[Commits] r1084 - core/trunk/geoext/build

commits at geoext.org commits at geoext.org
Tue Jun 16 11:51:04 CEST 2009

Author: ahocevar
Date: 2009-06-16 11:51:04 +0200 (Tue, 16 Jun 2009)
New Revision: 1084

added a Makefile for a fancy build process which will also build compressed css files (using csstidy). Updated readme.txt to explain the new process.

Added: core/trunk/geoext/build/Makefile
--- core/trunk/geoext/build/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ core/trunk/geoext/build/Makefile	2009-06-16 09:51:04 UTC (rev 1084)
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# Makefile for GeoExplorer apps
+LIB_NAME = GeoExt
+CSS_DIR = $(LIB_NAME)/resources/css
+CSS_IMPORTS = $(shell cat ../resources/css/geoext-all-debug.css | grep '@import' | sed 's/^@import "\(.*\)";/\1/')
+ALL_CSS = $(CSS_DIR)/geoext-all.css
+.PHONEY: help clean ext examples lib zip dist
+	@echo "Please use 'make <target>' where <target> is one or more of"
+	@echo "  clean    to clean up after building"
+	@echo "  ext      to make a custom Ext JS build. See readme.txt for requirements"
+	@echo "  examples to make the examples dir"
+	@echo "  lib      to make a standalone dir of lib resources"
+	@echo "  zip      to make a zip archive of a standalone lib"
+	@echo "  dist     to make a zip archive of a standalone lib with examples"
+	@echo
+	@echo "Example use:"
+	@echo "  make lib"
+	@echo "  make lib LIB_NAME=MyLib"
+	@echo "  make zip"
+	@echo "  make zip ZIP_NAME=MyZip.zip"
+	-rm -rf $(LIB_NAME)
+	-rm -f $(ZIP_NAME)
+	@echo "Building ext.js."
+	mkdir -p $(LIB_NAME)/script
+	jsbuild full.cfg -v -o $(LIB_NAME)/script/ -s ext.js
+	mkdir -p $(LIB_NAME)/examples 
+	svn export --force ../examples $(LIB_NAME)/examples
+	for file in `find $(LIB_NAME)/examples/ -name "*.html"`; do \
+	    sed -i "s/\.\.\/lib\/GeoExt\.js/\.\.\/script\/GeoExt\.js/g" $${file} ; \
+	    sed -i "s/geoext-all-debug\.css/geoext-all\.css/g" $${file} ; \
+	done ; 	
+	@echo "Building the library."
+	mkdir -p $(LIB_NAME)/script $(LIB_NAME)/resources/css
+	jsbuild full.cfg -v -o $(LIB_NAME)/script/ -s GeoExt.js
+	svn export --force ../resources $(LIB_NAME)/resources
+	for file in `find $(CSS_DIR) -name "*.css"`; do \
+	    csstidy $${file} --template=highest $${file} ; \
+	done ;
+	echo "" > $(ALL_CSS)
+	for filename in $(CSS_IMPORTS); do \
+	    cat $(CSS_DIR)/$${filename} >> $(ALL_CSS) ; \
+	done ;
+	-rm $(CSS_DIR)/geoext-all-debug.css
+	cp ../license.txt $(LIB_NAME)
+zip: lib
+	@echo "Archiving the library."
+	-rm -f $(ZIP_NAME)
+	zip $(ZIP_NAME) -r $(LIB_NAME)
+dist: examples zip
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: core/trunk/geoext/build/readme.txt
--- core/trunk/geoext/build/readme.txt	2009-06-16 08:53:05 UTC (rev 1083)
+++ core/trunk/geoext/build/readme.txt	2009-06-16 09:51:04 UTC (rev 1084)
@@ -2,23 +2,54 @@
 This directory contains configuration files necessary for building GeoExt
-(and ExtJS).  The build configuration is intended for use with the jsbuild
+(and Ext JS).  The build configuration is intended for use with the jsbuild
 utility included in JSTools (http://projects.opengeo.org/jstools).
 Brief instructions
-Install JSTools.
+This build dir contains a Makefile, which can be used to build GeoExt. The
+build process requires a bash-like shell, make, sed, find and svn. All this
+should be available on well equipped development *nix and OS X boxes. In
+addition, JSTools and csstidy are required. The latter is available as csstidy
+package on debian-style linux systems.
+    $ sudo aptitude install csstidy
+To install JSTools, python-setuptools is required. This is available as
+python-setuptools package on debian-style linux systems.
+    $ sudo aptitude install python-setuptools
+Now you can easily install JSTools.
     $ easy_install http://svn.opengeo.org/jstools/trunk/
-Change into the core/trunk/build directory.
+Change into the core/trunk/build directory (the one containing the readme.txt
+file you are reading right now), if you are not already here.
-    $ cd core/trunk/geoext/build
+    $ cd geoext/build
-Run jsbuild.
+From here, you can build the library.
-    $ jsbuild full.cfg
+    $ make zip
-For more complete instructions on building GeoExt, see the documentation
-on the project website: http://www.geoext.org/trac/geoext/wiki/builds.
+Now you can take the resulting GeoExt.zip file and unpack it on your web
+server. The library itself resides in the script folder, the resources folder
+contains css files and images.
+For more complete instructions on building GeoExt with jsbuild, see the
+documentation on the project website:
+The Makefile also contains a target for building Ext JS. This requires Ext JS
+to be installed in ../../ext (relative to this build dir). Make sure to
+provide a license file matching your Ext JS installation and replace the
+provided ext-license.js file with it. To build the library with ext.js in the
+script folder, run make with the ext and zip targets.
+    $ make ext zip
+The Makefile has even more targets. Invoke make help to see them all.
+    $ make help
\ No newline at end of file

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