[Users] Layer Tree Layers not rendered in store order

Adam Ratcliffe adam at prema.co.nz
Fri May 14 00:16:07 CEST 2010


I have a layer tree, configured as shown below.  I'm adding a base tile layer to the map first and then dynamically loading a set of WFS layers and adding these to the map.  When the layer tree is rendered the base tile layer is at the bottom of the tree.  Furthermore if I add additional layers to the map these layers appear at the top of the tree.  I've checked the order of the records in the map's layer store and it is correct so there must be something going on in the LayerContainer which is changing the layer order.

Any ideas?


                id: 'layers',
                xtype: 'treepanel',
                autoScroll: true,
                animate: true,
                border: false,
                lines: false,
                title: 'Legend',
                region: 'center',
                root: new GeoExt.tree.LayerContainer({
                    text: 'Map Layers',
                    layerStore: mapPanel.layers,
                    leaf: false,
                    expanded: true
                rootVisible: false,
                listeners: {
                    'click': onLayerSelected

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