constructor
+ *  .. class:: GeoExplorer.Full(config)
+ *
+ *      Create a GeoExplorer application intended for full-screen display.
+ */
+GeoExplorer.Full = Ext.extend(GeoExplorer, {
+    /**
+     * api: method[createTools]
+     * Create the toolbar configuration for the main view.
+     */
+    createTools: function() {
+        var tools = 
+            GeoExplorer.Full.superclass.createTools.apply(this, arguments);
+        var aboutButton = new Ext.Button({
+            text: "GeoExplorer",
+            iconCls: "icon-geoexplorer",
+            handler: this.displayAppInfo
+        });
+        tools.unshift("-");
+        tools.unshift(new Ext.Button({
+            tooltip: "Bookmark",
+            handler: this.bookmark,
+            scope: this,
+            iconCls: "icon-bookmark"
+        }));
+        tools.unshift(new Ext.Button({
+            tooltip: "Export as blog widget",
+            handler: this.showEmbedWizard,
+            scope: this,
+            iconCls: 'icon-export'
+        }));
+        tools.unshift("-");
+        tools.unshift(aboutButton);
+        return tools;
+    },
+    /** private: method[showEmbedWizard]
+     *
+     * Builds several panels and combines them into a 
+     * :class:``GeoExplorer.Wizard`` to guide the user through customizing and 
+     * exporting a map for display embedded in another website.
+     *
+     * ..seealso:: :method:`GeoExplorer.Full.makeLayerWizardPane`, :method:`GeoExplorer.Full.makeFinalWizardPane`
+     */
+    showEmbedWizard: function() {
+        var config = this.extractConfiguration();
+        var layerSelection = this.makeLayerWizardPane(config);
+        var finalize = this.makeFinalWizardPane(config);
+        var wizard = new GeoExplorer.Wizard({
+            height: 300,
+            width: 400,
+            resizable: false,
+            modal: true,
+            title: "Export Map",
+            pages: [{
+                title: 'Layers',
+                panel: layerSelection
+            },{
+                title: 'Done!', 
+                panel: finalize
+            }]
+        });
+        wizard.show();
+    },
+    /** private: method[makeFinalWizardPane]
+     *
+     * Create the 'okay, done!' page of the export wizard, providing the HTML 
+     * snippet to use for embedding the map, etc. 
+     */
+    makeFinalWizardPane: function(config) {
+        var description = new Ext.Panel({
+            cls: 'gx-wizard-description',
+            html: '<p> Your map is ready to be published to the web! </p>' +
+            '<p> Simply copy the following HTML to embed the map in your website: </p>',
+            border: false
+        });
+        var snippetArea = new Ext.form.TextArea({
+            height: '100',
+            selectOnFocus: true,
+            enableKeyEvents: true,
+            listeners: {
+                keypress: function(area, evt) {
+                    evt.stopEvent();
+                }
+            }
+        });
+        var heightField = new Ext.form.NumberField({width: 50, value: 400});
+        var widthField = new Ext.form.NumberField({width: 50, value: 600});
+        var updateSnippet = function() {
+            var query = Ext.urlEncode({q: Ext.util.JSON.encode(config)}); 
+            // TODO: configurablize!!!1!!!!!111!!!!!!
+            var pathname = document.location.pathname.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, '/embed-debug.html'); 
+            var url = 
+                document.location.protocol + "//" +
+                document.location.hostname +
+                pathname + "?" + query;
+            snippetArea.setValue('<iframe height="' + heightField.getValue() +
+                ' " width="' + widthField.getValue() + '" src="' + url +
+                '"> </iframe>');
+        };
+        heightField.on("change", updateSnippet);
+        widthField.on("change", updateSnippet);
+        var snippet = new Ext.Panel({
+            border: false,
+            layout: 'fit',
+            cls: 'gx-snippet-area',
+            items: [snippetArea]
+        });
+        var adjustments = new Ext.Panel({
+            layout: "column",
+            items: [
+                new Ext.Panel({
+                border: false, 
+                width: 90,
+                items: [
+                    new Ext.form.ComboBox({
+                    editable: false,
+                    width: 70,
+                    store: new Ext.data.SimpleStore({
+                        fields: ["name", "height", "width"],
+                        data: [
+                            ["Mini", 100, 100],
+                            ["Small", 200, 300],
+                            ["Large", 400, 600],
+                            ["Premium", 600, 800]
+                        ]}),
+                    triggerAction: 'all',
+                    displayField: 'name',
+                    value: "Large",
+                    mode: 'local',
+                    listeners: {
+                        'select': function(combo, record, index) {
+                                widthField.setValue(record.get("width"));
+                                heightField.setValue(record.get("height"));
+                                updateSnippet();
+                            }
+                        }
+                    })
+                ]}),
+                {cls: 'gx-field-label', html: "Height", border: false},
+                heightField,
+                {cls: 'gx-field-label', html: "Width", border: false},
+                widthField
+            ],
+            border: false
+        });
+        return new Ext.Panel({
+            cls: 'gx-wizard-pane',
+            border: false,
+            items: [
+                description, 
+                snippet, 
+                {cls: 'gx-field-label', html: "Map Size", border: false},
+                adjustments],
+            listeners: {
+                show: updateSnippet
+            }
+        });
+    },
+    /** api: method[makeLayerWizardPane]
+     * Create the layer selection page for the export wizard.
+     */
+    makeLayerWizardPane: function (config) {
+        var datalayers = [];
+        var basemaps = [];
+        for (var i = 0, len = config.map.layers.length; i < len; i++) {
+            if (config.map.layers[i].background) {
+                basemaps.push(config.map.layers[i]);
+            } else {
+                datalayers.push(config.map.layers[i]);
+            }
+        }
+        var datalayerstore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
+            fields: ['name', {name: 'visibility', type: 'bool'}],
+            data: datalayers
+        });
+        var basemapstore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
+            fields: ['name', {name: 'visibility', type: 'bool'}],
+            data: basemaps
+        });
+        var titleRenderer = function(value) {
+            var record = layerStore.getAt(layerStore.find("name", value));
+            return record.get('title') || value;
+        };
+        var cbRenderer = function(value) {
+            return '<input type="checkbox"' +
+                (value ? ' checked="checked"' : '') +
+                '></input>';
+        };
+        var datagrid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
+            store: datalayerstore,
+            region: 'center',
+            autoScroll: true,
+            columns: [
+                {
+                    header: '<img src="theme/img/silk/eye.png"></img>',
+                    id: 'visibility',
+                    dataIndex: 'visibility',
+                    width: 28,
+                    renderer: cbRenderer
+                },{
+                    header: 'Layer Name',
+                    id: 'layer',
+                    dataIndex: 'name',
+                    renderer: titleRenderer
+                }
+            ],
+            autoExpandColumn:'layer',
+            title: "Data Layers",
+            listeners: {
+                rowclick: function(grid, index, evt) {
+                    var record = grid.getStore().getAt(index);
+                    record.set("visibility", !record.get("visibility"));
+                }
+            }
+        });
+        var radioRenderer = function(value) {
+            return '<input type="radio"' +
+                (value ? ' checked="checked"' : '') +
+                '></input>';
+        };
+        var layerStore = this.mapPanel.layers;
+        var basegrid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
+            store: basemapstore,
+            region: 'east',
+            width: 150,
+            resizable: true,
+            autoScroll: true,
+            columns: [
+                {
+                    header: '<img src="theme/img/silk/star.png"></img>',
+                    id: 'visibility',
+                    dataIndex: 'visibility',
+                    width: 28,
+                    renderer: radioRenderer
+                }, {
+                    header: 'Layer Name',
+                    id: 'layer',
+                    dataIndex: 'name',
+                    renderer: titleRenderer
+                }
+            ],
+            autoExpandColumn:'layer',
+            title: "Base Layers",
+            listeners: {
+                rowclick: function(grid, index, evt) {
+                    var record = grid.getStore().getAt(index);
+                    grid.getStore().each(function(record) {
+                        record.set("visibility", false);
+                    });
+                    record.set("visibility", true);
+                }
+            }
+        });
+        return new Ext.Panel({
+            layout: 'border',
+            border: false,
+            cls: 'gx-wizard-pane',
+            items: [
+                {
+                    region: 'north',
+                    cls: "gx-wizard-description",
+                    border: false,
+                    html:'<p>Choose layers to include in the map:</p>'
+                },
+                datagrid, 
+                basegrid
+            ],
+            listeners: {
+                hide: function() {
+                    for (var i = 0, len = config.map.layers.length;
+                        i < len; 
+                        i++) {
+                        var layer = config.map.layers[i];
+                        var record = 
+                            datalayerstore.getAt(datalayerstore.find("name", layer.name));
+                        if (!record) {
+                            record = 
+                                basemapstore.getAt(basemapstore.find("name", layer.name));
+                        }
+                        if (record) layer.visibility = record.get("visibility");
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        });
+    }

Modified: apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer/LayerMenuItem.js
--- apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer/LayerMenuItem.js	2009-06-03 18:36:27 UTC (rev 974)
+++ apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer/LayerMenuItem.js	2009-06-03 18:38:04 UTC (rev 975)
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 /** api: config[layer] 
  * The :class:`GeoExt.data.LayerRecord` to be toggled.
 GeoExplorer.LayerMenuItem = function(config) {
     config.layout = config.layout || 'column';

Modified: apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer/MapToolMenu.js
--- apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer/MapToolMenu.js	2009-06-03 18:36:27 UTC (rev 974)
+++ apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer/MapToolMenu.js	2009-06-03 18:38:04 UTC (rev 975)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  * api: (define)
- * module = MapToolMenu
+ * module = GeoExplorer
  * class = MapToolMenu(config)
  * extends = Ext.menu.Menu
@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@
  * This example uses default names and icons for the menu entries::
  *     var measure, select, zoomBox, draw; // OpenLayers Controls
- *     var menu = new MapToolMenu({tools: [measure, select, zoomBox, draw]});
+ *     var menu = new GeoExplorer.MapToolMenu({tools: [measure, select, zoomBox, draw]});
  * This one provides a custom name and icon for one of the entries::
  *     var measure, select, zoomBox, draw; // OpenLayers Controls
- *     var menu = new MapToolMenu({tools: [{
+ *     var menu = new GeoExplorer.MapToolMenu({tools: [{
  *             text: 'Find a distance', 
  *             tool: measure, 
  *             iconCls: 'x-icon-distance-finder'
@@ -37,13 +37,14 @@
  * Simply create a menu that manipulates OpenLayers map controls.
- * In addition to the normal ``[items]`` array, :class:`MapToolMenu` recognizes
+ * In addition to the normal ``[items]`` array, :class:`GeoExplorer.MapToolMenu` recognizes
  * a ``[tools]`` array.  This can be an array of OpenLayers Control objects, or
  * of simple configuration objects analogous to Ext Map entries.
  * ..seealso:: :class:`Ext.menu.Menu`
-var MapToolMenu = function(options) { 
+GeoExplorer.MapToolMenu = function(options) { 
     options.items = options.items || [];
     var disableTools = function() {
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@
             scope: this
-    MapToolMenu.superclass.constructor.call(this, options);
+    GeoExplorer.MapToolMenu.superclass.constructor.call(this, options);
-Ext.extend(MapToolMenu, Ext.menu.Menu);
+Ext.extend(GeoExplorer.MapToolMenu, Ext.menu.Menu);

Modified: apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer/MapToolSplitToggle.js
--- apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer/MapToolSplitToggle.js	2009-06-03 18:36:27 UTC (rev 974)
+++ apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer/MapToolSplitToggle.js	2009-06-03 18:38:04 UTC (rev 975)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
  * api: (define)
- * module = MapToolSplitToggle
+ * module = GeoExplorer
  * class = MapToolSplitToggle(config)
  * extends = Ext.SplitButton
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
  * This example uses default names and icons for the button and menu entries::
  *      var measure, select, zoomBox, draw; // OpenLayers Controls
- *      var menu = new MapToolSplitToggle({defaultTool: select, tools: [measure, select, zoomBox, draw]});
+ *      var menu = new GeoExplorer.MapToolSplitToggle({defaultTool: select, tools: [measure, select, zoomBox, draw]});
  * This one provides a custom name and icon for one of the entries::
  *      var measure, select, zoomBox, draw; // OpenLayers Controls
- *      var menu = new MapToolSplitToggle({
+ *      var menu = new GeoExplorer.MapToolSplitToggle({
  *          defaultTool: zoomBox,
  *          tools: [{
  *              text: 'Find a distance', 
@@ -51,9 +51,10 @@
  *    These may be simple Control objects, or Ext menu specifications with a 
  *    tool parameter containing the control.  
- * ..seealso:: MapToolMenu
+ * ..seealso:: :class:`GeoExplorer.MapToolMenu`
-var MapToolSplitToggle = function(options) { 
+GeoExplorer.MapToolSplitToggle = function(options) { 
     this.lastActiveTool = options.defaultTool || options.tools[0];
     this.tools = options.tools;
@@ -63,12 +64,12 @@
         toggleHandler: this.handleEvent,
         handler: this.handleEvent,
         scope: this,
-        menu: new MapToolMenu({tools: options.tools})
+        menu: new GeoExplorer.MapToolMenu({tools: options.tools})
     options.menu.on("itemclick", this.handleMenu, this);
-    MapToolSplitToggle.superclass.constructor.call(this, options);
+    GeoExplorer.MapToolSplitToggle.superclass.constructor.call(this, options);
     if (options.toggleGroup) {
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@
-Ext.extend(MapToolSplitToggle, Ext.SplitButton, {
+Ext.extend(GeoExplorer.MapToolSplitToggle, Ext.SplitButton, {
      * api: property[lastActiveTool]
      * The most recently selected :class:`OpenLayers.Control`, to be toggled 
@@ -139,8 +140,8 @@
      * :param: evt: the Ext selection event
      * Called when an item in the menu is selected.  All this does is update 
-     * :attr:`~MapToolSplitToggle.lastActiveTool`; the menu should be a 
-     * :class:`MapToolMenu` to handle the control (de)activation.
+     * :attr:`~GeoExplorer.MapToolSplitToggle.lastActiveTool`; the menu should be a 
+     * :class:`GeoExplorer.MapToolMenu` to handle the control (de)activation.
     handleMenu: function(item, evt) {
         for (var i = 0, len = this.tools.length; i < len; i++) {

Modified: apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer/MapToolToggle.js
--- apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer/MapToolToggle.js	2009-06-03 18:36:27 UTC (rev 974)
+++ apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer/MapToolToggle.js	2009-06-03 18:38:04 UTC (rev 975)
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
  * This example uses default names and icons for the button:: 
  *      var measure = new OpenLayers.Control.Measure(OpenLayers.Handler.Path);
- *      var btn = new MapToolToggle({tool: measure});
+ *      var btn = new GeoExplorer.MapToolToggle({tool: measure});
  * This one provides a custom name and icon::
  *      var measure = new OpenLayers.Control.Measure(OpenLayers.Handler.Path);
- *      var btn = new MapToolToggle({
+ *      var btn = new GeoExplorer.MapToolToggle({
  *              text: 'Find a distance', 
  *              tool: measure, 
  *              iconCls: 'x-icon-distance-finder'
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
  * .. seealso:: :class:`Ext.Button`
-var MapToolToggle = function(options) {
+GeoExplorer.MapToolToggle = function(options) {
     this.mapTool = options.tool;
     Ext.applyIf(options, {
         text: this.findLabel(),
@@ -44,10 +45,10 @@
         handler: this.handleEvent,
         scope: this
-    MapToolToggle.superclass.constructor.call(this, options);
+    GeoExplorer.MapToolToggle.superclass.constructor.call(this, options);
-Ext.extend(MapToolToggle, Ext.Button, {
+Ext.extend(GeoExplorer.MapToolToggle, Ext.Button, {
     /** api: property[mapTool]
      * The OpenLayers Control that this button toggles.

Modified: apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer.js
--- apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer.js	2009-06-03 18:36:27 UTC (rev 974)
+++ apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/GeoExplorer.js	2009-06-03 18:38:04 UTC (rev 975)
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@
         var firstSource = this.layerSources.getAt(0);
-        var capGridPanel = new CapabilitiesGrid({
+        var capGridPanel = new GeoExplorer.CapabilitiesGrid({
             store: firstSource.data.store,
             mapPanel : this.mapPanel,
             layout: 'fit',
@@ -949,7 +949,7 @@
                 scope: this
-            new MapToolSplitToggle({
+            new GeoExplorer.MapToolSplitToggle({
                 tooltip: "Measure",
                 iconCls: "icon-measure-length",
                 defaultTool: measureLength,

Added: apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/Viewer.js
--- apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/Viewer.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/lib/Viewer.js	2009-06-03 18:38:04 UTC (rev 975)
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2008 The Open Planning Project
+ */
+ * api: (define)
+ * module = GeoExplorer
+ * class = Viewer(config)
+ * extends = Ext.util.Observable
+ */
+/** api: constructor
+ * ..class:: Viewer(config)
+ * :param: config - optional application configuration properties
+ *
+ * Create a new Viewer application.
+ */
+var Viewer = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, {
+    constructor: function(config) {
+        var query = Ext.urlDecode(document.location.search.substr(1));
+        var queryConfig = Ext.util.JSON.decode(query.q);
+        this.initialConfig = Ext.apply({}, queryConfig, config);
+        Ext.apply(this, config);
+        // add any custom application events
+        this.addEvents(
+            /**
+             * Event: ready
+             * Fires when application is ready for user interaction.
+             */
+            "ready");
+        // pass on any proxy config to OpenLayers
+        if(this.proxy) {
+            OpenLayers.ProxyHost = this.proxy;
+        }
+        this.load();
+    },
+    /** api: method[load]
+     * Called to load the application.  Implemented by a subclass.
+     */
+    load: Ext.emptyFn,
+    /** api: method[dispatch]
+     * :param: functions: :class:`Array(Function)` List of functions to be 
+     *     called.  All functions will be called with two arguments - a callback
+     *     to call when the sequence is done and a storage object
+     * :param: complete: :class:`Function` A function that will be called when 
+     *     all other functions report that they are done.  The final callback 
+     *     will be called with the storage object passed to all other functions.
+     * :param: scope: :class:`Object` Optional object to be set as the scope of
+     *     all functions called.
+     *
+     * Allows multiple asynchronous sequences to be called in parallel.  A final
+     * callback is called when all other sequences report that they are done.
+     */
+    dispatch: function(functions, complete, scope) {
+        complete = complete || Ext.emptyFn;
+        scope = scope || this;
+        var requests = functions.length;
+        var responses = 0;
+        var storage = {};
+        function respond() {
+            ++responses;
+            if(responses === requests) {
+                complete.call(scope, storage);
+            }
+        }
+        function trigger(index) {
+            window.setTimeout(function() {
+                functions[index].apply(scope, [respond, storage]);
+            });
+        }
+        for(var i=0; i<requests; ++i) {
+            trigger(i);
+        }
+    }

Modified: apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/script/GeoExplorer-debug.js
--- apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/script/GeoExplorer-debug.js	2009-06-03 18:36:27 UTC (rev 974)
+++ apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/trunk/script/GeoExplorer-debug.js	2009-06-03 18:38:04 UTC (rev 975)
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
     // Since the applications are located one directory down from
     // the base, all these includes must be prefixed by a ../
     var jsfiles = new Array(
-        "lib/GeoExplorer/Viewer.js",
+        "lib/Viewer.js",
-        "lib/GeoExplorer/RowExpander.js",
+        "lib/Ext/grid/RowExpander.js",
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
-        "lib/GeoExplorer/Full/Full.js",
-        "lib/GeoExplorer/Embed/Embed.js",
+        "lib/GeoExplorer/Full.js",
+        "lib/GeoExplorer/Embed.js",

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