/** * @class Ext.TabBar * @extends Ext.Panel * *Used in the {@link Ext.TabPanel} component to display {@link Ext.Tab} components.
* *Screenshot:
** *
Example code:
* * @xtype tabbar */ Ext.TabBar = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { componentCls: 'x-tabbar', /** * @type {Ext.Tab} * Read-only property of the currently active tab. */ activeTab: null, // @private defaultType: 'tab', /** * @cfg {Boolean} sortable * Enable sorting functionality for the TabBar. */ sortable: false, /** * @cfg {Number} sortHoldThreshold * Duration in milliseconds that a user must hold a tab * before dragging. The sortable configuration must be set for this setting * to be used. */ sortHoldThreshold: 350, // @private initComponent : function() { /** * @event change * @param {Ext.TabBar} this * @param {Ext.Tab} tab The Tab button * @param {Ext.Component} card The component that has been activated */ this.addEvents('change'); this.layout = Ext.apply({}, this.layout || {}, { type: 'hbox', align: 'middle' }); Ext.TabBar.superclass.initComponent.call(this); }, // @private initEvents : function() { if (this.sortable) { this.sortable = new Ext.util.Sortable(this.el, { itemSelector: '.x-tab', direction: 'horizontal', delay: this.sortHoldThreshold, constrain: true }); this.mon(this.sortable, 'sortchange', this.onSortChange, this); } this.mon(this.el, { touchstart: this.onTouchStart, scope: this }); Ext.TabBar.superclass.initEvents.call(this); }, // @private onTouchStart : function(e, t) { t = e.getTarget('.x-tab'); if (t) { this.onTabTap(Ext.getCmp(t.id)); } }, // @private onSortChange : function(sortable, el, index) { }, // @private onTabTap : function(tab) { if (!tab.disabled) { if (this.cardLayout) { if (this.cardSwitchAnimation) { var animConfig = { reverse: (this.items.indexOf(tab) < this.items.indexOf(this.activeTab)) ? true : false }; if (Ext.isObject(this.cardSwitchAnimation)) { Ext.apply(animConfig, this.cardSwitchAnimation); } else { Ext.apply(animConfig, { type: this.cardSwitchAnimation }); } } this.cardLayout.setActiveItem(tab.card, animConfig || this.cardSwitchAnimation); } this.activeTab = tab; this.fireEvent('change', this, tab, tab.card); } }, /** * Returns a reference to the TabPanel's layout that wraps around the TabBar. * @private */ getCardLayout : function() { return this.cardLayout; } }); Ext.reg('tabbar', Ext.TabBar);var bar = new Ext.TabBar({ dock : 'top', ui : 'dark', items: [ { text: '1st Button' }, { text: '2nd Button' } ] }); var myPanel = new Ext.Panel({ dockedItems: [bar], fullscreen : true, html : 'Test Panel' });