=========== GeoExplorer =========== Running and deploying GeoExplorer --------------------------------- These instructions describe how to deploy GeoExplorer assuming you have a copy of the application archive (GeoExplorer.zip). 1. Extract the archive to someplace in your web root. you@prompt:~/public_html$ unzip GeoExplorer.zip 2. Load the application in your browser (e.g. http://localhost/~you/GeoExplorer). Note that the inital configuration for the application works off of a remote WMS and requires that you have a proxy set up locally. See the index.html source for detail on configuration with a local WMS. Connecting GeoExplorer to a local GeoServer ------------------------------------------- The easiest way to run GeoExplorer with GeoServer is to place it in the www folder of a GeoServer data dir. 1. Copy the GeoExplorer root directory to $GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR/www/ 2. Modify the "ows" configuration value in GeoExplorer/index.html to reflect the path to your GeoServer WMS endpoint (usually "/geoserver/wms"). 3. Open the index.html page in a browser (e.g. http://localhost:8080/geoserver/www/GeoExplorer) Changing which layers are displayed at startup ---------------------------------------------- Find the application configuration in index.html. It should look something like the code below (assuming you are running it with a local GeoServer):: var app = new GeoExplorer({ wms: "/geoserver/wms", map: { layers: [{ name: "topp:bluemarble", title: "Global Imagery" }], center: [-96.7, 37.6], zoom: 4 } }); If you want to add the "topp:states" layer to the layers that are initially displayed, edit your application config to read something like the code below:: var app = new GeoExplorer({ wms: "/geoserver/wms", map: { layers: [{ name: "topp:bluemarble", title: "Global Imagery" }, { name: "topp:states", title: "US States" }], center: [-96.7, 37.6], zoom: 4 } }); Getting the source ------------------ This application runs on Ext, OpenLayers, GeoExt, and custom application code. Getting ExtJS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GeoExplorer requires Ext 2.2.1. At the time of this writing, Ext 2.2.1 is available from http://extjs.com/products/extjs/download.php?dl=extjs221. For more information on licensing and using ExtJS, see http://extjs.com. Getting OpenLayers, GeoExt, and GeoExplorer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can get the sources for OpenLayers, GeoExt, and the application directly from the GeoExt subversion repository. This requires that you have subversion installed:: $ svn co http://svn.geoext.org/apps/opengeo/geoexplorer/branches/0.1.x geoexplorer