[Users] simplified geometries and layer scale dependency

percy percyd at pdx.edu
Wed Dec 8 16:42:57 CET 2010

Okay, sorry to be clogging up the airwaves this morning!

I have a 5MB geojson file that I've used a douglas-pueker algorith to 
shrink down to 55K for quick display when zoomed out. I need to show the 
full complexity when zoomed in.

I know I can set minScaleDenom and maxScaleDenom on layers in 
openlayers, or in my mapfile in mapserver, been doin' that for years!

how do I do that if I'm using a FeatureStore? I can think of a few ways 
to approach it, but I thought I'd ask the group if the there is a 
generally used, or canonical, approach.
Thanks again,

David Percy
Geospatial Data Manager
Geology Department
Portland State University

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