/** * @class Ext.form.Text * @extends Ext.form.Field *

Simple text input field. See {@link Ext.form.FormPanel FormPanel} for example usage.

* @xtype textfield */ Ext.form.Text = Ext.extend(Ext.form.Field, { ui: 'text',
/** * @cfg {String} focusCls The CSS class to use when the field receives focus (defaults to 'x-field-focus') */ focusCls: 'x-field-focus',
/** * @cfg {Integer} maxLength The maximum number of permitted input characters (defaults to 0). */ maxLength: 0,
/** * @cfg {String} placeHolder A string value displayed in the input (if supported) when the control is empty. */ placeHolder: undefined,
/** * True to set the field's DOM element autocomplete attribute to "on", false to set to "off". Defaults to undefined, leaving the attribute unset * @cfg {Boolean} autoComplete */ autoComplete: undefined,
/** * True to set the field's DOM element autocapitalize attribute to "on", false to set to "off". Defaults to undefined, leaving the attribute unset * @cfg {Boolean} autoCapitalize */ autoCapitalize: undefined,
/** * True to set the field DOM element autocorrect attribute to "on", false to set to "off". Defaults to undefined, leaving the attribute unset. * @cfg {Boolean} autoCorrect */ autoCorrect: undefined,
/** * @cfg {Integer} maxLength Maximum number of character permit by the input. */
/** * @property {Boolean} True if the field currently has focus. */ isFocused: false, // @private isClearIconVisible: false, useMask: Ext.is.iOS, initComponent: function() { this.addEvents(
/** * @event focus * Fires when this field receives input focus. * @param {Ext.form.Text} this This field * @param {Ext.EventObject} e */ 'focus',
/** * @event blur * Fires when this field loses input focus. * @param {Ext.form.Text} this This field * @param {Ext.EventObject} e */ 'blur',
/** * @event keyup * Fires when a key is released on the input element. * @param {Ext.form.Text} this This field * @param {Ext.EventObject} e */ 'keyup',
/** * @event change * Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed. * @param {Ext.form.Text} this This field * @param {Mixed} newValue The new value * @param {Mixed} oldValue The original value */ 'change',
/** * @event action * Fires whenever the return key or go is pressed. FormPanel listeners * for this event, and submits itself whenever it fires. Also note * that this event bubbles up to parent containers. * @param {Ext.form.Text} this This field * @param {Mixed} e The key event object */ 'action' ); this.enableBubble('action'); Ext.form.Text.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments); }, applyRenderSelectors: function() { this.renderSelectors = Ext.applyIf(this.renderSelectors || {}, { clearIconEl: '.x-field-clear', clearIconContainerEl: '.x-field-clear-container' }); Ext.form.Text.superclass.applyRenderSelectors.call(this); }, initRenderData: function() { var renderData = Ext.form.Text.superclass.initRenderData.call(this), autoComplete = this.autoComplete, autoCapitalize = this.autoCapitalize, autoCorrect = this.autoCorrect; Ext.applyIf(renderData, { placeHolder : this.placeHolder, maxlength : this.maxLength, useClearIcon : this.useClearIcon }); var testArray = [true, 'on']; if (autoComplete !== undefined) { renderData.autoComplete = (testArray.indexOf(autoComplete) !== -1) ? 'on': 'off'; } if (autoCapitalize !== undefined) { renderData.autoCapitalize = (testArray.indexOf(autoCapitalize) !== -1) ? 'on': 'off'; } if (autoCorrect !== undefined) { renderData.autoCorrect = (testArray.indexOf(autoCorrect) !== -1) ? 'on': 'off'; } this.renderData = renderData; return renderData; }, initEvents: function() { Ext.form.Text.superclass.initEvents.call(this); if (this.fieldEl) { this.mon(this.fieldEl, { focus: this.onFocus, blur: this.onBlur, keyup: this.onKeyUp, paste: this.updateClearIconVisibility, mousedown: this.onBeforeFocus, scope: this }); if (this.clearIconEl){ this.mon(this.clearIconContainerEl, { scope: this, tap: this.onClearIconTap }); } } }, // @private onEnable: function() { Ext.form.Text.superclass.onEnable.apply(this, arguments); this.disabled = false; this.updateClearIconVisibility(); }, // @private onDisable: function() { Ext.form.Text.superclass.onDisable.apply(this, arguments); this.blur(); this.hideClearIcon(); }, // @private onClearIconTap: function() { if (!this.disabled) { this.setValue(''); } }, // @private updateClearIconVisibility: function() { var value = this.getValue(); if (!value) { value = ''; } if (value.length < 1){ this.hideClearIcon(); } else { this.showClearIcon(); } return this; }, // @private showClearIcon: function() { if (!this.disabled && this.fieldEl && this.clearIconEl && !this.isClearIconVisible) { this.isClearIconVisible = true; this.fieldEl.addCls('x-field-clearable'); this.clearIconEl.removeCls('x-hidden-visibility'); } return this; }, // @private hideClearIcon: function() { if (this.fieldEl && this.clearIconEl && this.isClearIconVisible) { this.isClearIconVisible = false; this.fieldEl.removeCls('x-field-clearable'); this.clearIconEl.addCls('x-hidden-visibility'); } return this; }, // @private afterRender: function() { Ext.form.Text.superclass.afterRender.call(this); this.updateClearIconVisibility(); }, // @private onBeforeFocus: function(e) { this.fireEvent('beforefocus', e); }, // @private beforeFocus: Ext.emptyFn, // @private onMaskTap: function(e) { if (Ext.form.Text.superclass.onMaskTap.apply(this, arguments) !== true) { return false; } this.maskCorrectionTimer = Ext.defer(this.showMask, 1000, this); this.hideMask(); }, // @private onFocus: function(e) { if (this.mask) { if (this.maskCorrectionTimer) { clearTimeout(this.maskCorrectionTimer); } this.hideMask(); } this.beforeFocus(); if (this.focusCls) { this.el.addCls(this.focusCls); } if (!this.isFocused) { this.isFocused = true;
/** *

The value that the Field had at the time it was last focused. This is the value that is passed * to the {@link #change} event which is fired if the value has been changed when the Field is blurred.


This will be undefined until the Field has been visited. Compare {@link #originalValue}.

* @type mixed * @property startValue */ this.startValue = this.getValue(); this.fireEvent('focus', this, e); } }, // @private beforeBlur: Ext.emptyFn, // @private onBlur: function(e) { this.beforeBlur(); if (this.focusCls) { this.el.removeCls(this.focusCls); } this.isFocused = false; var value = this.getValue(); if (String(value) != String(this.startValue)){ this.fireEvent('change', this, value, this.startValue); } this.fireEvent('blur', this, e); this.updateClearIconVisibility(); this.showMask(); this.afterBlur(); }, // @private afterBlur: Ext.emptyFn,
/** * Attempts to set the field as the active input focus. * @return {Ext.form.Text} this */ focus: function(){ if (this.rendered && this.fieldEl && this.fieldEl.dom.focus) { this.fieldEl.dom.focus(); } return this; },
/** * Attempts to forcefully blur input focus for the field. * @return {Ext.form.Text} this */ blur: function(){ if(this.rendered && this.fieldEl && this.fieldEl.dom.blur) { this.fieldEl.dom.blur(); } return this; }, // Inherited docs setValue: function() { Ext.form.Text.superclass.setValue.apply(this, arguments); this.updateClearIconVisibility(); }, // @private onKeyUp: function(e) { this.updateClearIconVisibility(); this.fireEvent('keyup', this, e); if (e.browserEvent.keyCode === 13) { this.blur(); this.fireEvent('action', this, e); } } }); Ext.reg('textfield', Ext.form.Text);
/** * @class Ext.form.TextField * @extends Ext.form.Text * @private * @hidden * DEPRECATED - remove this in 1.0. See RC1 Release Notes for details */ Ext.form.TextField = Ext.extend(Ext.form.Text, { constructor: function() { console.warn("Ext.form.TextField has been deprecated and will be removed in Sencha Touch 1.0. Please use Ext.form.Text instead"); Ext.form.TextField.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } });