/** * @class Ext.MessageBox * @extends Ext.Sheet * *Utility class for generating different styles of message boxes. The framework provides a global singleton {@link Ext.Msg} for common usage.
*Note that the MessageBox is asynchronous. Unlike a regular JavaScript
* *alert
(which will halt * browser execution), showing a MessageBox will not cause the code to stop. For this reason, if you have code * that should only run after some user feedback from the MessageBox, you must use a callback function * (see thefn
configuration option parameter for the {@link #show show} method for more details).Screenshot
** *
Example usage:
** @xtype messagebox */ Ext.MessageBox = Ext.extend(Ext.Sheet, { // Inherited from Ext.Sheet centered: true, // Inherited renderHidden: true, // Inherited ui: 'dark', /** * @cfg {String} componentCls * Component's Base CSS class */ componentCls: 'x-msgbox', /** * @cfg {String/Mixed} enterAnimation effect when the message box is being displayed (defaults to 'pop') */ enterAnimation: 'pop', /** * @cfg {String/Mixed} exitAnimation effect when the message box is being hidden (defaults to 'pop') */ exitAnimation: 'pop', // Not sure what good this does, so I just comment it out for now // autoHeight : true, /** * The default height in pixels of the message box's multiline textarea if displayed (defaults to 75) * @cfg {Number} defaultTextHeight */ defaultTextHeight : 75, constructor : function(config) { config = config || {}; var ui = config.ui || this.ui || '', baseCls = config.componentCls || this.componentCls; delete config.html; this.titleBar = Ext.create({ xtype : 'toolbar', ui : ui, dock : 'top', cls : baseCls + '-title', title : ' ' }); this.buttonBar = Ext.create({ xtype : 'toolbar', ui : ui, dock : 'bottom', layout: { pack: 'center' }, cls : baseCls + '-buttons' }); config = Ext.apply({ ui : ui, dockedItems : [this.titleBar, this.buttonBar], renderSelectors : { body : '.' + baseCls + '-body', iconEl : '.' + baseCls + '-icon', msgContentEl : '.' + baseCls + '-content', msgEl : '.' + baseCls + '-text', inputsEl : '.' + baseCls + '-inputs', inputEl : '.' + baseCls + '-input-single', multiLineEl : '.' + baseCls + '-input-textarea' } }, config || {}); Ext.MessageBox.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }, renderTpl: [ '// Basic alert: Ext.Msg.alert('Title', 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.', Ext.emptyFn); // Prompt for user data and process the result using a callback: Ext.Msg.prompt('Name', 'Please enter your name:', function(text) { // process text value and close... }); // Confirmation alert Ext.Msg.confirm("Confirmation", "Are you sure you want to do that?", Ext.emptyFn); *
style="{bodyStyle}">', '', '' ], // @private onClick : function(button) { if (button) { var config = button.config || {}; if (typeof config.fn == 'function') { config.fn.call( config.scope || null, button.itemId || button.text, config.input ? config.input.dom.value : null, config ); } if (config.cls) { this.el.removeCls(config.cls); } if (config.input) { config.input.dom.blur(); } } this.hide(); }, /** * Displays a new message box, or reinitializes an existing message box, based on the config options * passed in. All display functions (e.g. prompt, alert, etc.) on MessageBox call this function internally, * although those calls are basic shortcuts and do not support all of the config options allowed here. * @param {Object} config The following config options are supported:', '', '', '', '', '', '', '
Parameters passed:
title: 'Address',
msg: 'Please enter your address:',
width: 300,
buttons: Ext.MessageBox.OKCANCEL,
multiLine: true,
prompt : { maxlength : 180, autocapitalize : true },
fn: saveAddress,
icon: Ext.MessageBox.INFO
* @return {Ext.MessageBox} this
show : function(config) {
var attrib,
attribs = {
autocomplete : 'off',
autocapitalize : 'off',
autocorrect : 'off',
maxlength : 0,
autofocus : true,
placeholder : '',
type : 'text'
assert = /true|on/i;
this.rendered || this.render(document.body);
config = Ext.applyIf(
config || {}, {
multiLine : false,
prompt : false,
value : '',
modal : true
if (config.title) {
} else {
if (this.inputsEl && (config.multiLine || config.prompt)) {
if (this.multiLineEl && config.multiLine) {
this.inputEl && this.inputEl.hide();
this.multiLineEl.show().setHeight(Ext.isNumber(config.multiLine) ? parseFloat(config.multiLine) : this.defaultTextHeight);
config.input = this.multiLineEl;
} else if (this.inputEl) {
this.multiLineEl && this.multiLineEl.hide();
config.input = this.inputEl;
// Assert/default HTML5 input attributes
if (Ext.isObject(config.prompt)) {
Ext.apply(attribs, config.prompt);
for (attrName in attribs) {
if (attribs.hasOwnProperty(attrName)) {
attrib = attribs[attrName];
/^auto/i.test(attrName) ? (assert.test(attrib+'') ? 'on' : 'off' ) : attrib
} else {
this.inputsEl && this.inputsEl.hide();
this.setIcon(config.icon || '', false);
this.updateText(config.msg, false);
if (config.cls) {
this.modal = !!config.modal;
var bbar = this.buttonBar,
bs = [];
Ext.each([].concat(config.buttons || Ext.MessageBox.OK), function(button) {
if (button) {
config : config,
scope : this,
handler : this.onClick
}, button)
}, this);
if (bbar.rendered) {
Ext.MessageBox.superclass.show.call(this, config.animate);
if (config.input) {
config.input.dom.value = config.value || '';
// For browsers without 'autofocus' attribute support
if (assert.test(attribs.autofocus+'') && !('autofocus' in config.input.dom)) {
return this;
// @private
onOrientationChange : function() {
Ext.MessageBox.superclass.onOrientationChange.apply(this, arguments);
// @private
adjustScale : function(){
maxWidth : window.innerWidth,
maxHeight : window.innerHeight,
minWidth : window.innerWidth * .5,
minHeight : window.innerHeight * .5
// @private
doComponentLayout : function() {
return Ext.MessageBox.superclass.doComponentLayout.apply(this, arguments);
* Displays a standard read-only message box with an OK button (comparable to the basic JavaScript alert prompt).
* If a callback function is passed it will be called after the user clicks the button, and the
* itemId of the button that was clicked will be passed as the only parameter to the callback
* @param {String} title The title bar text
* @param {String} msg The message box body text
* @param {Function} fn (optional) The callback function invoked after the message box is closed
* @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope (this
reference) in which the callback is executed. Defaults to the browser wnidow.
* @return {Ext.MessageBox} this
alert : function(title, msg, fn, scope) {
return this.show({
title : title,
msg : msg,
buttons: Ext.MessageBox.OK,
fn : fn,
scope : scope,
icon : Ext.MessageBox.INFO
* Displays a confirmation message box with Yes and No buttons (comparable to JavaScript's confirm).
* If a callback function is passed it will be called after the user clicks either button,
* and the id of the button that was clicked will be passed as the only parameter to the callback
* (could also be the top-right close button).
* @param {String} title The title bar text
* @param {String} msg The message box body text
* @param {Function} fn (optional) The callback function invoked when user taps on the OK/Cancel button.
* The button is passed as the first argument.
* @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope (this
reference) in which the callback is executed. Defaults to the browser wnidow.
* @return {Ext.MessageBox} this
confirm : function(title, msg, fn, scope) {
return this.show({
title : title,
msg : msg,
buttons: Ext.MessageBox.YESNO,
fn: function(button) {
fn.call(scope, button);
scope : scope,
icon: Ext.MessageBox.QUESTION
* Displays a message box with OK and Cancel buttons prompting the user to enter some text (comparable to JavaScript's prompt).
* The prompt can be a single-line or multi-line textbox. If a callback function is passed it will be called after the user
* clicks either button, and the id of the button that was clicked (could also be the top-right
* close button) and the text that was entered will be passed as the two parameters to the callback.
* @param {String} title The title bar text
* @param {String} msg The message box body text
* @param {Function} fn (optional) The callback function invoked when the user taps on the OK/Cancel button,
* the button is passed as the first argument, the entered string value is passed as the second argument
* @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope (this
reference) in which the callback is executed. Defaults to the browser wnidow.
* @param {Boolean/Number} multiLine (optional) True to create a multiline textbox using the defaultTextHeight
* property, or the height in pixels to create the textbox (defaults to false / single-line)
* @param {String} value (optional) Default value of the text input element (defaults to '')
* @param {Object} promptConfig
'What\'s your name going to be today?',
{ autocapitalize : true, placeholder : 'First-name please...' }
* @return {Ext.MessageBox} this
prompt : function(title, msg, fn, scope, multiLine, value, promptConfig) {
return this.show({
title : title,
msg : msg,
buttons: Ext.MessageBox.OKCANCEL,
fn: function(button, inputValue) {
fn.call(scope, button, inputValue);
scope : scope,
icon : Ext.MessageBox.QUESTION,
prompt: promptConfig || true,
multiLine: multiLine,
value: value
* Updates the message box body text
* @param {String} text (optional) Replaces the message box element's innerHTML with the specified string (defaults to
* the XHTML-compliant non-breaking space character ' ')
* @return {Ext.MessageBox} this
updateText : function(text, doLayout) {
if(this.msgEl) {
this.msgEl.update(text ? String(text) : ' ');
if(doLayout !== false) {
return this;
* Adds the specified icon to the dialog. By default, the class 'x-msgbox-icon' is applied for default
* styling, and the class passed in is expected to supply the background image url. Pass in empty string ('')
* to clear any existing icon. This method must be called before the MessageBox is shown.
* The following built-in icon classes are supported, but you can also pass in a custom class name:
* Ext.MessageBox.INFO Ext.MessageBox.WARNING Ext.MessageBox.QUESTION Ext.MessageBox.ERROR ** @param {String} icon A CSS classname specifying the icon's background image url, or empty string to clear the icon * @return {Ext.MessageBox} this */ setIcon : function(icon, doLayout) { if (icon) { this.iconEl.show(); this.iconEl.replaceCls(this.iconCls, icon); } else { this.iconEl.replaceCls(this.iconCls, 'x-hidden-display'); } if (doLayout !== false) { this.doComponentLayout(); } this.iconCls = icon; return this; } }); (function(){ var B = Ext.MessageBox; Ext.apply(B, { OK : {text : 'OK', itemId : 'ok', ui : 'action' }, CANCEL : {text : 'Cancel', itemId : 'cancel'}, YES : {text : 'Yes', itemId : 'yes', ui : 'action' }, NO : {text : 'No', itemId : 'no'}, // Add additional(localized) button configs here // ICON CSS Constants INFO : 'x-msgbox-info', WARNING : 'x-msgbox-warning', QUESTION : 'x-msgbox-question', ERROR : 'x-msgbox-error' }); Ext.apply(B, { OKCANCEL : [B.CANCEL, B.OK], YESNOCANCEL : [B.CANCEL, B.NO, B.YES], YESNO : [B.NO, B.YES] // Add additional button collections here }); })(); Ext.reg('messagebox', Ext.MessageBox); //DEPRECATED - remove this in 1.0. See RC1 Release Notes for details Ext.reg('msgbox', Ext.MessageBox); /** * @class Ext.Msg * *
A global shared singleton instance of the {@link Ext.MessageBox} class. See {@link Ext.MessageBox} for documentation.
* * @singleton */ Ext.Msg = new Ext.MessageBox();