[Commits] r2613 - in sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt: plugins widgets

commits at geoext.org commits at geoext.org
Wed Mar 2 10:55:30 CET 2011

Author: fvanderbiest
Date: 2011-03-02 10:55:30 +0100 (Wed, 02 Mar 2011)
New Revision: 2613

camptocamp/geobretagne sandbox: GeoExt.form.recordToField improvements (see #380)

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/plugins/AttributeForm.js
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/plugins/AttributeForm.js	2011-03-01 14:30:18 UTC (rev 2612)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/plugins/AttributeForm.js	2011-03-02 09:55:30 UTC (rev 2613)
@@ -76,6 +76,23 @@
      *  ``Ext.form.FormPanel`` This form panel.
     formPanel: null,
+    /** api: config[displayFieldType]
+     *  ``Boolean`` Display the field type as a quick tip (defaults to false).
+     *  Quick tips need to be initialized with Ext.QuickTips.init().
+     */
+    /** private: property[displayFieldType]
+     *  ``Boolean`` Display the field type as a quick tip.
+     */
+    displayFieldType: null,
+    /** api: config[markRequiredFields]
+     *  ``Boolean`` Display required fields with bold labels.
+     */
+    /** private: property[markRequiredFields]
+     *  ``Boolean`` Display required fields with bold labels.
+     */
+    markRequiredFields: null,
     /** private: method[init]
      *  :param formPanel: class:`Ext.form.FormPanel`
@@ -135,7 +152,10 @@
     fillForm: function() {
         this.attributeStore.each(function(record) {
-            var field = GeoExt.form.recordToField(record);
+            var field = GeoExt.form.recordToField(record, {
+                displayType: this.displayFieldType,
+                markRequired: this.markRequiredFields
+            });
             if(field) {

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/form.js
--- sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/form.js	2011-03-01 14:30:18 UTC (rev 2612)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/geobretagne/lib/GeoExt/widgets/form.js	2011-03-02 09:55:30 UTC (rev 2613)
@@ -89,7 +89,11 @@
 GeoExt.form.CONTAINS = 3;
 /** private: function[recordToField]
- *  :param record: ``Ext.data.Record``, typically from an attributeStore
+ *  :param record: ``Ext.data.Record``, typically from an attributeStore.
+ *  :param options: ``Object``, optional object litteral with keys 
+ *  "displayType" and "markRequired". Both are booleans. When true, the 
+ *  latter displays bold field labels, while the former enables display 
+ *  of field type as a quick tip when hovering labels.
  *  :return: ``Object`` An object literal with a xtype property, use
  *  ``Ext.ComponentMgr.create`` (or ``Ext.create`` in Ext 3) to create
@@ -99,71 +103,75 @@
  *  an ``Ext.data.Record`` containing name, type, restriction and
  *  label fields.
-GeoExt.form.recordToField = function(record) {
+GeoExt.form.recordToField = function(record, options) {
     var type = record.get("type");
     if(typeof type === "object" && type.xtype) {
         // we have an xtype'd object literal in the type
         // field, just return it
         return type;
+    type = type.split(":").pop(); // remove ns prefix
     var field;
     var name = record.get("name");
     var label = record.get("label");
-    var restriction = record.get("restriction") || {};
     // use name for label if label isn't defined in the record
     if(label == null) {
         label = name;
-    type = type.split(":").pop(); // remove ns prefix
+    var nillable = record.get("nillable") || false;
+    var restriction = record.get("restriction") || {};
+    var typeI18n = GeoExt.form.recordToField.TIPTRANSLATIONS[type] || type;
+    var qtip = typeI18n + ((!nillable && options.markRequired) ? 
+        ' ('+GeoExt.form.recordToField.TIPTRANSLATIONS["required"]+')': '');
+    var baseOptions = {
+        name: name,
+        labelStyle: (!nillable && options.markRequired) ? 
+            'font-weight:bold;' : '',
+        fieldLabel: (options.displayType) ? 
+            '<span ext:qtip="'+qtip+'">'+label+'</span>' : label
+    };
     var r = GeoExt.form.recordToField.REGEXES;
     if(type.match(r["text"])) {
         var maxLength = restriction["maxLength"] !== undefined ?
             parseFloat(restriction["maxLength"]) : undefined;
         var minLength = restriction["minLength"] !== undefined ?
             parseFloat(restriction["minLength"]) : undefined;
-        field = {
+        field = Ext.apply({
             xtype: "textfield",
-            name: name,
-            fieldLabel: label,
+            allowBlank: nillable,
             maxLength: maxLength,
             minLength: minLength
-        };
+        }, baseOptions);
     } else if(type.match(r["number"])) {
         var maxValue = restriction["maxInclusive"] !== undefined ?
             parseFloat(restriction["maxInclusive"]) : undefined;
         var minValue = restriction["minInclusive"] !== undefined ?
             parseFloat(restriction["minInclusive"]) : undefined;
-        field = {
+        field = Ext.apply({
             xtype: "numberfield",
-            name: name,
-            fieldLabel: label,
+            allowBlank: nillable,
+            allowNegative: !type.match(r["positiveNumbers"]),
+            allowDecimals: type.match(r["decimals"]),
             maxValue: maxValue,
             minValue: minValue
-        };
+        }, baseOptions);
     } else if(type.match(r["boolean"])) {
-        field = {
-            xtype: "checkbox",
-            name: name,
-            fieldLabel: label
-        };
+        field = Ext.apply({
+            xtype: "checkbox"
+        }, baseOptions);
     } else if(type.match(r["date"])) {
-        field = {
+        field = Ext.apply({
             xtype: "datefield",
-            fieldLabel: label,
-            name: name,
+            allowBlank: nillable,
             format: 'c'
-        };
+        }, baseOptions);
     return field;
 /** private: constant[REGEXES]
   *  ``Object`` Regular expressions for determining what type
@@ -174,8 +182,14 @@
         "^(text|string)$", "i"
     "number": new RegExp(
-        "^(number|float|decimal|double|int|long|integer|short)$", "i"
+        "^(number|float|decimal|double|int|long|integer|short|byte|unsignedLong|unsignedInt|unsignedShort|unsignedByte|nonNegativeInteger|positiveInteger)$", "i"
+    "decimals": new RegExp(
+        "^(number|float|decimal|double)$", "i"
+    ),
+    "positiveNumbers": new RegExp(
+        "^(unsignedLong|unsignedInt|unsignedShort|unsignedByte|nonNegativeInteger|positiveInteger)$", "i"
+    ),
     "boolean": new RegExp(
         "^(boolean)$", "i"
@@ -183,3 +197,30 @@
         "^(date|dateTime)$", "i"
+/** private: constant[TIPTRANSLATIONS]
+  *  ``Object`` translation of field types.
+  */
+GeoExt.form.recordToField.TIPTRANSLATIONS = {
+    "required": "required",
+    "text": "Text",
+    "string": "String",
+    "number": "Number",
+    "float": "Float",
+    "decimal": "Decimal",
+    "double": "Double",
+    "int": "Integer",
+    "long": "Long integer",
+    "integer": "Integer",
+    "short": "Short integer",
+    "byte": "Byte",
+    "unsignedLong": "Unsigned long integer",
+    "unsignedInt": "Unsigned integer",
+    "unsignedShort": "Unsigned short integer",
+    "unsignedByte": "Unsigned byte",
+    "nonNegativeInteger": "Non negative integer",
+    "positiveInteger": "Positive integer",
+    "boolean": "Boolean",
+    "date": "Date",
+    "dateTime": "Date w/ time"

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