[Commits] r690 - in sandbox/docsrc: . primers tutorials

commits at geoext.org commits at geoext.org
Tue May 12 21:52:13 CEST 2009

Author: dwins
Date: 2009-05-12 21:52:13 +0200 (Tue, 12 May 2009)
New Revision: 690

Reorganize primer materials

Copied: sandbox/docsrc/primers/ext-primer.rst (from rev 689, sandbox/docsrc/tutorials/ext-primer.rst)
--- sandbox/docsrc/primers/ext-primer.rst	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/docsrc/primers/ext-primer.rst	2009-05-12 19:52:13 UTC (rev 690)
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+.. _ext-primer:
+ Primer: Ext
+GeoExt extends `Ext JS <http://extjs.com/>`_, a rich library of web UI
+widgets and helper classes.  Using GeoExt requires a working knowledge
+of Ext's idioms.  This tutorial provides a quick overview of core Ext concepts.
+.. _ext-getting-started:
+Getting Started
+To start using Ext, you will first have to `download
+<http://www.extjs.com/products/extjs/download.php>`_ it.
+For more complete instructions about how configure a web page to use
+Ext, you can check the GeoExt :doc:`quickstart` tutorial.
+When you download Ext, you also get their excellent `Examples <http://www.extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/>'_ and 'API
+Documentation <http://www.extjs.com/deploy/dev/docs/>`_, which you can also look at on-line for education and reference.
+In order to get Ext running on a page you will need to have something
+like the following in the ``<head>`` of an HTML page in a directory
+that is published by your web server.
+    .. code-block::
+       xml
+       <script src="ext-2.2/adapter/ext/ext-base.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+       <script src="ext-2.2/ext-all.js"  type="text/javascript"></script>
+       <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ext-2.2/resources/ext-all.css"></link>
+This will load the code and styles for Ext.  Change the paths
+according to where you have put the Ext files.
+When writing Ext code, most of what you will be doing is instantiating
+classes with constructors that takes a single object--its
+configuration object--as an argument.  This snippet demonstrates this
+coding pattern:
+    .. code-block::
+    html
+    Ext.onReady(function(){
+        var myPanel = new Ext.Panel({
+            title: 'Hello World!',
+            html: '<i>Hello World!</i> Please enjoy this primer on Ext!'
+            collapsible: true,
+            width:500,
+            renderTo: 'panelDiv',
+        });        
+    };
+This code uses Ext's ``onReady`` method to trigger the method when the
+document's body is ready.  (This is cleaner than using body's
+``onready`` event, and with ``Ext.onReady`` several functions can be
+queued for execution before the page loads.)
+When the page is ready, the ``Ext.Panel`` constructor is called with a
+single configuration object as argument.  The Panel's structure should
+be familiar from your desktop experience.  It has a ``title`` which
+runs across the top, and some content which in this case is ``html``
+provided in the configuration.
+Many configuration options (best explored in the Ext examples and API
+documention) are available.  Here, they are represented by the
+``collapsible`` property, which allows the user to collapse the panel
+much like you can minimize your browser's window, and the ``width`` of
+the panel specified in pixels.
+Lastly, this code assumes that somewhere in the DOM of the page is a
+``div`` with the id ``panelDiv``.  When the Panel is constructed, it
+will be automatically rendered in this div because of the ``renderTo``
+option.  (This option can be left out and panels rendered manually, if desired.)
+.. _ext-basic-layout:
+Basic Layout
+Ext makes it easy to separate out your UI into logical blocks.  It 
+.. _ext-trees:
+Trees, Nodes, and Childnodes
+.. _ext-grid-store:
+Grid and Store
+[working with records from a reader]
+.. _ext-events:
+[from a geoxt perspective]

Property changes on: sandbox/docsrc/primers/ext-primer.rst
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: sandbox/docsrc/primers/openlayers-primer.rst (from rev 689, sandbox/docsrc/tutorials/openlayers-primer.rst)
--- sandbox/docsrc/primers/openlayers-primer.rst	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/docsrc/primers/openlayers-primer.rst	2009-05-12 19:52:13 UTC (rev 690)
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+ Primer: OpenLayers
+The OpenLayers mapping library is the key component of GeoExt, performing the core map-related
+functions of every GeoExt-based application. To get up to speed with GeoExt, let's discover
+some OpenLayers basics.
+As its name suggests, OpenLayers manages a list of layers that together form a web-based 
+mapping client. Each layer represents a different piece of data: For instance, one layer
+might be responsible for displaying the boundary of a country, another layer responsible
+for that country's roads.
+OpenLayers contains many types of layers (you can see them all at the `OpenLayers website <http://trac.openlayers.org/browser/trunk/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer>`_). For this primer, we'll
+focus on two different layer types: WMS and WFS.
+This is the canonical layer type found in almost all GeoExt applications, where one or more images are used to
+display map-related information to the user. This type is named 'WMS' because it implements the
+`Web Map Service <http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wms>`_ standard set by the 
+`Open Geospatial Consortium. <http://www.opengeospatial.org/>`_
+If you followed the :doc:`quickstart` guide in GeoExt under the heading 'Using GeoExt', you will have already encountered a MapPanel and created
+your very own WMS layer. Let's dissect what you did.
+new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS()
+After creating an OpenLayers Map (but before creating a GeoExt MapPanel), you encountered the following code:
+    .. code-block::
+       html
+       var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
+           "Blue Marble",
+           "http://sigma.openplans.org/geoserver/wms?",
+           {layers: "bluemarble"}
+       );
+       map.addLayer(layer);
+This tells OpenLayers that you'd like to create a new WMS layer referenced by the ``layer`` variable, and that you'd like to add that layer
+to the map. In this case, we're adding the `Blue Marble data set provided by NASA <http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/BlueMarble/>`_
+The first parameter ("Blue Marble") represents the name of the layer. This can be anything, and is only used to reference the layer on screen.
+The second parameter represents the location of the WMS server tasked with providing the images. We're using a Geoserver instance located at
+The third parameter lets you override the parameters of every request passed to the WMS server. Since many servers host different 
+data sets, we need to specify which set we'd like: We do this by creating a new object and setting the ``layers`` key to the identifier 
+of our Blue Marble data set.
+Note that ``layers`` isn't the only WMS parameter we can override. You can find out more in the
+`OpenLayers Class Documentation <http://dev.openlayers.org/apidocs/>`_, by selecting 'Layer' and then 'WMS' in the navigation.
+And that's it! Now let's move onto WFS.
+WFS, like WMS, implements a standard set by the Open Geospatial Consortium, this time the 
+`Web Feature Service <http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wfs>`_. Unlike WMS, however, the WFS layer is used to show 
+points, lines and polygons instead of displaying images. In many cases, this layer is
+used to perform client-side rendering instead of having features rendered by the server.
+new OpenLayers.Layer.WFS()
+Creating a WFS layer is very similar to creating a WMS layer.
+    .. code-block::
+       html
+       var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WFS( 
+            "United States",
+            "http://sigma.openplans.org/geoserver/wfs",
+            { typename: 'topp:states' } 
+       );
+       map.addLayer(layer);
+Like the WMS layer, the parameters contain a layer name ("United States"), the url of the data provider and options for the WFS request.
+In this case, we're requesting the ``'topp:states'`` layer so it can be rendered in the browser by OpenLayers.
+This layers extends the `Vector Layer <http://trac.openlayers.org/browser/trunk/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Vector.js>`_.
+Other Layers
+WMS and WFS are not the only layers out there: There are plenty more available.
+`Browse the OpenLayers source code <http://trac.openlayers.org/browser/trunk/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer>`_ for more information. 
+Although OpenLayers is great at managing layers, it also provides a way to interact with those layers, primarily through the use of controls.
+Controls are primary user interface elements and/or API hooks that control and manage interaction with an OpenLayers map. For instance, panning
+and navigating a map is handled by the ``Navigation`` control. If you want a zoom bar in addition to zoom buttons, you'd add a ``PanZoomBar``
+control. If you then want to see where you've navigated, you'd use the ``NavigationHistory`` control.
+Each control provides different and unique functionality. For this primer, we'll focus only on the ``NavigationHistory`` control.
+NavigationHistory Control
+Take a look at the OpenLayers `NavigationHistory control example <http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/navigation-history.html>`_. 
+If you view the source, you'll come across code like this:
+    .. code-block::
+       html
+       var map, nav, panel;
+       //...
+       map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
+       nav = new OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory();
+       map.addControl(nav);
+The above code is fairly straightforward. First create a map, then a ``NavigationHistory`` control, and then finally add that control to the map.
+If you were to then look at your map in a web browser, you would only see the layers that you had added -- no special user interface elements
+for exploring the navigation history.
+This is because without more intervention, the NavigationHistory control only provides an API allowing you to scroll through
+the history using a programmable interface.
+But the ``NavigationHistory`` control also provides a user interface. Let's continue on through the example:
+    .. code-block::
+       html
+       panel = new OpenLayers.Control.Panel(
+           {div: document.getElementById("panel")}
+       );
+       panel.addControls([nav.next, nav.previous]);
+       map.addControl(panel);
+To expose this interface, we first create a ``Panel`` control, and then add the ``next`` and ``previous`` buttons to the panel giving the user 
+something to click on. We finally add the panel to the map.
+Now try the example again in your browser. *Beautiful ain't it?*
+Initialization w/ Controls
+In the above examples, we only added controls to the map using the ``map.addControl()`` method. Often, controls are added when the map
+is initialized bypassing the ``map.addControl()`` method. This is done simply by using the ``controls`` key and passing an array 
+of controls, as seen below.
+    .. code-block::
+       html
+       var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
+            controls: [
+                new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation(),
+                new OpenLayers.Control.Measure()
+            ]
+       });
+.. note:: If you use the ``controls`` key, **you will not be given the default controls**  when initializing the map.
+   You will have to add those controls yourself instead. `Find out more. <http://docs.openlayers.org/library/controls.html>`_
+More Controls
+You can find more controls by 
+`browsing the OpenLayers source code <http://trac.openlayers.org/browser/trunk/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control>`_ or by reading
+`OpenLayers' Control documentation <http://docs.openlayers.org/library/controls.html>`_.
+Events are the main mechanism for notifying multiple objects that something has happened. For instance, the ``NavigationHistory``
+control listens to the map's ``zoomend`` event to save the user's zoom history for a later date; similarly, other objects may
+listen to the same event without interfering or knowing about the ``NavigationHistory`` control. This makes events very powerful, 
+allowing objects to perform their desired function while decreasing coupling within OpenLayers and Ext applications.
+Both GeoExt and OpenLayers make extensive use of events. However, the OpenLayers events are slightly different from those in
+GeoExt, though they provide the same functionality. Let's explore those differences.
+GeoExt Events
+GeoExt uses the event library that comes standard with Ext. GeoExt events are synonymous with Ext events.
+Ext events can be used in any Ext or GeoExt components that extend the ``Ext.util.Observable`` class.
+`More here. <http://www.slideshare.net/sdhjl2000/ext-j-s-observable>`_
+To throw an event in any component that extends ``Ext.util.Observable``, you must first tell the component that the event may be thrown.
+For instance, in a custom ``Ext.Panel`` class, this is done using the ``addEvents()`` method below.
+    .. code-block::
+       html
+       var MyPanel = Ext.Extend(Ext.Panel, {
+            initComponent: function() {
+                // ...
+                this.addEvents("event1" /*, "event2", ... etc.*/ ); 
+                MyPanel.superclass.initComponent.call(this);
+            }
+       });
+Finally triggering the event is easy: 
+    .. code-block::
+       html
+       var MyPanel = Ext.Extend(Ext.Panel, {
+            // ...
+            myFunction: function() {
+                var arg1 = "somevalue"
+                this.fireEvent("event1", arg1 /*, arg2, ... etc. */);
+            }
+       });
+Great! Now in order for the event to be useful, we have to listen to it. Below is an example of adding two listeners to an instance
+of ``MyPanel`` using the ``on()`` function, and then finally triggering the event by calling ``myFunction()``. 
+    .. code-block::
+       html
+       var panel = new MyPanel(/* ... */);
+       // First listener.
+       panel.on("event1", function(arg1) {
+            alert("First listener responded. Got " + arg1 + "!");
+       });
+       // Second listener.
+       panel.on("event1", function(arg1) {
+            alert("Second listener responded. Got " + arg1 + "!");
+       });
+       panel.myFunction();
+.. note:: The ``on()`` function takes an optional third parameter that specifies the scope of the listening function. If given, the ``this``
+   identifier within the listening function will refer to the object passed.
+And that's it! Now let's see how to do the same thing in OpenLayers.
+OpenLayers Events
+OpenLayers provides similar functionality as the ``Ext.util.Observable`` class, but it does so using the ``OpenLayers.Events`` class.
+Unlike ``Ext.util.Observable``, OpenLayers classes do not extend ``OpenLayers.Events``.
+Instead, it is customary for OpenLayers classes to create an attribute called ``events`` that is an instance of ``OpenLayers.Events``, 
+as per the code below.
+    .. code-block::
+       html
+       var MyControl = new OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {
+            events: null,
+            initialize: function() {
+                this.events = new OpenLayers.Events(
+                    this,
+                    null,
+                    ["event1" /*, "event2", ... etc. */]
+                    false
+                );
+                OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize.call(this);
+            }
+       });
+The first parameter to the ``OpenLayers.Events`` constructor is the object that will 'own' these events -- in other words, the caller
+that triggers the event. In situations like the example above, it is usually ``this``.
+The second parameter specifies a ``div`` that will listen to events thrown by the browser. Here, this functionality is ignored; see the note
+The third parameter is an array specifying the events that this ``OpenLayers.Events`` object can throw. This is analogous to 
+``Ext.util.Observable``'s ``addEvents()`` method, and can accept any number of events.
+The fourth parameter is the ``fallthrough``, a boolean that is related to the second parameter above. For our purposes, we'll leave
+it as ``false``.
+.. note:: The ``OpenLayers.Events`` class handles both browser events like when the window resizes, as well
+   as handling developer-created events like ``event1`` above. This makes initializing an ``OpenLayers.Events`` object fairly mucky,
+   though using it like we did above is nearly the same. See more below. 
+Triggering an event is just as easy as Ext's ``fireEvent()``, except here we use ``triggerEvent()``:
+    .. code-block::
+       html
+       var MyControl = new OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {
+            // ...
+            myFunction: function() {
+                var evt = {
+                    arg1: "somevalue" /*, arg2: ..., ... etc.*/
+                }
+                this.events.triggerEvent("event1", evt);
+            }
+       });
+.. note:: ``OpenLayers.Events`` passes data to listeners using a single object with parameters -- otherwise called
+   'the event object' -- instead of passing function arguments like Ext. All listener functions, then, should only expect 
+   one named argument. See example below.
+Finally, let's add two listeners and call ``myFunction()``:
+    .. code-block::
+       html
+       var control = new MyControl(/* ... */);
+       // First listener.
+       control.events.register("event1", null, function(evt) {
+            alert("First listener responded. Got " + evt.arg1 + "!");
+       });
+       // Second listener.
+       control.events.register("event1", null, function(evt) {
+            alert("Second listener responded. Got " + evt.arg1 + "!");
+       });
+       control.myFunction();
+.. note:: Like Ext's ``on()`` function, OpenLayer's ``register()`` function also takes an optional ``scope`` value in order to specify
+   the scope of the listening function, but it expects this value as the second parameter passed to the function. 
+   We don't have a scope for our listeners in this example, hence the ``null`` parameters.
+And that's it! Events in GeoExt should now be old hat. Fire away!
+More Information
+More information about both event types can be found at the links below:
+* `OpenLayers Events Class Documentation <http://dev.openlayers.org/docs/files/OpenLayers/Events-js.html>`_
+* `Ext.util.Observable Class Documentation <http://extjs.com/deploy/ext/docs/output/Ext.util.Observable.html>`_
+* `Ext.util.Observable SlideShare <http://www.slideshare.net/sdhjl2000/ext-j-s-observable>`_

Property changes on: sandbox/docsrc/primers/openlayers-primer.rst
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Deleted: sandbox/docsrc/tutorials/ext-primer.rst
--- sandbox/docsrc/tutorials/ext-primer.rst	2009-05-12 19:49:11 UTC (rev 689)
+++ sandbox/docsrc/tutorials/ext-primer.rst	2009-05-12 19:52:13 UTC (rev 690)
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-.. _ext-primer:
- Primer: Ext
-GeoExt extends `Ext JS <http://extjs.com/>`_, a rich library of web UI
-widgets and helper classes.  Using GeoExt requires a working knowledge
-of Ext's idioms.  This tutorial provides a quick overview of core Ext concepts.
-.. _ext-getting-started:
-Getting Started
-To start using Ext, you will first have to `download
-<http://www.extjs.com/products/extjs/download.php>`_ it.
-For more complete instructions about how configure a web page to use
-Ext, you can check the GeoExt :doc:`quickstart` tutorial.
-When you download Ext, you also get their excellent `Examples <http://www.extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/>'_ and 'API
-Documentation <http://www.extjs.com/deploy/dev/docs/>`_, which you can also look at on-line for education and reference.
-In order to get Ext running on a page you will need to have something
-like the following in the ``<head>`` of an HTML page in a directory
-that is published by your web server.
-    .. code-block::
-       xml
-       <script src="ext-2.2/adapter/ext/ext-base.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
-       <script src="ext-2.2/ext-all.js"  type="text/javascript"></script>
-       <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ext-2.2/resources/ext-all.css"></link>
-This will load the code and styles for Ext.  Change the paths
-according to where you have put the Ext files.
-When writing Ext code, most of what you will be doing is instantiating
-classes with constructors that takes a single object--its
-configuration object--as an argument.  This snippet demonstrates this
-coding pattern:
-    .. code-block::
-    html
-    Ext.onReady(function(){
-        var myPanel = new Ext.Panel({
-            title: 'Hello World!',
-            html: '<i>Hello World!</i> Please enjoy this primer on Ext!'
-            collapsible: true,
-            width:500,
-            renderTo: 'panelDiv',
-        });        
-    };
-This code uses Ext's ``onReady`` method to trigger the method when the
-document's body is ready.  (This is cleaner than using body's
-``onready`` event, and with ``Ext.onReady`` several functions can be
-queued for execution before the page loads.)
-When the page is ready, the ``Ext.Panel`` constructor is called with a
-single configuration object as argument.  The Panel's structure should
-be familiar from your desktop experience.  It has a ``title`` which
-runs across the top, and some content which in this case is ``html``
-provided in the configuration.
-Many configuration options (best explored in the Ext examples and API
-documention) are available.  Here, they are represented by the
-``collapsible`` property, which allows the user to collapse the panel
-much like you can minimize your browser's window, and the ``width`` of
-the panel specified in pixels.
-Lastly, this code assumes that somewhere in the DOM of the page is a
-``div`` with the id ``panelDiv``.  When the Panel is constructed, it
-will be automatically rendered in this div because of the ``renderTo``
-option.  (This option can be left out and panels rendered manually, if desired.)
-.. _ext-basic-layout:
-Basic Layout
-Ext makes it easy to separate out your UI into logical blocks.  It 
-.. _ext-trees:
-Trees, Nodes, and Childnodes
-.. _ext-grid-store:
-Grid and Store
-[working with records from a reader]
-.. _ext-events:
-[from a geoxt perspective]

Deleted: sandbox/docsrc/tutorials/openlayers-primer.rst
--- sandbox/docsrc/tutorials/openlayers-primer.rst	2009-05-12 19:49:11 UTC (rev 689)
+++ sandbox/docsrc/tutorials/openlayers-primer.rst	2009-05-12 19:52:13 UTC (rev 690)
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
- Primer: OpenLayers
-The OpenLayers mapping library is the key component of GeoExt, performing the core map-related
-functions of every GeoExt-based application. To get up to speed with GeoExt, let's discover
-some OpenLayers basics.
-As its name suggests, OpenLayers manages a list of layers that together form a web-based 
-mapping client. Each layer represents a different piece of data: For instance, one layer
-might be responsible for displaying the boundary of a country, another layer responsible
-for that country's roads.
-OpenLayers contains many types of layers (you can see them all at the `OpenLayers website <http://trac.openlayers.org/browser/trunk/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer>`_). For this primer, we'll
-focus on two different layer types: WMS and WFS.
-This is the canonical layer type found in almost all GeoExt applications, where one or more images are used to
-display map-related information to the user. This type is named 'WMS' because it implements the
-`Web Map Service <http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wms>`_ standard set by the 
-`Open Geospatial Consortium. <http://www.opengeospatial.org/>`_
-If you followed the :doc:`quickstart` guide in GeoExt under the heading 'Using GeoExt', you will have already encountered a MapPanel and created
-your very own WMS layer. Let's dissect what you did.
-new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS()
-After creating an OpenLayers Map (but before creating a GeoExt MapPanel), you encountered the following code:
-    .. code-block::
-       html
-       var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
-           "Blue Marble",
-           "http://sigma.openplans.org/geoserver/wms?",
-           {layers: "bluemarble"}
-       );
-       map.addLayer(layer);
-This tells OpenLayers that you'd like to create a new WMS layer referenced by the ``layer`` variable, and that you'd like to add that layer
-to the map. In this case, we're adding the `Blue Marble data set provided by NASA <http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/BlueMarble/>`_
-The first parameter ("Blue Marble") represents the name of the layer. This can be anything, and is only used to reference the layer on screen.
-The second parameter represents the location of the WMS server tasked with providing the images. We're using a Geoserver instance located at
-The third parameter lets you override the parameters of every request passed to the WMS server. Since many servers host different 
-data sets, we need to specify which set we'd like: We do this by creating a new object and setting the ``layers`` key to the identifier 
-of our Blue Marble data set.
-Note that ``layers`` isn't the only WMS parameter we can override. You can find out more in the
-`OpenLayers Class Documentation <http://dev.openlayers.org/apidocs/>`_, by selecting 'Layer' and then 'WMS' in the navigation.
-And that's it! Now let's move onto WFS.
-WFS, like WMS, implements a standard set by the Open Geospatial Consortium, this time the 
-`Web Feature Service <http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wfs>`_. Unlike WMS, however, the WFS layer is used to show 
-points, lines and polygons instead of displaying images. In many cases, this layer is
-used to perform client-side rendering instead of having features rendered by the server.
-new OpenLayers.Layer.WFS()
-Creating a WFS layer is very similar to creating a WMS layer.
-    .. code-block::
-       html
-       var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WFS( 
-            "United States",
-            "http://sigma.openplans.org/geoserver/wfs",
-            { typename: 'topp:states' } 
-       );
-       map.addLayer(layer);
-Like the WMS layer, the parameters contain a layer name ("United States"), the url of the data provider and options for the WFS request.
-In this case, we're requesting the ``'topp:states'`` layer so it can be rendered in the browser by OpenLayers.
-This layers extends the `Vector Layer <http://trac.openlayers.org/browser/trunk/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Vector.js>`_.
-Other Layers
-WMS and WFS are not the only layers out there: There are plenty more available.
-`Browse the OpenLayers source code <http://trac.openlayers.org/browser/trunk/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer>`_ for more information. 
-Although OpenLayers is great at managing layers, it also provides a way to interact with those layers, primarily through the use of controls.
-Controls are primary user interface elements and/or API hooks that control and manage interaction with an OpenLayers map. For instance, panning
-and navigating a map is handled by the ``Navigation`` control. If you want a zoom bar in addition to zoom buttons, you'd add a ``PanZoomBar``
-control. If you then want to see where you've navigated, you'd use the ``NavigationHistory`` control.
-Each control provides different and unique functionality. For this primer, we'll focus only on the ``NavigationHistory`` control.
-NavigationHistory Control
-Take a look at the OpenLayers `NavigationHistory control example <http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/navigation-history.html>`_. 
-If you view the source, you'll come across code like this:
-    .. code-block::
-       html
-       var map, nav, panel;
-       //...
-       map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
-       nav = new OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory();
-       map.addControl(nav);
-The above code is fairly straightforward. First create a map, then a ``NavigationHistory`` control, and then finally add that control to the map.
-If you were to then look at your map in a web browser, you would only see the layers that you had added -- no special user interface elements
-for exploring the navigation history.
-This is because without more intervention, the NavigationHistory control only provides an API allowing you to scroll through
-the history using a programmable interface.
-But the ``NavigationHistory`` control also provides a user interface. Let's continue on through the example:
-    .. code-block::
-       html
-       panel = new OpenLayers.Control.Panel(
-           {div: document.getElementById("panel")}
-       );
-       panel.addControls([nav.next, nav.previous]);
-       map.addControl(panel);
-To expose this interface, we first create a ``Panel`` control, and then add the ``next`` and ``previous`` buttons to the panel giving the user 
-something to click on. We finally add the panel to the map.
-Now try the example again in your browser. *Beautiful ain't it?*
-Initialization w/ Controls
-In the above examples, we only added controls to the map using the ``map.addControl()`` method. Often, controls are added when the map
-is initialized bypassing the ``map.addControl()`` method. This is done simply by using the ``controls`` key and passing an array 
-of controls, as seen below.
-    .. code-block::
-       html
-       var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
-            controls: [
-                new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation(),
-                new OpenLayers.Control.Measure()
-            ]
-       });
-.. note:: If you use the ``controls`` key, **you will not be given the default controls**  when initializing the map.
-   You will have to add those controls yourself instead. `Find out more. <http://docs.openlayers.org/library/controls.html>`_
-More Controls
-You can find more controls by 
-`browsing the OpenLayers source code <http://trac.openlayers.org/browser/trunk/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control>`_ or by reading
-`OpenLayers' Control documentation <http://docs.openlayers.org/library/controls.html>`_.
-Events are the main mechanism for notifying multiple objects that something has happened. For instance, the ``NavigationHistory``
-control listens to the map's ``zoomend`` event to save the user's zoom history for a later date; similarly, other objects may
-listen to the same event without interfering or knowing about the ``NavigationHistory`` control. This makes events very powerful, 
-allowing objects to perform their desired function while decreasing coupling within OpenLayers and Ext applications.
-Both GeoExt and OpenLayers make extensive use of events. However, the OpenLayers events are slightly different from those in
-GeoExt, though they provide the same functionality. Let's explore those differences.
-GeoExt Events
-GeoExt uses the event library that comes standard with Ext. GeoExt events are synonymous with Ext events.
-Ext events can be used in any Ext or GeoExt components that extend the ``Ext.util.Observable`` class.
-`More here. <http://www.slideshare.net/sdhjl2000/ext-j-s-observable>`_
-To throw an event in any component that extends ``Ext.util.Observable``, you must first tell the component that the event may be thrown.
-For instance, in a custom ``Ext.Panel`` class, this is done using the ``addEvents()`` method below.
-    .. code-block::
-       html
-       var MyPanel = Ext.Extend(Ext.Panel, {
-            initComponent: function() {
-                // ...
-                this.addEvents("event1" /*, "event2", ... etc.*/ ); 
-                MyPanel.superclass.initComponent.call(this);
-            }
-       });
-Finally triggering the event is easy: 
-    .. code-block::
-       html
-       var MyPanel = Ext.Extend(Ext.Panel, {
-            // ...
-            myFunction: function() {
-                var arg1 = "somevalue"
-                this.fireEvent("event1", arg1 /*, arg2, ... etc. */);
-            }
-       });
-Great! Now in order for the event to be useful, we have to listen to it. Below is an example of adding two listeners to an instance
-of ``MyPanel`` using the ``on()`` function, and then finally triggering the event by calling ``myFunction()``. 
-    .. code-block::
-       html
-       var panel = new MyPanel(/* ... */);
-       // First listener.
-       panel.on("event1", function(arg1) {
-            alert("First listener responded. Got " + arg1 + "!");
-       });
-       // Second listener.
-       panel.on("event1", function(arg1) {
-            alert("Second listener responded. Got " + arg1 + "!");
-       });
-       panel.myFunction();
-.. note:: The ``on()`` function takes an optional third parameter that specifies the scope of the listening function. If given, the ``this``
-   identifier within the listening function will refer to the object passed.
-And that's it! Now let's see how to do the same thing in OpenLayers.
-OpenLayers Events
-OpenLayers provides similar functionality as the ``Ext.util.Observable`` class, but it does so using the ``OpenLayers.Events`` class.
-Unlike ``Ext.util.Observable``, OpenLayers classes do not extend ``OpenLayers.Events``.
-Instead, it is customary for OpenLayers classes to create an attribute called ``events`` that is an instance of ``OpenLayers.Events``, 
-as per the code below.
-    .. code-block::
-       html
-       var MyControl = new OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {
-            events: null,
-            initialize: function() {
-                this.events = new OpenLayers.Events(
-                    this,
-                    null,
-                    ["event1" /*, "event2", ... etc. */]
-                    false
-                );
-                OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize.call(this);
-            }
-       });
-The first parameter to the ``OpenLayers.Events`` constructor is the object that will 'own' these events -- in other words, the caller
-that triggers the event. In situations like the example above, it is usually ``this``.
-The second parameter specifies a ``div`` that will listen to events thrown by the browser. Here, this functionality is ignored; see the note
-The third parameter is an array specifying the events that this ``OpenLayers.Events`` object can throw. This is analogous to 
-``Ext.util.Observable``'s ``addEvents()`` method, and can accept any number of events.
-The fourth parameter is the ``fallthrough``, a boolean that is related to the second parameter above. For our purposes, we'll leave
-it as ``false``.
-.. note:: The ``OpenLayers.Events`` class handles both browser events like when the window resizes, as well
-   as handling developer-created events like ``event1`` above. This makes initializing an ``OpenLayers.Events`` object fairly mucky,
-   though using it like we did above is nearly the same. See more below. 
-Triggering an event is just as easy as Ext's ``fireEvent()``, except here we use ``triggerEvent()``:
-    .. code-block::
-       html
-       var MyControl = new OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {
-            // ...
-            myFunction: function() {
-                var evt = {
-                    arg1: "somevalue" /*, arg2: ..., ... etc.*/
-                }
-                this.events.triggerEvent("event1", evt);
-            }
-       });
-.. note:: ``OpenLayers.Events`` passes data to listeners using a single object with parameters -- otherwise called
-   'the event object' -- instead of passing function arguments like Ext. All listener functions, then, should only expect 
-   one named argument. See example below.
-Finally, let's add two listeners and call ``myFunction()``:
-    .. code-block::
-       html
-       var control = new MyControl(/* ... */);
-       // First listener.
-       control.events.register("event1", null, function(evt) {
-            alert("First listener responded. Got " + evt.arg1 + "!");
-       });
-       // Second listener.
-       control.events.register("event1", null, function(evt) {
-            alert("Second listener responded. Got " + evt.arg1 + "!");
-       });
-       control.myFunction();
-.. note:: Like Ext's ``on()`` function, OpenLayer's ``register()`` function also takes an optional ``scope`` value in order to specify
-   the scope of the listening function, but it expects this value as the second parameter passed to the function. 
-   We don't have a scope for our listeners in this example, hence the ``null`` parameters.
-And that's it! Events in GeoExt should now be old hat. Fire away!
-More Information
-More information about both event types can be found at the links below:
-* `OpenLayers Events Class Documentation <http://dev.openlayers.org/docs/files/OpenLayers/Events-js.html>`_
-* `Ext.util.Observable Class Documentation <http://extjs.com/deploy/ext/docs/output/Ext.util.Observable.html>`_
-* `Ext.util.Observable SlideShare <http://www.slideshare.net/sdhjl2000/ext-j-s-observable>`_

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