/** * @class Ext.Sheet * @extends Ext.Panel * *A general sheet class. This renderable container provides base support for orientation-aware * transitions for popup or side-anchored sliding Panels.
* *Screenshot:
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Example usage:
** *var sheet = new Ext.Sheet({ height : 200, stretchX: true, stretchY: true, layout: { type: 'hbox', align: 'stretch' }, dockedItems: [ { dock : 'bottom', xtype: 'button', text : 'Click me' } ] }); sheet.show(); *
See {@link Ext.Picker} and {@link Ext.DatePicker}
* @xtype sheet */ Ext.Sheet = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { baseCls : 'x-sheet', centered : false, floating : true, modal : true, hideOnMaskTap : false, draggable : false, monitorOrientation : true, hidden : true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} stretchX * If true, the width of anchored Sheets are adjusted to fill the entire top/bottom axis width, * or false to center the Sheet along the same axis based upon the sheets current/calculated width. * This option is ignored when {link #centered} is true or x/y coordinates are specified for the Sheet. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} stretchY * If true, the height of anchored Sheets are adjusted to fill the entire right/left axis height, * or false to center the Sheet along the same axis based upon the sheets current/calculated height. * This option is ignored when {link #centered} is true or x/y coordinates are specified for the Sheet. */ /** * @cfg {String} enter * The viewport side from which to anchor the sheet when made visible (top, bottom, left, right) * Defaults to 'bottom' */ enter : 'bottom', /** * @cfg {String} exit * The viewport side used as the exit point when hidden (top, bottom, left, right) * Applies to sliding animation effects only. Defaults to 'bottom' */ exit : 'bottom', /** * @cfg {String/Object} enterAnimation * the named Ext.anim effect or animation configuration object used for transitions * when the component is shown. Defaults to 'slide' */ enterAnimation : 'slide', /** * * @cfg {String/Object} exitAnimation * the named Ext.anim effect or animation configuration object used for transitions * when the component is hidden. Defaults to 'slide' */ exitAnimation : 'slide', // @private slide direction defaults transitions : { bottom : 'up', top : 'down', right : 'left', left : 'right' }, //@private animSheet : function(animate) { var anim = null, me = this, tr = me.transitions, opposites = Ext.Anim.prototype.opposites || {}; if (animate && this[animate]) { if (animate == 'enter') { anim = (typeof me.enterAnimation == 'string') ? { type : me.enterAnimation || 'slide', direction : tr[me.enter] || 'up' } : me.enterAnimation; } else if (animate == 'exit') { anim = (typeof me.exitAnimation == 'string') ? { type : me.exitAnimation || 'slide', direction : tr[me.exit] || 'down' } : me.exitAnimation; } } return anim; }, // @private orient : function(orientation, w, h) { if(!this.container || this.centered || !this.floating){ return this; } var me = this, cfg = me.initialConfig || {}, //honor metrics (x, y, height, width) initialConfig size = {width : cfg.width, height : cfg.height}, pos = {x : cfg.x, y : cfg.y}, box = me.el.getPageBox(), pageBox, scrollTop = 0; if (me.container.dom == document.body) { pageBox = { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight }; scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop; } else { pageBox = me.container.getPageBox(); } pageBox.centerY = pageBox.height / 2; pageBox.centerX = pageBox.width / 2; if(pos.x != undefined || pos.y != undefined){ pos.x = pos.x || 0; pos.y = pos.y || 0; } else { if (/^(bottom|top)/i.test(me.enter)) { size.width = me.stretchX ? pageBox.width : Math.min(200,Math.max(size.width || box.width || pageBox.width, pageBox.width)); size.height = Math.min(size.height || 0, pageBox.height) || undefined; size = me.setSize(size).getSize(); pos.x = pageBox.centerX - size.width / 2; pos.y = me.enter == 'top' ? 0 : pageBox.height - size.height + scrollTop; } else if (/^(left|right)/i.test(me.enter)) { size.height = me.stretchY ? pageBox.height : Math.min(200, Math.max(size.height || box.height || pageBox.height, pageBox.height)); size.width = Math.min(size.width || 0, pageBox.width) || undefined; size = me.setSize(size).getSize(); pos.y = 0; pos.x = me.enter == 'left' ? 0 : pageBox.width - size.width; } } me.setPosition(pos); return this; }, // @private afterRender : function() { Ext.Sheet.superclass.afterRender.apply(this, arguments); this.el.setDisplayMode(Ext.Element.OFFSETS); }, // @private onShow : function(animation) { this.orient(); return Ext.Sheet.superclass.onShow.call(this, animation || this.animSheet('enter')); }, // @private onOrientationChange : function(orientation, w, h) { this.orient(); Ext.Sheet.superclass.onOrientationChange.apply(this, arguments); }, // @private beforeDestroy : function() { delete this.showAnimation; this.hide(false); Ext.Sheet.superclass.beforeDestroy.call(this); } }); Ext.reg('sheet', Ext.Sheet); /** * @class Ext.ActionSheet * @extends Ext.Sheet * *A Button Sheet class designed to popup or slide/anchor a series of buttons.
* *Screenshot:
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Example code:
** @xtype sheet */ Ext.ActionSheet = Ext.extend(Ext.Sheet, { componentCls: 'x-sheet-action', stretchY: true, stretchX: true, defaultType: 'button', constructor : function(config) { config = config || {}; Ext.ActionSheet.superclass.constructor.call(this, Ext.applyIf({ floating : true }, config)); } }); Ext.reg('actionsheet', Ext.ActionSheet);var actionSheet = new Ext.ActionSheet({ items: [ { text: 'Delete draft', ui : 'decline' }, { text: 'Save draft' }, { text: 'Cancel', ui : 'confirm' } ] }); actionSheet.show();