[Commits] r2315 - in sandbox/foss4g2010/src/doc: layout wfs

commits at geoext.org commits at geoext.org
Mon Sep 6 00:26:24 CEST 2010

Author: ahocevar
Date: 2010-09-06 00:26:24 +0200 (Mon, 06 Sep 2010)
New Revision: 2315

some minor changes after my final review

Modified: sandbox/foss4g2010/src/doc/layout/layout.rst
--- sandbox/foss4g2010/src/doc/layout/layout.rst	2010-09-03 16:44:34 UTC (rev 2314)
+++ sandbox/foss4g2010/src/doc/layout/layout.rst	2010-09-05 22:26:24 UTC (rev 2315)
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
                     143.83482400000003, -43.648056,
                     148.47914100000003, -39.573891
-                map: new OpenLayers.Map({allOverlays: false}),
+                map: {allOverlays: false},
                 layers: layers,
                 region: 'center'

Modified: sandbox/foss4g2010/src/doc/layout/tree.rst
--- sandbox/foss4g2010/src/doc/layout/tree.rst	2010-09-03 16:44:34 UTC (rev 2314)
+++ sandbox/foss4g2010/src/doc/layout/tree.rst	2010-09-05 22:26:24 UTC (rev 2315)
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
 .. code-block:: javascript
-    map: new OpenLayers.Map({allOverlays: false})
+    map: {allOverlays: false}
 Layer Nodes and Containers

Modified: sandbox/foss4g2010/src/doc/wfs/editing.rst
--- sandbox/foss4g2010/src/doc/wfs/editing.rst	2010-09-03 16:44:34 UTC (rev 2314)
+++ sandbox/foss4g2010/src/doc/wfs/editing.rst	2010-09-05 22:26:24 UTC (rev 2315)
@@ -65,8 +65,14 @@
                 columns: [
                     {header: "Name", dataIndex: "LANAME"},
                     {header: "CFCC", dataIndex: "CFCC"},
-                    {header: "Land", dataIndex: "LAND", width: 35},
-		    {xtype: "numbercolumn",header: "Area", dataIndex: "AREA", format: "1,000", align: "right"}
+                    {header: "Land", dataIndex: "LAND", width: 35}, {
+                        xtype: "numbercolumn",
+                        header: "Area",
+                        dataIndex: "AREA",
+                        format: "1,000",
+                        align: "right",
+                        editor: {xtype: "numberfield"}
+                    }

Modified: sandbox/foss4g2010/src/doc/wfs/grid.rst
--- sandbox/foss4g2010/src/doc/wfs/grid.rst	2010-09-03 16:44:34 UTC (rev 2314)
+++ sandbox/foss4g2010/src/doc/wfs/grid.rst	2010-09-05 22:26:24 UTC (rev 2315)
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
 The field definition is straight forward -- we just need to make sure that we
 use the corect name of the attributes, and assign an appropriate type. Not all
 fields of the layer need to be mapped here -- only those we want to use. For
-the "number_fac" field we also set a default value, to make sure that we
+the "AREA" field we also set a default value, to make sure that we
 always display a number.
 There are many ways to tell a feature store where to find its data. When
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
 .. code-block:: javascript
     var gridPanel = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
-        title: "Feature Table - Medford Parks",
+        title: "Feature Table - Manhattan (NY) landmarks",
         region: "center"
         viewConfig: {forceFit: true},
         store: store,
@@ -162,10 +162,15 @@
                 sortable: true
             columns: [
-		{header: "Name", dataIndex: "LANAME"},
+		        {header: "Name", dataIndex: "LANAME"},
                 {header: "CFCC", dataIndex: "CFCC"},
-                {header: "Land", dataIndex: "LAND", width: 10},
-		{xtype: "numbercolumn", header: "Area", dataIndex: "AREA", format: "1,000", align: "right"}
+                {header: "Land", dataIndex: "LAND", width: 10}, {
+		            xtype: "numbercolumn",
+		            header: "Area",
+		            dataIndex: "AREA",
+		            format: "1,000",
+		            align: "right"
+		        }
@@ -173,7 +178,7 @@
 We have discussed the :ref:`store <geoext.wfs.grid.store>` already, so let's
 have a look at the definition of the ColumnModel: the columns are connected to
 fields of FeatureRecords using the ``dataIndex`` property. The numeric
-column ("# of Facilities") needs some extra attention: we want to ``align`` it
+column ("Area") needs some extra attention: we want to ``align`` it
 to the right, and we can provide a number ``format`` property. This works
 exactly as the number formats in your favorite spreadsheet application.

Modified: sandbox/foss4g2010/src/doc/wfs/layer.rst
--- sandbox/foss4g2010/src/doc/wfs/layer.rst	2010-09-03 16:44:34 UTC (rev 2314)
+++ sandbox/foss4g2010/src/doc/wfs/layer.rst	2010-09-05 22:26:24 UTC (rev 2315)
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
                 {name: "LANAME", type: "string"},
                 {name: "CFCC", type: "string"},
                 {name: "LAND", type: "float"},
-		{name: "AREA", type: "int", defaultValue: 10000}
+		        {name: "AREA", type: "int", defaultValue: 10000}
             layer: layer

Modified: sandbox/foss4g2010/src/doc/wfs/wfst.rst
--- sandbox/foss4g2010/src/doc/wfs/wfst.rst	2010-09-03 16:44:34 UTC (rev 2314)
+++ sandbox/foss4g2010/src/doc/wfs/wfst.rst	2010-09-05 22:26:24 UTC (rev 2315)
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
 have to call ``commitChanges``. But doing so will make sure that the records are no
 longer marked "dirty", which resets the store into the same clean state that the
 layer will be in when the commit operation is finished. The pleasant side effect
-of calling ``commitChanges`` is that the tiny read triangles in the top left
+of calling ``commitChanges`` is that the tiny red triangles in the top left
 corner of edited grid cells disappear.

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