[Commits] r2719 - sandbox/gxm/geoext/gxm/tests/lib

commits at geoext.org commits at geoext.org
Tue May 24 10:05:52 CEST 2011

Author: marcjansen
Date: 2011-05-24 10:05:52 +0200 (Tue, 24 May 2011)
New Revision: 2719

  - more mappanel tests

Modified: sandbox/gxm/geoext/gxm/tests/lib/MapPanel.test.html
--- sandbox/gxm/geoext/gxm/tests/lib/MapPanel.test.html	2011-05-23 15:11:06 UTC (rev 2718)
+++ sandbox/gxm/geoext/gxm/tests/lib/MapPanel.test.html	2011-05-24 08:05:52 UTC (rev 2719)
@@ -32,7 +32,9 @@
 function getMapPanel(opts) {
     var map = getMap();
     var options = Ext.apply(opts || {});
-    options.map = map;
+    if (!opts || !opts.map) {
+        options.map = map;
+    }
     var mappanel = new GXM.MapPanel(options);
     return mappanel;
@@ -193,34 +195,116 @@
+//TODO: remove eventually
+var log = function(){
+    if (console && console.log) {
+        for (arg in arguments) {
+            console.log(arguments[arg]);
+        } 
+    }
+var dir = function(){
+    if (console && console.dir) {
+        for (arg in arguments) {
+            console.dir(arguments[arg]);
+        } 
+    }
 function test_extent(t){
     var panel;
-    var log = {};
+    var logger = {};
     var map = getMap();
+    map.zoomToExtent = function(extent, force){
+        logger.extent = extent;
+    };
     panel = getMapPanel({
         map: map,
         extent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(1, 2, 3, 4)
-    map.zoomToExtent = function(extent){
-        alert(1321)
-        log.extent = extent;
-    };
-    t.eq(log.extent, '1,2,3,4', "extent as OpenLayers.Bounds-object is set on the map");
-    log = {};
+    t.eq(logger.extent.toString(), '1,2,3,4', "extent as OpenLayers.Bounds-object is set on the map");
+    logger = {};
     panel = getMapPanel({
         map: map,
         extent: [5,6,7,8]
-    t.eq(log.extent, '5,6,7,8', "extent as array is set on the map");
+    t.eq(logger.extent.toString(), '5,6,7,8', "extent as array is set on the map");
+    map.destroy();
+function test_destroy(t) {
+    t.plan(6);
+    /**
+     * If the panel is passed an instance of OpenLayers.Map, we don't
+     * touch it in the destroy sequence, we only remove our reference
+     * to it.  If the panel is passed a map config object, the panel
+     * creates the OpenLayers.Map instance, and the panel destroys the
+     * map in its destroy sequence.
+     */
+    var mappanel = new GXM.MapPanel({
+        layers: [
+            new OpenLayers.Layer()
+        ],
+        center: '0,0'
+    });
+    t.ok(mappanel.map instanceof OpenLayers.Map, 'GXM.MapPanel creates an OpenLayers.Map-instance');
+    var called = false;
+    mappanel.map.destroy = function() {
+        called = true;
+        OpenLayers.Map.prototype.destroy.apply(mappanel.map, arguments);
+    };
+    try {
+        mappanel.destroy();
+        t.ok(called, "mappanel.destroy calls map.destroy");
+    } catch(err) {
+        t.fail("mappanel.destroy causes problems: " + err);
+    }
+    t.ok(!mappanel.map, "mappanel has no reference to a map");
+    // if we have a reference to a map, do not touch it
+    var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
+        layers: [
+            new OpenLayers.Layer()
+        ],
+        // an fixed prop to check wether the right refernece is taken
+        humptyDumpty: 'foo-bar-baz'
+    });
+    var mappanel2 = new GXM.MapPanel({
+        fullscreen: false,
+        map: map,
+        center: '1,1'
+    });
+    t.eq(mappanel2.map.humptyDumpty , 'foo-bar-baz' , 'GXM.MapPanel respects a given OpenLayers.Map-instance');
+    called = false;
+    mappanel2.map.destroy = function(){
+        called = true;
+        OpenLayers.Map.prototype.destroy.apply(mappanel2.map, arguments);
+    }
+    try {
+        mappanel2.destroy();
+        t.eq(called, false, "mappanel.destroy does not call map.destroy when it's from outside");
+    } catch(err) {
+        t.fail("mappanel.destroy causes problems: " + err);
+    }
+    t.ok(map instanceof OpenLayers.Map, 'map is still a OpenLayers.Map-instance after the panel has been destroyed.');

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