Provides searching of Components within Ext.ComponentMgr (globally) or a specific
Ext.Container on the page with a similar syntax to a CSS selector.
Xtypes can be retrieved by their name with an optional . prefix
- component or .component
- gridpanel or .gridpanel
An itemId or id must be prefixed with a #.
Attributes must be wrapped in brackets
- component[autoScroll]
- panel[title="Test"]
Queries return an array of components.
Here are some example queries.
// retrieve all Ext.Panel's on the page by xtype
var panelsArray = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('.panel');
// retrieve all Ext.Panels within the container with an id myCt
var panelsWithinmyCt = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#myCt .panel');
// retrieve all direct children which are Ext.Panels within myCt
var directChildPanel = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#myCt > .panel');
// retrieve all gridpanels and listviews
var gridsAndLists = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('gridpanel, listview');
This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.Public Properties
This class has no public properties.
Public Methods
This class has no public methods.
Public Events
This class has no public events.