(function() {
     * @class Ext.Element
    Ext.Element.classReCache = {};
    var El = Ext.Element,
        view = document.defaultView;

        marginRightRe: /marginRight/i,
        trimRe: /^\s+|\s+$/g,
        spacesRe: /\s+/,

/** * Adds one or more CSS classes to the element. Duplicate classes are automatically filtered out. * @param {String/Array} className The CSS class to add, or an array of classes * @return {Ext.Element} this */ addCls: function(className) { var me = this, i, len, v, cls = []; if (!Ext.isArray(className)) { if (className && !this.hasCls(className)) { me.dom.className += " " + className; } } else { for (i = 0, len = className.length; i < len; i++) { v = className[i]; if (v && !me.hasCls(v)) { cls.push(v); } } if (cls.length) { me.dom.className += " " + cls.join(" "); } } return me; }, // addClass : function() { throw new Error("Component: addClass has been deprecated. Please use addCls."); }, //
/** * Removes one or more CSS classes from the element. * @param {String/Array} className The CSS class to remove, or an array of classes * @return {Ext.Element} this */ removeCls: function(className) { var me = this, i, idx, len, cls, elClasses; if (!Ext.isArray(className)) { className = [className]; } if (me.dom && me.dom.className) { elClasses = me.dom.className.replace(this.trimRe, '').split(this.spacesRe); for (i = 0, len = className.length; i < len; i++) { cls = className[i]; if (typeof cls == 'string') { cls = cls.replace(this.trimRe, ''); idx = elClasses.indexOf(cls); if (idx != -1) { elClasses.splice(idx, 1); } } } me.dom.className = elClasses.join(" "); } return me; }, // removeClass : function() { throw new Error("Component: removeClass has been deprecated. Please use removeCls."); }, //
/** * Puts a mask over this element to disable user interaction. * This method can only be applied to elements which accept child nodes. * @param {String} msg (optional) A message to display in the mask. This can be html. * @param {String} msgCls (optional) A css class to apply to the msg element * @param {Boolean} transparent (optional) False to show make the mask gray with opacity. (defaults to true) * @return {Element} The mask element */ mask: function(msg, msgCls, transparent) { var me = this, dom = me.dom, el = Ext.Element.data(dom, 'mask'), mask, size, cls = ''; me.addCls('x-masked'); if (me.getStyle("position") == "static") { me.addCls('x-masked-relative'); } if (el) { el.remove(); } if (Ext.isString(msgCls) && !Ext.isEmpty(msgCls)) { cls = ' ' + msgCls; } else { if (msgCls) { cls = ' x-mask-gray'; } } mask = me.createChild({ cls: 'x-mask' + ((transparent !== false) ? '' : ' x-mask-gray'), html: msg ? ('
' + msg + '
') : '' }); size = me.getSize(); Ext.Element.data(dom, 'mask', mask); if (dom === document.body) { size.height = window.innerHeight; if (me.orientationHandler) { Ext.EventManager.unOrientationChange(me.orientationHandler, me); } me.orientationHandler = function() { size = me.getSize(); size.height = window.innerHeight; mask.setSize(size); }; Ext.EventManager.onOrientationChange(me.orientationHandler, me); } mask.setSize(size); if (Ext.is.iPad) { Ext.repaint(); } },
/** * Removes a previously applied mask. */ unmask: function() { var me = this, dom = me.dom, mask = Ext.Element.data(dom, 'mask'); if (mask) { mask.remove(); Ext.Element.data(dom, 'mask', undefined); } me.removeCls(['x-masked', 'x-masked-relative']); if (dom === document.body) { Ext.EventManager.unOrientationChange(me.orientationHandler, me); delete me.orientationHandler; } },
/** * Adds one or more CSS classes to this element and removes the same class(es) from all siblings. * @param {String/Array} className The CSS class to add, or an array of classes * @return {Ext.Element} this */ radioCls: function(className) { var cn = this.dom.parentNode.childNodes, v; className = Ext.isArray(className) ? className: [className]; for (var i = 0, len = cn.length; i < len; i++) { v = cn[i]; if (v && v.nodeType == 1) { Ext.fly(v, '_internal').removeCls(className); } }; return this.addCls(className); }, // radioClass : function() { throw new Error("Component: radioClass has been deprecated. Please use radioCls."); }, //
/** * Toggles the specified CSS class on this element (removes it if it already exists, otherwise adds it). * @param {String} className The CSS class to toggle * @return {Ext.Element} this */ toggleCls: function(className) { return this.hasCls(className) ? this.removeCls(className) : this.addCls(className); }, // toggleClass : function() { throw new Error("Component: toggleClass has been deprecated. Please use toggleCls."); }, //
/** * Checks if the specified CSS class exists on this element's DOM node. * @param {String} className The CSS class to check for * @return {Boolean} True if the class exists, else false */ hasCls: function(className) { return className && (' ' + this.dom.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + className + ' ') != -1; }, // hasClass : function() { throw new Error("Element: hasClass has been deprecated. Please use hasCls."); return this.hasCls.apply(this, arguments); }, //
/** * Replaces a CSS class on the element with another. If the old name does not exist, the new name will simply be added. * @param {String} oldClassName The CSS class to replace * @param {String} newClassName The replacement CSS class * @return {Ext.Element} this */ replaceCls: function(oldClassName, newClassName) { return this.removeCls(oldClassName).addCls(newClassName); }, // replaceClass : function() { throw new Error("Component: replaceClass has been deprecated. Please use replaceCls."); }, // isStyle: function(style, val) { return this.getStyle(style) == val; },
/** * Normalizes currentStyle and computedStyle. * @param {String} property The style property whose value is returned. * @return {String} The current value of the style property for this element. */ getStyle: function(prop) { var dom = this.dom, result, display, cs, platform = Ext.is, style = dom.style; prop = El.normalize(prop); cs = (view) ? view.getComputedStyle(dom, '') : dom.currentStyle; result = (cs) ? cs[prop] : null; // Fix bug caused by this: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13343 if (result && !platform.correctRightMargin && this.marginRightRe.test(prop) && style.position != 'absolute' && result != '0px') { display = style.display; style.display = 'inline-block'; result = view.getComputedStyle(dom, null)[prop]; style.display = display; } result || (result = style[prop]); // Webkit returns rgb values for transparent. if (!platform.correctTransparentColor && result == 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)') { result = 'transparent'; } return result; },
/** * Wrapper for setting style properties, also takes single object parameter of multiple styles. * @param {String/Object} property The style property to be set, or an object of multiple styles. * @param {String} value (optional) The value to apply to the given property, or null if an object was passed. * @return {Ext.Element} this */ setStyle: function(prop, value) { var tmp, style; if (typeof prop == 'string') { tmp = {}; tmp[prop] = value; prop = tmp; } for (style in prop) { if (prop.hasOwnProperty(style)) { this.dom.style[El.normalize(style)] = prop[style]; } } return this; },
/** * Applies a style specification to an element. * @param {String/HTMLElement} el The element to apply styles to * @param {String/Object/Function} styles A style specification string e.g. 'width:100px', or object in the form {width:'100px'}, or * a function which returns such a specification. */ applyStyles: function(styles) { if (styles) { var i, len, dom = this.dom; if (typeof styles == 'function') { styles = styles.call(); } if (typeof styles == 'string') { styles = Ext.util.Format.trim(styles).split(/\s*(?::|;)\s*/); for (i = 0, len = styles.length; i < len;) { dom.style[El.normalize(styles[i++])] = styles[i++]; } } else if (typeof styles == 'object') { this.setStyle(styles); } } },
/** * Returns the offset height of the element * @param {Boolean} contentHeight (optional) true to get the height minus borders and padding * @return {Number} The element's height */ getHeight: function(contentHeight) { var dom = this.dom, height = contentHeight ? (dom.clientHeight - this.getPadding("tb")) : dom.offsetHeight; return height > 0 ? height: 0; },
/** * Returns the offset width of the element * @param {Boolean} contentWidth (optional) true to get the width minus borders and padding * @return {Number} The element's width */ getWidth: function(contentWidth) { var dom = this.dom, width = contentWidth ? (dom.clientWidth - this.getPadding("lr")) : dom.offsetWidth; return width > 0 ? width: 0; },
/** * Set the width of this Element. * @param {Mixed} width The new width. This may be one of:
* @return {Ext.Element} this */ setWidth: function(width) { var me = this; me.dom.style.width = El.addUnits(width); return me; },
/** * Set the height of this Element. *

        // change the height to 200px and animate with default configuration
        Ext.fly('elementId').setHeight(200, true);

        // change the height to 150px and animate with a custom configuration
        Ext.fly('elId').setHeight(150, {
        duration : .5, // animation will have a duration of .5 seconds
        // will change the content to "finished"
        callback: function(){ this.{@link #update}("finished"); }
* @param {Mixed} height The new height. This may be one of:
* @return {Ext.Element} this */ setHeight: function(height) { var me = this; me.dom.style.height = El.addUnits(height); return me; },
/** * Set the size of this Element. If animation is true, both width and height will be animated concurrently. * @param {Mixed} width The new width. This may be one of:
* @param {Mixed} height The new height. This may be one of:
* @param {Boolean/Object} animate (optional) true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object * @return {Ext.Element} this */ setSize: function(width, height) { var me = this, style = me.dom.style; if (Ext.isObject(width)) { // in case of object from getSize() height = width.height; width = width.width; } style.width = El.addUnits(width); style.height = El.addUnits(height); return me; },
/** * Gets the width of the border(s) for the specified side(s) * @param {String} side Can be t, l, r, b or any combination of those to add multiple values. For example, * passing 'lr' would get the border left width + the border right width. * @return {Number} The width of the sides passed added together */ getBorderWidth: function(side) { return this.sumStyles(side, El.borders); },
/** * Gets the size of the padding(s) for the specified side(s) * @param {String} side Can be t, l, r, b or any combination of those to add multiple values. For example, * passing 'lr' would get the padding left + the padding right. * @return {Number} The padding of the sides passed added together */ getPadding: function(side) { return this.sumStyles(side, El.paddings); },
/** * Gets the size of the margins(s) for the specified side(s) * @param {String} side Can be t, l, r, b or any combination of those to add multiple values. For example, * passing 'lr' would get the margin left + the margin right. * @return {Number} The margin of the sides passed added together */ getMargin: function(side) { return this.sumStyles(side, El.margins); },
/** *

Returns the dimensions of the element available to lay content out in.


If the element (or any ancestor element) has CSS style display : none, the dimensions will be zero.

*/ getViewSize: function() { var doc = document, dom = this.dom; if (dom == doc || dom == doc.body) { return { width: El.getViewportWidth(), height: El.getViewportHeight() }; } else { return { width: dom.clientWidth, height: dom.clientHeight }; } },
/** * Returns the size of the element. * @param {Boolean} contentSize (optional) true to get the width/size minus borders and padding * @return {Object} An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)} */ getSize: function(contentSize) { var dom = this.dom; return { width: Math.max(0, contentSize ? (dom.clientWidth - this.getPadding("lr")) : dom.offsetWidth), height: Math.max(0, contentSize ? (dom.clientHeight - this.getPadding("tb")) : dom.offsetHeight) }; },
/** * Forces the browser to repaint this element * @return {Ext.Element} this */ repaint: function() { var dom = this.dom; this.addCls("x-repaint"); dom.style.background = 'transparent none'; setTimeout(function() { dom.style.background = null; Ext.get(dom).removeCls("x-repaint"); }, 1); return this; },
/** * Retrieves the width of the element accounting for the left and right * margins. */ getOuterWidth: function() { return this.getWidth() + this.getMargin('lr'); },
/** * Retrieves the height of the element account for the top and bottom * margins. */ getOuterHeight: function() { return this.getHeight() + this.getMargin('tb'); }, // private sumStyles: function(sides, styles) { var val = 0, m = sides.match(/\w/g), len = m.length, s, i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { s = m[i] && parseFloat(this.getStyle(styles[m[i]])) || 0; if (s) { val += Math.abs(s); } } return val; } }); })();