/** * @class Ext.Picker * @extends Ext.Sheet * *

A general picker class. Slots are used to organize multiple scrollable slots into a single picker. {@link #slots} is * the only necessary property

* *

Example usage:


var picker = new Ext.Picker({
    slots: [
            name : 'limit_speed',
            title: 'Speed',
            data : [
                {text: '50 KB/s', value: 50},
                {text: '100 KB/s', value: 100},
                {text: '200 KB/s', value: 200},
                {text: '300 KB/s', value: 300}
* * @constructor * Create a new List * @param {Object} config The config object * @xtype picker */ Ext.Picker = Ext.extend(Ext.Sheet, {
/** * @cfg {String} componentCls * The main component class */ componentCls: 'x-picker', stretchX: true, stretchY: true, hideOnMaskTap: false,
/** * @cfg {String/Mixed} doneButton * Can be either: * * Defaults to 'Done'. */ doneButton: 'Done',
/** * @cfg {String/Mixed} doneButton * Can be either: * * Defaults to 'Done'. */ cancelButton: 'Cancel',
/** * @cfg {Number} height * The height of the picker. * Defaults to 220 */ height: 220,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} useTitles * Generate a title header for each individual slot and use * the title configuration of the slot. * Defaults to false. */ useTitles: false,
/** * @cfg {String} activeCls * CSS class to be applied to individual list items when they have * been chosen. */ // activeCls: 'x-picker-active-item',
/** * @cfg {Array} slots * An array of slot configurations. * */ // // chosenCls: 'x-picker-chosen-item', // private defaultType: 'pickerslot', // private initComponent : function() { // if (Ext.isDefined(this.showDoneButton)) { console.warn("[Ext.Picker] showDoneButton config is deprecated. Please use doneButton instead"); } if (Ext.isDefined(this.doneText)) { console.warn("[Ext.Picker] doneText config is deprecated. Please use doneButton instead"); this.doneButton = this.doneText; } // this.addEvents(
/** * @event pick * Fired when a slot has been picked * @param {Ext.Picker} this This Picker * @param {Object} The values of this picker's slots, in {name:'value'} format * @param {Ext.Picker.Slot} slot An instance of Ext.Picker.Slot that has been picked */ 'pick',
/** * @event change * Fired when the picked value has changed * @param {Ext.Picker} this This Picker * @param {Object} The values of this picker's slots, in {name:'value'} format */ 'change',
/** * @event cancel * Fired when the cancel button is tapped and the values are reverted back to * what they were * @param {Ext.Picker} this This Picker */ 'cancel' ); this.layout = { type: 'hbox', align: 'stretch' }; if (this.slots) { this.items = this.items ? (Ext.isArray(this.items) ? this.items : [this.items]) : []; this.items = this.items.concat(this.slots); } if (this.useTitles) { this.defaults = Ext.applyIf(this.defaults || {}, { title: '' }); } this.on('slotpick', this.onSlotPick, this); if (this.doneButton || this.cancelButton) { var toolbarItems = []; if (this.cancelButton) { toolbarItems.push( Ext.apply( { ui: 'decline', handler: this.onCancelButtonTap, scope: this }, ((Ext.isObject(this.cancelButton) ? this.cancelButton : { text: String(this.cancelButton) })) ) ); } toolbarItems.push({xtype: 'spacer'}); if (this.doneButton) { toolbarItems.push( Ext.apply( { ui: 'action', handler: this.onDoneButtonTap, scope: this }, ((Ext.isObject(this.doneButton) ? this.doneButton : { text: String(this.doneButton) })) ) ); } this.toolbar = new Ext.Toolbar(Ext.applyIf(this.buttonBar || { dock: 'top', items: toolbarItems, defaults: { xtype: 'button' } })); this.dockedItems = this.dockedItems ? (Ext.isArray(this.dockedItems) ? this.dockedItems : [this.dockedItems]) : []; this.dockedItems.push(this.toolbar); } Ext.Picker.superclass.initComponent.call(this); }, // @private afterRender: function() { Ext.Picker.superclass.afterRender.apply(this, arguments); if (this.value) { this.setValue(this.value, false); } }, /** * @private * Called when the done button has been tapped. */ onDoneButtonTap : function() { var anim = this.animSheet('exit'); Ext.apply(anim, { after: function() { this.fireEvent('change', this, this.getValue()); }, scope: this }); this.hide(anim); }, /** * @private * Called when the cancel button has been tapped. */ onCancelButtonTap : function() { var anim = this.animSheet('exit'); Ext.apply(anim, { after: function() { // Set the value back to what it was previously this.setValue(this.values); this.fireEvent('cancel', this); }, scope: this }); this.hide(anim); }, /** * @private * Called when a slot has been picked. */ onSlotPick: function(slot, value, node) { this.fireEvent('pick', this, this.getValue(), slot); return false; },
/** * Sets the values of the pickers slots * @param {Object} values The values in a {name:'value'} format * @param {Boolean} animated True to animate setting the values * @return {Ext.Picker} this This picker */ setValue: function(values, animated) { var slot, items = this.items.items, ln = items.length; // Value is an object with keys mapping to slot names if (!values) { for (var i = 0; i < ln; i++) { items[i].setSelectedNode(0); } return this; } Ext.iterate(values, function(key, value) { slot = this.child('[name=' + key + ']'); if (slot) { slot.setValue(value, animated); } }, this); this.values = values; return this; },
/** * Returns the values of each of the pickers slots * @return {Object} The values of the pickers slots */ getValue: function() { var values = {}, items = this.items.items, ln = items.length, item, i; for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { item = items[i]; values[item.name] = item.getValue(); } return values; } }); Ext.regModel('x-textvalue', { fields: ['text', 'value'] });
/** * @private * @class Ext.Picker.Slot * @extends Ext.DataView * *

A general picker slot class. Slots are used to organize multiple scrollable slots into a single picker * See also: {@link Ext.Picker}

* * @constructor * Create a new Picker Slot * @param {Object} config The config object * @xtype pickerslot */ Ext.Picker.Slot = Ext.extend(Ext.DataView, { isSlot: true, flex: 1,
/** * @cfg {String} name * The name of this slot. This config option is required. */ name: null,
/** * @cfg {String} displayField * The display field in the store. * Defaults to 'text'. */ displayField: 'text',
/** * @cfg {String} valueField * The value field in the store. * Defaults to 'value'. */ valueField: 'value',
/** * @cfg {String} align * The alignment of this slot. * Defaults to 'center' */ align: 'center',
/** * @hide * @cfg {String} itemSelector */ itemSelector: 'div.x-picker-item', /** * @private * @cfg {String} componentCls * The main component class */ componentCls: 'x-picker-slot', /** * @private * @cfg {Ext.Template/Ext.XTemplate/Array} renderTpl * The renderTpl of the slot. */ renderTpl : [ '
', '
', '
' ], /** * @private * The current selectedIndex of the picker slot */ selectedIndex: 0, /** * @private */ getElConfig: function() { return { tag: 'div', id: this.id, cls: 'x-picker-' + this.align }; }, /** * @private */ initComponent : function() { // if (!this.name) { throw new Error('Each picker slot is required to have a name.'); } // Ext.apply(this.renderSelectors, { mask: '.x-picker-mask', bar: '.x-picker-bar' }); this.scroll = { direction: 'vertical', useIndicators: false, friction: 0.7, acceleration: 25, snapDuration: 150, animationDuration: 150, eventTarget: 'parent' }; this.tpl = new Ext.XTemplate([ '', '
x-picker-invalid">{' + this.displayField + '}
', '
' ]); var data = this.data, parsedData = [], ln = data && data.length, i, item, obj; if (data && Ext.isArray(data) && ln) { for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { item = data[i]; obj = {}; if (Ext.isArray(item)) { obj[this.valueField] = item[0]; obj[this.displayField] = item[1]; } else if (Ext.isString(item)) { obj[this.valueField] = item; obj[this.displayField] = item; } else if (Ext.isObject(item)) { obj = item; } parsedData.push(obj); } this.store = new Ext.data.Store({ model: 'x-textvalue', data: parsedData }); this.tempStore = true; } else if (this.store) { this.store = Ext.StoreMgr.lookup(this.store); } this.enableBubble('slotpick'); if (this.title) { this.title = new Ext.Component({ dock: 'top', componentCls: 'x-picker-slot-title', html: this.title }); this.dockedItems = this.title; } Ext.Picker.Slot.superclass.initComponent.call(this); if (this.value !== undefined) { this.setValue(this.value, false); } }, /** * @private */ setupBar: function() { this.el.setStyle({padding: ''}); var padding = this.bar.getY() - this.el.getY(); this.barHeight = this.bar.getHeight(); this.el.setStyle({ padding: padding + 'px 0' }); this.slotPadding = padding; this.scroller.updateBoundary(); this.scroller.setSnap(this.barHeight); this.setSelectedNode(this.selectedIndex, false); }, /** * @private */ afterComponentLayout: function() { // Dont call superclass afterComponentLayout since we dont want // the scroller to get a min-height Ext.defer(this.setupBar, 200, this); }, /** * @private */ initEvents: function() { this.mon(this.scroller, { scrollend: this.onScrollEnd, scope: this }); }, /** * @private */ onScrollEnd: function(scroller, offset) { this.selectedNode = this.getNode(Math.round(offset.y / this.barHeight)); this.selectedIndex = this.indexOf(this.selectedNode); this.fireEvent('slotpick', this, this.getValue(), this.selectedNode); }, /** * @private */ scrollToNode: function(node, animate) { var offsetsToBody = Ext.fly(node).getOffsetsTo(this.scrollEl)[1]; this.scroller.scrollTo({ y: offsetsToBody }, animate !== false ? true : false); }, /** * @private * Called when an item has been tapped */ onItemTap: function(node) { Ext.Picker.Slot.superclass.onItemTap.apply(this, arguments); this.setSelectedNode(node); },
/** * */ getSelectedNode: function() { return this.selectedNode; },
/** * */ setSelectedNode: function(selected, animate) { // If it is a number, we assume we are dealing with an index if (Ext.isNumber(selected)) { selected = this.getNode(selected); } else if (selected.isModel) { selected = this.getNode(this.store.indexOf(selected)); } // If its not a model or a number, we assume its a node if (selected) { this.selectedNode = selected; this.selectedIndex = this.indexOf(selected); this.scrollToNode(selected, animate); } },
/** * */ getValue: function() { var record = this.store.getAt(this.selectedIndex); return record ? record.get(this.valueField) : null; },
/** * */ setValue: function(value, animate) { var index = this.store.find(this.valueField, value); if (index != -1) { if (!this.rendered) { this.selectedIndex = index; return; } this.setSelectedNode(index, animate); } }, onDestroy: function() { if (this.tempStore) { this.store.destroyStore(); this.store = null; } Ext.Picker.Slot.superclass.onDestroy.call(this); } }); Ext.reg('pickerslot', Ext.Picker.Slot);