.. currentmodule:: GeoExt :class:`GeoExt.MapPanel` ================================= .. cssclass:: meta Extends * `Ext.Panel `_ xtype ``gx_mappanel`` .. class:: MapPanel(config) Create a panel container for a map. Example Use ----------- Sample code to create a panel with a new map: .. code-block:: javascript var mapPanel = new GeoExt.MapPanel({ border: false, renderTo: "div-id", map: { maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-90, -45, 90, 45) } }); Sample code to create a map panel with a bottom toolbar in a Window: .. code-block:: javascript var win = new Ext.Window({ title: "My Map", items: [{ xtype: "gx_mappanel", bbar: new Ext.Toolbar() }] }); Config Options -------------- Configuration properties in addition to those listed for `Ext.Panel `_. .. describe:: center ``OpenLayers.LonLat or Array(Number)`` A location for the map center. If an array is provided, the first two items should represent x & y coordinates. .. describe:: extent ``OpenLayers.Bounds or Array(Number)`` An initial extent for the map (used if center and zoom are not provided. If an array, the first four items should be minx, miny, maxx, maxy. .. describe:: layers ``GeoExt.data.LayerStore or GeoExt.data.GroupingStore or Array(OpenLayers.Layer)`` A store holding records. If not provided, an empty :class:`GeoExt.data.LayerStore` will be created. .. describe:: map ``OpenLayers.Map or Object`` A configured map or a configuration object for the map constructor. A configured map will be available after construction through the :attr:`map` property. .. describe:: zoom ``Number`` An initial zoom level for the map. Public Properties ----------------- Public properties in addition to those listed for `Ext.Panel `_. .. attribute:: MapPanel.layers :class:`GeoExt.data.LayerStore` A store containing :class:`GeoExt.data.LayerRecord` objects. .. attribute:: MapPanel.map ``OpenLayers.Map`` A configured map object.