[Users] Features in Layer Tree?

Tom Hansen tomh at uwm.edu
Fri Apr 2 17:31:12 CEST 2010

Very simple question, that I cannot seem to find the answer to anywhere:

Is there a supported method to include individual features in a layer tree?

I am reading in layers from individual KML files and have each KML 
represented in a layer tree.  It works perfectly.  However, I would like 
to add the ability to "open" the layer on the tree and see the 
individual features, and be able to turn them on/off with checkboxes, 
just like at the layer level.  Is there already a supported way to do 
this?  Or do I need to "roll my own" as it were?

Thank you!

Tom Hansen
Senior Information Processing Consultant
UWM Great Lakes WATER Institute
tomh at uwm.edu

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