[Users] average of an cluster attribute

François Boussuges f.boussuges at gmail.com
Thu May 27 11:30:49 CEST 2010


I use cluster strategy on my WFS layer (point layer), I have create two 
context for the style of my layer:

-radius: the ${radius} determine the radius of the point in function of 
the numbers of features in my cluster (this is OK).

-fillcolor: the ${fillcolor} determine the color of my point in function 
on an attributs of my points (% spirale) , values of the attributs are 
between 0 and 100. for one features by cluster it's ok but when I have 
more than one feature by cluster the style is apply on the last value 
(if I have 3 features in the cluster the fillcolor is calculate on the 
third feature).
It is possible to make a average of the attributs for the cluster with 
more than 1 features?

This is my script with the two functions:

var defStyle1 = new OpenLayers.Style({
        pointRadius: "${radius}",
        fillColor: "${fillColor}",
        strokeColor: "#FFFF00",
        strokeWidth: 1,
        strokeOpacity: 1 }
    /* context pour le cluster */
    ,{ context:/*
     * {
     *  } }
    { fillColor: function(feature) {
        if(feature.cluster) {
            sens_hor = 0;
            for(var c = 0; c < feature.cluster.length; c++) {

                i = feature.cluster[c].attributes.SPIRALE_GOUSSE_HORAIRE}
            if (i>sens_hor){ sens_hor= i;
            if(i > 50) return "#990000";
            if(i<=50) return "#000099";}

        } },
        radius: function(feature) { var pix = 3; if(feature.cluster) { pix =
            Math.min(feature.attributes.count, 7) *2; } return pix;}}

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