[Users] Capturing Name of childnode clicked from GeoExt.tree.LayerNode

Andrew Stewart Andrew.Stewart at reddeer.ca
Tue Dec 28 18:16:39 CET 2010

 I'm sure this can be done but I'm having a hell of a time accomplishing this. I need to know which childnode has been clicked from my layerNode (which is added to a layertree root node). Except I am using grouped layers through openlayers so I am having a hard time pulling out the name of one of these child nodes. Is there any event I can add to the below code to tell me the name of the childnode when it is clicked and not the root node? Appreciate any advice.

          //AOIs layerList
        layerList_AOIs = new GeoExt.tree.LayerNode({
        "layer": layer_AOIs,
        "isLeaf": true,
        "preloadChildren": true,
        "checked": false,
        "enableDD": true,
        "cls": "rootnode",
        "singleClickExpand": true,
            'checkchange' :  function(node, checked)
                    // If a parent node is unchecked, uncheck all the children
                    if (node.getUI().isChecked()) {
                    if (!node.getUI().isChecked()) {
             'load' : function(e) {
             if (bool_aois == false)
                    //change icon of childNodes to GetLegendGraphic from WMS + node text attribute
                    var count = (e.childNodes.length -1);
                    while (count >= 0)
                            var label = e.childNodes[count].text;
                            var fixed_label = label.replace(/_/g,' ');
                            e.childNodes[count].setText("<img src='http://localhost/WebServices/Request.aspx?request=GetLegendGraphic&version=1.1&format=image/png&style=&layer="+label + "'/>" + ' ' +fixed_label);
                            count -=1;
                    bool_aois = true;
                //do nothing
        "loader": {
            "param": "LAYERS"

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