/** * @class Ext.tree.TreeSorter * Provides sorting of nodes in a {@link Ext.tree.TreePanel}. The TreeSorter automatically monitors events on the * associated TreePanel that might affect the tree's sort order (beforechildrenrendered, append, insert and textchange). * Example usage:<br /> * <pre><code> new Ext.tree.TreeSorter(myTree, { folderSort: true, dir: "desc", sortType: function(value, node) { // sort by a custom, typed attribute: return parseInt(node.id, 10); } }); </code></pre> * @constructor * @param {TreePanel} tree * @param {Object} config */ Ext.tree.TreeSorter = Ext.extend(Object, { constructor: function(tree, config){ /** * @cfg {Boolean} folderSort True to sort leaf nodes under non-leaf nodes (defaults to false) */ /** * @cfg {String} property The named attribute on the node to sort by (defaults to "text"). Note that this * property is only used if no {@link #sortType} function is specified, otherwise it is ignored. */ /** * @cfg {String} dir The direction to sort ("asc" or "desc," case-insensitive, defaults to "asc") */ /** * @cfg {String} leafAttr The attribute used to determine leaf nodes when {@link #folderSort} = true (defaults to "leaf") */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} caseSensitive true for case-sensitive sort (defaults to false) */ /** * @cfg {Function} sortType A custom "casting" function used to convert node values before sorting. The function * will be called with a two parameters, the {@link #property} value for the node and the {@link Ext.tree.TreeNode} being evaluated. * It is expected to return the node's sort value cast to the specific data type required for sorting. This could be used, for example, when * a node's text (or other attribute) should be sorted as a date or numeric value. See the class description for * example usage. */ Ext.apply(this, config); tree.on({ scope: this, beforechildrenrendered: this.doSort, append: this.updateSort, insert: this.updateSort, textchange: this.updateSortParent }); var desc = this.dir && this.dir.toLowerCase() == 'desc', prop = this.property || 'text', sortType = this.sortType, folderSort = this.folderSort, caseSensitive = this.caseSensitive === true, leafAttr = this.leafAttr || 'leaf'; if(Ext.isString(sortType)){ sortType = Ext.data.SortTypes[sortType]; } this.sortFn = function(n1, n2){ var attr1 = n1.attributes, attr2 = n2.attributes; if(folderSort){ if(attr1[leafAttr] && !attr2[leafAttr]){ return 1; } if(!attr1[leafAttr] && attr2[leafAttr]){ return -1; } } var prop1 = attr1[prop], prop2 = attr2[prop], v1 = sortType ? sortType(prop1, n1) : (caseSensitive ? prop1 : prop1.toUpperCase()), v2 = sortType ? sortType(prop2, n2) : (caseSensitive ? prop2 : prop2.toUpperCase()); if(v1 < v2){ return desc ? 1 : -1; }else if(v1 > v2){ return desc ? -1 : 1; } return 0; }; }, doSort : function(node){ node.sort(this.sortFn); }, updateSort : function(tree, node){ if(node.childrenRendered){ this.doSort.defer(1, this, [node]); } }, updateSortParent : function(node){ var p = node.parentNode; if(p && p.childrenRendered){ this.doSort.defer(1, this, [p]); } } });