* @class Ext.ComponentQuery
* @extends Object
* Provides searching of Components within Ext.ComponentMgr (globally) or a specific
* Ext.Container on the page with a similar syntax to a CSS selector.
* Xtypes can be retrieved by their name with an optional . prefix
- component or .component
- gridpanel or .gridpanel
* An itemId or id must be prefixed with a #.
* Attributes must be wrapped in brackets
- component[autoScroll]
- panel[title="Test"]
* Queries return an array of components.
* Here are some example queries.
// retrieve all Ext.Panel's on the page by xtype
var panelsArray = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('.panel');
// retrieve all Ext.Panels within the container with an id myCt
var panelsWithinmyCt = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#myCt .panel');
// retrieve all direct children which are Ext.Panels within myCt
var directChildPanel = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#myCt > .panel');
// retrieve all gridpanels and listviews
var gridsAndLists = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('gridpanel, listview');
* @singleton
Ext.ComponentQuery = {
// Determines leading mode
// > for direct child
modeRe: /^(\s?[>]\s?|\s|$)/,
tokenRe: /^(#)?([\w-\*]+)/,
matchers : [{
// Checks for .xtype
re: /^\.([\w-]+)/,
method: 'getByXType'
// checks for [attribute=value]
re: /^(?:[\[\{](?:@)?([\w-]+)\s?(?:(=|.=)\s?['"]?(.*?)["']?)?[\]\}])/,
method: 'getByAttribute'
}, {
// checks for #cmpId
re: /^#([\w-]+)/,
method: 'getById'
// private cache of selectors and matching ComponentQuery.Query objects
cache: {},
query: function(selector, root) {
var selectors = selector.split(','),
ln = selectors.length,
i, query, results = [],
noDupResults = [], dupMatcher = {}, resultsLn, cmp;
for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
selector = Ext.util.Format.trim(selectors[i]);
query = this.cache[selector];
if (!query) {
this.cache[selector] = query = this.parse(selector);
results = results.concat(query.execute(root));
// multiple selectors, potential to find duplicates
// lets filter them out.
if (ln > 1) {
resultsLn = results.length;
for (i = 0; i < resultsLn; i++) {
cmp = results[i];
if (!dupMatcher[cmp.id]) {
dupMatcher[cmp.id] = true;
results = noDupResults;
return results;
parse: function(selector) {
var matchers = this.matchers,
operations = [],
ln = matchers.length,
i, matcher;
// We are going to parse the beginning of the selector over and
// over again, slicing of any portions we converted into an
// operation of the selector until it is an empty string.
while (selector && lastSelector != selector) {
lastSelector = selector;
// First we check if we are dealing with a token like #, * or an xtype
tokenMatch = selector.match(this.tokenRe);
if (tokenMatch) {
// If the token is a # we push a getById operation to our stack
if (tokenMatch[1] == '#') {
method: 'getById',
args: [Ext.util.Format.trim(tokenMatch[2])]
// If the token is a * or an xtype string, we push a getByXType
// operation to the stack.
else {
method: 'getByXType',
args: [Ext.util.Format.trim(tokenMatch[2])]
// Now we slice of the part we just converted into an operation
selector = selector.replace(tokenMatch[0], '');
// If the next part of the query is not a space or >, it means we
// are going to check for more things that our current selection
// has to comply to.
while (!(modeMatch = selector.match(this.modeRe))) {
// Lets loop over each type of matcher and execute it
// on our current selector.
for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
matcher = matchers[i];
selectorMatch = selector.match(matcher.re);
// If we have a match, add an operation with the method
// associated with this matcher, and pass the regular
// expression matches are arguments to the operation.
if (selectorMatch) {
method: matcher.method,
args: selectorMatch.splice(1)
selector = selector.replace(selectorMatch[0], '');
// dont think the break is required
// Now we are going to check for a mode change. This means a space
// or a > to determine if we are going to select all the children
// of the currently matched items.
if (modeMatch[1]) {
mode: modeMatch[1]
selector = selector.replace(modeMatch[1], '');
// Now that we have all our operations in an array, we are going
// to create a new Query using these operations.
return new Ext.ComponentQuery.Query({
operations: operations
* @class Ext.ComponentQuery.Query
* @extends Object
* @private
Ext.ComponentQuery.Query = Ext.extend(Object, {
constructor: function(cfg) {
cfg = cfg || {};
Ext.apply(this, cfg);
execute : function(root) {
var operations = this.operations,
ln = operations.length,
operation, i,
// no root, use all Components on the page
if (!root) {
workingItems = Ext.ComponentMgr.all.items.slice();
// We are going to loop over our operations and take care of them
// one by one.
for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
operation = operations[i];
// The mode operation requires some custom handling.
// All other operations essentially filter down our current
// working items, while mode replaces our current working
// items by getting children from each one of our current
// working items. The type of mode determines the type of
// children we get. (e.g. > only gets direct children)
if (operation.mode) {
workingItems = this.getItems(workingItems || [root], operation.mode);
else {
workingItems = this.filterItems(workingItems || this.getItems([root]), operation);
// If this is the last operation, it means our current working
// items are the final matched items. Thus return them!
if (i == ln -1) {
return workingItems;
return [];
filterItems : function(items, operation) {
var matchedItems = [],
ln = items.length,
i, item,
args, matches;
// Loop over each item, execute the operation. If the operation
// returns true, it means the item should still be in our working
// items.
for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
item = items[i];
// We add the item as the first argument to the operation arguments.
args = [item].concat(operation.args);
// Execute the operation
matches = this[operation.method].apply(this, args);
if (matches) {
return matchedItems;
getItems: function(items, mode) {
var workingItems = [],
ln = items.length,
item, i;
mode = mode ? Ext.util.Format.trim(mode) : '';
for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
item = items[i];
if (item.getRefItems) {
workingItems = workingItems.concat(item.getRefItems(mode != '>'));
return workingItems;
// Verfies that a component is of a certain
// xtype
getByXType : function(cmp, xtype) {
return xtype === '*' || cmp.isXType(xtype);
// Verifies that a component has a certain
// property and optionally that its value matches
getByAttribute : function(cmp, property, operator, value) {
return (value === undefined) ? !!cmp[property] : (cmp[property] == value);
// Verifies that a component has a certain itemId or id
getById : function(cmp, id) {
return cmp.getItemId() == id;