[Commits] r2192 - in core/trunk/docsrc: . _theme/geoext _theme/geoext/static builder

commits at geoext.org commits at geoext.org
Thu May 13 20:02:59 CEST 2010

Author: tschaub
Date: 2010-05-13 20:02:58 +0200 (Thu, 13 May 2010)
New Revision: 2192

Adding custom build page for 0.7.

Modified: core/trunk/docsrc/_theme/geoext/layout.html
--- core/trunk/docsrc/_theme/geoext/layout.html	2010-05-13 17:44:09 UTC (rev 2191)
+++ core/trunk/docsrc/_theme/geoext/layout.html	2010-05-13 18:02:58 UTC (rev 2192)
@@ -47,12 +47,23 @@
     {% if pagename == "builder/v0.6" %}
     <script type="text/javascript" src="http://extjs.cachefly.net/builds/ext-cdn-771.js"></script>
     <script src="{{ pathto('_static/builder.js', 1) }}"></script>
+    <script src="{{ pathto('_static/builder-v0.6.js', 1) }}"></script>
         Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = "{{ pathto('_static/img/blank.gif', 1) }}";
         builder.url = "http://buildjs.opengeo.org/builder/geoext/0.6";
     <script src="http://buildjs.opengeo.org/assets/geoext/0.6?callback=builder.setAssets"></script>
     {% endif %}
+    {% if pagename == "builder/v0.7" %}
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://extjs.cachefly.net/builds/ext-cdn-771.js"></script>
+    <script src="{{ pathto('_static/builder.js', 1) }}"></script>
+    <script src="{{ pathto('_static/builder-v0.7.js', 1) }}"></script>
+    <script>
+        Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = "{{ pathto('_static/img/blank.gif', 1) }}";
+        builder.url = "http://buildjs.opengeo.org/builder/geoext/0.7";
+    </script>
+    <script src="http://buildjs.opengeo.org/assets/geoext/0.7?callback=builder.setAssets"></script>
+    {% endif %}
 {% endblock %}
 {% block header %}

Added: core/trunk/docsrc/_theme/geoext/static/builder-v0.6.js
--- core/trunk/docsrc/_theme/geoext/static/builder-v0.6.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ core/trunk/docsrc/_theme/geoext/static/builder-v0.6.js	2010-05-13 18:02:58 UTC (rev 2192)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+builder.modules = {
+    "GeoExt/widgets": {
+        title: "General",
+        description: "General widget components.",
+        prefix: "GeoExt"
+    },
+    "GeoExt/widgets/form": {
+        title: "Form",
+        description: "Components for assembling forms.",
+        prefix: "GeoExt.form"
+    },
+    "GeoExt/widgets/grid": {
+        title: "Grid",
+        description: "Components related to grid widgets.",
+        prefix: "GeoExt.grid"
+    },
+    "GeoExt/widgets/tips": {
+        title: "Tips",
+        description: "Custom tool tips.",
+        prefix: "GeoExt"
+    },
+    "GeoExt/widgets/tree": {
+        title: "Tree",
+        description: "Components related to tree nodes.",
+        prefix: "GeoExt.tree"
+    },
+    "GeoExt/data": {
+        title: "Data",
+        description: "Utilities for working with records and stores.",
+        prefix: "GeoExt.data"
+    },
+    "overrides": {
+        title: "Overrides",
+        description: "Independent overrides of Ext provided functionality.",
+        prefix: ""
+    }

Added: core/trunk/docsrc/_theme/geoext/static/builder-v0.7.js
--- core/trunk/docsrc/_theme/geoext/static/builder-v0.7.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ core/trunk/docsrc/_theme/geoext/static/builder-v0.7.js	2010-05-13 18:02:58 UTC (rev 2192)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+builder.modules = {
+    "GeoExt/widgets": {
+        title: "General",
+        description: "General widget components.",
+        prefix: "GeoExt"
+    },
+    "GeoExt/widgets/form": {
+        title: "Form",
+        description: "Components for assembling forms.",
+        prefix: "GeoExt.form"
+    },
+    "GeoExt/widgets/grid": {
+        title: "Grid",
+        description: "Components related to grid widgets.",
+        prefix: "GeoExt.grid"
+    },
+    "GeoExt/widgets/tips": {
+        title: "Tips",
+        description: "Custom tool tips.",
+        prefix: "GeoExt"
+    },
+    "GeoExt/widgets/tree": {
+        title: "Tree",
+        description: "Components related to tree nodes.",
+        prefix: "GeoExt.tree"
+    },
+    "GeoExt/data": {
+        title: "Data",
+        description: "Utilities for working with records and stores.",
+        prefix: "GeoExt.data"
+    },
+    "GeoExt/plugins": {
+        title: "Plugins",
+        description: "Plugins to enhance functionality of other components.",
+        prefix: "GeoExt.plugins"
+    },
+    "GeoExt/state": {
+        title: "State",
+        description: "Utilities for encoding and decoding state representations.",
+        prefix: "GeoExt.state"
+    },
+    "overrides": {
+        title: "Overrides",
+        description: "Independent overrides of Ext provided functionality.",
+        prefix: ""
+    }

Modified: core/trunk/docsrc/_theme/geoext/static/builder.js
--- core/trunk/docsrc/_theme/geoext/static/builder.js	2010-05-13 17:44:09 UTC (rev 2191)
+++ core/trunk/docsrc/_theme/geoext/static/builder.js	2010-05-13 18:02:58 UTC (rev 2192)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 var builder = {
-    url: null, // to be set elsewhere
+    url: null, // to be set layout.html
+    modules: null, // to be set in builder-vX.Y.js
     assets: null, // to be set by callback
     setAssets: function(assets) {
         this.assets = assets;
@@ -9,45 +10,8 @@
 Ext.onReady(function() {
     var assets = builder.assets;
+    var modules = builder.modules;
-    var modules = {
-        "GeoExt/widgets": {
-            title: "General",
-            description: "General widget components.",
-            prefix: "GeoExt"
-        },
-        "GeoExt/widgets/form": {
-            title: "Form",
-            description: "Components for assembling forms.",
-            prefix: "GeoExt.form"
-        },
-        "GeoExt/widgets/grid": {
-            title: "Grid",
-            description: "Components related to grid widgets.",
-            prefix: "GeoExt.grid"
-        },
-        "GeoExt/widgets/tips": {
-            title: "Tips",
-            description: "Custom tool tips.",
-            prefix: "GeoExt"
-        },
-        "GeoExt/widgets/tree": {
-            title: "Tree",
-            description: "Components related to tree nodes.",
-            prefix: "GeoExt.tree"
-        },
-        "GeoExt/data": {
-            title: "Data",
-            description: "Utilities for working with records and stores.",
-            prefix: "GeoExt.data"
-        },
-        "overrides": {
-            title: "Overrides",
-            description: "Independent overrides of Ext provided functionality.",
-            prefix: ""
-        }
-    };
     var checks = {};
     var prefs = {};

Added: core/trunk/docsrc/builder/v0.7.rst
--- core/trunk/docsrc/builder/v0.7.rst	                        (rev 0)
+++ core/trunk/docsrc/builder/v0.7.rst	2010-05-13 18:02:58 UTC (rev 2192)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+GeoExt 0.7 Builder
+Customize Your Build
+.. cssclass:: builder-form-text
+Choose the components used by your application from the form below.
+.. cssclass:: download-button-text
+When you are finished, click the "download" link to build a customized version
+of the library for your application.
+.. cssclass:: credit
+Custom build tool hosted by `OpenGeo <http://opengeo.org>`__.

Modified: core/trunk/docsrc/downloads.rst
--- core/trunk/docsrc/downloads.rst	2010-05-13 17:44:09 UTC (rev 2191)
+++ core/trunk/docsrc/downloads.rst	2010-05-13 18:02:58 UTC (rev 2192)
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
  * GeoExt 0.7 (`Source <http://trac.geoext.org/attachment/wiki/Download/GeoExt-release-0.7.zip?format=raw>`__ | `Release Notes <http://trac.geoext.org/wiki/Release/0.7/Notes>`__)
- * :doc:`Build your own download <./builder/v0.6>` (with just the components you need).
+ * :doc:`Build your own download <./builder/v0.7>` (with just the components you need).
 Previous Releases
- * GeoExt 0.6 (`Source <http://trac.geoext.org/attachment/wiki/Download/GeoExt-release-0.6.zip?format=raw>`__ | `Release Notes <http://trac.geoext.org/wiki/Release/0.6/Notes>`__)
+ * GeoExt 0.6 (:doc:`Custom Build <./builder/v0.6>` | `Source <http://trac.geoext.org/attachment/wiki/Download/GeoExt-release-0.6.zip?format=raw>`__ | `Release Notes <http://trac.geoext.org/wiki/Release/0.6/Notes>`__)
  * GeoExt 0.5 (`Source <http://trac.geoext.org/attachment/wiki/Download/GeoExt-release-0.5.zip?format=raw>`__ | `Release Notes <http://trac.geoext.org/wiki/Release/0.5/Notes>`__)

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