[Users] [MapFish-Users] Grid panel and feature highlight

Mario Nuñez Jimenez mario.nunez at atosresearch.eu
Wed Feb 17 14:41:00 CET 2010

yes I still having problems with selecting and highlighting features.
I don’t know why but the highlighting controls make the rest of application to fail.
When I use both of them then it throws a bug in the application, you will see it using the application at the url given. Select any tool, for example try modify a point and save then you will see that the select tool will not work from that moment.

When I quit it the other things work correctly, including the selecting feature tool.
Well I have this example online:
(the source is not an example of doing things well but...)
Here you could see my code and search for "select y highlight" in it and see how I defined both tools.

Also I don’t know how to link the highlighting of features with the highlighting of the right grid...

Thank you for your help.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Lemoine [mailto:eric.lemoine at camptocamp.com] 
Sent: martes, 16 de febrero de 2010 21:37
To: Mario Nuñez Jimenez
Subject: Re: [MapFish-Users] Grid panel and feature highlight

2010/2/8 Mario Nuñez Jimenez <mario.nunez at atosresearch.eu>:
> Hello list,
> I finally fixed this but some new doubts came up.
> Now I can select features on the map by clicking them and they become blue, also If hover them they become light blue.
> Well also aI have a Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel, if I select any entry in the grid then It becomes blue in the map but if I hover any register of the grid nothing happens in the map, and I want to get the feature highlighted in light blue. Also I I highlight features in the map I want to have them highlighted in the grid.
> Does anybody know how could be this achieved?

Hi Mario. If you still need advice with this feel free to post again
on the mailing, I'll make sure I take a look at your problem this

Eric Lemoine

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