.. highlight:: javascript ================ Extending GeoExt ================ .. note:: This section of the site is still under construction. For more information on this topic, please contact the GeoExt team. Information on getting in touch is available from :doc:`/developer/getintouch`. Extensions to GeoExt fall generally into two categories, **Ext components**\ , such as customized widgets or data access classes, and **OpenLayers tools**\ , such as custom ``Layer`` types or new ``Controls`` for interacting with maps. In either case, the GeoExt team recommends namespacing such classes to ensure that they do not interfere with the existing libraries. For Ext components:: Ext.namespace("GeoExt.ext"); GeoExt.ext.MyCustomWidget = Ext.extend(...); For OpenLayers classes:: OpenLayers.ext = OpenLayers.ext || {}; OpenLayers.ext.MyClass = OpenLayers.extend(...);