[Commits] r693 - sandbox/docsrc/primers

commits at geoext.org commits at geoext.org
Tue May 12 22:47:31 CEST 2009

Author: sbenthall
Date: 2009-05-12 22:47:31 +0200 (Tue, 12 May 2009)
New Revision: 693

more in the ext primer

Modified: sandbox/docsrc/primers/ext-primer.rst
--- sandbox/docsrc/primers/ext-primer.rst	2009-05-12 20:45:55 UTC (rev 692)
+++ sandbox/docsrc/primers/ext-primer.rst	2009-05-12 20:47:31 UTC (rev 693)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.. _ext-primer:
+.. _ext-primer: 
  Primer: Ext
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
        <script src="ext-2.2/adapter/ext/ext-base.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script src="ext-2.2/ext-all.js"  type="text/javascript"></script>
-       <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ext-2.2/resources/ext-all.css"></link>
+       <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ext-2.2/resources/css/ext-all.css"></link>
 This will load the code and styles for Ext.  Change the paths
 according to where you have put the Ext files.
@@ -41,47 +41,98 @@
 coding pattern:
     .. code-block::
-    html
+       html
-    Ext.onReady(function(){
-        var myPanel = new Ext.Panel({
-            title: 'Hello World!',
-            html: '<i>Hello World!</i> Please enjoy this primer on Ext!'
-            collapsible: true,
-            width:500,
-            renderTo: 'panelDiv',
-        });        
-    };
+       Ext.onReady(function(){
+            var myPanel = new Ext.Panel({
+                title: 'Hello World!',
+                html: '<i>Hello World!</i> Please enjoy this primer on Ext!',
+                collapsible: true,
+                width:300,
+                renderTo: 'panelDiv'
+            });        
+       });
-This code uses Ext's ``onReady`` method to trigger the method when the
-document's body is ready.  (This is cleaner than using body's
-``onready`` event, and with ``Ext.onReady`` several functions can be
-queued for execution before the page loads.)
+There are a few things to note about this example:
-When the page is ready, the ``Ext.Panel`` constructor is called with a
-single configuration object as argument.  The Panel's structure should
-be familiar from your desktop experience.  It has a ``title`` which
-runs across the top, and some content which in this case is ``html``
-provided in the configuration.
+* This code uses Ext's ``onReady`` method to trigger the method when the
+  document's body is ready.  (This is cleaner than using body's
+  ``onready`` event, and with ``Ext.onReady`` several functions can be
+  queued for execution before the page loads.)
-Many configuration options (best explored in the Ext examples and API
-documention) are available.  Here, they are represented by the
-``collapsible`` property, which allows the user to collapse the panel
-much like you can minimize your browser's window, and the ``width`` of
-the panel specified in pixels.
+* When the page is ready, the ``Ext.Panel`` constructor is called with a
+  single configuration object as argument.  The Panel's structure should
+  be familiar from your desktop experience.  It has a ``title`` which
+  runs across the top, and some content which in this case is ``html``
+  provided in the configuration.
-Lastly, this code assumes that somewhere in the DOM of the page is a
-``div`` with the id ``panelDiv``.  When the Panel is constructed, it
-will be automatically rendered in this div because of the ``renderTo``
-option.  (This option can be left out and panels rendered manually, if desired.)
+* Many configuration options (best explored in the Ext examples and API
+  documention) are available.  Here, they are represented by the
+  ``collapsible`` property, which allows the user to collapse the panel
+  much like you can minimize your browser's window, and the ``width`` of
+  the panel specified in pixels.
+* Lastly, this code assumes that somewhere in the DOM of the page is a
+  ``div`` with the id ``panelDiv``.  When the Panel is constructed, it
+  will be automatically rendered in this div because of the ``renderTo``
+  option.  (This option can be left out and panels rendered manually, if desired.)
 .. _ext-basic-layout:
 Basic Layout
-Ext makes it easy to separate out your UI into logical blocks.  It 
+Ext makes it easy to separate out your UI into logical blocks.
+Most often you will be using one or more nested *Containers*.  The
+``Ext.Panel`` built above is the most common kind of container.  You
+can nest panels using the ``items`` property.  For example:
+    .. code-block::
+       html
+       Ext.onReady(function(){
+            var myPanel = new Ext.Panel({
+                title: 'Top level',
+                layout: 'border',
+                items: [{
+                        xtype:'panel',
+                        title:'Sub1',
+                        html:'Contents of sub panel 1',
+                        region: 'east'
+                    },{
+                        xtype:'panel',
+                        title: 'Sub2',
+                        html:'Contents of sub panel 2',
+                        region: 'center'
+                }],
+                width:300,
+                height:200,
+                renderTo:'panelDiv'
+            });        
+       });
+This code introduces some new concepts:
+* Each of the objects in the ``items`` array is a configuration
+  object for a panel like the one in the earlier example. 
+* The ``Ext.Panel`` constructor is never called, however.  Instead,
+  the ``xtype`` option is used.  By setting the xtype, you tell Ext
+  what class the configuration is for, and Ext instantiates that class
+  when appropriate.
+* The ``layout`` property on the outer container determines the
+  position of the items within it.  Here, we have set the layout to be
+  a *border* layout, which requires that items be given a ``region``
+  property like "center", "north", "south", "east", or "west".
+Ext provides a variety of other layouts, including a Tab layout and a
+Wizard layout.  The best way to explore these layouts is using the `Ext
+Layout Browser
+, which demonstrates each layout and provides sample code.
 .. _ext-trees:
 Trees, Nodes, and Childnodes

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