[Commits] r2629 - in sandbox/mapgears/geoext.ux/ux/WFSTFeatureEditing: examples lib/GeoExt.ux/widgets
commits at geoext.org
commits at geoext.org
Tue Mar 22 15:35:18 CET 2011
Author: adube
Date: 2011-03-22 15:35:18 +0100 (Tue, 22 Mar 2011)
New Revision: 2629
WFSTFeatureEditing - GeomType detection, draw control and actions, menu buttons, auto hide-show vector layer upon draw
Modified: sandbox/mapgears/geoext.ux/ux/WFSTFeatureEditing/examples/WFSTFeatureEditing.js
--- sandbox/mapgears/geoext.ux/ux/WFSTFeatureEditing/examples/WFSTFeatureEditing.js 2011-03-21 20:14:50 UTC (rev 2628)
+++ sandbox/mapgears/geoext.ux/ux/WFSTFeatureEditing/examples/WFSTFeatureEditing.js 2011-03-22 14:35:18 UTC (rev 2629)
@@ -3,17 +3,12 @@
Ext.onReady(function() {
- url = "http://dev8.mapgears.com/cgi-bin/tinyows-trunk";
+ msURL = "http://dev8.mapgears.com/cgi-bin/mswms_gmap_trunk";
+ tinyURL = "http://dev8.mapgears.com/cgi-bin/tinyows-trunk";
- var actions = [];
- var action = new Ext.Action({
- text: 'Dummy',
- scope: this
- });
- actions.push(action);
- toolbar = new Ext.Toolbar(actions);
+ // == Map ==
var options = {
+ allOverlays: true,
projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913"),
displayProjection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"),
units: "m",
@@ -24,9 +19,52 @@
map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', options);
+ // == Toolbar and Actions ==
+ var actions = [];
+ // ZoomToMaxExtent control, a "button" control
+ action = new GeoExt.Action({
+ control: new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomToMaxExtent(),
+ map: map,
+ text: "max extent",
+ tooltip: "zoom to max extent"
+ });
+ actions.push(action);
+ actions.push("-");
+ // Navigation control and DrawFeature controls
+ // in the same toggle group
+ action = new GeoExt.Action({
+ text: "nav",
+ control: new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation(),
+ map: map,
+ // button options
+ toggleGroup: "myGroup",
+ allowDepress: false,
+ pressed: true,
+ tooltip: "navigate",
+ // check item options
+ group: "myGroup",
+ checked: true
+ });
+ actions.push(action);
+ toolbar = new Ext.Toolbar(actions);
+ // == MapPanel ==
+ wmsOptions = {isBaseLayer: false, singleTile: true};
mapPanel = new GeoExt.MapPanel({
region: "center",
- layers: [new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM()],
+ layers: [
+ //new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM(),
+ new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Bathymetry', msURL, {
+ transparent: true, layers: 'bathymetry'}, wmsOptions),
+ new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Drainage', msURL, {
+ transparent: true, layers: 'drainage'}, wmsOptions),
+ new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Roads', msURL, {
+ transparent: true, layers: 'road'}, wmsOptions),
+ new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Cities', msURL, {
+ transparent: true, layers: 'popplace'}, wmsOptions)
+ ],
map: map,
tbar: toolbar
@@ -51,11 +89,13 @@
items: [mapPanel, tree]
- map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(-10762333.581055,5968203.1676758), 2);
+ map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(-8005708,6182838), 7);
+ // WFSTFeatureEditingManager
manager = new GeoExt.ux.WFSTFeatureEditingManager({
- 'map': mapPanel.map,
- 'toolbar': toolbar,
- 'url': url
+ "map": mapPanel.map,
+ "toolbar": toolbar,
+ "url": tinyURL,
+ "actionGroup": "myGroup"
Modified: sandbox/mapgears/geoext.ux/ux/WFSTFeatureEditing/lib/GeoExt.ux/widgets/WFSTFeatureEditingManager.js
--- sandbox/mapgears/geoext.ux/ux/WFSTFeatureEditing/lib/GeoExt.ux/widgets/WFSTFeatureEditingManager.js 2011-03-21 20:14:50 UTC (rev 2628)
+++ sandbox/mapgears/geoext.ux/ux/WFSTFeatureEditing/lib/GeoExt.ux/widgets/WFSTFeatureEditingManager.js 2011-03-22 14:35:18 UTC (rev 2629)
@@ -10,10 +10,32 @@
'VERSION': "1.0.0"
+ 'REQUEST': "DescribeFeatureType",
+ 'VERSION': "1.0.0"
+ },
featureNS: "http://localhost"
+ DEFAULT_ACTION_GROUP: "wfstFeatureEditing",
+/* i18n */
+ drawMenuButtonText: "Draw",
+ drawMenuButtonTooltipText: "Add Tool: Select a layer from the list then " +
+ "digitalize a new feature by clicking on the map.",
+ editMenuButtonText: "Edit",
+ editMenuButtonTooltipText: "Edit Tool: Select a layer from the list then " +
+ "click on a feature on the map to edit it.",
/* API */
toolbar: null,
@@ -24,27 +46,63 @@
capabilitiesParams: null,
+ describeFeatureTypeParams: null,
protocolOptions: null,
+ geomProperty: "the_geom",
+ actionGroup: null,
mainPanel: null,
statusBar: null,
+ queries: null,
+ layers: null,
+ drawMenuButton: null,
+ editMenuButton: null,
+ isDrawing: false,
/** private: method[constructor]
* Private constructor override.
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, config);
arguments.callee.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+ this.queries = 0;
+ this.layers = [];
this.url && this.createToolsFromURL(this.url);
initMainTools: function() {
+ this.drawMenuButton = new Ext.Button({
+ //"iconCls": "wfstFeatureEditing_DrawFeature",
+ "text": this.drawMenuButtonText,
+ "menu": new Ext.menu.Menu(),
+ "tooltip": this.drawMenuButtonTooltipText
+ });
+ this.editMenuButton = new Ext.Button({
+ //"iconCls": "wfstFeatureEditing_EditFeature",
+ "text": this.editMenuButtonText,
+ "menu": new Ext.menu.Menu(),
+ "tooltip": this.editMenuButtonTooltipText
+ });
+ this.toolbar.addItem("-");
+ this.toolbar.addItem(this.drawMenuButton);
+ this.toolbar.addItem(this.editMenuButton);
+ this.toolbar.addItem("-");
+ this.toolbar.doLayout();
createToolsFromURL: function(url) {
@@ -66,7 +124,7 @@
// todo: delegate to WFSCapabilitiesReader
projection: new OpenLayers.Projection(this.map.getProjection()),
visibility: false,
- //displayInLayerSwitcher: false,
+ displayInLayerSwitcher: false,
//minScale: 250000
@@ -78,6 +136,8 @@
var layers = [];
Ext.each(records, function(record, index) {
var layer = record.getLayer().clone();
+ layer.wfstFeatureEditing = {"manager": this};
// todo : create SaveStrategy in WFSCapabilitiesReader
// find the save strategy and keep a reference to it
@@ -94,18 +154,154 @@
- });
- this.map.addLayers( layers.reverse() );
+ }, this);
+ this.map.addLayers(layers);
+ this.layers = layers;
Ext.each(layers, function(layer, index) {
- OpenLayers.loadURL(layer.protocol.url, {
- 'REQUEST': "DescribeFeatureType",
- 'VERSION': "1.0.0",
- 'TYPENAME': layer.protocol.featureType
- }, layer, wfsDFTSuccess, wfsDFTFailure
- );
+ var params = Ext.applyIf(Ext.applyIf(
+ this.describeFeatureTypeParams || {},
+ {'TYPENAME': layer.protocol.featureType});
+ OpenLayers.loadURL(layer.protocol.url, params,
+ {layer: layer, manager: this},
+ this.onDescribeFeatureTypeSuccess,
+ this.onDescribeFeatureTypeFailure);
+ }, this);
+ },
+ onDescribeFeatureTypeSuccess: function(response) {
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.WFSDescribeFeatureType();
+ format.setNamespace("xsd", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
+ var describe = format.read(response.responseXML);
+ if (describe && describe.featureTypes && describe.featureTypes[0]) {
+ Ext.each(describe.featureTypes[0].properties, function(property, index) {
+ if (property.name == this.manager.geomProperty) {
+ var geomType;
+ switch (property.localType) {
+ case "PointPropertyType":
+ this.layer.wfstFeatureEditing.drawHandler =
+ OpenLayers.Handler.Point;
+ break;
+ case "LineStringPropertyType":
+ this.layer.wfstFeatureEditing.drawHandler =
+ OpenLayers.Handler.Path;
+ break;
+ case "PolygonPropertyType":
+ this.layer.wfstFeatureEditing.drawHandler =
+ OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon;
+ break;
+ case "MultiPointPropertyType":
+ this.layer.wfstFeatureEditing.drawHandler =
+ OpenLayers.Handler.Point;
+ this.layer.wfstFeatureEditing.multiGeometry =
+ OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPoint;
+ break;
+ case "MultiLineStringPropertyType":
+ this.layer.wfstFeatureEditing.drawHandler =
+ OpenLayers.Handler.Path;
+ this.layer.wfstFeatureEditing.multiGeometry =
+ OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString;
+ break;
+ case "MultiPolygonPropertyType":
+ this.layer.wfstFeatureEditing.drawHandler =
+ OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon;
+ this.layer.wfstFeatureEditing.multiGeometry =
+ OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPolygon;
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }, this);
+ }
+ this.manager.queries++;
+ if (this.manager.queries == this.manager.layers.length) {
+ this.manager.createEditingTools();
+ }
+ },
+ onDescribeFeatureTypeFailure: function(response) {
+ //todo
+ },
+ createEditingTools: function() {
+ Ext.each(this.layers, function(layer, index) {
+ this.createEditingToolsForLayer(layer);
+ }, this);
+ this.toolbar.doLayout();
+ this.resetAll();
+ },
+ createEditingToolsForLayer: function(layer) {
+ // ======================
+ // DrawFeature and Action
+ // ======================
+ var handler = layer.wfstFeatureEditing.drawHandler ||
+ OpenLayers.Handler.Point;
+ var drawControl = new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(layer, handler);
+ drawControl.events.on({
+ "activate": function() { this.setVisibility(true); },
+ "deactivate": function() { this.setVisibility(false); },
+ "featureadded": function(e) {
+ var feature = e.feature;
+ if (feature) {
+ var layer = feature.layer;
+ var multiGeom = layer.wfstFeatureEditing.multiGeometry;
+ // if we're dealing with a "MultiGeometry" layer, we
+ // must cast the geometry as "Multi" when the feature
+ // drawing is completed
+ if (multiGeom) {
+ layer.eraseFeatures([feature]);
+ feature.geometry = new multiGeom(feature.geometry);
+ }
+ /*
+ this.editingTools.drawControl.deactivate();
+ this.editingTools.selectControl.activate();
+ this.editingTools.selectControl.select(feature);
+ */
+ }
+ },
+ scope: layer
+ // create the action, add it to BOTH the toolbar and menu (hidden) to
+ // allow the toogleGroup and group properties to work properly. Show
+ // the menu item after it has been added
+ var drawAction = new GeoExt.Action({
+ text: layer.name,
+ hidden: true,
+ control: drawControl,
+ map: map,
+ disabled: !layer.inRange,
+ // button options
+ toggleGroup: this.actionGroup || this.DEFAULT_ACTION_GROUP,
+ allowDepress: false,
+ // check item options
+ group: this.actionGroup || this.DEFAULT_ACTION_GROUP
+ });
+ this.toolbar.addItem(drawAction);
+ this.drawMenuButton.menu.addItem(new Ext.menu.CheckItem(drawAction));
+ var drawMenuItem = this.drawMenuButton.menu.items.items[
+ this.drawMenuButton.menu.items.getCount() - 1
+ ];
+ drawMenuItem.show();
+ drawMenuItem.on("click", function() {
+ this.isDrawing = true;
+ }, this);
+ layer.wfstFeatureEditing.drawAction = drawAction;
+ layer.wfstFeatureEditing.drawControl = drawControl;
+ },
+ resetAll: function() {
+ this.layers = [];
+ this.queries = 0;
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