/** * @class Ext.form.Spinner * @extends Ext.form.Number *Wraps an HTML5 number field. Example usage: *
* @xtype spinnerfield */ Ext.form.Spinner = Ext.extend(Ext.form.Number, { /** * @cfg {Boolean} useClearIcon @hide */ componentCls: 'x-spinner', /** * @cfg {Number} minValue The minimum allowed value (defaults to Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) */ minValue: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, /** * @cfg {Number} maxValue The maximum allowed value (defaults to Number.MAX_VALUE) */ maxValue: Number.MAX_VALUE, /** * @cfg {Number} incrementValue Value that is added or subtracted from the current value when a spinner is used. * Defaults to 1. */ incrementValue: 1, /** * @cfg {Boolean} accelerateOnTapHold True if autorepeating should start slowly and accelerate. * Defaults to true. */ accelerateOnTapHold: true, // @private defaultValue: 0, /** * @cfg {Boolean} cycle When set to true, it will loop the values of a minimum or maximum is reached. * If the maximum value is reached, the value will be set to the minimum. * If the minimum value is reached, the value will be set to the maximum. * Defaults to false. */ cycle: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} disableInput True to disable the input field, meaning that only the spinner buttons * can be used. Defaults to false. */ disableInput: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} useClearIcon @hide */ useClearIcon: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} autoCapitalize @hide */ autoCapitalize: false, renderTpl: [ 'new Ext.form.Spinner({ minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, incrementValue: 2, cycle: true });
', ' {label}', ' ' ], initComponent: function() { //', '', '-', '', 'tabIndex="{tabIndex}" ', '', 'placeholder="{placeHolder}" ', 'style="{style}" ', 'min="{minValue}" ', 'max="{maxValue}" ', 'step="{stepValue}" ', 'autocomplete="{autoComplete}" ', 'autofocus="{autoFocus}" ', '/>', '', ' +', 'if (Ext.isDefined(this.accelerate)) { console.warn("Spinner: accelerate has been removed. Please use accelerateOnTapHold."); this.accelerate = this.accelerateOnTapHold; } // this.addEvents( /** * @event spin * Fires when the value is changed via either spinner buttons * @param {Ext.form.Spinner} this * @param {Number} value * @param {String} direction 'up' or 'down' */ 'spin', /** * @event spindown * Fires when the value is changed via the spinner down button * @param {Ext.form.Spinner} this * @param {Number} value */ 'spindown', /** * @event spinup * Fires when the value is changed via the spinner up button * @param {Ext.form.Spinner} this * @param {Number} value */ 'spinup' ); Ext.form.Spinner.superclass.initComponent.call(this); }, // @private onRender: function() { this.renderData.disableInput = this.disableInput; Ext.applyIf(this.renderSelectors, { spinUpEl: '.x-spinner-up', spinDownEl: '.x-spinner-down' }); Ext.form.Spinner.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments); this.downRepeater = this.createRepeater(this.spinDownEl, this.onSpinDown); this.upRepeater = this.createRepeater(this.spinUpEl, this.onSpinUp); }, initValue: function() { if (isNaN(this.defaultValue)) { this.defaultValue = 0; } if (!this.value) { this.value = this.defaultValue; } Ext.form.Spinner.superclass.initValue.apply(this, arguments); }, // @private createRepeater: function(el, fn){ var repeat = new Ext.util.TapRepeater(el, { accelerate: this.accelerateOnTapHold }); this.mon(repeat, { tap: fn, touchstart: this.onTouchStart, touchend: this.onTouchEnd, preventDefault: true, scope: this }); return repeat; }, // @private onSpinDown: function() { if (!this.disabled) { this.spin(true); } }, // @private onSpinUp: function() { if (!this.disabled) { this.spin(false); } }, onKeyUp: function(e) { // var value = parseInt(this.getValue()); // // if (isNaN(value)) { // value = this.defaultValue; // } // // this.setValue(value); Ext.form.Spinner.superclass.onKeyUp.apply(this, arguments); }, // @private onTouchStart: function(btn) { if (!this.disabled) { btn.el.addCls('x-button-pressed'); } }, // @private onTouchEnd: function(btn) { btn.el.removeCls('x-button-pressed'); }, setValue: function(value) { value = parseFloat(value); if (isNaN(value)) { value = this.defaultValue; } Ext.form.Spinner.superclass.setValue.call(this, value); }, // @private spin: function(down) { var value = parseFloat(this.getValue()), increment = this.incrementValue, cycle = this.cycle, min = this.minValue, max = this.maxValue, direction = down ? 'down': 'up'; if (down){ value -= increment; } else{ value += increment; } value = (isNaN(value)) ? this.defaultValue: value; if (value < min) { value = cycle ? max: min; } else if (value > max) { value = cycle ? min: max; } this.setValue(value); this.fireEvent('spin' + direction, this, value); this.fireEvent('spin', this, value, direction); }, // @private destroy: function() { Ext.destroy(this.downRepeater, this.upRepeater); Ext.form.Spinner.superclass.destroy.call(this, arguments); } }); Ext.reg('spinnerfield', Ext.form.Spinner); ///** * @class Ext.form.SpinnerField * @extends Ext.form.Spinner * @private * @hidden * DEPRECATED - remove this in 1.0. See RC1 Release Notes for details */ Ext.form.SpinnerField = Ext.extend(Ext.form.Spinner, { constructor: function() { console.warn("Ext.form.SpinnerField has been deprecated and will be removed in Sencha Touch 1.0. Please use Ext.form.Spinner instead"); Ext.form.SpinnerField.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } }); //