/** * @class Ext.SegmentedButton * @extends Ext.Container *

SegmentedButton is a container for a group of {@link Ext.Button}s. Generally a SegmentedButton would be * a child of a {@link Ext.Toolbar} and would be used to switch between different views.

* *

Useful Properties

* * *



* *

Example usage:


var segmentedButton = new Ext.SegmentedButton({
    allowMultiple: true,
    items: [
            text: 'Option 1'
            text   : 'Option 2',
            pressed: true,
            handler: tappedFn
            text: 'Option 3'
    listeners: {
        toggle: function(container, button, pressed){
            console.log("User toggled the '" + button.text + "' button: " + (pressed ? 'on' : 'off'));
* @constructor * @param {Object} config The config object * @xtype buttons */ Ext.SegmentedButton = Ext.extend(Ext.Container, { defaultType: 'button', componentCls: 'x-segmentedbutton', pressedCls: 'x-button-pressed',
/** * @cfg {Boolean} allowMultiple * Allow multiple pressed buttons (defaults to false). */ allowMultiple: false,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} allowDepress * Allow to depress a pressed button. (defaults to true when allowMultiple is true) */ // @private initComponent : function() { this.layout = Ext.apply({}, this.layout || {}, { type: 'hbox', align: 'stretch' }); Ext.SegmentedButton.superclass.initComponent.call(this); if (this.allowDepress === undefined) { this.allowDepress = this.allowMultiple; } this.addEvents(
/** * @event toggle * Fires when any child button's pressed state has changed. * @param {Ext.SegmentedButton} this * @param {Ext.Button} button The button whose state has changed * @param {Boolean} pressed The new button state. */ 'toggle' ); }, // @private initEvents : function() { Ext.SegmentedButton.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.mon(this.el, { tap: this.onTap, capture: true, scope: this }); }, // @private afterLayout : function(layout) { var me = this; Ext.SegmentedButton.superclass.afterLayout.call(me, layout); if (!me.initialized) { me.items.each(function(item, index) { me.setPressed(item, !!item.pressed, true); }); if (me.allowMultiple) { me.pressedButtons = me.getPressedButtons(); } me.initialized = true; } }, // @private onTap : function(e, t) { if (!this.disabled && (t = e.getTarget('.x-button'))) { this.setPressed(t.id, this.allowDepress ? undefined : true); } },
/** * Gets the pressed button(s) * @returns {Array/Button} The pressed button or an array of pressed buttons (if allowMultiple is true) */ getPressed : function() { return this.allowMultiple ? this.getPressedButtons() : this.pressedButton; },
/** * Activates a button * @param {Number/String/Button} position/id/button. The button to activate. * @param {Boolean} pressed if defined, sets the pressed state of the button, * otherwise the pressed state is toggled * @param {Boolean} suppressEvents true to suppress toggle events during the action. * If allowMultiple is true, then setPressed will toggle the button state. */ setPressed : function(btn, pressed, suppressEvents) { var me = this; btn = me.getComponent(btn); if (!btn || !btn.isButton || btn.disabled) { if (!me.allowMultiple && me.pressedButton) { me.setPressed(me.pressedButton, false); } return; } if (!Ext.isBoolean(pressed)) { pressed = !btn.pressed; } if (pressed) { if (!me.allowMultiple) { if (me.pressedButton && me.pressedButton !== btn) { me.pressedButton.el.removeCls(me.pressedCls); me.pressedButton.pressed = false; if (suppressEvents !== true) { me.fireEvent('toggle', me, me.pressedButton, false); } } me.pressedButton = btn; } btn.el.addCls(me.pressedCls); btn.pressed = true; btn.preventCancel = true; if (me.initialized && suppressEvents !== true) { me.fireEvent('toggle', me, btn, true); } } else if (!pressed) { if (!me.allowMultiple && btn === me.pressedButton) { me.pressedButton = null; } if (btn.pressed) { btn.el.removeCls(me.pressedCls); btn.pressed = false; if (suppressEvents !== true) { me.fireEvent('toggle', me, btn, false); } } } if (me.allowMultiple && me.initialized) { me.pressedButtons = me.getPressedButtons(); } }, // @private getPressedButtons : function(toggleEvents) { var pressed = this.items.filterBy(function(item) { return item.isButton && !item.disabled && item.pressed; }); return pressed.items; },
/** * Disables all buttons */ disable : function() { this.items.each(function(item) { item.disable(); }); Ext.SegmentedButton.superclass.disable.apply(this, arguments); },
/** * Enables all buttons */ enable : function() { this.items.each(function(item) { item.enable(); }, this); Ext.SegmentedButton.superclass.enable.apply(this, arguments); } }); Ext.reg('segmentedbutton', Ext.SegmentedButton);