 * Ext JS Library 3.3.0
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Ext JS, Inc.
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/** * @class Ext.calendar.EventMappings * @extends Object * A simple object that provides the field definitions for EventRecords so that they can be easily overridden. */ Ext.calendar.EventMappings = { EventId: { name: 'EventId', mapping: 'id', type: 'int' }, CalendarId: { name: 'CalendarId', mapping: 'cid', type: 'int' }, Title: { name: 'Title', mapping: 'title', type: 'string' }, StartDate: { name: 'StartDate', mapping: 'start', type: 'date', dateFormat: 'c' }, EndDate: { name: 'EndDate', mapping: 'end', type: 'date', dateFormat: 'c' }, Location: { name: 'Location', mapping: 'loc', type: 'string' }, Notes: { name: 'Notes', mapping: 'notes', type: 'string' }, Url: { name: 'Url', mapping: 'url', type: 'string' }, IsAllDay: { name: 'IsAllDay', mapping: 'ad', type: 'boolean' }, Reminder: { name: 'Reminder', mapping: 'rem', type: 'string' }, IsNew: { name: 'IsNew', mapping: 'n', type: 'boolean' } };
/** * @class Ext.calendar.EventRecord * @extends Ext.data.Record *

This is the {@link Ext.data.Record Record} specification for calendar event data used by the * {@link Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel CalendarPanel}'s underlying store. It can be overridden as * necessary to customize the fields supported by events, although the existing column names should * not be altered. If your model fields are named differently you should update the mapping * configs accordingly.


The only required fields when creating a new event record instance are StartDate and * EndDate. All other fields are either optional are will be defaulted if blank.


Here is a basic example for how to create a new record of this type:

rec = new Ext.calendar.EventRecord({
    StartDate: '2101-01-12 12:00:00',
    EndDate: '2101-01-12 13:30:00',
    Title: 'My cool event',
    Notes: 'Some notes'
* If you have overridden any of the record's data mappings via the Ext.calendar.EventMappings object * you may need to set the values using this alternate syntax to ensure that the fields match up correctly:

var M = Ext.calendar.EventMappings;

rec = new Ext.calendar.EventRecord();
rec.data[M.StartDate.name] = '2101-01-12 12:00:00';
rec.data[M.EndDate.name] = '2101-01-12 13:30:00';
rec.data[M.Title.name] = 'My cool event';
rec.data[M.Notes.name] = 'Some notes';
* @constructor * @param {Object} data (Optional) An object, the properties of which provide values for the new Record's * fields. If not specified the {@link Ext.data.Field#defaultValue defaultValue} * for each field will be assigned. * @param {Object} id (Optional) The id of the Record. The id is used by the * {@link Ext.data.Store} object which owns the Record to index its collection * of Records (therefore this id should be unique within each store). If an * id is not specified a {@link #phantom} * Record will be created with an {@link #Record.id automatically generated id}. */ (function() { var M = Ext.calendar.EventMappings; Ext.calendar.EventRecord = Ext.data.Record.create([ M.EventId, M.CalendarId, M.Title, M.StartDate, M.EndDate, M.Location, M.Notes, M.Url, M.IsAllDay, M.Reminder, M.IsNew ]);
/** * Reconfigures the default record definition based on the current Ext.calendar.EventMappings object */ Ext.calendar.EventRecord.reconfigure = function() { Ext.calendar.EventRecord = Ext.data.Record.create([ M.EventId, M.CalendarId, M.Title, M.StartDate, M.EndDate, M.Location, M.Notes, M.Url, M.IsAllDay, M.Reminder, M.IsNew ]); }; })();