/** * @author Ed Spencer * @class Ext.data.JsonReader * @extends Ext.data.Reader * *

Data reader class to create an Array of {@link Ext.data.Model} objects from a * JSON packet based on mappings in a provided Ext.data.Model constructor.

* *

Example code:


var myReader = new Ext.data.Store({
    proxy: {
        type: 'ajax',
        reader: {
            type: 'json',
            // metadata configuration options:
            idProperty: 'id'
            root: 'rows',
            totalProperty: 'results'

    // the fields config option will internally create an Ext.data.Model
    // constructor that provides mapping for reading the record data objects
    fields: [
        // map Record's 'firstname' field to data object's key of same name
        {name: 'name'},
        // map Record's 'job' field to data object's 'occupation' key
        {name: 'job', mapping: 'occupation'}
* *

This would consume a JSON data object of the form:


    results: 2000, // Reader's configured totalProperty
    rows: [        // Reader's configured root
        // record data objects:
        { id: 1, firstname: 'Bill', occupation: 'Gardener' },
        { id: 2, firstname: 'Ben' , occupation: 'Horticulturalist' },
*/ Ext.data.JsonReader = Ext.extend(Ext.data.Reader, {
/** * Reads a JSON object and returns a ResultSet. Uses the internal getTotal and getSuccess extractors to * retrieve meta data from the response, and extractData to turn the JSON data into model instances. * @param {Object} data The raw JSON data * @return {Ext.data.ResultSet} A ResultSet containing model instances and meta data about the results */ readRecords: function(data) { //this has to be before the call to super because we use the meta data in the superclass readRecords if (data.metaData) { this.onMetaChange(data.metaData); }
/** * DEPRECATED - will be removed in Ext JS 5.0. This is just a copy of this.rawData - use that instead * @property jsonData * @type Mixed */ this.jsonData = data; return Ext.data.JsonReader.superclass.readRecords.call(this, data); }, //inherit docs getResponseData: function(response) { try { var data = Ext.decode(response.responseText); } catch (ex) { throw 'Ext.data.JsonReader.getResponseData: Unable to parse JSON returned by Server.'; } if (!data) { throw 'Ext.data.JsonReader.getResponseData: JSON object not found'; } return data; }, //inherit docs buildExtractors : function() { Ext.data.JsonReader.superclass.buildExtractors.apply(this, arguments); if (this.root) { this.getRoot = this.createAccessor(this.root); } else { this.getRoot = function(root) { return root; }; } }, /** * @private * Returns an accessor function for the given property string. Gives support for properties such as the following: * 'someProperty' * 'some.property' * 'some["property"]' * This is used by buildExtractors to create optimized extractor functions when casting raw data into model instances. */ createAccessor: function() { var re = /[\[\.]/; return function(expr) { if (Ext.isEmpty(expr)) { return Ext.emptyFn; } if (Ext.isFunction(expr)) { return expr; } var i = String(expr).search(re); if (i >= 0) { return new Function('obj', 'return obj' + (i > 0 ? '.' : '') + expr); } return function(obj) { return obj[expr]; }; }; }() }); Ext.data.ReaderMgr.registerType('json', Ext.data.JsonReader);