/** * @class Ext.form.Select * @extends Ext.form.Text * Simple Select field wrapper. Example usage:

new Ext.form.Select({
    options: [
        {text: 'First Option',  value: 'first'},
        {text: 'Second Option', value: 'second'},
        {text: 'Third Option',  value: 'third'}
* @xtype selectfield */ Ext.form.Select = Ext.extend(Ext.form.Text, { ui: 'select',
/** * @cfg {Boolean} useClearIcon @hide */
/** * @cfg {String/Integer} valueField The underlying {@link Ext.data.Field#name data value name} (or numeric Array index) to bind to this * Select control. (defaults to 'value') */ valueField: 'value',
/** * @cfg {String/Integer} displayField The underlying {@link Ext.data.Field#name data value name} (or numeric Array index) to bind to this * Select control. This resolved value is the visibly rendered value of the available selection options. * (defaults to 'text') */ displayField: 'text',
/** * @cfg {Ext.data.Store} store (Optional) store instance used to provide selection options data. */
/** * @cfg {Array} options (Optional) An array of select options.

        {text: 'First Option',  value: 'first'},
        {text: 'Second Option', value: 'second'},
        {text: 'Third Option',  value: 'third'}
* Note: option object member names should correspond with defined {@link #valueField valueField} and {@link #displayField displayField} values. * This config will be ignore if a {@link #store store} instance is provided */
/** * @cfg {String} hiddenName Specify a hiddenName if you're using the {@link Ext.form.FormPanel#standardSubmit standardSubmit} option. * This name will be used to post the underlying value of the select to the server. */ // @cfg {Number} tabIndex @hide tabIndex: -1, // @cfg {Boolean} useMask @hide useMask: true, // @private initComponent: function() { var options = this.options; if (this.store) { this.store = Ext.StoreMgr.lookup(this.store); } else { this.store = new Ext.data.Store({ fields: [this.valueField, this.displayField] }); if (options && Ext.isArray(options) && options.length > 0) { this.setOptions(this.options); } } Ext.form.Select.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addEvents(
/** * @event change * Fires when an option selection has changed * @param {Ext.form.Select} this * @param {Mixed} value */ 'change' ); }, onRender: function(){ Ext.form.Select.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments); var name = this.hiddenName; if (name) { this.hiddenField = this.el.insertSibling({ name: name, tag: 'input', type: 'hidden' }, 'after'); } }, getPicker: function() { if (!this.picker) { this.picker = new Ext.Picker({ slots: [{ align : 'center', name : this.name, valueField : this.valueField, displayField: this.displayField, value : this.getValue(), store : this.store }], listeners: { change: this.onPickerChange, scope: this } }); } return this.picker; }, getListPanel: function() { if (!this.listPanel) { this.listPanel = new Ext.Panel({ floating : true, stopMaskTapEvent : true, hideOnMaskTap : true, cls : 'x-select-overlay', scroll : 'vertical', items: { xtype: 'list', store: this.store, itemId: 'list', scroll: false, itemTpl : [ '{' + this.displayField + '}', '' ], listeners: { select : this.onListSelect, scope : this } } }); } return this.listPanel; }, onMaskTap: function() { if (this.disabled) { return; } this.showComponent(); }, showComponent: function() { if (Ext.is.Phone) { this.getPicker().show(); } else { var listPanel = this.getListPanel(), index = this.store.findExact(this.valueField, this.value); listPanel.showBy(this.el, 'fade', false); listPanel.down('#list').getSelectionModel().select(index != -1 ? index: 0, false, true); } }, onListSelect: function(selModel, selected) { if (selected) { this.setValue(selected.get(this.valueField)); this.fireEvent('change', this, this.getValue()); } this.listPanel.hide({ type: 'fade', out: true, scope: this }); }, onPickerChange: function(picker, value) { var currentValue = this.getValue(), newValue = value[this.name]; if (newValue != currentValue) { this.setValue(newValue); this.fireEvent('change', this, newValue); } }, // Inherited docs setValue: function(value) { var idx = 0, hiddenField = this.hiddenField, record; if (value) { idx = this.store.findExact(this.valueField, value) } record = this.store.getAt(idx); if (record && this.rendered) { this.fieldEl.dom.value = record.get(this.displayField); this.value = record.get(this.valueField); if (hiddenField) { hiddenField.dom.value = this.value; } } else { this.value = value; } // Temporary fix, the picker should sync with the store automatically by itself if (this.picker) { var pickerValue = {}; pickerValue[this.name] = this.value; this.picker.setValue(pickerValue); } return this; }, // Inherited docs getValue: function(){ return this.value; },
/** * Updates the underlying <options> list with new values. * @param {Array} options An array of options configurations to insert or append. * @param {Boolean} append true to append the new options existing values.

    [   {text: 'First Option',  value: 'first'},
        {text: 'Second Option', value: 'second'},
        {text: 'Third Option',  value: 'third'}
* Note: option object member names should correspond with defined {@link #valueField valueField} and * {@link #displayField displayField} values. * @return {Ext.form.Select} this */ setOptions: function(options, append) { if (!options) { this.store.clearData(); this.setValue(null); } else { this.store.loadData(options, append); } }, destroy: function() { Ext.form.Select.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); Ext.destroy(this.listPanel, this.picker, this.hiddenField); } }); Ext.reg('selectfield', Ext.form.Select); // //DEPRECATED - remove this in 1.0. See RC1 Release Notes for details Ext.reg('select', Ext.form.Select); //