/** * @class Ext.Toolbar * @extends Ext.Container * *Toolbars are most commonly used as dockedItems within an Ext.Panel. They can * be docked at the 'top' or 'bottom' of a Panel by specifying the dock config.
* *The {@link #defaultType} of Toolbar's is '{@link Ext.Button button}'.
* *Screenshot:
** *
Example code:
** @xtype toolbar */ Ext.Toolbar = Ext.extend(Ext.Container, { // private isToolbar: true, /** * @cfg {xtype} defaultType * The default xtype to create. (Defaults to 'button') */ defaultType: 'button', /** * @cfg {String} baseCls * The base CSS class to apply to the Carousel's element (defaults tovar myToolbar = new Ext.Toolbar({ dock : 'top', title: 'My Toolbar', items: [ { text: 'My Button' } ] }); var myPanel = new Ext.Panel({ dockedItems: [myToolbar], fullscreen : true, html : 'Test Panel' });
). */ baseCls: 'x-toolbar', /** * @cfg {String} titleCls * The CSS class to apply to the titleEl (defaults to'x-toolbar-title'
). */ titleCls: 'x-toolbar-title', /** * @cfg {String} ui * Style options for Toolbar. Default is 'dark'. 'light' is also available. */ ui: 'dark', /** * @cfg {Object} layout (optional) * A layout config object. A string is NOT supported here. */ layout: null, /** * @cfg {String} title (optional) * The title of the Toolbar. */ // properties /** * The title Element * @property titleEl * @type Ext.Element */ titleEl: null, initComponent : function() { this.layout = Ext.apply({}, this.layout || {}, { type: 'hbox', align: 'center' }); Ext.Toolbar.superclass.initComponent.call(this); }, afterRender : function() { Ext.Toolbar.superclass.afterRender.call(this); if (this.title) { this.titleEl = this.el.createChild({ cls: this.titleCls, html: this.title }); } }, /** * Set the title of the Toolbar * @param title {String} This can be arbitrary HTML. */ setTitle : function(title) { this.title = title; if (this.rendered) { if (!this.titleEl) { this.titleEl = this.el.createChild({ cls: this.titleCls, html: this.title }); } this.titleEl.setHTML(title); } }, /** * Show the title if it exists. */ showTitle : function() { if (this.titleEl) { this.titleEl.show(); } }, /** * Hide the title if it exists. */ hideTitle : function() { if (this.titleEl) { this.titleEl.hide(); } } }); Ext.reg('toolbar', Ext.Toolbar); /** * @class Ext.Spacer * @extends Ext.Component * *By default the spacer component will take up a flex of 1 unless a width is set.
* *Example usage:
** * @xtype spacer */ Ext.Spacer = Ext.extend(Ext.Component, { initComponent : function() { if (!this.width) { this.flex = 1; } Ext.Spacer.superclass.initComponent.call(this); }, onRender : function() { Ext.Spacer.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments); if (this.flex) { this.el.setStyle('-webkit-box-flex', this.flex); } } }); Ext.reg('spacer', Ext.Spacer);var toolbar = new Ext.Toolbar({ title: 'Toolbar Title', items: [ {xtype: 'spacer'}, { xtype: 'Button', text : 'Button!' } ] }); *