[Commits] r2407 - sandbox/cmoullet/ux/WMTS
commits at geoext.org
commits at geoext.org
Sat Sep 25 18:20:30 CEST 2010
Author: cmoullet
Date: 2010-09-25 18:20:30 +0200 (Sat, 25 Sep 2010)
New Revision: 2407
Add WMTS Capabilities example
Added: sandbox/cmoullet/ux/WMTS/WMTS_GEOADMIN.xml
--- sandbox/cmoullet/ux/WMTS/WMTS_GEOADMIN.xml (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/cmoullet/ux/WMTS/WMTS_GEOADMIN.xml 2010-09-25 16:20:30 UTC (rev 2407)
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<Capabilities xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/wmts/1.0" xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wmts/1.0 http://schemas.opengis.net/wmts/1.0/wmtsGetCapabilities_response.xsd" version="1.0.0">
+ <ows:ServiceIdentification>
+ <ows:Title>GeoAdmin WMTS SAMPLE IMPLEMENTATION</ows:Title>
+ <ows:Abstract>WMTS service for www.geo.admin.ch. NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE !</ows:Abstract>
+ <ows:Keywords>
+ <ows:Keyword>Switzerland</ows:Keyword>
+ <ows:Keyword>www.geo.admin.ch</ows:Keyword>
+ </ows:Keywords>
+ <ows:ServiceType>OGC WMTS</ows:ServiceType>
+ <ows:ServiceTypeVersion>1.0.0</ows:ServiceTypeVersion>
+ <ows:Fees>Contact Swisstopo</ows:Fees>
+ <ows:AccessConstraints>Contact Swisstopo</ows:AccessConstraints>
+ </ows:ServiceIdentification>
+ <ows:ServiceProvider>
+ <ows:ProviderName>Swisstopo</ows:ProviderName>
+ <ows:ProviderSite xlink:href="http://www.geo.admin.ch"/>
+ <ows:ServiceContact>
+ <ows:IndividualName>David Oesch</ows:IndividualName>
+ <ows:PositionName>Senior Project Manager</ows:PositionName>
+ <ows:ContactInfo>
+ <ows:Address>
+ <ows:ElectronicMailAddress>david.oesch at swisstopo.com</ows:ElectronicMailAddress>
+ </ows:Address>
+ </ows:ContactInfo>
+ </ows:ServiceContact>
+ </ows:ServiceProvider>
+ <ows:OperationsMetadata>
+ <ows:Operation name="GetCapabilities">
+ <ows:DCP>
+ <ows:HTTP>
+ <ows:Get xlink:href="http://map.geo.admin.ch/wmts">
+ <ows:Constraint name="GetEncoding">
+ <ows:AllowedValues>
+ <ows:Value>RESTful</ows:Value>
+ </ows:AllowedValues>
+ </ows:Constraint>
+ </ows:Get>
+ </ows:HTTP>
+ </ows:DCP>
+ </ows:Operation>
+ <ows:Operation name="GetTile">
+ <ows:DCP>
+ <ows:HTTP>
+ <ows:Get xlink:href="http://map.geo.admin.ch/wmts">
+ <ows:Constraint name="GetEncoding">
+ <ows:AllowedValues>
+ <ows:Value>RESTful</ows:Value>
+ </ows:AllowedValues>
+ </ows:Constraint>
+ </ows:Get>
+ </ows:HTTP>
+ </ows:DCP>
+ </ows:Operation>
+ </ows:OperationsMetadata>
+ <Contents>
+ <Layer>
+ <ows:Title>ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe</ows:Title>
+ <ows:Abstract>
+ Switzerland Pixel map
+ </ows:Abstract>
+ <ows:Identifier>ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe</ows:Identifier>
+ <Format>image/jpeg</Format>
+ <TileMatrixSet>ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe</TileMatrixSet>
+ <Style isDefault="true">
+ <ows:Title>default</ows:Title>
+ <ows:Identifier>null</ows:Identifier>
+ </Style>
+ <TileMatrixSetLink>
+ <TileMatrixSet>ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe</TileMatrixSet>
+ </TileMatrixSetLink>
+ <ResourceURL format="image/jpeg" resourceType="tile" template="http://map.geo.admin.ch/wmts/ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe/ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe/default/ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe/{TileMatrix}/{TileRow}/{TileCol}.jpeg"/>
+ </Layer>
+ <TileMatrixSet>
+ <ows:Identifier>ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe</ows:Identifier>
+ <ows:SupportedCRS>urn:ogc:def:parameter:EPSG::21781</ows:SupportedCRS>
+ <!-- resolutions: 4000,3750,3500,3250,3000,2750,2500,2250,2000,1750,1500,1250,1000,750,650,500,250,100,50,20,10,5,2.5,2,1.5,1,0.5 -->
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>0</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>40000000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>1</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>1</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>1</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>37500000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>1</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>1</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>2</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>35000000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>1</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>1</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>3</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>32500000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>1</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>1</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>4</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>30000000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>1</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>1</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>5</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>27500000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>1</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>1</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>6</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>25000000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>1</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>1</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>7</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>22500000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>1</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>1</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>8</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>20000000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>1</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>1</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>9</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>17500000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>2</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>1</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>10</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>15000000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>2</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>1</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>11</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>12500000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>2</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>1</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>12</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>10000000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>2</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>2</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>13</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>7500000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>3</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>2</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>14</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>2500000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>3</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>2</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>15</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>1000000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>4</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>3</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>16</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>500000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>8</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>5</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>17</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>200000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>19</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>13</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>18</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>100000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>38</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>25</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>19</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>50000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>94</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>63</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>20</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>25000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>188</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>125</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>21</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>20000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>375</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>250</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>22</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>10000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>750</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>500</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>23</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>5000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>938</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>625</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>24</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>4000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>1280</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>834</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>25</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>2500</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>1875</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>1250</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ <TileMatrix>
+ <ows:Identifier>26</ows:Identifier>
+ <ScaleDenominator>1000</ScaleDenominator>
+ <!-- top left point of tile matrix bounding box -->
+ <TopLeftCorner>420000 350000</TopLeftCorner>
+ <!-- width and height of each tile in pixel units -->
+ <TileWidth>256</TileWidth>
+ <TileHeight>256</TileHeight>
+ <!-- width and height of matrix in tile units -->
+ <MatrixWidth>3750</MatrixWidth>
+ <MatrixHeight>2500</MatrixHeight>
+ </TileMatrix>
+ </TileMatrixSet>
+ </Contents>
\ No newline at end of file
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