.. module:: geoext.wfs :synopsis: Learn how to use WFS with GeoExt. .. _geoext.wfs: WFS Made Easy with GeoExt ========================= GeoExt provides access to remote WFS data vie Stores and Readers, using the same mechanisms that Ext JS provides for any remote data access. Because the `GeoExt.data.FeatureStore `_ can synchronize its records with an OpenLayers vector layer, working with vector features from WFS is extremely effortless. Users familiar with desktop based GIS applications expect to have a combined map and table (grid) view of geospatial data. GeoExt brings this feature to the web. At the end of this module, you will have built a simple WFS feature editor. The grid view comes for free because Ext JS can display data from any store in a grid, and the synchronized selection between map and table is also handled by GeoExt. Rendering the data on the map, editing and committing changes over WFS-T is provided by OpenLayers. GeoExt's FeatureReader is not limited to WFS protocol and GML -- other protocols (e.g. plain HTTP) with formats like KML, GeoRSS or GeoJSON work as well. In this module, you will: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Create a grid view of WFS features, Add a map view of the same features with synchronized highlighting, Make features editable, Save modifications over WFS-T.