[Commits] r2503 - in sandbox/borealis: . geoext.ux geoext.ux/ux geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/examples geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/lib geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/lib/GeoExt.ux geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/lib/GeoExt.ux/widgets geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/lib/GeoExt.ux/widgets/attributefilterpanel

commits at geoext.org commits at geoext.org
Mon Nov 29 20:28:43 CET 2010

Author: edube
Date: 2010-11-29 20:28:43 +0100 (Mon, 29 Nov 2010)
New Revision: 2503

Initial commit of AttributeFilterPanel example in borealis sandbox

Added: sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/examples/attributefilterpanel.html
--- sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/examples/attributefilterpanel.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/examples/attributefilterpanel.html	2010-11-29 19:28:43 UTC (rev 2503)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+    <head>
+        <title>GeoExt Attribute Filter Panel</title>
+		<script type="text/javascript" src="http://dev.geoext.org/trunk/ext/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://dev.geoext.org/trunk/ext/ext-all.js"></script>
+        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://dev.geoext.org/trunk/ext/resources/css/ext-all.css" />
+        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://dev.geoext.org/trunk/ext/examples/shared/examples.css" />
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://dev.geoext.org/trunk/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers.js"></script>
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://dev.geoext.org/trunk/geoext/lib/GeoExt.js"></script>
+		<!--
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../../ext/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../../ext/ext-all.js"></script>
+        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../../ext/resources/css/ext-all.css" />
+        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../../ext/examples/shared/examples.css" />
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../../openlayers/lib/OpenLayers.js"></script>
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../../geoext/lib/GeoExt.js"></script>
+		-->
+        <!--<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../resources/css/LayerTreeBuilder.css" />-->
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/GeoExt.ux/SingleFile.js"></script>
+        <!--<script type="text/javascript" src="../resources/lang/fr.js"></script>-->
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="attributefilterpanel.js"></script>
+    </head>
+    <body>
+        <div id="desc">
+            <h1>GeoExt Attribute Filter Panel</h1>
+            <p></p>
+            <p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See
+            <a href="attributefilterpanel.js">attributefilterpanel.js</a>.</p>
+            <p>See also the source code of the widget 
+            <a href="../lib/GeoExt.ux/widgets/attributefilterpanel/AttributeFilterPanel.js">
+            ../lib/GeoExt.ux/widgets/attributefilterpanel/AttributeFilterPanel.js</a>.</p>
+            <p>
+              The widget is not fully completed.
+            </p>
+        </div>
+    </body>

Added: sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/examples/attributefilterpanel.js
--- sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/examples/attributefilterpanel.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/examples/attributefilterpanel.js	2010-11-29 19:28:43 UTC (rev 2503)
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2008-2010 The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
+ * 
+ * Published under the BSD license.
+ * See http://svn.geoext.org/core/trunk/geoext/license.txt for the full text
+ * of the license.
+ */
+ /** api: example[attribute filter panel]
+  *  Attribute Filter Panel
+  *  ----------------------
+  *  ...
+  */
+var map, mapPanel;
+Ext.onReady(function() {
+	var layers = [];
+	// base WMS layer
+	layers.push(new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("OpenLayers WMS",
+		"http://tilecache.osgeo.org/wms-c/Basic.py",
+		{layers: "basic"} 
+    ));
+	/*
+	var vecLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.GML(
+		"geobidule",
+		"geobidule.json",
+		{ format: OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON }
+	);
+	*/
+	var filterStrategy = new OpenLayers.Strategy.Filter();
+	var vecLayer = (
+		new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(
+			"geobidule",
+			{
+				strategies: [
+					new OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed(),
+					filterStrategy
+				],
+				protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
+					url: "geobidule.json",
+					format: new OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON()
+				}),
+				filter: null
+			}
+		)
+	);
+	layers.push(vecLayer);
+	// HACK: since setting the layer's filter has no effect when
+	// using a simple GeoJSON file (no server-side filtering is done),
+	// we use an OpenLayers.Strategy.Filter to filter the features
+	// client-side; this event handler ensures that the strategy's filter
+	// is updated when the layer's filter is.
+	vecLayer.events.register("refresh", null, function() {
+		filterStrategy.setFilter(vecLayer.filter);
+	});
+    map = new OpenLayers.Map({
+        projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326")
+    });
+    mapPanel = new GeoExt.MapPanel({
+        region: "center",
+        center: [-72.172623, 45.280564],
+        zoom: 8,
+        map: map
+    });
+    map.addLayers(layers);
+	var filterPanel = new GeoExt.ux.form.AttributeFilterPanel({
+		layer: vecLayer,
+		title: "Attribute Filter Panel",
+		labelAlign: 'top',
+		items: [
+			{
+				xtype: "textfield",
+				name: "name__like",
+				fieldLabel: "Name is like"
+			},
+			{
+				xtype: "textfield",
+				name: "color__eq",
+				fieldLabel: "Color equals"
+			},
+			{
+				xtype: "textfield",
+				name: "price__ge",
+				fieldLabel: "Price is greater than"
+			},
+			{
+				xtype: "textfield",
+				name: "name__lte",
+				fieldLabel: "Size is less than or equal"
+			},
+			{
+				xtype: "datefield",
+				name: "construction_date__gte",
+				fieldLabel: "Construction_date is greater than or equal",
+				format: "Y-m-d"
+			}
+		],
+		region: "east",
+		width: 300
+	});
+	filterPanel.addButton({
+		// TODO: make buttons' text configurable (i18n)
+		text: "Filter",
+		handler: function() {
+			// trigger filter request, the options passed to doAction
+			// are passed to the protocol's read method, so one
+			// can register a read callback here
+			var o = {
+				callback: function(response) {
+				},
+				logicalOp: "&&",
+				ignoreEmptyFields: true
+			};
+			this.filter(o);
+		},
+		scope: filterPanel
+	});
+	filterPanel.addButton({
+		// TODO: make buttons' text configurable (i18n)
+		text: "Reset",
+		handler: function() {
+			var o = {
+				callback: function(response) {
+				},
+				formPanel: filterPanel
+			};
+			this.reset(o);
+		},
+		scope: filterPanel
+	});
+	// bind the layer to a FeatureStore so its feature attributes
+	// can be displayed in a grid panel
+	/*
+	// FIXME: store is not synchronized with the layer features... why?
+	var vecStore = new GeoExt.data.FeatureStore({
+		layer: vecLayer,
+		fields: [
+			{name: 'name', type: 'string'},
+			{name: 'color', type: 'string'},
+			{name: 'size', type: 'string'},
+			{name: 'price', type: 'string'},
+			{name: 'construction_date', type: Ext.data.Types.DATE, dateFormat: 'Y-m-d'}
+		]
+	});
+	var gridPanel = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
+		title: "Feature Grid",
+		region: "south",
+		store: vecStore,
+		height: 150,
+		columns: [{
+			header: "name",
+			width: 200,
+			dataIndex: "name"
+		}, {
+			header: "color",
+			width: 100,
+			dataIndex: "color"
+		}, {
+			header: "size",
+			width: 100,
+			dataIndex: "size"
+		}, {
+			header: "price",
+			width: 100,
+			dataIndex: "price"
+		}, {
+			header: "construction_date",
+			width: 200,
+			dataIndex: "construction_date"
+		}],
+		sm: new GeoExt.grid.FeatureSelectionModel() 
+	});
+	*/
+    new Ext.Viewport({
+        layout: "fit",
+        hideBorders: true,
+        items: {
+            layout: "border",
+            items: [
+                mapPanel, filterPanel, /* gridPanel, */ {
+                    contentEl: "desc",
+                    region: "west",
+                    width: 250,
+                    bodyStyle: {padding: "5px"}
+                }
+            ]
+        }
+    });
+    //map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(-7924121.1710935, 6185868.5449234), 6);

Added: sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/examples/geobidule.json
--- sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/examples/geobidule.json	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/examples/geobidule.json	2010-11-29 19:28:43 UTC (rev 2503)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"crs": null, "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [{"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-71.9561505836, 45.6129294045]}, "type": "Feature", "id": 23, "properties": {"name": "Bob Gratton", "price": 2334, "color": "red", "construction_date": "1980-07-23", "size": 2.5}}, {"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-71.1755226626, 46.1306839301]}, "type": "Feature", "id": 24, "properties": {"name": "Toto Machin", "price": 2313, "color": "green", "construction_date": "1984-08-22", "size": 5.2}}, {"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-72.9003156124, 46.2757592319]}, "type": "Feature", "id": 25, "properties": {"name": "Alice Lamalice", "price": 1912, "color": "blue", "construction_date": "1971-03-16", "size": 10.7}}, {"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-73.1095453549, 44.4364318856]}, "type": "Feature", "id": 26, "properties": {"name": "Armand Lamothe", "price": 9241, "color": "yellow", "construction_date": "1950-02-11", "size": 1.2}}, {"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-73.0657756207, 45.5125328935]}, "type": "Feature", "id": 27, "properties": {"name": "Frank Carrel", "price": 213, "color": "red", "construction_date": "1981-09-04", "size": 0.5}}, {"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-71.3910524585, 44.2978731619]}, "type": "Feature", "id": 28, "properties": {"name": "Colonel Sanders", "price": 24912, "color": "purple", "construction_date": "1923-11-21", "size": 6.3}}, {"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-71.7589364016, 45.945727037]}, "type": "Feature", "id": 29, "properties": {"name": "Jack Bauer", "price": 23, "color": "black", "construction_date": "1965-01-01", "size": 99.2}}, {"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-71.1898401754, 44.8249095886]}, "type": "Feature", "id": 30, "properties": {"name": "La Sagouine", "price": 8523, "color": "orange", "construction_date": "1901-01-14", "size": 6.4}}, {"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-72.7055073798, 44.4473620026]}, "type": "Feature", "id": 31, "properties": {"name": "Madrid Bigfoot", "price": 6421, "color": "green", "construction_date": "1975-04-21", "size": 9.9}}, {"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-71.4124166605, 44.6162838058]}, "type": "Feature", "id": 32, "properties": {"name": "Johnny Pizza", "price": 2141, "color": "green", "construction_date": "1995-08-01", "size": 4.6}}, {"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-72.8429504676, 46.1789955523]}, "type": "Feature", "id": 33, "properties": {"name": "Bonhomme Carnaval", "price": 2148, "color": "white", "construction_date": "1977-08-11", "size": 0.2}}, {"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-72.3014895692, 46.0800689625]}, "type": "Feature", "id": 34, "properties": {"name": "Yvette Clotilde", "price": 2441, "color": "blue", "construction_date": "1960-01-25", "size": 1.5}}, {"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-71.799940458, 46.114336805]}, "type": "Feature", "id": 35, "properties": {"name": "Tony Saputo", "price": 8523, "color": "yellow", "construction_date": "1985-06-13", "size": 2.1}}, {"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-71.4885107067, 44.7216382687]}, "type": "Feature", "id": 36, "properties": {"name": "Jimmy Hendrix", "price": 6241, "color": "purple", "construction_date": "1970-01-17", "size": 0.6}}, {"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-72.3210482569, 44.5409778635]}, "type": "Feature", "id": 37, "properties": {"name": "Harry Potter", "price": 2334, "color": "blue", "construction_date": "2004-08-12", "size": 2.5}}, {"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-71.6504135587, 44.2994600204]}, "type": "Feature", "id": 38, "properties": {"name": "Tim Hortons", "price": 2311, "color": "brown", "construction_date": "1995-06-21", "size": 1.8}}, {"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-71.8344232665, 45.3771141091]}, "type": "Feature", "id": 39, "properties": {"name": "Mr Bubble", "price": 8215, "color": "blue", "construction_date": "1984-07-23", "size": 1.7}}, {"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-72.1955028605, 44.6990238387]}, "type": "Feature", "id": 40, "properties": {"name": "Yop Solo", "price": 24881, "color": "black", "construction_date": "1977-06-29", "size": 4.5}}, {"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-72.398226189, 46.2085605529]}, "type": "Feature", "id": 41, "properties": {"name": "Plum Puddings", "price": 2211, "color": "purple", "construction_date": "1980-07-23", "size": 21.5}}, {"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-71.2893144031, 46.2130780487]}, "type": "Feature", "id": 42, "properties": {"name": "Jelly Beans", "price": 1211, "color": "red", "construction_date": "1983-05-05", "size": 6.5}}]}

Added: sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/lib/GeoExt.ux/SingleFile.js
--- sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/lib/GeoExt.ux/SingleFile.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/lib/GeoExt.ux/SingleFile.js	2010-11-29 19:28:43 UTC (rev 2503)
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2008-2010 The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
+ * 
+ * Published under the BSD license.
+ * See http://svn.geoext.org/core/trunk/geoext/license.txt for the full text
+ * of the license.
+ */
+ * The code in this file is based on code taken from OpenLayers.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the Clear BSD
+ * license.  See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the
+ * full text of the license.
+ */
+(function() {
+	/**
+	 * The relative path of this script.
+	 */
+	var scriptName = "lib/GeoExt.ux/SingleFile.js";
+	/**
+	 * Function returning the path of this script.
+	 */
+	var getScriptLocation = function() {
+		var scriptLocation = "";
+		// If we load other scripts right before GeoExt using the same
+		// mechanism to add script resources dynamically (e.g. OpenLayers), 
+		// document.getElementsByTagName will not find the GeoExt script tag
+		// in FF2. Using document.documentElement.getElementsByTagName instead
+		// works around this issue.
+		var scripts = document.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('script');
+		for(var i=0, len=scripts.length; i<len; i++) {
+			var src = scripts[i].getAttribute('src');
+			if(src) {
+				var index = src.lastIndexOf(scriptName); 
+				// set path length for src up to a query string
+				var pathLength = src.lastIndexOf('?');
+				if(pathLength < 0) {
+					pathLength = src.length;
+				}
+				// is it found, at the end of the URL?
+				if((index > -1) && (index + scriptName.length == pathLength)) {
+					scriptLocation = src.slice(0, pathLength - scriptName.length);
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return scriptLocation;
+	};
+	var jsfiles = new Array(
+		"widgets/attributefilterpanel/AttributeFilterBasicForm.js",
+		"widgets/attributefilterpanel/AttributeFilterPanel.js",
+		"widgets/attributefilterpanel/FormToFilter.js",
+		"widgets/attributefilterpanel/FilterAction.js",
+		"widgets/attributefilterpanel/ResetAction.js"
+	);
+	var agent = navigator.userAgent;
+	var docWrite = (agent.match("MSIE") || agent.match("Safari"));
+	if(docWrite) {
+		var allScriptTags = new Array(jsfiles.length);
+	}
+	var host = getScriptLocation() + "lib/GeoExt.ux/";    
+	for (var i=0, len=jsfiles.length; i<len; i++) {
+		if (docWrite) {
+			allScriptTags[i] = "<script src='" + host + jsfiles[i] +
+							   "'></script>"; 
+		} else {
+			var s = document.createElement("script");
+			s.src = host + jsfiles[i];
+			var h = document.getElementsByTagName("head").length ? 
+					   document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] : 
+					   document.body;
+			h.appendChild(s);
+		}
+	}
+	if (docWrite) {
+		document.write(allScriptTags.join(""));
+	}

Added: sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/lib/GeoExt.ux/widgets/attributefilterpanel/AttributeFilterBasicForm.js
--- sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/lib/GeoExt.ux/widgets/attributefilterpanel/AttributeFilterBasicForm.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/lib/GeoExt.ux/widgets/attributefilterpanel/AttributeFilterBasicForm.js	2010-11-29 19:28:43 UTC (rev 2503)
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2008-2010 The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
+ *
+ * Published under the BSD license.
+ * See http://svn.geoext.org/core/trunk/geoext/license.txt for the full text
+ * of the license.
+ */
+ * @include GeoExt/ux/widgets/form/FilterAction.js
+ * @include GeoExt/ux/widgets/form/ResetAction.js
+ */
+/** api: (define)
+ *  module = GeoExt.ux.form
+ *  class = AttributeFilterBasicForm
+ *  base_link = `Ext.form.BasicForm <http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/dev/docs/?class=Ext.form.BasicForm>`_
+ */
+/** api: constructor
+ *  .. class:: AttributeFilterBasicForm(config)
+ *
+ *      A specific ``Ext.form.BasicForm`` whose doAction method creates
+ *      a :class:`GeoExt.ux.form.FilterAction` if it is passed the string
+ *      "filter" as its first argument.
+ *
+ *      In most cases one would not use this class directly, but
+ *      :class:`GeoExt.ux.form.AttributeFilterPanel` instead.
+ */
+GeoExt.ux.form.AttributeFilterBasicForm = Ext.extend(Ext.form.BasicForm, {
+	/** api: config[layer]
+	 *  ``OpenLayers.Layer.Vector`` The vector layer to apply a filter to
+	 */
+	 layer: null,
+	/** api: method[doAction]
+	 *  :param action: ``String or Ext.form.Action`` Either the name
+	 *      of the action or a ``Ext.form.Action`` instance.
+	 *  :param options: ``Object`` The options passed to the Action
+	 *      constructor.
+	 *  :return: :class:`GeoExt.ux.form.AttributeFilterBasicForm` This form.
+	 *
+	 *  Performs the action, if the string "filter" is passed as the
+	 *  first argument then a :class:`GeoExt.ux.form.FilterAction` is created.
+	 *  If the string "reset" is passed, then a
+	 *  :class:`GeoExt.ux.form.ResetAction` is created.
+	 */
+	doAction: function(action, options) {
+		if(action == "filter") {
+			options = Ext.applyIf(options || {}, {
+				layer: this.layer
+			});
+			action = new GeoExt.ux.form.FilterAction(this, options);
+		}
+		if(action == "reset") {
+			options = Ext.applyIf(options || {}, {
+				layer: this.layer
+			});
+			action = new GeoExt.ux.form.ResetAction(this, options);
+		}
+		return GeoExt.form.BasicForm.superclass.doAction.call(
+			this, action, options
+		);
+	},
+	/** api: method[filter]
+	 *  :param options: ``Object`` The options passed to the Action
+	 *      constructor.
+	 *  :return: :class:`GeoExt.ux.form.AttributeFilterBasicForm` This form.
+	 *  
+	 *  Shortcut to do a filter action.
+	 */
+	filter: function(options) {
+		return this.doAction("filter", options);
+	},
+	/** api: method[reset]
+	 *  :param options: ``Object`` The options passed to the Action
+	 *      constructor.
+	 *  :return: :class:`GeoExt.ux.form.AttributeFilterBasicForm` This form.
+	 *  
+	 *  Shortcut to do a reset action.
+	 */
+	reset: function(options) {
+		return this.doAction("reset", options);
+	}

Added: sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/lib/GeoExt.ux/widgets/attributefilterpanel/AttributeFilterPanel.js
--- sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/lib/GeoExt.ux/widgets/attributefilterpanel/AttributeFilterPanel.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/lib/GeoExt.ux/widgets/attributefilterpanel/AttributeFilterPanel.js	2010-11-29 19:28:43 UTC (rev 2503)
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2008-2010 The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
+ *
+ * Published under the BSD license.
+ * See http://svn.geoext.org/core/trunk/geoext/license.txt for the full text
+ * of the license.
+ */
+/** api: (define)
+ *  module = GeoExt.ux.form
+ *  class = AttributeFilterPanel
+ *  base_link = `Ext.form.FormPanel <http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/dev/docs/?class=Ext.form.FormPanel>`_
+ */
+ * @include GeoExt/ux/widgets/form/AttributeFilterBasicForm.js
+ */
+/** api: example
+ *  Sample code showing how to use a GeoExt ux attribute filter panel.
+ *
+ *  .. code-block:: javascript
+ *
+ *      var filterPanel = new GeoExt.ux.form.AttributeFilterPanel({
+ *          renderTo: "filterpanel",
+ *          layer: myVectorLayer,    // vector layer to apply the filter on
+ *          items: [{
+ *              xtype: "textfield",
+ *              name: "name__ilike",
+ *              fieldLabel: "Mountain name",
+ *              
+ *          }, {
+ *              xtype: "textfield",
+ *              name: "elevation__ge",
+ *              value: "2000"
+ *          }]
+ *      });
+ *
+ *      formPanel.addButton({
+ *          text: "filter",
+ *          handler: function() {
+ *              this.filter();
+ *          },
+ *          scope: filterPanel
+ *      });
+ */
+/** api: constructor
+ *  .. class:: FormPanel(config)
+ *
+ *      A specific ``Ext.form.FormPanel`` whose internal form is a
+ *      :class:`GeoExt.ux.form.AttributeFilterBasicForm` instead of
+ *      ``Ext.form.BasicForm``.
+ *      One would use this form to apply attribute filters on a
+ *      vector layer (``OpenLayers.Layer.Vector``).
+ *
+ *      Look at :class:`GeoExt.ux.form.FormToFilter` to understand how
+ *      form fields must be named for appropriate filters to be
+ *      passed to the layer.
+ */
+GeoExt.ux.form.AttributeFilterPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.form.FormPanel, {
+	/** api: config[layer]
+	 *  ``OpenLayers.Layer.Vector`` The vector layer to apply the filter to
+	 */
+	 layer: null,
+    /** private: method[createForm]
+     *  Create the internal :class:`GeoExt.ux.form.AttributeFilterBasicForm`
+     *  instance.
+     */
+    createForm: function() {
+        delete this.initialConfig.listeners;
+        return new GeoExt.ux.form.AttributeFilterBasicForm(null, this.initialConfig);
+    },
+    /** api: method[filter]
+     *  :param options: ``Object`` The options passed to the
+     *      :class:`GeoExt.ux.form.FilterAction` constructor.
+     *
+     *  Shortcut to the internal form's filter method.
+     */
+    filter: function(options) {
+        this.getForm().filter(options);
+    },
+    /** api: method[reset]
+     *  :param options: ``Object`` The options passed to the
+     *      :class:`GeoExt.ux.form.ResetAction` constructor.
+     *
+     *  Shortcut to the internal form's reset method.
+     */
+    reset: function(options) {
+    	this.getForm().reset(options);
+    }
+/** api: xtype = gxux_attributefilterpanel */
+Ext.reg("gxux_attributefilterpanel", GeoExt.ux.form.AttributeFilterPanel);

Added: sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/lib/GeoExt.ux/widgets/attributefilterpanel/FilterAction.js
--- sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/lib/GeoExt.ux/widgets/attributefilterpanel/FilterAction.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/lib/GeoExt.ux/widgets/attributefilterpanel/FilterAction.js	2010-11-29 19:28:43 UTC (rev 2503)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2008-2010 The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
+ *
+ * Published under the BSD license.
+ * See http://svn.geoext.org/core/trunk/geoext/license.txt for the full text
+ * of the license.
+ */
+GeoExt.ux.form.FilterAction = Ext.extend(Ext.form.Action, {
+	/** private: property[type]
+	 *  ``String`` The action type string.
+	 */
+	type: "filter",
+	/** api: property[formToFilter]
+	 *  ``GeoExt.ux.form.FormToFilter`` object that defines the mapping
+	 *  from the Form contents to the Filter object (by calling its toFilter()
+	 *  method).
+	 *  Defaults to an instance of GeoExt.ux.form.FormToFilter with
+	 *  the default options.
+	 */
+	 formToFilter: new GeoExt.ux.form.FormToFilter(),
+	/** private
+	 *  (used by ``GeoExt.ux.form.AttributeFilterBasicForm``)
+	 */
+	constructor: function(form, options) {
+		Ext.apply(this, options);
+		GeoExt.ux.form.FilterAction.superclass.constructor.call(this, form, options);
+	},
+	/** private: method[run]
+	 *  Run the action.
+	 */
+	run: function() {
+		var o = this.options;
+		var f = this.formToFilter.toFilter(this.form, o.logicalOp, o.wildcard);
+		if(o.clientValidation === false || this.form.isValid()){
+			if (o.layer) {
+				o.layer.filter = f;
+				o.layer.refresh({force: true});
+			}
+		} else if(o.clientValidation !== false){
+			// client validation failed
+			this.failureType = Ext.form.Action.CLIENT_INVALID;
+			this.form.afterAction(this, false);
+		}
+	}

Added: sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/lib/GeoExt.ux/widgets/attributefilterpanel/FormToFilter.js
--- sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/lib/GeoExt.ux/widgets/attributefilterpanel/FormToFilter.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/lib/GeoExt.ux/widgets/attributefilterpanel/FormToFilter.js	2010-11-29 19:28:43 UTC (rev 2503)
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2008-2010 The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
+ *
+ * Published under the BSD license.
+ * See http://svn.geoext.org/core/trunk/geoext/license.txt for the full text
+ * of the license.
+ */
+GeoExt.ux.form.FormToFilter = function (options) {
+	if (!options) {
+		options = {};
+	}
+	this.ignoreEmptyFields = options.ignoreEmptyFields || true;
+	return this;
+/** private: function[toFilter]
+ *  :param form: ``Ext.form.BasicForm|Ext.form.FormPanel``
+ *  :param logicalOp: ``String`` Either ``OpenLayers.Filter.Logical.AND`` or
+ *      ``OpenLayers.Filter.Logical.OR``, set to
+ *      ``OpenLayers.Filter.Logical.AND`` if null or undefined
+ *  :param wildcard: ``Integer`` Determines the wildcard behaviour of like
+ *      queries. This behaviour can either be: none, prepend, append or both.
+ *
+ *  :return: ``OpenLayers.Filter``
+ *
+ *  Create an {OpenLayers.Filter} object from a {Ext.form.BasicForm}
+ *      or a {Ext.form.FormPanel} instance.
+ */
+GeoExt.ux.form.FormToFilter.prototype.toFilter = function(form, logicalOp, wildcard) {
+	if(form instanceof Ext.form.FormPanel) {
+		form = form.getForm();
+	}
+	var filters = [];
+	var that = this;
+	form.items.each( function(item) {
+		var prop = item.getName();
+		var s = prop.split("__");
+		var value = item.getValue();
+		if (value instanceof Date) {
+			// dates must be formatted with ISO date format (Y-m-d H:i:s)
+			value = value.format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
+		}
+		var type;
+		if(!that.ignoreEmptyFields || (value != null && value != "")) {
+			if(s.length > 1 && 
+			   (type = that.toFilter.FILTER_MAP[s[1]]) !== undefined) {
+				prop = s[0];
+			} else {
+				type = OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.EQUAL_TO;
+			}
+			if (type === OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.LIKE) {
+				switch(wildcard) {
+					case that.toFilter.ENDS_WITH:
+						value = '.*' + value;
+						break;
+					case that.toFilter.STARTS_WITH:
+						value += '.*';
+						break;
+					case that.toFilter.CONTAINS:
+						value = '.*' + value + '.*';
+						break;
+					default:
+						// do nothing, just take the value
+						break;
+				}
+			}
+			filters.push(
+				new OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison({
+					type: type,
+					value: value,
+					property: prop
+				})
+			);
+		}
+	});
+	return filters.length == 1 && logicalOp != OpenLayers.Filter.Logical.NOT ?
+		filters[0] :
+		new OpenLayers.Filter.Logical({
+			type: logicalOp || OpenLayers.Filter.Logical.AND,
+			filters: filters
+		});
+/** private: constant[FILTER_MAP]
+ *  An object mapping operator strings as found in field names to
+ *      ``OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison`` types.
+ */
+GeoExt.ux.form.FormToFilter.prototype.toFilter.FILTER_MAP = {
+    "eq": OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.EQUAL_TO,
+    "ne": OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.NOT_EQUAL_TO,
+    "lt": OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.LESS_THAN,
+    "le": OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO,
+    "gt": OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.GREATER_THAN,
+    "ge": OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO,
+    "like": OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.LIKE
+GeoExt.ux.form.FormToFilter.prototype.toFilter.ENDS_WITH = 1;
+GeoExt.ux.form.FormToFilter.prototype.toFilter.STARTS_WITH = 2;
+GeoExt.ux.form.FormToFilter.prototype.toFilter.CONTAINS = 3;
+/** private: function[recordToField]
+ *  :param record: ``Ext.data.Record``, typically from an attributeStore
+ *
+ *  :return: ``Object`` An object literal with a xtype property, use
+ *  ``Ext.ComponentMgr.create`` (or ``Ext.create`` in Ext 3) to create
+ *  an ``Ext.form.Field`` from this object.
+ *
+ *  This function can be used to create an ``Ext.form.Field`` from
+ *  an ``Ext.data.Record`` containing name, type, restriction and
+ *  label fields.
+ */
+GeoExt.ux.form.FormToFilter.prototype.recordToField = function(record) {
+    var type = record.get("type");
+    if(typeof type === "object" && type.xtype) {
+        // we have an xtype'd object literal in the type
+        // field, just return it
+        return type;
+    }
+    var field;
+    var name = record.get("name");
+    var label = record.get("label");
+    var restriction = record.get("restriction") || {};
+    // use name for label if label isn't defined in the record
+    if(label == null) {
+        label = name;
+    }
+    type = type.split(":").pop(); // remove ns prefix
+    var r = this.recordToField.REGEXES;
+    if(type.match(r["text"])) {
+        var maxLength = restriction["maxLength"] !== undefined ?
+            parseFloat(restriction["maxLength"]) : undefined;
+        var minLength = restriction["minLength"] !== undefined ?
+            parseFloat(restriction["minLength"]) : undefined;
+        field = {
+            xtype: "textfield",
+            name: name,
+            fieldLabel: label,
+            maxLength: maxLength,
+            minLength: minLength
+        };
+    } else if(type.match(r["number"])) {
+        var maxValue = restriction["maxInclusive"] !== undefined ?
+            parseFloat(restriction["maxInclusive"]) : undefined;
+        var minValue = restriction["minInclusive"] !== undefined ?
+            parseFloat(restriction["minInclusive"]) : undefined;
+        field = {
+            xtype: "numberfield",
+            name: name,
+            fieldLabel: label,
+            maxValue: maxValue,
+            minValue: minValue
+        };
+    } else if(type.match(r["boolean"])) {
+        field = {
+            xtype: "checkbox",
+            name: name,
+            boxLabel: label
+        };
+    } else if(type.match(r["date"])) {
+        field = {
+            xtype: "datefield",
+            fieldLabel: label,
+            name: name
+        };
+    }
+    return field;
+/** private: constant[REGEXES]
+  *  ``Object`` Regular expressions for determining what type
+  *  of field to create from an attribute record.
+  */
+GeoExt.ux.form.FormToFilter.prototype.recordToField.REGEXES = {
+    "text": new RegExp(
+        "^(text|string)$", "i"
+    ),
+    "number": new RegExp(
+        "^(number|float|decimal|double|int|long|integer|short)$", "i"
+    ),
+    "boolean": new RegExp(
+        "^(boolean)$", "i"
+    ),
+    "date": new RegExp(
+        "^(dateTime)$", "i"
+    )

Added: sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/lib/GeoExt.ux/widgets/attributefilterpanel/ResetAction.js
--- sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/lib/GeoExt.ux/widgets/attributefilterpanel/ResetAction.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/borealis/geoext.ux/ux/AttributeFilterPanel/lib/GeoExt.ux/widgets/attributefilterpanel/ResetAction.js	2010-11-29 19:28:43 UTC (rev 2503)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2008-2010 The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
+ *
+ * Published under the BSD license.
+ * See http://svn.geoext.org/core/trunk/geoext/license.txt for the full text
+ * of the license.
+ */
+GeoExt.ux.form.ResetAction = Ext.extend(Ext.form.Action, {
+	/** private: property[type]
+	 *  ``String`` The action type string.
+	 */
+	type: "reset",
+	/** api: property[formPanel]
+	 *  ``GeoExt.ux.form.AttributeFilterPanel`` form object
+	 */
+	formPanel: null,
+	/** private
+	 *  (used by ``GeoExt.ux.form.AttributeFilterBasicForm``)
+	 */
+	constructor: function(form, options) {
+		Ext.apply(this, options);
+		GeoExt.ux.form.ResetAction.superclass.constructor.call(this, form, options);
+	},
+	/** private: method[run]
+	 *  Run the action.
+	 */
+	run: function() {
+		var o = this.options;
+		if (this.formPanel) {
+			// clear the contents of the form fields
+			var data = {};
+			this.formPanel.items.each(function(item) {
+				data[item.getName()] = null;
+			});
+			var emptyRecord = new Ext.data.Record(data);
+			this.formPanel.getForm().loadRecord(emptyRecord);
+		}
+		if (o.layer) {
+			// clear the layer's filter and refresh the layer
+			o.layer.filter = null;
+			o.layer.refresh({force: true});
+		}
+	}

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