[Users] Advice regarding optimization and debugging

Robert Buckley robertdbuckley at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 24 09:23:26 CET 2011

Good Morning,

Could someone please offer some advice regarding...

1. How to successfully reduce the loading time of a geoext/openlayers project.
I am aware that the loading time of these libraries takes up to between 5 - 10 
seconds.  Therefore... should I look through my code after the project is 
completed and note which controls have been used and then create a customized 
openlayers js library or do you generally plan a project with the tools and 
controls already defined and create the openlayers.js before you start 
programming? In my experience (which is very limited) I start programming with 
the whole openlayers/geoext/ext libraries so that when I need to add something 
which was not planned before hand, I don´t have to worry about loading new code 
into the js library. Assuming this is the way most programmers start, which 
method do you use to remove unused scripts?

2. Debugging a project.
I am using Aptana (free version) and firefox with firebug to develop. This 
combination works great....until I open the project with Internet Explorer and 
discover that nothing works!   Does anyone have any tips regarding writing code 
which can be used to simultaneously debug in Firefox and IE?  I find that most 
errors are forgotten commas, but occasionally there are undfined objects which 
show up in the ie developer tool bar as errors in the openlayers.js code. These 
errors are the worst as there is not direct link to the code in my own scripts?  
Does anyone have any IE debugging tools which help? How do you get around these 
problems? Anyone used Chrome to debug?

Thanks for any replies/comments/suggestions,


Robert Buckley

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