[Users] Displaying Classes with KML

Stefan Schwarzer stefan.schwarzer at grid.unep.ch
Fri Jul 30 11:06:57 CEST 2010

Hi there,

sorry if this is a rather dumb question. I am completely new to GeoExt & OpenLayers, having worked for years with Minnesota Mapserver and decided to go with GeoExt for a new project.

I read through the documentation and tested all examples.

I have a KML layer, exported from ArcGIS, with some polygons, which display in GoogleEarth nicely with the given classes ("class breaks") and their corresponding colors.

In GeoExt however, all polygons appear in the same color. (And in addition to the polygons each one has a circle in the middle too.)

Can't GeoExt/OpenLayers read the corresponding styles? Do I have to code them "by hand" in the GeoExt code?

Thanks a lot for your help,


PS: I am testing a multitude of SHP2KML utilities. They seem to be all more or less different. What are you using?

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