[Users] GeoExt Popup / GetFeatureInfo, how do I destroy the popup if it exists?

Andrew Stewart Andrew.Stewart at reddeer.ca
Mon Sep 20 20:51:46 CEST 2010

Below is my code for when I hover over a specific layer and the popup hotspot information is shown. I am trying to figure out how to only get one popup to show at a time so that I can show them like tooltips and destroy the existing one if another is shown. I have tried using if (infopop) or if (!infopop) but this doesn't seem to work in the way I have this coded. If anyone has any advice on how to destroy my popup when another is created thanks!

var info, infopop;

         //Getfeatureinfo object
         info = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
                         url: 'http://ITS701X5J1/RedWMS/Request.aspx',
            title: 'Identify features by clicking',
            layers: [layer_Garbage_Zones],
            queryVisible: true,
            infoFormat: 'text/html',
            maxFeatures: 1,

              getfeatureinfo: function(e) {

             infopop =  new GeoExt.Popup({      //utilizing the GeoExt popup functionality
                   title: "Hotspot Information",
                    //height: 215,
                    //width: 600,
                                        autoWidth: true,
                                        autoHeight: true,
                                        autoScroll: false,
                  //  panIn: true,
                    map: map,
                    lonlat: map.getLonLatFromPixel(e.xy),
                    html: e.text

                    etext = e.text;
                       // if the hotspot information is empty (layer doesn't match) don't display!
               if (etext.length == 45)


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