* @class Ext.is
* Determines information about the current platform the application is running on.
* @singleton
Ext.is = {
init : function() {
var platforms = this.platforms,
ln = platforms.length,
i, platform;
for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
platform = platforms[i];
this[platform.identity] = platform.regex.test(platform.string);
* @property Desktop True if the browser is running on a desktop machine
* @type {Boolean}
this.Desktop = this.Mac || this.Windows || (this.Linux && !this.Android);
* @property Tablet True if the browser is running on a tablet (iPad)
this.Tablet = this.iPad;
* @property Phone True if the browser is running on a phone.
* @type {Boolean}
this.Phone = !this.Desktop && !this.Tablet;
* @property iOS True if the browser is running on iOS
* @type {Boolean}
this.iOS = this.iPhone || this.iPad || this.iPod;
* @property Standalone Detects when application has been saved to homescreen.
* @type {Boolean}
this.Standalone = !!window.navigator.standalone;
* @property iPhone True when the browser is running on a iPhone
* @type {Boolean}
platforms: [{
string: navigator.platform,
regex: /iPhone/i,
identity: 'iPhone'
* @property iPod True when the browser is running on a iPod
* @type {Boolean}
string: navigator.platform,
regex: /iPod/i,
identity: 'iPod'
* @property iPad True when the browser is running on a iPad
* @type {Boolean}
string: navigator.userAgent,
regex: /iPad/i,
identity: 'iPad'
* @property Blackberry True when the browser is running on a Blackberry
* @type {Boolean}
string: navigator.userAgent,
regex: /Blackberry/i,
identity: 'Blackberry'
* @property Android True when the browser is running on an Android device
* @type {Boolean}
string: navigator.userAgent,
regex: /Android/i,
identity: 'Android'
* @property Mac True when the browser is running on a Mac
* @type {Boolean}
string: navigator.platform,
regex: /Mac/i,
identity: 'Mac'
* @property Windows True when the browser is running on Windows
* @type {Boolean}
string: navigator.platform,
regex: /Win/i,
identity: 'Windows'
* @property Linux True when the browser is running on Linux
* @type {Boolean}
string: navigator.platform,
regex: /Linux/i,
identity: 'Linux'
* @class Ext.supports
* Determines information about features are supported in the current environment
* @singleton
Ext.supports = {
init : function() {
var doc = document,
div = doc.createElement('div'),
tests = this.tests,
ln = tests.length,
i, test;
div.innerHTML = [
for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
test = tests[i];
this[test.identity] = test.fn.call(this, doc, div);
* @property OrientationChange True if the device supports orientation change
* @type {Boolean}
OrientationChange: !Ext.is.Desktop && (((typeof window.orientation != 'undefined') || window.hasOwnProperty('orientation')) && ('onorientationchange' in window)),
tests: [
* @property Transitions True if the device supports CSS3 Transitions
* @type {Boolean}
identity: 'Transitions',
fn: function(doc, div) {
var prefix = [
TE = 'TransitionEnd',
transitionEndName = [
prefix[0] + TE,
'transitionend', //Moz bucks the prefixing convention
prefix[2] + TE,
prefix[3] + TE,
prefix[4] + TE
ln = prefix.length,
i = 0,
out = false;
div = Ext.get(div);
for (; i < ln; i++) {
if (div.getStyle(prefix[i] + "TransitionProperty")) {
Ext.supports.CSS3Prefix = prefix[i];
Ext.supports.CSS3TransitionEnd = transitionEndName[i];
out = true;
return out;
* @property Touch True if the device supports touch
* @type {Boolean}
identity: 'Touch',
fn: function(doc, div) {
return (!Ext.is.Desktop && ('ontouchstart' in div));
* @property RightMargin True if the device supports right margin
* @type {Boolean}
identity: 'RightMargin',
fn: function(doc, div, view) {
view = doc.defaultView;
return !(view && view.getComputedStyle(div.firstChild.firstChild, null).marginRight != '0px');
* @property TransparentColor True if the device supports transparent color
* @type {Boolean}
identity: 'TransparentColor',
fn: function(doc, div, view) {
view = doc.defaultView;
return !(view && view.getComputedStyle(div.lastChild, null).backgroundColor != 'transparent');
* @property SVG True if the device supports SVG
* @type {Boolean}
identity: 'SVG',
fn: function(doc) {
return !!doc.createElementNS && !!doc.createElementNS( "http:/" + "/www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg").createSVGRect;
* @property Canvas True if the device supports Canvas
* @type {Boolean}
identity: 'Canvas',
fn: function(doc) {
return !!doc.createElement('canvas').getContext;
* @property VML True if the device supports VML
* @type {Boolean}
identity: 'VML',
fn: function(doc) {
var d = doc.createElement("div");
d.innerHTML = "";
return (d.childNodes.length == 2);
* @property Float True if the device supports CSS float
* @type {Boolean}
identity: 'Float',
fn: function(doc, div) {
return !!div.lastChild.style.cssFloat;
* @property AudioTag True if the device supports the HTML5 audio tag
* @type {Boolean}
identity: 'AudioTag',
fn: function(doc) {
return !!doc.createElement('audio').canPlayType;
* @property History True if the device supports HTML5 history
* @type {Boolean}
identity: 'History',
fn: function() {
return !!(window.history && history.pushState);
* @property CSS3DTransform True if the device supports CSS3DTransform
* @type {Boolean}
identity: 'CSS3DTransform',
fn: function() {
return (typeof WebKitCSSMatrix != 'undefined' && new WebKitCSSMatrix().hasOwnProperty('m41'));
* @property GeoLocation True if the device supports GeoLocation
* @type {Boolean}
identity: 'GeoLocation',
fn: function() {
return (typeof navigator != 'undefined' && typeof navigator.geolocation != 'undefined') || (typeof google != 'undefined' && typeof google.gears != 'undefined');