[Users] [TreeConfig][LayerNode.js] getVisibility is not a function

antoniofacno antoniofcano at gmail.com
Thu Nov 11 12:29:30 CET 2010


I'm still fighting with TreeMenu panel. This is my code written from the

         var lindes = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
                 layers: "lindes",
                 format: "image/png",
             {isBaseLayer: true, singleTile: true, visibility: true}

         var catastro = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
                 layers: "ao:Catastro",
                 format: "image/png",
             {isBaseLayer: true, singleTile: true, visibility: true}

         var treeMenu = [
                 text: 'Base',
                 leaf: false,
                 children: [
                         {id:'11', nodeType: "gx_layer", layer:
"lindes", leaf:true},
                         {id:'12', nodeType: "gx_layer", layer:
"catastro", leaf:true}

         // create the tree with the configuration from above
         tree = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({
             border: true,
             region: "west",
             title: "Capas",
             width: 200,
             split: true,
             collapsible: true,
             expanded: true,
             root: {
                 nodeType: "async",
                 text: "AgroOffice",
                 children: treeMenu

I can open AgroOffice root, but when trying to open the Base Group the
console error tells me:

Error: this.node.layer.getVisibility is not a function
Archivo de origen:
Línea: 30

I'm really missed, what can I do?

Best wishes,

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