/** * @class Ext.Component * @extends Ext.lib.Component *

Base class for all Ext components. All subclasses of Component may participate in the automated * Ext component lifecycle of creation, rendering and destruction which is provided by the {@link Ext.Container Container} class. * Components may be added to a Container through the {@link Ext.Container#items items} config option at the time the Container is created, * or they may be added dynamically via the {@link Ext.Container#add add} method.


The Component base class has built-in support for basic hide/show and enable/disable behavior.


All Components are registered with the {@link Ext.ComponentMgr} on construction so that they can be referenced at any time via * {@link Ext#getCmp}, passing the {@link #id}.


All user-developed visual widgets that are required to participate in automated lifecycle and size management should subclass Component (or * {@link Ext.BoxComponent} if managed box model handling is required, ie height and width management).


See the Creating new UI controls tutorial for details on how * and to either extend or augment ExtJs base classes to create custom Components.


Every component has a specific xtype, which is its Ext-specific type name, along with methods for checking the * xtype like {@link #getXType} and {@link #isXType}. This is the list of all valid xtypes:

xtype            Class
-------------    ------------------
button           {@link Ext.Button}
component        {@link Ext.Component}
container        {@link Ext.Container}
dataview         {@link Ext.DataView}
panel            {@link Ext.Panel}
slider           {@link Ext.form.Slider}
toolbar          {@link Ext.Toolbar}
spacer           {@link Ext.Spacer}
tabpanel         {@link Ext.TabPanel}

Form components
formpanel        {@link Ext.form.FormPanel}
checkboxfield    {@link Ext.form.Checkbox}
selectfield      {@link Ext.form.Select}
field            {@link Ext.form.Field}
fieldset         {@link Ext.form.FieldSet}
hiddenfield      {@link Ext.form.Hidden}
numberfield      {@link Ext.form.Number}
radiofield       {@link Ext.form.Radio}
textareafield    {@link Ext.form.TextArea}
textfield        {@link Ext.form.Text}
togglefield      {@link Ext.form.Toggle}
* @constructor * @param {Ext.Element/String/Object} config The configuration options may be specified as either: *
* @xtype component */ Ext.Component = Ext.extend(Ext.lib.Component, {
/** * @cfg {Object/String/Boolean} showAnimation * The type of animation you want to use when this component is shown. If you set this * this hide animation will automatically be the opposite. */ showAnimation: null,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} monitorOrientation * Monitor Orientation change */ monitorOrientation: false,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} floatingCls * The class that is being added to this component when its floating. * (defaults to x-floating) */ floatingCls: 'x-floating',
/** * @cfg {Boolean} hideOnMaskTap * True to automatically bind a tap listener to the mask that hides the window. * Defaults to true. Note: if you set this property to false you have to programmaticaly * hide the overlay. */ hideOnMaskTap: true,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} stopMaskTapEvent * True to stop the event that fires when you click outside the floating component. * Defalts to true. */ stopMaskTapEvent: true,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} centered * Center the Component. Defaults to false. */ centered: false,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} modal * True to make the Component modal and mask everything behind it when displayed, false to display it without * restricting access to other UI elements (defaults to false). */ modal: false,
/** * @cfg {Mixed} scroll * Configure the component to be scrollable. Acceptable values are: * * * Enabling scrolling immediately sets the monitorOrientation config to true (for {@link Ext.Panel Panel}) */ // @private initComponent : function() { this.addEvents(
/** * @event beforeorientationchange * Fires before the orientation changes, if the monitorOrientation * configuration is set to true. Return false to stop the orientation change. * @param {Ext.Panel} this * @param {String} orientation 'landscape' or 'portrait' * @param {Number} width * @param {Number} height */ 'beforeorientationchange',
/** * @event orientationchange * Fires when the orientation changes, if the monitorOrientation * configuration is set to true. * @param {Ext.Panel} this * @param {String} orientation 'landscape' or 'portrait' * @param {Number} width * @param {Number} height */ 'orientationchange' ); if (this.fullscreen || this.floating) { this.monitorOrientation = true; this.autoRender = true; } if (this.fullscreen) { this.width = window.innerWidth; this.height = window.innerHeight; this.cls = (this.cls || '') + ' x-fullscreen'; this.renderTo = document.body; } }, onRender : function() { Ext.Component.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments); if (this.monitorOrientation) { this.el.addCls('x-' + Ext.Viewport.orientation); } if (this.floating) { this.setFloating(true); } if (this.draggable) { this.setDraggable(this.draggable); } if (this.scroll) { this.setScrollable(this.scroll); } }, afterRender : function() { if (this.fullscreen) { this.layoutOrientation(Ext.Viewport.orientation, this.width, this.height); } Ext.Component.superclass.afterRender.call(this); }, initEvents : function() { Ext.Component.superclass.initEvents.call(this); if (this.monitorOrientation) { Ext.EventManager.onOrientationChange(this.setOrientation, this); } }, // Template method that can be overriden to perform logic after the panel has layed out itself // e.g. Resized the body and positioned all docked items. afterComponentLayout : function() { var scrollEl = this.scrollEl, scroller = this.scroller, parentEl; if (scrollEl) { parentEl = scrollEl.parent(); if (scroller.horizontal) { scrollEl.setStyle('min-width', parentEl.getWidth(true) + 'px'); scrollEl.setHeight(parentEl.getHeight(true) || null); } if (scroller.vertical) { scrollEl.setStyle('min-height', parentEl.getHeight(true) + 'px'); scrollEl.setWidth(parentEl.getWidth(true) || null); } scroller.updateBoundary(true); } if (this.fullscreen && Ext.is.iPad) { Ext.repaint(); } }, layoutOrientation: Ext.emptyFn, // Inherit docs update: function(){ // We override this here so we can call updateBoundary once the update happens. Ext.Component.superclass.update.apply(this, arguments); var scroller = this.scroller; if (scroller && scroller.updateBoundary){ scroller.updateBoundary(true); } },
/** * Show the component. * @param {Object/String/Boolean} animation (optional) Defaults to false. */ show : function(animation) { var rendered = this.rendered; if ((this.hidden || !rendered) && this.fireEvent('beforeshow', this) !== false) { if (this.anchorEl) { this.anchorEl.hide(); } if (!rendered && this.autoRender) { this.render(Ext.isBoolean(this.autoRender) ? Ext.getBody() : this.autoRender); } this.hidden = false; if (this.rendered) { this.onShow(animation); this.fireEvent('show', this); } } return this; },
/** * Show this component relative another component or element. * @param {Mixed} alignTo Element or Component * @param {Object/String/Boolean} animation * @param {Boolean} allowOnSide true to allow this element to be aligned on the left or right. * @returns {Ext.Component} this */ showBy : function(alignTo, animation, allowSides, anchor) { if (!this.floating) { return this; } if (alignTo.isComponent) { alignTo = alignTo.el; } else { alignTo = Ext.get(alignTo); } this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.show(animation); if (anchor !== false) { if (!this.anchorEl) { this.anchorEl = this.el.createChild({ cls: 'x-anchor' }); } this.anchorEl.show(); } this.alignTo(alignTo, allowSides, 20); }, alignTo : function(alignTo, allowSides, offset) { // We are going to try and position this component to the alignTo element. var alignBox = alignTo.getPageBox(), constrainBox = { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight }, size = this.getSize(), newSize = { width: Math.min(size.width, constrainBox.width), height: Math.min(size.height, constrainBox.height) }, position, index = 2, positionMap = [ 'tl-bl', 't-b', 'tr-br', 'l-r', 'l-r', 'r-l', 'bl-tl', 'b-t', 'br-tr' ], anchorEl = this.anchorEl, offsets = [0, offset], targetBox, cls, onSides = false, arrowOffsets = [0, 0], alignCenterX = alignBox.left + (alignBox.width / 2), alignCenterY = alignBox.top + (alignBox.height / 2); if (alignCenterX <= constrainBox.width * (1/3)) { index = 1; arrowOffsets[0] = 25; } else if (alignCenterX >= constrainBox.width * (2/3)) { index = 3; arrowOffsets[0] = -30; } if (alignCenterY >= constrainBox.height * (2/3)) { index += 6; offsets = [0, -offset]; arrowOffsets[1] = -10; } // If the alignTo element is vertically in the middle part of the screen // we position it left or right. else if (allowSides !== false && alignCenterY >= constrainBox.height * (1/3)) { index += 3; offsets = (index <= 5) ? [offset, 0] : [-offset, 0]; arrowOffsets = (index <= 5) ? [10, 0] : [-10, 0]; onSides = true; } else { arrowOffsets[1] = 10; } position = positionMap[index-1]; targetBox = this.el.getAlignToXY(alignTo, position, offsets); // If the window is going to be aligned on the left or right of the alignTo element // we make sure the height is smaller then the window height, and the width if (onSides) { if (targetBox[0] < 0) { newSize.width = alignBox.left - offset; } else if (targetBox[0] + newSize.width > constrainBox.width) { newSize.width = constrainBox.width - alignBox.right - offset; } } else { if (targetBox[1] < 0) { newSize.height = alignBox.top - offset; } else if (targetBox[1] + newSize.height > constrainBox.height) { newSize.height = constrainBox.height - alignBox.bottom - offset; } } if (newSize.width != size.width) { this.setSize(newSize.width); } else if (newSize.height != size.height) { this.setSize(undefined, newSize.height); } targetBox = this.el.getAlignToXY(alignTo, position, offsets); this.setPosition(targetBox[0], targetBox[1]); if (anchorEl) { // we are at the top anchorEl.removeCls(['x-anchor-bottom', 'x-anchor-left', 'x-anchor-right', 'x-anchor-top']); if (offsets[1] == offset) { cls = 'x-anchor-top'; } else if (offsets[1] == -offset) { cls = 'x-anchor-bottom'; } else if (offsets[0] == offset) { cls = 'x-anchor-left'; } else { cls = 'x-anchor-right'; } targetBox = anchorEl.getAlignToXY(alignTo, position, arrowOffsets); anchorEl.setXY(targetBox); anchorEl.addCls(cls); } return position; },
/** * Show this component centered of its parent or the window * This only applies when the component is floating. * @param {Boolean} centered True to center, false to remove centering * @returns {Ext.Component} this */ setCentered : function(centered, update) { this.centered = centered; if (this.rendered && update) { var x, y; if (!this.ownerCt) { x = (Ext.Element.getViewportWidth() / 2) - (this.getWidth() / 2); y = (Ext.Element.getViewportHeight() / 2) - (this.getHeight() / 2); } else { x = (this.ownerCt.getTargetEl().getWidth() / 2) - (this.getWidth() / 2); y = (this.ownerCt.getTargetEl().getHeight() / 2) - (this.getHeight() / 2); } this.setPosition(x, y); } return this; },
/** * Hide the component * @param {Object/String/Boolean} animation (optional) Defaults to false. */ hide : function(animation) { if (!this.hidden && this.fireEvent('beforehide', this) !== false) { this.hidden = true; if (this.rendered) { this.onHide(animation, true); } } return this; }, // @private onShow : function(animation) { this.el.show(); Ext.Component.superclass.onShow.call(this, animation); if (animation === undefined || animation === true) { animation = this.showAnimation; } if (this.floating) { this.el.dom.parentNode || this.el.appendTo(document.body); if (animation) { this.el.setStyle('opacity', 0.01); } if (this.centered) { this.setCentered(true, true); } else { this.setPosition(this.x, this.y); } if (this.modal) { this.el.parent().mask(null, 'x-mask-gray'); } if (this.hideOnMaskTap) { Ext.getDoc().on('touchstart', this.onFloatingTouchStart, this, {capture: true}); } } if (animation) { //this.el.setStyle('opacity', 0.01); Ext.Anim.run(this, animation, { out: false, autoClear: true }); this.showAnimation = animation; } }, // @private onFloatingTouchStart : function(e, t) { var doc = Ext.getDoc(); if (!this.el.contains(t)) { doc.on('touchend', function(e) { this.hide(); if (this.stopMaskTapEvent || Ext.fly(t).hasCls('x-mask')) { e.stopEvent(); } }, this, {single: true, capture: true}); e.stopEvent(); } }, // @private onHide : function(animation, fireHideEvent) { if (animation === undefined || animation === true) { animation = this.showAnimation; } if (this.hideOnMaskTap && this.floating) { Ext.getDoc().un('touchstart', this.onFloatingTouchStart, this); } if (animation) { Ext.Anim.run(this, animation, { out: true, reverse: true, autoClear: true, scope: this, fireHideEvent: fireHideEvent, after: this.doHide }); } else { this.doHide(null, {fireHideEvent: fireHideEvent}); } }, // private doHide : function(el, options) { var parent = this.el.parent(); this.el.hide(); if (parent && this.floating && this.modal) { parent.unmask(); } if (options && options.fireHideEvent) { this.fireEvent('hide', this); } },
/** * Sets a Component as scrollable. * @param {Mixed} config * Acceptable values are a Ext.Scroller configuration, 'horizontal', 'vertical', 'both', and false */ setScrollable : function(config) { if (!this.rendered) { this.scroll = config; return; } Ext.destroy(this.scroller); this.scroller = null; if (config !== false) { var direction = Ext.isObject(config) ? config.direction: config; config = Ext.apply({}, Ext.isObject(config) ? config: {}, { // momentum: true, direction: direction }); if (!this.scrollEl) { this.scrollEl = this.getTargetEl().createChild(); this.originalGetTargetEl = this.getTargetEl; this.getTargetEl = function() { return this.scrollEl; }; } this.scroller = (new Ext.util.ScrollView(this.scrollEl, config)).scroller; } else { this.getTargetEl = this.originalGetTargetEl; } },
/** * Sets a Component as floating. * @param {Boolean} floating * @param {Boolean} autoShow */ setFloating : function(floating, autoShow) { this.floating = !!floating; this.hidden = true; if (this.rendered) { if (floating !== false) { this.el.addCls(this.floatingCls); if (autoShow) { this.show(); } } else { this.el.removeCls(this.floatingCls); Ext.getDoc().un('touchstart', this.onFloatingTouchStart, this); } } else if (floating !== false) { this.autoRender = true; } },
/** * Sets a Component as draggable. * @param {Boolean/Mixed} draggable On first call, this can be a config object for {@link Ext.util.Draggable}. * Afterwards, if set to false, the existing draggable object will be disabled * @param {Boolean} autoShow */ setDraggable : function(draggable, autoShow) { this.isDraggable = draggable; if (this.rendered) { if (draggable === false) { if (this.dragObj) { this.dragObj.disable(); } } else { if (autoShow) { this.show(); } if (this.dragObj) { this.dragObj.enable(); } else { this.dragObj = new Ext.util.Draggable(this.el, Ext.apply({}, this.isDraggable || {})); this.relayEvents(this.dragObj, ['dragstart', 'beforedragend' ,'drag', 'dragend']); } } } },
/** * Sets the orientation for the Panel. * @param {String} orientation 'landscape' or 'portrait' * @param {Number/String} width New width of the Panel. * @param {Number/String} height New height of the Panel. */ setOrientation : function(orientation, w, h) { if (this.fireEvent('beforeorientationchange', this, orientation, w, h) !== false) { if (this.orientation != orientation) { this.el.removeCls('x-' + this.orientation); this.el.addCls('x-' + orientation); } this.orientation = orientation; this.layoutOrientation(orientation, w, h); if (this.fullscreen) { this.setSize(w, h); } if (this.floating && this.centered) { this.setCentered(true, true); } this.onOrientationChange(orientation, w, h); this.fireEvent('orientationchange', this, orientation, w, h); } }, // @private onOrientationChange : Ext.emptyFn, beforeDestroy : function() { if (this.floating && this.modal && !this.hidden) { this.el.parent().unmask(); } Ext.destroy(this.scroller); Ext.Component.superclass.beforeDestroy.call(this); }, onDestroy : function() { if (this.monitorOrientation && Ext.EventManager.orientationEvent) { Ext.EventManager.orientationEvent.removeListener(this.setOrientation, this); } Ext.Component.superclass.onDestroy.call(this); } }); // @xtype box Ext.BoxComponent = Ext.Component; Ext.reg('component', Ext.Component); Ext.reg('box', Ext.BoxComponent);