[Users] Question about turning on entire group of layers in layercontainer/treenode

Andrew Stewart Andrew.Stewart at reddeer.ca
Fri Sep 17 17:23:35 CEST 2010

 I have a layerlist that is working fine and being entered into a layercontainer/treepanel to show all my layers. Everything works fine but I am wondering if there is a way to turn on all layers by adding a checkbox to the group much like checkboxes are next to all individual layers I have. Appreciate any advice on how to modify my existing code to accomplish this so I can turn all my layers on by clicking the group (root layer) or if there is another way to do this, thanks.

 //Labels LayerList

var layerList_Labels = new GeoExt.tree.LayerContainer({

text: 'Labels',

layerStore: mapPanel.layers,

leaf: false,

cls: 'rootnode',

enableDD: true,

expanded: false,



filter: function(record)


var myarr = new Array();

myarr[0] = record.get("layer").name.indexOf("Overview Streets");

myarr[1] = record.get("layer").name.indexOf("Quadrant Streets");

myarr[2] = record.get("layer").name.indexOf("Neighbourhood Streets");

myarr[3] = record.get("layer").name.indexOf("Block Streets");

myarr[4] = record.get("layer").name.indexOf("Proposed Streets");

myarr[5] = record.get("layer").name.indexOf("Address Label (Overview)");

myarr[6] = record.get("layer").name.indexOf("Address Label (Detail)");

if(myarr[0]==-1 && myarr[1]==-1 && myarr[2]==-1 && myarr[3]==-1 && myarr[4]==-1 && myarr[5]==-1 && myarr[6]==-1)


return false;




return true;





//declare root tree node

var layerRoot = new Ext.tree.TreeNode({

enableDD: true,

text: "All Legend Items",

expanded: true


//add children to root node


var layerTree = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({

title: '',

renderTo: 'legend',

root: layerRoot,

enableDD: true,

applyLoader: true,

rootVisible: false


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