[Users] Using GeoExt.LayerNode / TreeNode with a Grouped WFS Layer
Andrew Stewart
Andrew.Stewart at reddeer.ca
Fri Mar 4 16:21:01 CET 2011
I am trying to replace my existing LayerList control that was using a grouped WMS layer and the layer params so that the layerlist control would still separate the layers into individual items. My problem is I tried to replace the WMS layer with a grouped WFS layer (with multiple featureTypes) except only the entire layer will show up inside the layerlist control for checking on/off instead of individual layers. Can this be done?
My WFS Layer is declared like the following (with multiple featureTypes)
//Areas of Interest Group (WFS)
var layer_AOIs_wfs = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Attraction", {
minScale: 125000,
maxScale: 99,
//visibility: false,
styleMap: (myStyles),
rendererOptions: {zIndexing: true},
strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX()],
protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
url: wfs,
featureType: ["Attraction", "Fire_Hall"],
featureNS: "http://www.intergraph.com/geomedia/gml",
featurePrefix: "gmgml",
srsName: "EPSG:3776",
geometryName: "Geometry",
version: "1.1.0"
And my layerlist (GeoExt.layerNode) control is like the following except it only loads both the Attraction and FireHall layers into one layer when I expand it, not both.
//AOIs layerList
layerList_AOIs = new GeoExt.tree.LayerNode({
"layer": layer_AOIs_wfs,
"isLeaf": true,
"preloadChildren": true,
"checked": false,
"enableDD": true,
"cls": "rootnode",
"singleClickExpand": true,
'checkchange' : function(node, checked)
// If a parent node is unchecked, uncheck all the children
if (node.getUI().isChecked()) {
if (!node.getUI().isChecked()) {
'load' : function(e) {
if (bool_aois == false)
//change icon of childNodes to GetLegendGraphic from WMS + node text attribute
var count = (e.childNodes.length -1);
while (count >= 0)
var label = e.childNodes[count].text;
var fixed_label = label.replace(/_/g,' ');
e.childNodes[count].setText("<img src='http://localhost/WebServices/Request.aspx?request=GetLegendGraphic&version=1.1.1&format=image/png&style=&layer="+label + "'/>" + ' ' +fixed_label);
e.childNodes[count].id = fixed_label;
count -=1;
bool_aois = true;
//do nothing
"loader": {
"param": "LAYERS"
I have tried modifying the loader part and instead of "LAYERS" tried featureType but this did not have any affect. Can this be done how I am describing? Appreciate any advice!
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